"Xiaoyu is gone?"

"Gone Su Hai sighed heavily, "scold him for being a jerk? It seems a little too much! It's biased, but don't you scold him? Feel how much in this heart there are so many suffocating! I was a big uncle, or an elder, sometimes even said small words? Damn it

"Because of this time? Or is it about Xiaoyu? "

"It doesn't really have much to do with this time. What about father? In fact, he has been hesitating, how to deal with the matter and his expectation? In fact, Xiaoyu gave this family to Xiaoyu, but the problem is that Xiaoyu is not interested in this aspect at all! Is really not interested in any! It's not intentional

"What do you think of him? Such a big benefit is ignored? "

"He didn't think about too many problems. Look at the things he had in China. If he accepted the affairs of the Su family again, would he take over the affairs of the Wang family? If both of them were taken in hand, what other people would look at him like? These are the problems and concerns of him

"The problem is very long-term, but what about this? It's over! Now I want dad's body? It can be better! " Hua Xiaoshuang also exclaimed, after the thing got hold of? Instead, there is no imagination of that kind of excitement, all seems to be boring!

"What about Dad's body? I asked the doctor! It's been a problem for a long time! But what about Xiaoyu? Do everything to recuperate, so there is no problem and situation on dad's side, but what about the cost? It's also a combination of eye opening and even frightening! If it's at home, I can't afford it! "

Ding Yu had just left the hospital and received a call from his mother. Then he asked the driver to take him to his father. Looking at his mother and Wang Yang, he took off his coat!

Although the children were a little wilted in the hospital before? But back home, is another kind of scene! Is really let a person have so some not too easy feeling, some of the nonsense is too much!

"Come back so late, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I ate some when I brought it home. I'm not very hungry anyway, so I don't need to prepare it!" Ding Yu sat on the sofa and leaned back on her body. After meeting her elder brother, Lin Qiuyan went to play with her three children. Obviously, she was not so interested in the things she imagined!

"Is your grandfather in a good mood?"

"It's very good. I called my uncle, my aunt, and my brother-in-law together and arranged some things. After that, my mood was calmed down. It's like this!"

Looking at his mother's dissatisfied eyes, Ding Yu gave a perfunctory smile, "in fact, there is no big deal. My grandfather has always wanted me to take over the affairs of the Su family. I have no interest in this. What about my third uncle? He didn't want to take over. The nature of his work was very special, so he gave it to uncle when he had to! The general situation is like this! There's nothing too special about it! "

"Your uncle! Ah Exclamation, Su Yuan seems to suddenly think of what came! "And Suchen?"

"Suchen is on my side!" Ding Yu's answer can be said to be clean and neat, "because of the big aunt's sake, my grandfather is not so reassured. In addition, he used to work in my side, so I'll take charge of the arrangement. Roughly speaking, it's like this. My grandfather doesn't want him to be abroad any more! It's not so appropriate to arrange for Suchen to go to the farm. I found Wang Jianguo, Wang Sangge and Dahai, and asked them to arrange it for them! "

There is no use for the family relationship. In fact, for the family, what about such things? It's really not worth mentioning, but the eldest son said so! It's hard for Su Yuan to mention anything.

"When are you leaving, brother? Where is Xiaogang? "

"One week at the latest, I will take Xiaogang with me. I don't need to clean up too much. I have corresponding arrangements. His nanny will follow me, and Taixi will also follow me. Xiaogang will take full care of her!"

"Xiaogang is still young after all. You should pay more attention to it. Don't be like your two children. They are about to herd sheep! I don't know how you became a father? " Su Yuan also complained.

I wanted to talk about father more, but what do you mean by the eldest son? It seems that I don't want to talk about it too much. I don't have many good ways. What can I do? Just let it go! I would like to mention more than two words, but what about such a thing? It doesn't work!

"I feel that I don't need to be so spoiled, and I don't need to be so strict. Just tell them the truth! As for the others? Just as they are! I feel good! "

Although he was glared at, Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his heart at all! That's it!Wang Yang deeply admired this, but he did not dare to speak like this at all. Otherwise, how his mother would treat himself would be really hard to say. At least he did not dare to challenge his mother's authority, a very serious matter! At the same time, it's not a joke!

"Brother, I'm still very relieved to give it to you and my sister-in-law. When it's OK, I'll go to see you! If he makes trouble, education is good! Anyway, I know you won't hurt this bastard

"It's not so serious. It's mainly because it's the best time to cultivate him. If we put him in the house, it's easy to slack off. What about this? I'm not so sure about some! What about good habits? Not a day or two can develop, but bad habits? Maybe only once! "

Looking at this topic becoming more and more biased, Su Yuan coughed slightly, Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed, "brother, I'll go to see Qiuyan, discuss with her, and see what I'll bring to you!" Finish saying, also rise to leave, have no any meaning to stay at all!

"Are you so optimistic about Suchen?"

In the face of her mother's eyes, Ding Yu said, "it's almost such a situation. It's not about who is optimistic about whom. What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? They are willing to make progress and know how to work hard. Basically, there is not much slack. But what about the children of the Su family? I really can't find anyone else except Suchen! "

Looking at his eldest brother, Su Yuan didn't know what to say for a while. He wanted to deny it! This is a fact, the children in the family! There are so some are not very competitive, but so admitted, it seems that there are so some can not say, so can only be a white eye of their own son! It's out of my breath!

"Tai hee takes care of the children? Can it be done? "

"Don't you have a nanny? What's more, I took Xiaogang out for quite a long time! I don't see what's going on! "

"Can that be the same?" Su Yuan felt his anger did not hit out, "at the beginning, it was in China! No matter what things are very convenient! If you go abroad now, can things be so convenient? "

"Mom, this is one of the reasons why I am not willing to let Xiaogang stay in China. I am too accommodating to Xiaogang! Where are my two children? They're more or less able to distinguish! What about some things? Will not refuse, but they have their own right and wrong discrimination ability, but Xiaogang's age is still too young! You are strict in discipline, but it doesn't mean that other people below are the same, and they can't do it! "

Well, in a word, Su Yuan didn't know what to say! After all, he is his grandson. What about the matter? You can think of it, even say it, but really let yourself do it? It's not an easy thing!

"You! I really don't know what it is made of! "

"What is it made of?" he said Ding Yu explained patiently, "just like Su Yu, was he a bad boy at the beginning? I don't believe it. No, it's because of the family or other aspects that he slowly developed habits and problems. When there's no accident, it's easy to say anything. When something goes wrong, who should take the responsibility?"

"What's the matter? What did he do

Ding Yu's nose moved slightly. "It seems that I heard something about it a year ago. I didn't ask about it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

"That's your cousin too. He's quite related by blood!"

"So what? When he robbed the courtyard, he didn't think I was his cousin Ding Yu will not be so polite, although said to be in front of his mother, but then what? "Where are the children of the Su family? Or it's too small! Or it's too useless. I can't help you if I want to! "

"I haven't heard much about it before!"

"It's easy to change one's character, but I've watched the performance of these children at home. Is it a little better? Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, what's more? Third uncle's that wench also can, as for the rest? Anyway, there is no worry about food and clothing at home. No one has such a mind. Why should I be obnoxious? "

"Is that a nuisance?" Su Yuan's voice is also a little bit big, and hear the movement of the three small, is also a slip of trot over, delivery sugar fruit have! Su Yuan looked at his grandson and granddaughter and comforted them to play! "All the children of the family! You can't have enough snacks! "

"I talked about it with my grandfather in the evening, and my grandfather also agreed to it!"

"What did your grandfather say?" Su Yuan looks at his eldest son suspiciously! Feel some can't understand!

"My grandfather didn't think there was any problem with my practice. If we really joined hands with the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family, how far would the power expand?" Ding Yu asked his mother, "if such a thing really happened, then it would not be something that you can control if you want to control, and it is impossible at all!""You have worries about that!"

"It's obvious that now, no matter the Wangs, the Zhengs or the Sujia, they are all together! But to some extent, power can only be said to be relative! In Beijing? Even the so-called first-class? Not really. If I take over, what will it look like then, and how will other aspects look? We will not go against the dead by then? "

"How could that happen?" Su Yuan also said in horror!

"Why not?" Ding Yu didn't feel that there was a lot of accident, "the original information is not enough, so you can still be stable! No, I don't throw any big things in China! But did the Wangs, Sujia and Zhengs say they just throw it away? I don't know! "

Su Yuan at this time has been thoroughly understood. His son has said this matter too clearly and clearly! If the son really takes over, what about the whole family? Will be thoroughly placed in the spotlight, when the time comes, can the home hold up? Maybe this generation can, but what about the next generation? Not at all!

"Never heard of it before!"

"I didn't mention it in the past because my grandfather was still there, and the Su family could still hold on, so there was no need to worry about it! But now my grandfather can't hold on! There are some problems with my uncle. The third uncle is not willing to take over such a position, so what about this matter? That is to say, it stands out! "

Things have been quite clear, so Ding Yu didn't mean to be afraid of anything. She also told her mother to listen and let her know the problem! The province she has the wishful thinking, also really is very inappropriate!

"Can't your uncle hold up? Is that what you think? Or does everyone think like that? "

"Let's see what the uncle is going to do with it! A little bit low-key? There should not be too many problems. If it is too blatant and wanton, it will be another thing! " Ding Yu doesn't have any taboo at all. It's true that Su Hai is his uncle, but Ding Yu is also merciless!

"You can't tell your uncle that he is your uncle after all!" Su Yuan is quite complaining!

"In the evening, my uncle stayed with my grandfather. My grandfather should have mentioned these things. Mom, what about this? You don't have to worry about it! There is no use worrying about it. On the contrary, it will be chaotic if you care about it. After all, the road comes out by yourself, even if you are holding a stick behind your back? How much effect can it have? Two things to say

Su Yuan is a little bit dull, but Wang Yang, who has ears up in the back, shakes his head slightly. This matter! No matter father or himself, don't dare to mention it like this. At most, it's a drumbeat. What about big brother? It's not the same!

What about my uncle? Wang Yang can't say that he knows everything, but he can't say that he doesn't know anything. It's really not like this! What about the 49 cities? More of you? Will still give big brother considerable face, but will give uncle this face, is really two said things!

As the elder brother said earlier, if the uncle can be calm and low-key, there is still a good chance. If the uncle is a little reckless and reckless, what about the person who will start the attack? May be a little more, and when the big brother there will help? The possibility is not as big as you think!

This kind of thing has nothing to do with heartlessness and indifference. As long as you are a little sober, you will choose to do it. You can see it clearly and clearly, and you don't have to say it at home! And big brother there is no need to say! What's more, we have never been involved in the affairs of the family, the things known inside and outside!

"What are you doing over there? Come here Can't you get angry with your son? Look at his appearance, he has so some gas not to fight out!

His expression is clearly already aware of this matter, but he did not want to tell his own meaning, what's the matter? I married into the Wang family for so many years, still regard myself as an outsider? Right? So at this time, the fire is fully open, and all are aimed at Wang Yang!

Wang Yang is like a chick under the storm, but he dare not make any action and ask for help from his elder brother, but the problem is that he is totally blind and doesn't mean to give himself any help! Big brother, is this really good? You caused this thing. You didn't take charge of the fire fighting, but let yourself fill the pit?

But Wang Yang really did not dare to have any argument, his mother now this time is angry head up! Let her vent her anger first! If you hold it in your heart, who knows if there will be other problems and situations?

But this time really did not last too long, mainly because the three children had already gathered around their grandmother at this time, which was to coax and comfort her, so that she could be relieved!After venting his anger, Su Yuan looked at his grandson and granddaughter, and at his son, "they are all heartless!" And then she was holding her grandson and granddaughter. It was difficult for her to do so. She could hold both hands!

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