When Su Yuan came over, Su bochen still couldn't wake up, but the two little guys were leaning on their grandmother, and the old lady laughed and scolded them for being ungrateful! But more is the pain, there is really no other meaning! Everyone can hear the kindness in this tone!

"How is your grandfather doing?" Also have no time to his son, and then is lying in the door of the position to watch, but the little girl is very clever, lying in his grandmother's ear said! "Grandma, my father has already conditioned my great grandfather! Great grandfather comfortable sleep in the past, a good period of time did not wake up, just a doctor came, said this is very good! Great grandfather hasn't had such a rest for a long time! "

"Is it?" Su Yuan also touched his granddaughter's head, "so good, so good!"

"Mom, after a while, my grandfather will wake up, but it seems that it is not bad. Take a good rest, and your spirit can recover a lot." Ding Yu is also comforting. After all, he is his grandfather, and he is not an outsider. How can he not care?

"Ah! Your grandfather Su Yuan also sighed, after all, it's his own business. If it wasn't for the big brother's business, maybe his father? It can be better, but what about the family affairs? Too much worry! Can't be like father-in-law and mother-in-law! Not so sad!

More realistically, my own father! It can be said that it is for the family to consume all the hard work. If it is not because of the family's drag, it will never be so! Of course, what about it? That is to say, thanks to the eldest brother, my father can still be disease-free and disaster-free today, otherwise I'm afraid there will be a long time ago! Where will it last today?

"Mom and Dad, go back and have a rest! My father doesn't know when he will wake up. I'll watch with the boss here! " Su Yuan is also supporting his mother-in-law, some worried said!

"Yes! You should pay more attention, boss. Take good care of your grandfather

The two children also did not use Ding Yu's sign, but also helped their great grandfather and great grandmother to meet their room! Little people, the mind is really not general smart! Su Yuan also nodded and praised! I am a grandmother. I am very happy to see my child like this!

"Is everything OK at home?"

"Good, healthy! Home is also more comfortable, is Ding Ding Ding there have some small interests, her husband's side? Some people are not very decent, noisy is not too happy, in fact, it is not a big deal! Tae hee needs to leave with me, so I asked her to deal with some affairs in South Korea first, and she can come back in two days! "

"In such a hurry?" Su Yuan also has some worries!

"Things are a little bit more, and more urgent!" Previously did not explain with his grandfather and grandmother, Ding Yu naturally will not explain what with his mother now, the misunderstanding will be good! Some things are hard to say! "How are you and my dad?"

"Not bad, your father's work is a little busy, just went out, I'm afraid these two days also can't come back!"

"Nothing! I just called, and in the evening I go home for dinner

"Suchen? Didn't come back with you? " I don't want to mention it, but what about this? In the end, there was still some trouble, so Su Yuan said it reluctantly. Whether he was willing or not, he still needed to face it!

"No, he has other arrangements! It's not so convenient to take him with you now. It's a family with you! "

Can you tell, what about the eldest son? Or do you have other ideas? I have tried many times, but always? Can't find out what the son really means! This is also a difficult thing!

"Are you so optimistic about Suchen?"

"It's not the question of whether or not to look good at Suchen, but other people? I don't have much contact! " Ding Yu is really not willing to attack his mother's enthusiasm. After all, what about her mother? It's the Su family. The blood relationship can't be changed, so it's better not to stimulate her!

"I think the effect of the winter camp there is still good. What about my hands? There are also a few places! "

"I don't mean to object! As long as it is appropriate, there are not too many requirements! " Since everyone has the idea of this aspect, then go and have a try! However, whether it will be so leisurely in your imagination is another matter! Really think there is heaven, in a way, is hell!

"Your uncle! Some can't bear the pressure! "

Ding Yu did not respond to his mother's meaning. After all, what about this matter? Have your own grandfather's arrangement, and what about your family's affairs? Basically, he was not involved, so Ding Yu didn't mean to speak at all. At this time, Liang Xiao also came back! At will is also flutters in own grandmother's side! Whispering something!

When his grandfather wakes up, Ding Yu takes the lead to go in. Looking at his grandfather's appearance, he also shows a little smile, "how are you sleeping?""I feel a lot more sober, and my consciousness is much better." Su bochen's face also showed a considerable smile, in Su Yuan's opinion, this is really not easy! Although the father did not have any major problems, but since the hospital this period of time, really did not see the father so smile!

Looking at his daughter, Su bochen also nodded, "coming!" That is to say, and then he also looked at his grandson. Ding Yu nodded to his grandfather, "everything in the house is OK! You old man! Rest assured and rest! The so-called children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, you! Too much thought

"You boy! I'm still talking about me! I don't know if there will be worries about this in the future! " In this regard, Su Bo Chen also has a lot of exclamations. What about his family? Can be said to be exhausted the last effort, now this time is basically the oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry!

"At a certain time, I will drive them out of the house directly. If you are willing to be a so-called dandy, you can do it. If you are willing to create something, you can give money to capital, but it's not emperor. What do I uphold? That's the idea! "

"A little extreme! Me! In the first half of my life, I followed him and struggled for the first half of my life. What about the second half of my life? To build a new China, to be exact, it has brought down a lot of hindrances. I'm afraid that in the future, I'm afraid that I'll be ashamed of both the Party committee and the political commissar. But what's the good news? The performance of your great grandson has made my back more upright! "

"You always praise me? It's not easy! "

Su bochen also waved to Su Yuan, "let Suquan come here when he has time! I have something to look for him! " With a wink, Su Yuan left with his grandson and granddaughter! When I left, I also looked at my eldest son suspiciously!

"How are the arrangements?"

"Suchen has figured it out! But what about my personal feelings? He should stay away from the Su family! In this way, I don't need to bear so much pressure. I can still take care of it and find a suitable way for his development. If we put it on the surface now, it is really not a difficult problem! Too much pressure! "

"Yes Su Bo Chen also sighed, "what about the adjustment at the beginning? There is quite a problem, old three! What about taking over the position? You don't care so much. You know it very well, but if you transfer this power to you, it seems that it's not so useful! "

"Forget it! I don't have any interest in this. If I'm really interested, can Wang Yang win over me? What about the forces of all three? I can basically fold them together, but what's the point? To be bound together by force? "

"At the beginning, there were quite a lot of problems in my family, and I didn't develop well. So I couldn't talk about the supervisor! But now? The development of my family is also very good. What about me? It can also be regarded as a considerable explanation! What about Suchen? It's a little bitter, but I can still hold my mind! "

"I said, grandfather, you are so old, you still care about this matter? I asked Wang Jianguo, Wang San Ge and Hai Hai Hai to help me. I temporarily settled down Su Chen. What about future development? It depends on how he takes this road, or whether your grandfather has such a face. Other people in the family don't have such treatment! "

"Are you asking me for a favor? Isn't it? " Because the spirit is good, so Su bochen's mood is also quite good, "OK, after I left, everything is left for you! Are you satisfied at this moment? "

"Forget it! It's hard to make a living at home! Leave me two medals? That's it! I'm not so interested in other things. Did I see the medal? I also saw you, at least I still have a lot of thoughts

"You are still so different. In fact, what about your family? There is really nothing. There is no wealth or antiques. There are some souvenirs, at most! But there are quite a lot of political forces, but as you look, you have no interest at all! "

"Forget it! I'd better leave it to my uncle! Anyway? All of them are from the Su family. It's the best result that uncle can hold up. If he can't, there will be Suchen! In any case, all changes are inseparable from it! It's just that the process may be slightly different! You always say that, don't you? "

"You boy! There is no greed. I have thought of it for a long time, but what about some things? Or entrusted to you, can't put all the eggs in one basket, your third uncle obviously does not have so much interest in this matter, now also is quite impatient! And what about his identity? It's really not suitable. It's better to leave some capital for Suchen in the future. Even if the seedlings are good, they need watering. "

"You can make a decision. I don't have any opinions and ideas personally." Ding Yu didn't have any personal opinions and ideas about this. "At most, I'll help you keep it for the old man! It's not that I'm not involved in the family affairs. If I'm involved in it, I can't tell the truth clearly! There's no way to get out of it"Yes, if you really get involved, then maybe everyone will target you! The road will not be as easy as you can imagine! You guy! Really is not the general smart, early on out of! So even if we are aiming at you, they are only limited to a certain extent! "

"Is this still above a certain limit? But this one is too light

"If you stand up, you will know what heaviness is! These in front of you? To a certain extent, it's just a pediatrics, but relatively speaking, you are now plump, mutual support! When I went to the Yama, I had an account for the political commissar as well as my grandmother. "

The two people talked for a little longer, but fortunately, Su bochen's spirit was good, and the drugs made at home were also sent over. What happened all the time? The preparation of these drugs is basically in the courtyard over there! Are some of the masters of traditional Chinese medicine, because Siheyuan over there small pharmacy medicine is not generally complete!

In addition, there is no need for any other procedures, and so on. It is director Ding Yuding's father-in-law. If he cooks medicine for his grandfather, what else can he say? Right? What about the possible process? It's a little cumbersome, but what's wrong with this?

Seeing his grandfather lying on the bed to rest, Ding Yu didn't bother too much. He had been waiting for his grandfather to calm down his breath. Ding Yu also told the nurse in and then went to find his mother!

Su Yuan looked at his eldest son. When he was two children, he was accompanying his great grandfather and great grandmother. Now he seems very clever, but soon the atmosphere is broken! Mainly because Wang Yang came with Xiao Gang! Three children together, want to be able to stop, this is the ghost!

Fortunately, when Ding Yu came in, three small schools took a look, and they all looked at each other. For three small schools, what about father and uncle? Although they have never patted their buttocks, but the sense of dignity revealed in their bones still makes them seem more or less afraid, especially at such a time like this!

Even if it's stupid? Also know that at this time, uncle is absolutely not easy to provoke! So very quickly also stood beside the position, "big brother!" Wang Yang yelled, but Ding Yu didn't react too much. Su Yuan wanted to ask what his son and father had talked about just now, but after thinking about it, he gave up!

It is impossible to get the so-called news from his eldest son, unless he wants to take the initiative to mention it, otherwise, don't think about it! No way!

"Is your grandfather resting? Is he OK? "

"Well! Just drank the medicine, let him calm down a little, just a little rest Ding Yu's words can be said to have no meaning to show! As for what he talked about with his grandfather, Ding Yu did not want to disclose to anyone! Fortunately, others have no intention to ask!

Su quanlai's speed is a little slower. When he comes, his father has already woken up, "what about Ding Yu's bastard? Didn't he say he was here? " Although he is his nephew, but Su Quan is really not much polite!

"Oh! It's not easy to worry, but I didn't let the old guy down. I promised him! What about my medals? Give it to him! What about the rest? How many kinds of things do you leave behind? I'll give the rest to your elder brother! Since he wants it, don't let him down! "

"Dad, just take care of your body! There's no need to worry about that! "

"All right! A lifetime! It's almost over! Originally, I wanted to turn it around completely, but what about a closer look? It has come to such a point! Even if it is forced to reverse, what can it do? So that's it! But you may be wronged. After all, what about you? "

"Dad, other people don't understand, can I still not understand? I'm not that material at all. What's more, I don't have the thought in this aspect. I think my work is very good. What about the future? Nobody knows, nobody dares to make this guarantee! Do you think so? You are old! Just keep your body at ease

"Let your elder brother and sister-in-law come over in the evening! Just take advantage of you and Xiaoyu are also in, give some things to explain it! Save your elder brother's embarrassment, also save you embarrassment, the same? Is it to make Suchen feel better and help him? That's all there is! Let him come back! Just tell Xiaoyu to do it! What about other things? I can't promise, but I don't think there is any problem with this matter! "

"Dad, would it be so difficult for him to carry such a heavy burden?"

It is self-evident who he refers to! Su bochen also shook his head with difficulty! Where's your brother? Some take too much for granted! If it wasn't for Xiaoyu, he is now! I don't know what kind of situation it will be, but the good thing is the attitude of admitting mistakes? Not bad, but that's it! What about your boy's job? Too special! Otherwise, it would be nice to take over the shift then! ""Dad, give me a break! I really don't have any interest in it! "

"I know, I didn't force you to make contributions to your own country anyway. Did you follow the party at the beginning? It is for the poor to fight for the world, and then slowly changed over, really what if? This time, it is worthy of the whole country and people

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