"Director?" Song Tianren's side has been cleaned up for a long time! Seeing Ding Yu sitting there, he yelled, and then he stood at Ding Yu's side honestly. It was not like jumping as usual!

"If something goes wrong, you can handle it." Then he handed the desktop document to song Tianren. Song Tianren looked at the contents of the document in his hand, and his face was slightly dark! Not for the director, but for this matter!

"Director? Did they take the wrong medicine? Or did you forget to take the medicine? This time suddenly came such a hand? It's a little bit of a joke! "

"Are you kidding or taking the wrong medicine! Go and deal with it! Now this time or not too much to make trouble! Is it too noisy? It doesn't do much good in any way! "

Song Tianren takes a look at the documents in his hand again. Now Secretary Hou is no longer here! So I'm going to deal with this alone, even the other two secretaries? No, it's a big thing? It's not really very big, but what about the information? It's true that there are so many different!

Seeing that the director didn't mean to take the documents back, song Tianren came out of the room at the first time. When he got on the bus, he deliberately handed the documents inside to brother Mao Zhan Zhao next to him, "brother cat, what do you think?"

"It doesn't seem that big! The problem is just a way to deal with it! "

Because there are no other people on the car, what about Zhan Zhao's speech? It's a little bit presumptuous, but this also caters to song Tianren's meaning, "to some extent? This is the director's family affairs. The director has entrusted this matter to me. What about me personally? It's not really a test, but what about the situation revealed? It's extraordinary. It's just for other people to see

"It's not so clear when it comes to this point!" Although Zhan Zhao is now following song Tianren's side, because of his family background, he does not have a good understanding of the situation in the capital. There is no problem for him to deal with specific matters. However, it is a little too much to ask him to look at the problem comprehensively!

Song Tianren has gone to deal with the matter! In fact, things are not big at all, but what about song Tianren's appearance? Or does it make many people feel a different place, the era of Hou Tianliang? It's over! Now it's song Tianren's turn to take over! But this speed is a little bit faster! Quick let a person have so some to be caught off guard!

And Ding Yu just came back, and even this morning, song Tianren just went to the siheyuan. Now? Song Tianren was pulled out, is there no one around Ding Yu? Absolutely not because of this reason, if not for this reason, then the things in this are really questionable?

Song Tianren dealt with the matter cleanly and neatly! But also by the way to the hospital there, it seems that Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are now in the hospital there! Previously, the director seemed to ask himself to find Guo Li and his two brothers and let them have dinner at the courtyard in the evening!

Although it is very convenient to make a phone call, the director did not do so. Instead, he asked himself to inform him. Obviously, he wanted to familiarize himself with the relationship between each other. What would other people want? There are so many unlikely!

Do you really know Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng? It's not difficult, but I'll pay a visit to the hospital by myself. What's the relationship between them? It's another level!

"Hello, Dr. Guo! I'm song Tianren! " Song Tianren is also the first to extend his hand! "This is brother Mao, Zhan Zhao!"

"Ha! Brother song?! Cat Guo Li also laughed, "I told Shen Mingzheng before, when can I see song ge you! I didn't expect you to visit me in person today. " Looking at Song Tianren's bewilderment, Guo Li also explained, "when I'm ok, I often go to the siheyuan to eat and drink. I'm also very mischievous with my younger martial brother and younger martial sister. When talking to the teacher, the teacher also mentioned some of your situation of brother song!"

"My feelings have been revealed by the director!"

"But I'm lucky to meet you today! It's really extraordinary! " Guo Li's nerves are very thick. This is true, but it doesn't mean that he is not human. It's totally two things. There is a considerable contrast between Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng. What about Shen Mingzheng? There is still a little bit of "shyness" about this kind of social intercourse.

But what about things like this? Different from person to person, it's really hard to say!

"Brother song, how did you come to the hospital today?"

"Deal with some things and send the wounded to the past. When they came, the director said that they would let you and Mingzheng go to the courtyard together in the evening. If they had time, they would have a meal together!"

"Yes! It's still in the operating room tomorrow. I'll let him know. "

"Then I won't disturb your work! See you in the evening Each other shook hands, and then separated! At this time, we really don't need to get familiar with each other's feelings. We don't need them at all, whether it's song Tianren or Guo Li? Are very clear and understand this matter!However, after a few steps, song Tianren seems to suddenly think of something. But just turning around, Guo Li over there has already heard the cry. He and two nurses also ran into the doctor's elevator. It seems that the situation is more urgent!

"It's a little exaggerated." Looking at the situation of the hospital, brother Mao also had considerable envy, "but they all said that the doctors were good. But think about it, this is the capital, where is the assembly? It should be the best medical condition in the whole country. Can you be a doctor here? It should not be an easy thing! "

"Who said it was not?" Song Tianren also said with emotion, "but what about Guo Li? It's true that there are so many differences, not only because he is the director's student, so simple, all the girls in 49 cities are very interested in her, although he is already a "broken flower and fallen willow" When he finished, song Tianren couldn't help but smile? Why does the feeling that gives a person have so some indecent?

"The fallen flowers and the willows? It seems that some of these are not appropriate! " Zhan Zhao felt shocked! It's a bit of a joke!

"Guo Li went out with the director at that time, and played with the director at that time!" When getting on the bus, song Tianren mentioned this matter with Zhan Zhao, "what's the aim? It's the gang of MI5 and MI6. At the beginning, it could be said that it was a good trick! "

"MI5 and MI6? Is this a little bit of a joke? " Zhan Zhao also twisted his neck!

"It's like MI6 or MI5. Anyway, it's that gang of guys. Guo Li is in the front position!" May you feel your own statement? There is not too much effect, so song Tianren also thought, "say so! Hou Tianliang, you have met Secretary Hou Tianliang. He is a person from the Department of information management! What about Guo Li? This is a group of elites

"Play with all these elites?"

"Yes! It's not just about playing with these elites! Where's the director in the back? It's also a great fun for the whole UK, but under the circumstances at that time, it was also thanks to Guo Li? The British side has used a lot of ways to target him that you may not have dreamed of. Therefore, we all say that Guo Li is "a broken flower and a rotten willow"

"He didn't soften? This seems to be too simple... "How to describe it? Zhan Zhao does not know how to say? Anyway, if you change it into yourself, you can't be hard!

"Guo Li's nerve is so thick! Playing is exciting, and other people have no feeling. He is eating, drinking, playing and enjoying. He is very happy. If you change to anyone, under such pressure, I'm afraid that he has lost the spirit. After all, Guo Li knew at that time, not that he didn't know anything Performance is definitely a talent! "

"I don't know whether it's a talent or not, but I think I've been arresting a lot of people for so many years. The arrested guys will look like what they want on the scene, but there's no soft one? I really haven't seen it! Don't look at the clamour of these guys, but in the face of the state machine, you can't be soft

"I'm not afraid to laugh at you, brother cat. We've really tried to see if we can do this. What's the way? It's very simple, just find a policeman standing outside the door! There is one, everyone is unable to do what they want. Both psychologically and physiologically, they are abnormal and uncomfortable. It is not to say that if you want to open it, you can open it. Two times! Say? Are very simple things, but really want to do it! Hi

"Are there some of these that are too playful?" Do all the children in your city play like this?

"You don't know. What about this? Too much obsession! That time brought considerable benefits, so to speak! See the old building? It is the income that brought back, the construction of the whole building is basically arranged! What about the balance? Also donated to the school! This is only half of it. What about the other half? Basically, it's all in Guo Li's hands. Do you think everyone's eyes are red? "

"I'll wipe it!" Zhan Zhao directly burst the rude words, "this NIMA's faster than robbery!"

"And these? It's just a part of it. There's a big part of it? It's all immeasurable value. It's donated to the museum! Speaking of it? What about the director? At that time, due to other reasons, several objects were taken, but later they were donated to the museum. What about this? It really makes people feel admirable, if it is my personal words, I really can't do this! I can't kill you! "

"Although I am not a greedy person for money, what I want to say at this time is that I am a layman!"

"Who is not a layman? But Guo Li did it! Besides, he is also a student of the director. He and Shen Mingzheng are the kind that the director personally points out. Otherwise, why do they stay here after their graduation? "Song Tianren, who was sitting in the car, was also in a state of emotional shock at this time. "Guo Li Nian has less money, and he is also a student of the director, so even if he is a fallen flower or a fallen willow? What about the people who are interested in him now? It's just like the Qing of crossing the river. It's innumerable, even if it's in my house? I'm also interested in Guo Li, but what about this guy? Soak in the hospital every day! It really makes people feel helpless. I really don't know what to say! "

"You are very young, but it seems that the threshold of your home has been trampled down a lot!"

"Joke! I really admire Guo Li. I also admire the director. I don't know how he saw it. Relatively speaking, at that time, Guo Li was just a student. If he made such a big bet on a student, if he was careless, he would die! But still dare to do so, even if it is now in retrospect, all feel cold back! What's more, there are many interests involved behind this! "

"Are the eyes of the director really poisonous?"

"Spicy?" Song Tianren really remembered, "when Secretary Hou came just now, the director took a look at his fiancee, but he said two words. The face is good, the life of both children, as far as I know, the director seems to be Taoist!"

"Taoism? Dragon and tiger mountain! "

"No, I don't know exactly what it is, but it has a lot to do with Taoism. What about one of his martial uncles? Still in Beijing! I'm quite old. I've seen a disciple named Zhou Chengtie, but I don't have much contact with him. What about the master? It's not young, but it's well maintained! "

"Didn't you come to the capital? Really would not have known so much! Thought I was a cop? Contact with people has been more than a few! But it seems that I really think too much myself

"What a normal thing to do!" Song Tianren said disapprovingly, "but now I understand something. The director asked me to go there deliberately, saying that he asked me to inform Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, but to a certain extent? Also admonishes me, lets me be able to own! It's hard to be a director! "

"Ah?" Zhan Zhao was puzzled, but soon understood, "it seems to be the director's painstaking efforts."

"The director is really not willing to express anything in general. This has a considerable relationship with the director's personality. It's good to see through, but can't see through? Go to slowly adapt, sometimes think smart is not a good thing, you think if it is secretary Hou, how will you look at this matter! "

"I haven't been in touch with Secretary Hou for a long time. I feel that he is a little low-key! However, I have a good relationship with you. I feel that Secretary Hou is secretary Hou, and you are you. It's better not to confuse them with each other when you ask for advice on something. As for how to deal with the matters assigned by the director, I think Secretary Hou is secretary Hou, and you are you

"Not to be confused?" Song Tianren didn't know where to draw a cigarette. He motioned to Zhan Zhao. Zhan Zhao shook his head and indicated that he was driving. It was not so appropriate. Song Tianren also took care of himself and ordered one for himself. "To be specific, I'm a little confused now? I don't think clearly! "

"Secretary Hou is secretary Hou, and you are you. Because of their personality and other reasons, they have many differences. Cao follows Xiao Gui? Such a situation may be appropriate in other places, but I don't think it is suitable for the director here, and what the director wants to see is not what he wants to see! "

"Do you mean to say that the director is happy to let me play freely?"

"What about Secretary Hou's style of doing things? You are quite different from the assistant, because you are not the same person. Even if you try to imitate, you can only be different in the end, and it will get worse and worse. Even at the end of the day, you may not know what you have done. I still remember the director's evaluation of you! "

"The director said I was a little bit bad! I always remember that! "

"So called bad? This is not really derogatory. I think it should be a neutral word, at least in terms of assistant. If you are really hopeless, I don't think the director will transfer you to the position around you. This is just a kind of evaluation! Evaluation of doing things! "

Playing the ash, song Tianren nodded slightly, "I understand a little bit. The director doesn't want me to be a follower, not to mention the director's side? There will be no lack of such a person, the director would like me to have my own style! Even if it's the same dish, a hundred chefs make it, it's really a hundred flavors, and it won't be the same! Is that the truth? "

"That's what I think! Grasp the scale is good! I think you must be more experienced in this aspect than I am. Now I really feel quite confused about this. The more I contact, the more I feel whether I lived in the world of masquerade

"I really don't know if I live in the world of masquerade, but I have really come into contact with the hardships of the grassroots. I have no real experience. I just rely on TV and watch. Those are pure bullshit! Let's do it with each other! But really, what if we talk about it? My luck seems really good, met the director, and found you! Hey, hey"The other way around, I met the assistant, and then the director!"

"Everybody encourage, ha ha!"

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