"Director Ding! Hello Looking at Ding Yu who came down from the car, the people waiting at the door also rushed forward two steps, and then took the lead to extend his hand, "Welcome!"

There is no hypocritical politeness, but when shaking hands, you can clearly feel that the strength is not the same! Ding Yu is not too hard, if too hard, I am afraid the hand bones in front of him will be crushed by himself!

"Director Ding!" Came to the room and looked at the several people standing there! Ding Yu is also the first to stretch out his hand, "old Zhou, old Xin, Hello! It's abrupt! " After shaking hands with the two old people, Ding Yu shook hands with the other people nearby. It was the same style as before and the same attitude. There was no change!

We have heard a lot about Ding Yu, but this contact is really the first time. What about the little guy in front of him? It's really good to be long, and the clothes are not luxurious, but the whole person stands there, has a temperament, and the more you look, the more you feel extraordinary!

This guy is able to break out of his present fame. He is definitely not a kind of dirty pillow, but a real one!

"Xiaoding, the journey is a little bit hasty." Mr. Zhou also said with deep sigh!

Ding Yu nodded, "I've been here for half a year. Time is not easy! So I'm a bit bold. I hope you don't mind old Zhou and old Xin! I'm a little bit of a generation. Can you bully people too much! Otherwise, I may not be able to get down! "

This said two old people are a Leng, who did not expect Ding Yu to be so slippery! But then two people looked at each other, they all laughed, this boy is interesting! What does the outside world do to him? There is still a serious misreading! Along with others, there is a considerable misunderstanding of him!

"I didn't think of you, boy! It's still so dishonest. Lao Zhou and I were thinking about how to talk about this matter with you? Now it's all right! What about the atmosphere that has been brewing? All of a sudden it was broken! This is your son's work! You need to be responsible! "

"It's just talking about things, that is to say speaking, but it's not a terrible situation. Why are you so nervous? Do you think so?" Ding Yu is cold at all, even a little bit less serious!

"Xiaoding, I was still a little nervous, but what about you? Are the chances for the two of them very slim? But what about the two of them? It's not as lively as Tianren! "

"It's just a Muggle in the morning. Don't you knock it? He is really a Muggle, but what about Tianren? I'm very outgoing, and I get along well with you all! " Ding Yu said the actual situation, "what's more? He belongs to the self and realizes some problems, so he is very attentive and pure at the same time! "

"Yes! What about doing things? What I fear most is seriousness Old Xin also sighed!

"I don't want to interfere in their development. The direction is more important than the efforts, but what about the direction? It is also necessary to have a certain foundation. When there is no foundation, it is just following the trend. It is too difficult to determine what the consequences of following the trend will look like! The result may not be one in a hundred! "

"And the two of them? Never been able to adjust their own state, and so high pressure! Although in the middle of the process to recognize a considerable problem, but the time above is slightly short! Even in a hurry

"So it depends on Mr. Xin and Mr. Zhou. Are you willing? What if you are willing to? Maybe there are still some opportunities. If you don't give up, you will have to wait for quite some time! Although I wanted to have the right of disposal with the second elder, under the circumstances, that is, to urge them, the effect was not so obvious! "

"Xiaoding, the situation will really be very dangerous!"

"I don't know, because the specific situation is difficult to explain clearly. I went to the detention center where I had been squatting for a long time. I think everyone is very clear about it. I don't need to repeat the specific situation again! But in the process? I'm better. How about hou Tianliang? It's almost rags

I believe we all know what the so-called rags mean. That is to say, at that time, Hou Tianliang was under considerable attack, and was almost torn by others! Is it just because of Ding Yu? Later it was saved, but this kind of preservation is not without a price! How could it be!

At that time, it was still in China! And still in Ding Yu's hometown! Such things have happened. Who knows what kind of things will happen if they are abroad, and put them by Ding Yu's side? It is facing a lot of tests! And this kind of test? It was done in blood and fire!

So when Ding Yu said this, Zhou Lao and Xin Lao both fell into a dilemma. From Ding Yu's words, we can clearly feel that he is not so embarrassed about whether someone is following this matter!"Xiaoding, do you come here the same way?"

"The past is over! But the next thing to face may be quite a test. This kind of test may not be able to be endured by everyone. Some people may not be satisfied with them. Of course, there are also some people? There may be other thoughts, which are very normal. I don't make any guarantee about it! "

The so-called do not make any guarantee, which means that Ding Yu will not be responsible for any situation they have. Although previously mentioned this matter secretly, Ding Yu has never made too many statements, but now Ding Yu has come straight ahead! And mentioned this matter to the point!

"Xiaoding, it seems that things are Then Mr. Zhou and Mr. Xin looked at each other and nodded their heads slightly. Soon there was no one else in the room! Then old Zhou also looked at Ding Yu and said, "Xiaoding, things should have been planned for quite a long time, and extremely dangerous!"

"I don't make any judgment on this matter, and I won't make any explanation." Ding Yu's attitude is very resolute, "I can trust the two old people, but I don't believe the people around you. The matter involves too much. This plate does not mean that I can finish if I want to. If there is any problem or situation, many people will come to the door, but I can deal with it. It's just some interests!"

Ding Yu didn't say the following words, but how could the second old man not understand? Ding Yu can sell considerable profits, but what about them? What can they sell? What about the whole faction? It's going to have a lot of problems, so what about this? Or don't let Ding Yu mention it? Better!

But what is Ding Yu's plan so big that it represents the situation that Ding Yu will face at that time? It will be extremely dangerous! Ding Yu's situation is dangerous, so is the situation of all the people below. Even the situation they are facing will be more dangerous than Ding Yu, and the situation they are facing will be beyond imagination!

"It seems that our two old fellows are seriously inadequate in their estimation of the situation."

"So I came to talk to you two in person. Wei Hou's situation is very special. It's no different for him to live or to sacrifice. He is a half disabled person! If the hope of staying in the army is too slim, what about Tianren? He made his own choice, so I don't want to talk about it in the past! "

Why not talk about it, after all? It's not about interests, but about living human life. If something goes wrong, maybe we'll say goodbye to the world forever! When the time comes, all will disappear!

"Xiao Ding, how long is it! Where are the two old guys? Although they are their elders, what about some things? It's up to them to make this decision on their own. The human life is too much! "

"Not for a long time. I'll go to Japan and talk to Dashan and Tanaka first! Then make other decisions! "

"Lao Xin, what do you think of this matter?"

The old man knocked on the table with his hand and thought about it for a long time, but he also bit his teeth. "Things have come so far. I think the long-term pain is better than the short-term pain. I'd better make this decision! Children are old, need to let them go through quite a storm, always stay at home, do not experience the so-called wind and rain, how to see a beautiful rainbow! Their lives are very expensive, but again, can they be more expensive than Xiaoding and song Tianren? If you are afraid of death, you should be a Communist! "

"When we fought, we pinned our heads on our waistbands! Not at that time, but now? " Then he also looked at Ding Yu, "Xiao Ding, what do you say? Give me a charter! "

In the face of such a general, Ding Yu just smiles, "you two are always predecessors. What do you say? I really don't know when I don't speak properly, otherwise my father may not slap me in the face when I go back, but my grandfather won't let me too much! Although there won't be too many people going to complain to him now! "

"I worked with Mr. Wang, but what about general Su? It's just that you admire its prestige

"It's not terrible to lose one's head. It's just a big scar in the bowl. It's a normal thing to have a few scars on someone's body. What we fear most is not on the battlefield, but on the battlefield? Protect yourself, rely on your comrades in arms, obey orders and follow orders! You two said, "don't you?"

"You boy! It's really not so clever. Lao Wang was not so stubborn as that

This is a small joke between the old people, but although he called out Dingyu boy, what about this boy? Can't everyone shout? Take a look at Ding Yu's power and Ding Yu's wealth. Those are not things to talk about and play with! He is the VIP of the whole North just for that farm! Not to mention anything else!

"What about his grandfather? It's time to live in peace

In this way, Ding Yu can really say it, and it's quite smooth! Looking at Ding Yu, the two old men have their own thoughts in their hearts. Do you see that? If it is to feed Ding Yu at home, who knows what will happen, but there is a guarantee that Ding Yu will never be as excellent as now! That's for sure!Now Ding Yu is completely independent of the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family, and even feeds the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family. Because of this, the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family have risen! Although it can not be called a big family, but it can be expected!

Now Wang Pu doesn't need to pay attention to the affairs of Wang family! What about Wang Changlin and wangchenglin? Already able to support the Wang family! What's more, there's Ding Yu, the Big Mac outside. What about their royal family? It can be said that it is really burning Gaoxiang. What about some things? What a blessing in disguise!

At that time, the Wang family howled because of Ding Yu's loss. But now, if Ding Yu had not been lost, what would have happened? It's really hard to say! Some exclamations!

"Xiaoding, since it has been so! Then make a decision! "

"With their consent, if it's good not to die, I'll take them for a year!"

"Three years!" Two old people said with one voice.

"Three years is too long!" Ding Yu shook his head, "even if I agree, other aspects will not agree, and stay with me for too long! For their own development is somewhat unfavorable, after all, they and song Tianren's situation is somewhat different! Tianren is more daring and "bad!" They're a little short of each other! "

"Two years, then."

"A year and a half!" Ding Yu also made the final decision! One and a half years! Whether it is the first echelon or the second echelon, or Hou Tianliang, they do not have such treatment! "I'm only responsible for their training. As for their direction, I don't interfere. What about their lives? Take care of yourself

"If you want to climb the peak, you need to pay for it!" Old Zhou almost bit his teeth and said, "there is still a little bit, Xiaoding, where are the two of them? I don't have much experience. There's another Zhan Zhao in Tianren. He's a criminal policeman, and he's very rich in social experience and experience! "

"It's too late now!" Ding Yu directly refused, "Zhan Zhao has undergone considerable training and testing, so we can let him join him. He is song Tianren's man. If he has problems, song Tianren will take full responsibility. But what about the two of them? I have always given them such a chance, but they have nothing to do with it

Old Zhou and old Xin know this matter very well. When song Tianren started to make trouble about it, they really had some ideas, but at the same time, they were also worried about what problems and conditions might arise, but they thought it would be such a situation there!

"Look at their decisions! We old guys also need to take care of their own interests. We can't pay attention to them all the time because they still go their own way. "

Ding Yu immediately also stood up, "old Zhou, old Xin, I have other things, not convenient to stay!" After two polite words, Ding Yu is also ready to leave. However, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Xin also sent Ding Yu out of the door. It can be said that they personally sent Ding Yu out of the door and watched Ding Yu's car go away!

"Our director Ding! It's extraordinary Looking at the far away car, Mr. Zhou also said with emotion! The following people look at the two old people in front of them. They can't have any idea. They send Ding Yu out personally. This face is really not so simple! There are so many problems involved!

"Mr. Zhou and Mr. Xin, is the matter decided?"

"There are not too many problems in both sides. It depends on their own choice! There must be no coercion or threat. Everything is voluntary. Do you understand it? "

"It seems that this time it's not just about the Longtan tiger den?" After everyone left, the second old man also said in detail, "I'm afraid Xiaoding is also under considerable pressure, otherwise he won't come to the door personally!"

"As far as his power is concerned, there is no need for him at all. If he stays at home, no one dares to give him anything? Obviously, he has other purposes and plans. The above-mentioned trust in him does not mean that there is no reason at all, but these things? No one can see it! "

"This boy! He is a character, and he is a very good character. He has a heart for his family and country, instead of being blinded by material things. He is very lucky to have him

"What about the obvious? We all know, like the farm, like the museum! But I really don't believe the things in the dark because of this? So many people want to fight him? How could it be? "

"What about this? Everyone knows, but no one can put this matter out in the sun, so this boy! Unusual! Because he has dealt with too many things in the dark. What about him? It doesn't belong to the night, but he broke into it alone, which is worthy of respect

"Everyone said that he had an unusual relationship with the chief executive.""You are jealous! The old man is so old! What's more, the chief's father and Wang have always known each other! I'm an old colleague! What's more, even if there is no such relationship, can't we see Xiaoding's contribution? What about this contribution? It may be hard to say, but for the whole country, it's a blessing! "

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