In the evening, Ding Yu did not stay at home, but the two children stayed. As for Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan's family, they were not as busy as Ding Yu! The important thing is to accompany her mother, because her mood is not as good as she imagined!

The next morning, Su Yuan took people directly to the hospital. When he came, Su bochen was having dinner. He asked the doctor simply. His father's condition was not bad, and his mental state seemed to be better than the previous few days! Is it because Ding Yu came back? Seeing Ding Yu's great grandson, is his mood different?

"Come and come! You don't have to run around with your kids in the future, and you're not too young! " Su Hai looked at his sister and said with a sigh!

"How about dad? You were here with my sister-in-law last night? You two! It's the same old age! "

"There's no problem. Last night, Dad slept soundly." Su Hai also nodded to his sister. Su bochen was still half lying on the bed. After eating, he watched the news for a while! "So early? Can't sit at home? " Su bochen has a little bit of complaint!

"After the boss went back, he told me some things. I was also worried about some of them!" Su Yuan is sitting next to his father's position, "in the past, when he was confused, he had a big temper last night. Today is a little better!"

"Your brother! Hi! How to say it? There is something wrong with his temperament. What if he is allowed to open up his territory? It's true that there are quite a lot of problems, but there are not too many problems when I'm a conservative king. I'm also so anxious! So the previous pace is a little bit more, but it's OK, after all, there is no problem! "

"Dad, you're old enough! Don't worry about it any more! "

"Don't worry about it in the future! What about things at home? All of them are handed over to your elder brother. If the third one doesn't take over, Xiaoyu doesn't mean it at all. What's more, what about your elder brother? He was calm for a while, and he also realized some problems. Judging from the results, it was still very good. What can I do? That's all there is

After saying that, Su bochen also patted his daughter's hand, "you are also a grandmother! Pay more attention and don't lose your temper in the future. The children in the family are still very good! "

"The virtue of the boss? How to say it? I also know that what he said is the truth, but his attitude is so unacceptable. When he said that, he seemed to be an outsider at all! I didn't mean to put myself in at all. I was angry because of this, but what about his thick skin? Also did not regard as a thing at all, later still let Wang Yangding pot

"You! Let me say a little bit about what is good! " Su bochen also gently smile, "boss! He is a very sensitive person, but he is not willing to express himself. He is just such a temperament. But what is his contribution to me, an old guy, including Lao Wang tou and his couple, who can live to this day? It's immeasurable! "

"This is what he should do! Who makes him a grandson? "

"That's what it says, but how to do it? It's another thing! What about all my expenses? I still have a few things in my heart. What about the things at home? Basically, it's all for your brother! Xiaoyu! Just ask for a few medals. You can go back and find them and send them back to him! "

"Dad Su Yuan is also shocked!

"Where's an old man of mine? The salary is a little bit, but we have basically paid party dues. What about the rest? Basically, they are all given to your elder brother. Since he is the family, things should be given to him. Xiaoyu asked for several medals. What about this thing? It's very important to say it's important, but isn't it? That is, a representative of honor, but it doesn't matter! "

"Dad, I know! I'll find my sister-in-law! " For such a thing, Su Yuan really didn't want to be controlled by others. After all, what about himself? She has been married to the Wang family, but what about the elder sister-in-law? I married to the Su family. Now I don't seem to be a member of the Su family! So when you do something, you still need to be measured!

"You! It's good to have such an idea when doing things! Let's see what's left! by the way! Bring me your mother's picture when you come back! " When Su bochen spoke, he also sighed slightly, "she died earlier and did not live a lot of good days! But this time I went to see her, I could say it well! At least the great grandson of the family gave her a boost

In the courtyard, Ding Yu looked at Song Tianren, who came over. He also looked at his head slightly. "I should say you are very brave? Or are you such a wanton guy? How dare you run here at this time? "

"Don't mention it, chief! When I was in Beijing, it was basically dog excrement, but no one dared to step on it, but we all kept a distance. Now it's better! Become a sweet cake, good guy, our house is no threshold, if there is a threshold, I think there is no problem stepping down three feet! Even if it's getting married tonight? What about the current situation? It seems to be able to line up to Di'anmen gate! ""You've found a good place to hide from me!"

"Chief, I'm going to report my ideas to you! Brother Mao and I are ready, but I don't know if the director has any other needs, so come and have a look! "

"I'll come over in the morning with his daughter-in-law. You can ask the housekeeper what kind of preparation is needed." After that, Ding Yu also waved his hand. Seeing song Tianren's satisfied face, he went straight to the housekeeper!

When Hou Tianliang came, he looked at Song Tianren standing at the door. He was stunned. He didn't expect to meet song Tianren here! "You came fast enough

"There's no peace in my home. I'm just a sweet cake. Everyone wants to nibble on me. It's the courtyard of the director's house? Relatively clean! " Then he also looked at the woman beside her, "this is my sister-in-law! Hello, sister-in-law. I'm song Tianren! "

"I've heard of you at dawn. Hello!"

Under the leadership of song Tianren, the two people also entered the courtyard together, "listen to the people in the family say, Secretary Hou, your procedures have been transferred, and it's only these days! Congratulations

"Tongxi, let's go to study for a period of time and study some theoretical knowledge well. What's more? Look, if you have time, you can do this wedding! It's a shame to have delayed so long! "

"This is good news. I'd like to congratulate you and your sister-in-law on growing old together and making progress together." Touch a body above, song Tianren is also full of bitterness, "Secretary Hou, this is deliberately looking at my joke, isn't it? My pocket! I really don't want my face to be cleaner! "

"Don't be pathetic! I see! It's better to ask for the director! " Hou Tianliang has left this position, so what about this speech? It's not as serious as before! It's not a big joke!

"Coming?" Ding Yu's speech is very casual!

"Hello, director!" Hou Tianliang is also standing, and then hit a salute, the woman next to is also the same! Ding Yu didn't give him back, but he still nodded!

"It's all set up?" Ding Yu didn't have any greetings at all! What if you haven't had contact with Ding Yu? It's true that there are so many people who can't accept it. How can anyone talk like this? But song Tianren followed Ding Yu's side for such a long time, he was quite clear, so he also nodded his head.

"It's all done! In a few days, I will go to study, but the study time should not be very long. This time I'm here with my wife to show the director! "

"It's a good thing to have a family and a business." Ding Yu looked at him. "It's not bad. In the future, it should be the face of both children, but pay more attention to the physical aspects."

Hou Tianliang slightly a Leng, oneself follows in the director's side? I really haven't heard about this, but what about song Tianren standing next to him? It's even more dull! Where can I start?

"Director?" Hou Tianliang looked in a low voice!

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "can't you hear this blessing? But I heard about your wife? It's a scientific research job. It's proper to work hard and work hard. But you can't forget to eat and sleep. Attitude is very important, but you should also pay attention to your body? Is the capital of work, you! Although the work is busy, but also should pay attention to! After all, there's no harm in having more physical examinations when two people live together in the future. "

"Director, you are everyone. I feel a little scared!"

"It's not a big problem. Go to the hospital and have a check. It's not so comfortable these two days." Ding Yu asked, looking at Hou Tianliang's wife nodded, also turned to look at Hou Tianliang, "you follow with to have a look, there is no big problem, in the future more attention! That's it! Don't think it is unrealistic to become a doctor after a long illness. At the same time, don't avoid doctors! "

"Director, is there really no big problem? Why don't you show it! "

"I'm not a gynecologist!" Ding Yu glared with hatred. Song Tianren pinched himself at this time, but the muscles on his face had already twitched! "Just let the doctor prescribe! If you need anything, come and find the housekeeper. There are all the small pharmacies in the house! "

Hou Tianliang also lowered his head. What about this? I really have some problems. What about the director? They are not gynecologists, but surgeons. They have a good understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, but to what extent? This problem itself is really so some can not say clearly!

However, when we were together, I noticed that the director would often read some books of traditional Chinese medicine or Taoism, but I really didn't have much interest in it. After a while, I felt that the head was not so big! What about your major? You can't get to the edge!

But for the director, these should not be what so-called idle books, the director should not be idle to read those so-called idle books! For the director, they should all be of considerable use. As for where they are used? This question? What I know is not so much!"Director, I have finished the handover with Tianren." When Hou Tianliang said this, he also sighed. He still hoped to be with the director. I don't know if there will be such a chance in the future!

"What dream? What happens when you have this starting point? There should be other directions! The above will certainly take you as the so-called baby, pay attention to yourself! Come and have a look when you have time, but it's OK! "

At noon, Hou Tianliang and song Tianren stayed in the courtyard, but Ding Yu didn't eat much, and even left halfway after eating! A little bit impolite! But no matter song Tianren or Hou Tianliang didn't pay much attention to it. They still sat at the table and ate raw! You're welcome at all!

"Morning!" The woman next to her also stabbed her fiance twice and came to the director's home. How could she look like this? There are outsiders? It's a shame to be seen! I feel my face is red!

Hou Tianliang is looking at Song Tianren next to him. He patted his wife's hand under the table to make her calm. He didn't need to care so much! "Tianren, what about the director in the future? It's up to you! I hope you can take over this position. At the same time, what about yourself? Considerable progress can be made! "

Song Tianren held up the drink cup next to him, "you opened a head for us. We should all thank you too much, but is this the benchmark set? It's a little bit high, which makes people feel a little bit shocked. Besides, there's really no other opinions and ideas! "

"This is beginning to be interesting! Are you ready? "

"Ready! Otherwise, I won't come with brother cat. What about six brothers? I want to come here, but I don't know when? His situation there is a little bit special! "

Hou Tianliang really knows the situation of Wei Hou, but he is really inconvenient to say it. Is he present with his fiancee? There is really not too much relationship! This is an organization secret. I need to keep it strictly. I'm not kidding! Who makes fun of this is to make fun of your own life!

"Did the two of them come? It's a little inappropriate? "

"Who knows? When I came earlier, I deliberately called, but I didn't get any response, and I don't know what the situation is! I've done everything I need to do! As for other things? I have no way to care

"It's so easy to make a decision. You'll get to know it in the future."

"That's right. I think it's good anyway. What about the old men in the back? For this matter is also more support, so that is the first to come over! It's better if you break out. If you can't, it's your luck! To put it bluntly, isn't it so simple? If everything goes according to the plan, what else will change? "

"You are so easily offended! Pay more attention in the future! "

Just as he was speaking, Deng Rong also walked in quickly, "Secretary Hou, if you have something to do with you, I won't accompany you and your wife more! Sir, I have some presents for you

What about this? Song Tianren is quite puzzled, but he also puts down his chopsticks at this time. Song Tianren is also the same as song Tianren. However, when he looks at the gifts, he seems to have some hot eyes!

"Thank you, director. I will remember what he taught me!"

However, when he came out of the courtyard, Hou Tianliang's fiancee also asked, "is there something dissatisfied with director Ding? It's only half of the meal, and I'm leaving! "

"This is what I really think of as a member of my family. If I were an outsider, the director would definitely accompany me to eat with me. But since I am a member of my family, I don't have so much attention. What's the director's attitude towards outsiders and his family? It's quite different. You haven't been around the director, so you don't know that much about it! "

"What else? I thought director Ding was quite dissatisfied with you! So it is

"Yes! Don't talk about it yet! Hurry to the hospital to check your body, this is not a joke, the director? Although not so famous, but that is just because he does not want to! But what about the standard? It's definitely a kind of doctor. It's not a joke

"Well! But how to deal with the gift from the director? I don't know what it is? What if you give me back in the future? Although we are small families, we can not... "

"It's not a problem. What about the director? What a valuable gift he didn't see, as long as he had this intention! Now this courtyard! I'm afraid one square meter is about to buy a house in our family! Of course, this also includes hidden value

"The question is who dares to buy it!" Hou Tianliang's fiancee also slapped! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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