What about Ding Yu's return to the capital? Or it caused quite a shock. Even someone came to the airport specially. To be exact, all the people from the three families came! Because we are not sure whether they can knock on the gate of Ding Yu's courtyard! What's more! Song Tianren and their time in Ding Yu's place is so long, they always need to show their respect!

To know that song Tianren and his family are in Ding Yu's place, all the expenses are Ding Yu's, and planting all the crops in Ding Yu's farmland is really a bit excessive! They don't say it, but they can't show that they don't have any, do they?

What about the visitors? Ding Yu didn't have too many opinions and ideas. Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding didn't want to be involved in it. They were not very busy people and soon left the airport!

"Director Ding, it's been a long time!" The visitor is the representative of the forces behind song Tianren, and his face is full of happy expression at this time. After all, song Tianren's performance is particularly prominent. Although director Ding Yuding has not revealed any so-called opinions and ideas, what about hou Tianliang about song Tianren? Has already pointed out quite a thing!

"Hello, everyone." There is no change in Ding Yu's face! Fortunately, we all know Ding Yu's character, so there is no dissatisfaction. Soon, people also came to the rest room prepared by the airport, but not many people can enter the room!

Ding Yu naturally understood the meaning of it, so he also came in. There were only six people, but what about the military? From the beginning to the end is very low-key, at most when shaking hands with Ding Yu, the time is a little long! That's it!

Whether it's Hou Tianliang or Wei Hou, Ding Yu treats them in a different way. Regardless of Hou Tianliang's training, Wei Hou's treatment is definitely higher than song Tianren's. song Tianren can follow Ding Yu or not, but Wei Hou has no problem in this respect! This is the difference!

I met Wei Hou just now. What about him? Seems to have stabilized down, he is also taking time to say two words, the movement is as bad as ever, but can feel out, tend to be stable, this is a good thing! What about Ding Yu? It's really not so powerful!

Of course, at the national level? It is possible to save Wei Hou, but is it worth it or not? It is necessary to consider, but for Ding Yu, there are not so many problems! Of course, his foundation can not be compared with the country, but relative to ordinary people, it is difficult to match!

"Director Ding!"

Ding Yu slightly raised his head and thought for a while, "I won't stay in the capital for too long. There are a lot of things I need to deal with. But this time, the situation is a little bit special. I don't guarantee that there will be any other accidents, so we should consider it carefully."

It's really not polite. It's straightforward. What about the people in the room? After hearing Ding Yu's words, he was also immersed in considerable thinking. Ding Yu was able to say this, indicating that he took song Tianren with him when he went out? It's not as optimistic as you think!

"Director Ding, how long will it be?"

"Three or five days! Maybe a little earlier, if you have made a decision, let Tianren and them go to the courtyard! I hope that this time, they will make the decision by themselves, and they will make the decision after making a considerable judgment. I don't need an impulsive person. Impulse can't solve any problems! Stay in Beijing? There will certainly be opportunities in the future, but if you take this step, you will probably fall off the cliff! "

Without saying a few words, Ding Yu took the lead to leave, did not do any stay, back when Ding Ding has arrived! But when I saw my elder brother, I also felt a little strange, "brother, you have something? Come back so early? "

"It's no big deal, it's just a couple of words with them, and then it's over."

"Forget it! I won't keep you any longer! I've put everything in place! When you have time to pull back, Cao Zhong and Cao Hua are playing here! Cao Zhen and I will go back first! No more eating here! This period of time a little tired, go back to have a good rest

"You will be lazy and leave Cao Zhong and Cao Hua here. What do you think when you two go back to enjoy Qingfu?" That is to say, but Ding Yu really does not have any so-called objection, if two nephews are willing, just stay here! Anyway, after more children, it's more lively!

"Don't be busy! This period of time is also very tired, have a good rest! " Ding Yu is also puzzled, looking at the busy Taixi over there! Why come back so busy?

"Don't rest! I've already reserved the plane for the evening. I'll go back to Korea and deal with the matter simply. I'll be back in the next two days! " Taixi also knows. What about this period of time? It's better not to disturb the father.

"I haven't prepared enough things on my side. It seems that it's not appropriate for you to return empty handed like this!""I'm ready! After I go back, I simply deal with some affairs, but not go back to visit relatives? I've already mentioned it, mama! You don't need to worry about it! "

"OK, I'll see you off. There's nothing wrong with it anyway!" Since Taixi has made a decision, Ding Yu also told the housekeeper what to prepare? It's not hard to prepare for it!

"Do you need to prepare for chairman Li?" Taixi asked in a low voice!

"Go and have a look? It's not too bad! " Ding Yu thought for a while, but also slightly nodded his head, "some things? It's not convenient to communicate, but for the sake of Fuzhen, we'd better visit! I will not go! I think chairman Li will understand what it means

What about this time? After all, what about Ding Yu's family background in the whole EU, or even in the case of Britain? I still need to do some articles.

In the evening, Ding Yu personally sent Taixi to the airport, and the four children also came with him! They have nothing to do at home, very noisy, of course, there are so some of the fun! Even after Tai Xi left, they didn't mean to go home! Ding Yu is also a stare, pour also did not say what!

It's not to do something messy, they just want to do it at will! And they are older, they have their own understanding, so it is better to be casual! With the security advice, Ding Yu also drove back to the courtyard!

Looking at the vehicles waiting outside the courtyard, Ding Yu also laughed. Zhuang Dongliang got off the car at the first time! It's almost a trot! "Less feathers!" Ding Yulu's rare smile! He shook hands with Zhuang Dongliang, and even deliberately hugged him, "your body is still very good! It's rare to have such a spirit! "

Although it is a hug, but Zhuang Dongliang is really quite excited! Because this is not in the courtyard, but outside the courtyard! This is a very obvious signal to the outside world! Zhuang Dongliang is really not excited in general. Yu Shao is a person who remembers his old love!

"What? Or Yu Shao you? ...。” Long winded said a pile, looking at the side of the assistant glasses are almost dropped on the ground, who is the chairman of the board? When did you see him like this? But think about it? It's also a natural situation. To be able to live in the capital, and it's still a Siheyuan in such a lot. It's not as simple as being rich or expensive!

You can find this place on the map, but you can't find any information about the director of the quadrangle. What's the worst thing to say? Too much research? Maybe someone from the relevant department will come to you!

"Some are too exaggerated. Why didn't you go in before?" Ding Yu said reproachfully!

"Yu Shao hasn't returned. I'm preconceived. It seems that I'm too reckless."

"You, you! This is not a white tiger hall! " Zhuang Dongliang is not the first time to come to the courtyard, so he knows a lot about the rules in the courtyard. What about the assistant? It seems to have done quite a preparation before coming, but even so, it was pulled down next to the small house, did a considerable inspection!

However, this examination also makes the assistant feel his back sweat like water. What did he see? Is it hard to see that their eyes are so blind, or is it a complete illusion? After the inspection, he was asked to sign his name on the security order.

"Everything you see here needs to be forgotten. In the future, you are not allowed to disclose it to anyone in any place or on any occasion. If there is a problem, then the legal department of the state and the quadrangle will be held responsible for it."

Sign your autograph, and then let the assistant in!

The assistant breathed a long breath, and now he understood the meaning of Zhuang Dong with himself! This is a rare chance to enter this door? It seems that one's practice is not enough!

"You've been here for a long time? Yes? You want to be a son-in-law? "

"Yu Shao, don't laugh! What about Xiao Lu? It's still good to look at, at least my personal feeling is very good, so take it to see the world! Let's see if he has this kind of determination? What about the more difficult ones? I just want to ask Yu Shao to help you with palm and eye! What about me, an old man? Sometimes I'm worried too! "

"Don't be kidding! Let's talk about something serious. Ding Ding Ding told you before! " Ding Yu's tone is also a return!

"Yes! Miss Ding Ding mentioned that I had mentioned many times before to let her get involved in the group, but she was very good. She sent a director and legal adviser to come here, and even gave the right to vote in my hand. Sometimes, please don't come! It's quite stressful for me, an old man! I'm afraid we'll live up to it

"Good! She! Not so interested in this! It can even be said that he is a layman. If he is really involved in it, he can only make a fool of it and affect the internal of the whole group, so you Laozhuang! It's hard to do it! What about me? I don't want her to work too hard. An allowance is enough! ""Yu Shao, you can be open-minded. I admire you

"Don't admire me. What about me? We are going to plan something here. What is the specific content? Now I can't tell you that I don't believe you because you can't bear the pressure. What about the private side? It's just a limited number of people! You Laozhuang is a share. You are not allowed to use the funds of the group. How much is your individual fund? How much do I want? The time limit is no more than one year! As for the income, it will not be less than 30%. If it is less, I will compensate you personally! "

"Yu Shao, you're kidding me. Can I start a family? Thanks to your lack of feathers

Ding Yu waved his hand. "In business, you have been taking care of Ding Ding Ding for so many years. At the beginning, I was hindered by other reasons. What about the domestic industry? All of them are lost to Ding Ding Ding, which can be regarded as a trust. Ding Ding doesn't understand. I still remember this thing in my heart, so I don't need to be so polite! "

"Less feathers, 30 percent, this is too exaggerated!"

"It's no exaggeration. The friendship between the two of us belongs to friendship, but there are no father and son in the shopping mall. What about reasonable remuneration? Is the necessary condition to promote social development, if we do not comply with it! It's a mess! What about then? I'll ask you to sign the equivalent documents, but what about these things? It won't be released to the public for the time being, and it won't be announced to the public if you can. Would you like to gamble with me? "

"Bet! There is nothing to say. It's not using the funds of the group, or the personal rags. What can I do not dare to bet? I can sleep in a three foot place! As for eating? The great thing is porridge and pickled vegetables, but it's not that you haven't eaten it! The same body

"You can see it Ding Yu is also a little funny, "I have someone prepare dinner. What if I let you eat rice bran? What about in the future? I'm afraid there is no way to be a man! By the way, are there any children in the house? Those who are no more than twelve or thirteen years old, if you have time, bring them to have a look! "

"Ah? Is there something wrong with Yu Shao? "

"I had a winter camp earlier, all of them were our children. The effect was very good, and we felt it was very good. So we had so much trouble, and there were no outsiders. If we didn't have this opportunity, we would forget it! Now that you have this chance, you'll be included in it

Zhuang Dongliang has been living in the mall for so many years. The door is very clear. He has really heard the news, but this news? Too secret!

"Yu Shao, to tell you the truth, what about the news? I have really heard that someone mentioned it vaguely when chatting in the guild hall. But what about people with my identity? What about assets? There may not be too many problems, but there are really not too many identities to be involved in such things! "

"They are all the children of everyone, so what about the external audit conditions? Maybe it's a little different, but it's not as exaggerated as imagined. It's all a bunch of bear children. It's not a terrible thing. If you have any ideas, you can find the housekeeper at that time! Let him deal with it! "

"Yu Shao, I know!" Did Zhuang Dongliang come to find Ding Yu? Is to get acquainted with each other's feelings, after all, when two people meet? Not so long, Zhuang Dongliang is also worried about the feelings between each other? Will fade!

But did you think that Yu Shao didn't forget this thing? To say that they take care of Ding Ding Ding, on the other hand, is similar. Because of Ding Ding Ding, how much do you take advantage of? And Ding Ding has never interfered in the operation of the group, and even the situation of blocking individuals has never appeared!

Everyone hopes to have such a partner, not to interfere in the operation of the group, and even provide quite convenient for the group. Yu Shao is such a person, Ding Ding Ding is such a person! Can you tell your hometown? Luck is pretty good! But should continue to maintain, this thigh? Absolutely can't let go!

How about the food here? Let's not talk about the taste! But this thing is really not general more, but look at the appearance of less feathers? It's true that there is not too much polite meaning, so Zhuang Dongliang is not as careful as usual on the wine table, but accompanied Ding Yu to have a good meal! Very happy!

"Chairman!" When LV Yanqiu came out of the courtyard, she was also very cautious!

"What? Are there some fears? " Zhuang Dongliang is in a good mood, so what about this speech? Is also slightly has so many! "But it's a normal thing. How about less feathers? It's just like this when you're used to it! "

"Chairman, I've been with you, and I've seen a lot. But it's really the first time I've come to such a place. It's too profound to say! Tell me a joke, I feel that I can't hold back

"Yu Shao is a good person to get along with, but when he doesn't understand? A little scared at the sight! But what about today? Just say it in the car! "

"Chairman, I see! Today is also an eye opener"Let's have a good understanding! by the way! Have you collected everything? "

"Take it! And they were opened on the spot! And I have given you quite a return While speaking, he also handed the gift list to the chairman of the board of directors, "our things are a little plain!"

"Yu Shao doesn't care so much about foreign objects, but I heard that Yu Shao has considerable research on medicine!" What about this? Zhuang Dongliang is also point to stop, some things do not need to say too clear and clear!

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