Is Zhuang Dongliang the one who knows the little pharmacy in Siheyuan and even the one who buys drugs? He is also aware of, but know return to know, this Zhuang Dongliang really did not have any action, if this thing is too deliberate, then it is another thing! Will let feather less serious dissatisfaction!

But what about some things? Still need to do! Where are you in the courtyard? I have also seen a lot of things, since I can put them in the courtyard! So Yu Shao must like something! Right? If you don't like it, why put it at home! An eyesore?

What about the relationship between Yu Shao and himself? It's very good. Of course, I hope to be able to get to the next level. How about this one? It's not as simple as you can imagine. What about feather less industry in China? All of them were given to Ding Ding Ding. There was no hesitation at all. Even it was not worth mentioning!

What about such boldness? I really don't have one! It may not be a big deal, but who can really do it? So huge interests are placed in front of us, which can be said to be the golden mountains and silver mountains! Don't say it's a sister! Even if it is the son of his own, can it be done or not, it is also two things said!

I'm not too young! This kind of thing contacts too much too much! Even countless!

"I'll meet Ms. Ding Ding tomorrow and prepare some gifts. It doesn't need to be expensive, but I'll prepare something good for the two children!" What if someone else? Zhuang Dongliang really won't be like this, but Ding Ding is an exception! Whether it is because of less feather, or Ding Ding Ding's support for her, it should be so!

The group was founded by itself, but what about shares? There are a lot of messy things, but what about Ding Ding, the big shareholder? They even put this right of representation in their own hands. What about such support? It can be said that it is unique. What else can I say? What's more, they still have to ask for door-to-door!

In fact, Zhuang Dongliang's heart is also in the total. Yu Shao allows himself to make a sole proprietorship and is not allowed to use the funds of the group. It is impossible for Yu Shao to swallow up his own group. Although the group is not small, what if yu Shao means in this respect? There's no need to do that.

What's more, this matter? Too much criticized by people!

What's more, Yu Shao needs his own group? If he takes out the farm, he can directly crush the group on his side. Don't think it's a joke. Although this is slightly inappropriate, what is he saying? It's the actual situation!

So what if you think about it? Is one thing, that is Yu Shao wants to play with himself, what about the rest? It depends on your performance! However, Zhuang Dongliang still decided to inquire about the relevant information, and the best candidate is Ding Ding Ding! As for how I know the news about the farm, it's really not difficult for me!

To be more exaggerated, what about your current diet? Basically, it's all farm production. There's nothing to worry about. I even deliberately inspected the scale, the standard, in other words, what's behind it? It's a huge amount of money, but also a huge amount of resources! Even if you are yourself, you can't afford to play!

Even if it is to press up the whole group, it is also unable to afford to play! It's not a level thing at all, OK? People already have farms. Do you still need to fight for this group? In other words, people are already wearing gold and silver! Would you care for the rags on your body? Unless there's something wrong with the head!

The next day, Zhuang Dongliang also came to visit Ding Ding personally, but neither Cao Zhong nor Cao Hua came back. The so-called home seems so clean! "Zhuang Dong, just come! You've brought so many things with you, but some of them are not very appropriate. If you do this again next time, don't blame me for losing my temper

"Knowing your temper, I really didn't bring you too many things, just bought some things for two children!"

Ding Ding shook his head, but let Zhuang Dongliang come in! Nanny is also the first time to close things, check a time, and then also serve tea! The reason is not to censor, but not to check! That's all! "I went to see Yu Shao last night, but I talked about Yu Shao!"

"Big brother is a little busy! So maybe a little bit hasty! Sometimes I can't see for a long time. I don't know where my elder brother is! When the elder brother is not at home, at most I will go to see two children, otherwise I will be too lazy to go there

"Yu Shao is really busy! It's understandable! " You're not going? That's just because you don't want to go, or how many people want to go there! But they can't even knock on the door. However, I can't say that I don't know what I'm lucky for. Two times!

"Did big brother tell you?"

Qiao Dongliang was stunned by this question, and then nodded slightly, "I mentioned a sentence yesterday, but I still don't want to understand how it happened, so I'll ask you about it!"

"It's almost like you. What about big brother this time? He also took me alone, but only me. What about chairman Zhuang? After so many years of hard work, big brother is also in the eye, so this time to take you one, is only limited to you, domestic? If it is unilateral, it may be you and me, other aspects may be involved, but I really don't know who it is! Big brother won't tell me! "Zhuang Dongliang also took a breath, limited to Ding Ding alone, but this is not finished! "Originally, I wanted to take the group's shares as collateral, and communicated with my elder brother on the plane I came back. As a result, I was glared back by my elder brother. Later, I thought about it, but there were many problems!"

"Yu Shao is worried?"

"Although the elder brother didn't say that, what do you mean? I think I don't want to cause other restlessness, but I still have a lot of change in hand. In addition, there are also some industries in the capital city. So I'm ready to talk with the bank! It's like saving some money for Cao Zhonghe and Cao Hua to marry a daughter-in-law! "

"There are some other assets in my family, but Yu Shao didn't give me an accurate number?"

Looking at Zhuang Dongliang's puzzled appearance, Ding Ding Ding also blinked his eyes. He already understood that Zhuang Dongliang was afraid that if there was more money, the elder brother might not be able to explain it, so he also laughed, "Zhuang Dong, don't you understand the situation of elder brother? What's more, such an opportunity? It's really not much. I've heard my sister-in-law mention that big brother cooperated in the past? Basically, it's all about the cooperation between consortia, such as the Lee family of Samsung, the Lee family of Hong Kong City, the Boston consortium of the United States and so on! "

Ah? Zhuang Dongliang suddenly understood! Also feel a little bit silly! Why is only Ding Ding Ding and himself two people, not that people do not take, but feel that there is not much meaning! What about this time? It's just like the money for two nephews to get married, that's all! The so-called take with you!

If you really let yourself go, unless you use the whole group to mortgage, but even if it is like this, it is still unknown whether you will count your own share! Obviously, it's still because Ding Ding Ding has taken good care of in the past two years! My heart has a bottom! What about this? I need a good plan!

After leaving Ding Ding's home, Zhuang Dongliang started the specific operation. What about the family background? It's really quite a lot, but now I want to change it into money right now? This is not an easy thing, and what about this one? Also need to be quite secretive, too noisy, feather less there is certainly not satisfied!

Or when you know the news? It's a little bit late. If it's a little earlier, maybe you'll have other arrangements. At that time, it will be much better than now! But think about it, it seems that you are also greedy. If you tell yourself in advance, who knows what it will be like?

At this time, Ding Yu also took the two children to visit his grandfather, including his grandfather and grandmother. They were sitting in the hospital at this time. They heard that they were not feeling well. They said so to the outside world. As for the internal reason, it's really not known. Anyway, there are not many people who want to ask!

In fact, the old lady's heart is the most clear. If she does not live in the hospital, then the grandson will never come to visit. As I said in those years, the child has always remembered that since then, he has never been to the door, and it is difficult for anyone to use it! At least in this case!

"Hello, granddad and grandma!" Ding Yu took the lead in saying that the two children behind were also happy to look at Taizu and Taizu mother, which made people happy. The old lady also held the two children around her. What about great grandchildren and great granddaughters? It's really gratifying. Looking at it makes people feel happy. You can't say why! As for grandson? ha-ha!

"It looks good!" Sitting on the sofa, Wang Pu also slightly patted the armrest of the sofa and looked at his grandson. For more than half a year, he has been living in his hometown. Basically, there is not much movement. However, as far as I know him, this is absolutely not normal!

"How are you! Things are a little busy, so now I come to see my grandfather and grandma. There is something wrong with Tai Xi, so I asked her to go back in advance! When I come back in two days, I'll come back in person to make amends to my grandfather and grandma! "

Ding Yu didn't want to pay attention to the things mentioned by his grandfather, so he also changed the topic. Do you want to say, I don't want to say it yet? Wang Pu also snorted, but the old lady patted the great grandson and great granddaughter next to him, "boss! Everything is ready to go abroad so soon! And the two of their children are with them? "

"And the two of them? How dishonest! In addition, now is the most important time for them, so I will have a look at it in person! They will follow me, and Taixi will go this time! Xiao Gang, including Xiao Gang, has nothing to do. They are all together. In this way, they can be lively and not too lonely! "

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other. The two children and Wang Xiaogang looked at each other. This is acceptable, but Taixi also follows? This is a little bit abnormal! This is a situation that has never appeared in the past. Obviously, there is a deep meaning in it!

But what is the meaning? Lenovo did not have any news for more than half a year, and he has been in his hometown! Although it is said that he has made a mistake and squats in the detention center, it is just for outsiders to see! If the boss really comes out, it's not a particularly difficult thing!But the eldest brother didn't do this. Instead, he stayed in the detention center and waited until the end of the new year. Now he has to take the child and his mother with him! The amount of information contained in this is really too much! Big let Wang Pu and the old lady have no way to accept!

But the old lady was very open-minded, "boss! How to do things? We can't help either of us, but anyway? Or two who can breathe! "

Ding Yu looked at his grandmother and nodded slightly, but he still didn't mean to mention it. After all, this time's event is very important. If it is disclosed now, there will be too big and big problems. All his previous investment may have been in vain, with the whole consortium? There may be big problems and fluctuations!

It will be really surrounded by wolves! Their side can not resist the past, is really two said things!

"I see! With support from home? It might be more reassuring! " What about Ding Yu's words? There is not too much nutrition, the old lady did not say anything, Wang Pu is a stuffy hum, and then also sigh, the power has been handed out, now mention these? Not much use!

Fortunately, Wang Changlin? It's a good job, but according to the news, the boss hasn't been home yet. Maybe the boss can communicate with his father, maybe he can't communicate with him, and no one dares to make any guarantee! What's more, it's still unknown whether Changlin will disclose it or not! Hard to say!

What about his position? Nature also has considerable consideration, absolutely can't be right and not!

After talking with his grandfather and grandmother, Ding Yu also went to see his grandfather, and now his spirit has already ceased! But when he saw Ding Yu's great grandson, he also had a rare smile. Ding Yu also helped his grandfather sit down in a hurry. The two little guys were also in good condition. They even held hands to make him better!

Su bochen is also very sentimental! Even a little bit excited. What about the other kids in the family? Really not many can do this, their own hands? As dry as bark, I look at some of them are not too good, but the two children did not have any dislike, the eyes show the look of expectation, great grandson education is good!

After saying a few words, Ding Yu also started to check his grandfather's health, which was not so good. It had reached the point where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry! For example, in the old days, the blood vessels were like new cowhide, and they were powerful. But what about the blood vessels now? Just like the paper baked by fire, it's too crisp!

Ding Yu can be said to have worked hard to sort out his grandfather, but what about the result? Also let Ding Yu sweat, the whole body has been wet! There are also some of the pale face! Looking at the grandfather to speak, Ding Yu is also carefully patting his hand! "Grandfather, take a nap first and get back to your senses."

Su Bo Chen blinked his eyes and then two nurses came to sleep! Let them take care of it carefully, and then change their clothes. Although Ding Yu is not afraid of the cold and heat, his body has been soaked through! If you don't change it, it's not right for you!

When he came back, he looked at the grandfather and grandmother waiting at the door. Ding Yu also nodded his head and then came to the suite outside together! "How's the old man like him?" They are all old comrades and in laws. Naturally, they are quite concerned!

"Too old! Earlier years did not pay attention to this aspect of protection, so now can only be a slow rest! But I'm sure there will be a lot of problems! " What Ding Yu said is a little obscure!

"The old man is so strong for a lifetime! I didn't expect to be like this when I was old! But fortunately, I didn't suffer any pain. It's also very good! Ah

But the old lady looked at her grandson and said, "I saw you sweating all over just now. Is there any problem?"

"What about grandfather's body? Too fragile! What about the interest rate adjustment now? You need to be very careful and careful. It's no different from dancing on the tip of a knife. It's so-called slightly difficult. But fortunately, the problem is not so big. It can only make him a little more relaxed! "

This is the only way to do it! Because it's not what the power of medicine and stone can do! What about Kung Fu? Yes, but I'm not a fairy after all, and what about my grandfather's body? Not enough to support their own so to do, are already black dead leaves! Don't say anything else at this time, even when you pinch it, be careful!

"It's good to have a good sleep."

"For the time being, it can only be done!" What else can we do if we do our best and listen to the destiny?

If there was no Ding Yu, he might have gone to see Marx and * * for a long time! How can we survive to this time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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