Song Tianren's action really attracted everyone's attention. This guy went to do things independently! After Hou Tianliang left, this is the first time! Things are a little bit out of place! Even a little weird!

In the current situation, there is no final determination, who will follow Ding Yu, but song Tianren's performance? Seems to have explained quite a problem! What about Wei Hou? Because of his identity, so what about him? Can only stand by Ding Yu's side position, won't become the captain of four people, but the performance of the other two people? It seems that song Tianren is not so outstanding!

When he didn't get in touch with Ding Yu, song Tianren's performance was really so bad. Although his resume was beautiful, it was just a resume! To a certain extent, it is for the outside people to see, but who could have thought that this guy followed Ding Yu for such a short time that he turned back!

If you say you turn back, you will turn back! It's no big deal, but as for the performance of such an explosion? Is really let everybody have so some dazzling! Can't see clearly, at the same time there are so many can't see clearly!

When the mud like song Tianren can be lifted onto the wall, what about others? There are the other two secretaries. Although they were not selected by director Ding Yuding himself, they were also selected after considerable selection. Why is there such a big gap between them? What is the cause? How strange!

"Did Ding Yu do it on purpose! So let song Tianren come out? "

"Was it intentional? I don't know, but what about song Tianren? Already started to handle affairs independently! Hou Tianliang was also there at that time. Together with his fiancee, they went to visit Ding Yu. It was said that when he left, Ding Yu also gave some congratulatory gifts. From this point of view, what about the people who came out of the courtyard? Ding Yu has given considerable care! "

When middle-aged people speak, they are also narrowing their eyes. They are not really jealous, but show some envy.

Jack will not say it! What about him? It's a little low-key, but what about Wu Mingyu and Chen Feng? They are also low-key, but low-key and low-key are quite different, Wu Mingyu? Who is the chief secretary, Chen Feng is the old courtyard housekeeper, these two people! In the future, it is absolutely impossible!

Because the resources of the courtyard are open to them to some extent. Maybe they can't use them now, but when do they need them? This kind of resource appears to have so some precious especially! Everyone knows about it!

Now Song Tianren is the top player. What about the other two? It seems that they have never been able to occupy a considerable position in director Ding Yuding. What about the difference? There are also quite a number of problems exposed. What about the two of them? What about the factions? It's also the best young man! But it is still not seen by Ding Yu!

Is that why? Will you just scrap the two of them? Seems to be a little bit appropriate? What's more! What about director Ding Yuding? Also did not mention any other words, now all is only a guess! What about song Tianren? To a certain extent, or slightly reckless, slightly impulsive!

After all, what about this time? It was song Tianren who came to the door on his own initiative. Judging from the understanding, this is absolutely true. Even what about the faction behind song Tianren? There are some comments on this, but more often? It should be a wait-and-see attitude! What about song Tianren? How many have so some of the meaning of stocking!

I don't know if it's due to luck, but what about song Tianren? It's more about Ding Yu's temper. What about at night? You may want to meet Ding Yu, anyway? We all need to have a final result. Should we let the other two secretaries follow Ding Yu tonight? There should be a decision!

But what about the evening meeting? Or feel a little uneasy? Why? Because, to a certain extent, he is afraid of Ding Yu's refusal and hopes that Ding Yu can refuse? Does this heel have face? There's no relationship!

Fear of Ding Yu's refusal is because of the fear that these two future seedlings will be destroyed! Hope Ding Yu refuses? It's because if Ding Yu really takes them, such flesh and blood grinding plate! I really threw it in. When I come back, I'm afraid even the ashes? Can't see, such pain? Some can't stand it!

At the same time, Ding Yu really did not have any worry and hesitation! Looking at Song Tianren and Wei Hou, he also slightly nodded his head. There was nothing to say. Instead, Deng Rong looked at the two people in front of him, and his expression on his face was as serious as ever. "After a while, the security aspect will give you the corresponding communication facilities and channels. Originally, you were only level 6, but now you are promoted to level 5!"

"Level five?" Song Tianren is not implicit at all. He asks directly. What's the meaning? It is also slightly dissatisfied with some of the treatment is not so bad! What about Wei Hou and himself? It seems that they already have this identity? How is this level? It's not intentional, is it?Deng Rong really didn't mean to explain to them, but what about the two? The things on the body are also slightly different. Of course, the main thing is the difference on the logo, which has not much to do with other things!

"Housekeeper! I'm young and new here. The things in it are not so clear. What grade was Secretary Hou in the past! This is not supposed to be a secret? "

Looking at the smiling song Tianren, Deng Rong said, "Secretary Hou used to be level 4, and the highest level on the periphery is just level 3! However, there has not been such a situation, just a reservation! Let's see when you can be promoted to level 4! "

For such contempt, song Tianren also felt some toothache, "housekeeper, how many grades do you always have?"

"Three levels?" Still the king's scorn, "what? Do you want to have a try? " He looked up and down at Song Tianren and said, "what about the intelligence? Yes, but the knowledge is too poor. Let's forget it! I can't afford to lose that man

"No! Housekeeper, I'm a master's degree at least, and I'm famous! "

"In the courtyard? You really don't pay attention to the complicated etiquette, and you don't need to pay attention to the so-called education, but you need to have considerable knowledge and experience, such as shopping, financial management, planning, including appreciation and so on! Like the dress on your body? In fact, it is very inappropriate. From this point of view, when you have not entered the examination room? It's already out of the game! Not even a candidate is qualified! "

"No! I chose this one carefully! "

"Price doesn't mean taste. What about Jinshan Yinhai? Doesn't mean you are really unique! So you still need to improve in this aspect! The choice of clothing is not to say that it is good to be independent, nor to say that the price represents everything. It is appropriate to show your own advantages and avoid your own shortcomings at the same time! "

"Housekeeper, how do I feel that you are saying that I have so much noise!"

"Someone will tell you everything! After all, what about you in the future? I need to be with you! Therefore, some contacts should be made, and we have made considerable preparations! Wei Hou, it's the same with you! "

After helping the two people report, they were soon pulled into a separate room, and then two clothes hangers were pulled out. Although the information is available, what if there is no personal style of the party involved? Still will have quite bad!

"Shit! Not to mention, what about wearing it? It's really something different! "

Clothes, hats, shoes and socks are available! For example, the shoes on the soles of the feet can be kept intact even if they are pressed by the car. They will not deform in any way. Moreover, they are reliable and comfortable. I'm afraid there is only a quadrangle like this? Can be equipped with up, of course, this is also with the number of people compared to have a considerable relationship!

"No! Housekeeper, why do I seem to have so little equipment? "

"You talk a lot!" What about Deng Rong's approach to song Tianren? I really don't have a lot of disgust, but what about this? Naturally, it will not be too beautiful! "The nature of Wei Hou's work is different from yours! Nature is quite different from you. Why? Do you want to experience with it? I don't mind! "

Song Tianren tried Wei Hou's coat, forget it! Don't ask for trouble yourself! Can you feel the identity of the housekeeper in the courtyard? Absolutely not oneself such small fish shrimp can compare! I don't know if the director was pulled out of that corner!

Whether it is Anjie, Chen Feng, or Deng Rong, maybe in other positions? There may be some bad things, but in the position of the housekeeper, it is absolutely outstanding to deal with. What about the official career? What about the Secretary General of a senior official? Maybe you're kidding! But a municipal secretary general is absolutely not a problem!

Song Tianren is not the first time to change clothes here, but how about comparing with the last time? Obviously, you can feel the difference in clothes, but what are the differences? Song Tianren can't tell. It's like saying that the food is delicious, but you don't know where it is! The so-called pig Bajie eat ginseng fruit!

"Sir, let me inform you that you two will be together in the evening! make preparation! Come back and have dinner with Guo Li and them again

After that, Deng Rong left! There was no other explanation at all. Song Tianren and Wei Hou looked at each other. What about Zhan Zhao? He has always been in the middle of confusion, who is he? Where are you? What are you going to do?

It seems that he has been passively bearing, and even how the clothes on his body are changed. It is true that in the past, he was a criminal police officer and was still a professional, but he did not encounter such a situation!

After waiting for song Tianren to take a shot, Zhan Zhao suddenly wakes up. Looking at Song Tianren, he is also apologetic! "Sorry, assistant song, I'm a little confused! It's true! ""Stop it! In fact, I'm the same. I didn't see what I said just now. In fact, I don't know what I said. Grandma, is there a little bit of high-tech here! And is it a little bit expensive? "

"Ah? And this worry? "

Song Tianren rubbed his chin, "it's over! And the director? Maybe not, but what about the old folks behind me? The director will not look for me, but the problem is, what is the power behind me? The director's attack will never be too light! Look at it

"If you have this time, you'd better have two bowls of rice! Do you want to eat at night? I'm afraid I can't eat any more! "

"That's true!" But song Tianren also gave a white eye to Wei Hou. Isn't this a typical case of burying himself? But what about yourself? Adults don't remember villains, but they don't care about so many things!

Looking at the neatly dressed song Tianren, Ding Yu also looked at them, "it's still spirit! But that's it

Along with the director of the car, song Tianren also found Hou Tianliang's position, that is, the co pilot's position. What about the position next to the director? Now forget it! At least I don't have the courage now! Similarly, there is no such confidence in this heart!

"Tianren, have you made a decision? What about yourself? This decision has been made! "

"Director?" Song Tianren also suddenly turned his head, although the heart is very clear, he has not run! But now the director personally mentioned this matter, or let song Tianren feel quite pressure!

"Can you come here? It also explains quite a problem. What I'm asking now is whether you are ready for this. I don't need any inquiry from Wei Hou, because what about him? It's from the army. Obey the orders and follow the command. There's nothing to say, but you're not the same! "

"Director, although I have not been a soldier, I have also worked in logistics for quite some time! I will, too

"I hope you are ready! Daybreak is strongly recommended you, but this does not mean that you have such qualifications, daybreak or have experienced quite a thing, but you are not the same! You do not have any experience, or a piece of paper, and this time abroad? Things are still extraordinary! The situation may be particularly special and intense! "

"Director, where's my grandmother? It's an old woman in the countryside who once told me that she ate the master's house and was beaten by the master's house! Learn from the craftsmanship of the master. What about her? It's the older generation! What about this? Some backward consciousness, but just want to eat, do not remember to fight, also want to steal to learn skills, how can things be

"You're still a lot worse. What about being beaten? I really do not have too much interest, and you are not so hit, if you change into Wei Hou, there are two parts! Now that you have made this decision, I will not interfere! I won't go over your affairs! "

Things have been set down, then there is no need to talk about those messy things, as for whether there are other ideas in the heart, this is another thing! And song Tianren also turned his head!

When getting off the bus, song Tianren also made a phone call in his spare time! "Don't tell you the bad news. The director has made a decision. Take me one! But it's not the first one. It's a pity that Wei Hou has such a big head. On the first day, he has already determined the quota! "

Ah? I heard the bad news before. The old man also had some worries, but the later words also made the old man feel that his teeth were itching, this bastard! I'm still joking and gasping at this time!

"Do you feel that the skin on your body is so itchy, I don't mind loosening it for you!"

"Hey, the old man is making a little joke with you. If the director says it, he won't go there! What about things here? I don't know what kind of situation it is. I'll call you when I have time! "

"Pay more attention! With director Ding? It's different from the past! Do you know? Listen more and speak less! "

"Don't worry, I still cherish my life! Again! I'm not married yet? I'm still waiting for my family at home? Even for my future son, I have to be careful, don't you think? "

"Go away!" Put down the phone, the old man is also heavy sigh, this son of a bitch! There are some skins, but what about the fate? Is it true that there is no such thing as his ability? Has not been found out, but after the training of director Ding Yuding, song Tianren immediately had earth shaking changes!

Although it is said to follow Ding Yu's side? It's quite dangerous, but what about that? Have not experienced the test, how is it possible to bloom their own brilliance? As for this test, is it too big? So what?

The greater the test? Dating makes song Tianren grow faster, and what about this foundation? Will also be more and more thick up! To put it bluntly, if you stay with Ding Yu for more than a year, it may be three or even five years more accumulated than others? To be more prominent!Don't doubt Ding Yu's squeezing ability. Just take a look at Tong Tong's classmates! That's not cruel enough to describe! See a lot of people are scalp have so some numbness! Even a little classmate can do this. How about song Tianren? Let alone! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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