"Director!" Ding Yu just returned to the courtyard, two secretaries came to report! Ding Yu didn't tell them too much about their interests when they looked at them. There was no need for them, because they didn't understand! He made a sign to song Tianren and asked him to deal with the following many things!

After the director left, song Tianren also looked at the two people in front of him with a smile, "welcome to the gate of hell! Originally is me and six elder brothers two bad luck, now add you, have any feeling what to publish? Don't you look straight? Be happy, this is an unforgettable journey for us

Can you laugh at this time? Is song Tianren's head really broken? Do you mean to provoke them at this time? This is a bit amateur, and it is not conducive to the unity between each other. But why do some people want to squeeze their fists when they look at this guy's eyes?

With two people to handle the procedures, song Tianren also noticed that although there was no problem in terms of equipment, the level of the two people was one level lower than that of himself, but song Tianren did not have any words. Obviously, he didn't want to find out the meaning of this matter! This time if provocative words, it seems that the head is really missing a string!

But Deng Rong didn't want to let song Tianren off, "what's your grade? Behind Tianren, at least the performance of you two is not enough to compare with Tianren. I hope you can catch up! Don't fall behind too much! "

Although this is very simple, but for both of them, song Tianren is a new comer. Song Tianren is one level higher than them. This seems to be intolerable. No wonder the bastard jumped so much earlier. Is it that he was waiting for them? We'll see!

"Brother cat, do you feel that there is a lot of sour smell in the air?"

"It's not clear that you are jealous, but your work will not be as easy as you think. They bring people here, and the problems and conditions can be clearly seen from the walking posture. I have no interest in raising shoes for others. You! It's better to ask for your own good fortune

"I really don't underestimate them, but from another perspective? I have never really put them in my heart, because I have never regarded them as opponents. The target is not no, at least Hou Tianliang and Hou secretary? I want to set up a small goal in front of me? It's really quite difficult! "

Song Tianren is not a person who belittles himself. What about the two secretaries? In Song Tianren's heart, they belong to a chasing role. They have already pulled them down more than one step. Whether they will catch up and when they will catch up is not important. They will go ahead according to their own plans!

"Wei Hou, what about your body? There are still quite some problems. It is impossible to adjust so quickly! " Talking to Wei Hou alone, Ding Yu also said very directly, "but what's the good news? The progress of the previous medicine is faster, as for whether it can be adjusted, here is just played a role in promoting! The most important thing is still on your own body

"Yes Wei Hou's reply is also concise and comprehensive! No wordiness!

"After Jin comes back, you will temporarily follow Jin's side. He will have some arrangements, and you will be responsible for the safety of song Tianren and the three of them. What about field operations? It's quite different from fighting in cities. In this regard, I have a detailed experience! "

"Gold?" Wei Hou asked subconsciously!

"Yes, Kim should be back! Disappeared for such a long time, there is no need to hide down the need! Judging from the current situation, there is a considerable gap between you and Kim, from all aspects, but what about his requirements? It may be more strict. I hope you are ready for this! "

All aspects of things have been well arranged. Ding Yu stayed for another day, and then flew to Japan. Looking at the people waiting at the airport, he also nodded his head slightly. Taixi came to Ding Yu's side at the first time, but then he also stood beside Ding Yu, and there was no abrupt performance.

And Dashan and Tanaka on this side, all bow to the end, and show their respect for Ding Yu's arrival! "Hello, sir." When Ding Yu and Tai Xi came to the body, they straightened up their waists.

"Hard work!" Then he also stretched out his hand, "it's getting better."

Dashan and Tanaka also sincerely welcome Ding Yu's arrival. Their family is now firmly tied to Ding Yu, especially the cultivation of children in the family? What's more, it's hard for two people to express their gratitude. After all, what about this? Is the treatment that other respects all have no!

What about the future of Yangkou? The most unfortunate is also a householder's role, this still said that he will be decadent in the future! If he can always keep his present state, what about the future? It may become a regulator as expected. What kind of prosperous times will it be for the whole family?In fact, both Dashan and Tanaka have had considerable contact with Yangkou. Only after contact did they know how spicy Mr. Zhang's eyes were. They were able to select Yangkou from so many people!

As for the cultivation of Yangkou, although we said that we had made quite a row there, we didn't mean to restrict the development of Yangkou! To a large extent, the above is also an open arrangement for Yangkou! In this way, Yangkou can be developed to the greatest extent. His future is really promising!

What's more, the children in the family, sir, didn't treat the children in the family because of Yangkou? They even let these children get along with the children in the winter camp in the capital. We all made progress in this contact, and their mutual performance can be said to be very harmonious!

You know, those children who go to the farm winter camp are all from Beijing! What about the forces behind these children? It can be said that it is abnormal broadcasting. Sir, let the children of Dashan and Tanaka family contact with each other, even some of them? Can also get to know quite good relations, this for Dashan and Tanaka family future development, the role is unimaginable!

What about Dashan and Tanaka? They are the latecomers, but they are all focused on Ding Yu's body now. Even if Ding Yu gives them a knife, they will insert it into their own belly without hesitation!

Three children in the other hospital after living, soon no shadow! With little four eyes? It's the same thing. Ding Yu and Tai Xi sat on the wooden chair, "do you feel your spirit is not good? Is it the problem of living here? "

"No! Mr. Dashan and Mr. Tanaka's hospitality was very good, that is, there are quite a few problems in South Korea. Now we can say that they are particularly enthusiastic. We really want to calm them down, but the problem is that even if we want to pour a basin of cold water, it is also car water cup salary, which does not play a very important role at all! "

"That President will never come to a good end! But what about her? Is it just the person who manipulates this matter secretly? It should be said that it is Li zaireng! He! This time, we should learn quite a lesson. Although he did not stand above the surface, what about a president? You can't solve any problems! "

"Will chairman Li be involved?"

"Dong Li has been out of the world for so many years! All people are covetous of Samsung, but it does not mean that they will attack Samsung. After all, what is the main body of Samsung? He didn't bear much influence, so Li Zai Rong will be in charge at that time! Just come out and be a scapegoat! At least now, Mr. Li doesn't have too many problems! "

"What is the purpose of such mischief?"

"Politics? Seek common ground while reserving differences, but South Korea's problem is slightly too serious! Relying on the United States for so many years, its own development is quite problematic, not to say that changes can be made. What about China? There is considerable autonomy, which does not mean that the process of development is smooth sailing, there are also considerable problems, but the fundamental policy is correct, so even if there are problems, they can be adjusted in time! "

"What about the development of South Korea? It's still too deformed

"One step behind? Will step by step backward, inevitable thing! China has lagged behind for so many years, and it has been beaten for a lot of time. However, because of the correct policy, even if it was beaten, it is still insisting that the whole China now has a complete system. This is a great success. This is really not something that a generation can complete. What about the hardships and twists and turns? Even you and I can't imagine it! "

Sighing for a while, Taixi did not continue to entangle in this matter. There was no significance at all. He had already communicated with some people, but what about such communication? It doesn't work at all. It's even ridiculed to some extent! If it wasn't for the father who stood behind his back, what kind of situation would it be?

"This time to America? It doesn't seem like there are too many things? "

"What? I feel so uncomfortable when I'm free? " Ding Yu also felt that there was some fun. "If you have time, you can go to university or the laboratory with three children. From the perspective of high technology? It can be said that the United States is much more advanced, but what about one thing? The situation is particularly prominent, that is, their funds! There have been quite a number of problems and problems these years! "

"I'll take care of this? Is the joke a little bit big? "

"To force you to find something? This is too deliberate! And rashly into a business? It's not that you don't believe in your ability, but it's too hard! What's more? All three children are here! You mother and aunt? You can't throw them away! However, this is just a plan. It's hard to say whether there will be any changes at that time. It depends on the situation then. "

"Well! Let me be a nanny Taixi is also a bit of a "no go"! In fact, this is totally a joke. To be able to get along with children, of course, I really hope that I don't know about the children? Can I control their age! Or a little bit of "disgusting"!Not long ago, the three children also ran over, but there was not much sweat on their forehead. However, looking at the grass roots on their bodies, Ding Yu twisted his mouth and made a fuss! Tai Xi sighed a little, but what about girls? Is she supposed to be a little more ladylike?

"It feels like the bear is bigger than before!"

Ding Yu looks at the little four eyes with disdain, and the little four eyes squatting there also disdains to look at Ding Yu. Almost at the same time, he turns his face. Tai Xi beside him can't stop laughing. What about big bear? The importance of two children is self-evident!

What about the status in the whole family? It's also very important, but I don't know why the bear is to the father of the child? There are always some who can't see, but what about the father of the child? What about the bear? It seems that there are some king's scorn, but fortunately there is no hostile situation between them!

Watching the child run away again, Tai Xi also complained and said, "you said you are, what do you care about with the bear? The bear has been following the two children, so that they can be said to be out of a very safe situation, the credit can not be denied

"It's the one who doesn't like me, OK? How can you blame me for this? " Ding Yu is also very unconvinced!

Tai Xi shakes his head, the entanglement between each other? It seems to be true that it can not be explained in one sentence or two, but their relationship is not good? It seems that this is not the case. Can only say that they get along with each other? Ordinary people can't understand it!

After Ding Yu and Tai Xi have a rest, Dashan and Tanaka are also visiting Ding Yu again. They are more personal. However, Dashan and Tanaka's clothes are still quite formulaic. In this regard, they have been integrated into their bones. No one can change them!

"Sir, madam!"

Tai Xi bowed down to express, and then went to serve tea! I really don't have any intention to stay. Although it is said that this place is also a servant, it is obviously not suitable for them to come here. After Taixi brought tea, he also went to find three children! Want to see what they've done!

"It's too formal! I'm a guest, so the guest is my guest

"Sir, we would like to thank you for your care of Dashan and Tanaka's family." Looking at the two people who bow and thank each other, Ding Yu shakes his head too! This is really not their own one sentence two sentences can change over!

"You deserve it. I'm just making it convenient for others and myself! If it's true, it won't be noble! " Ding Yu was very modest and said, "OK! Don't be so polite and say something serious Seeing Ding Yu so, Dashan and Tanaka are sitting up straight!

"I asked Kim to deal with it. After all, what is his identity? Although it's a little obvious, it's much more convenient for you, so it doesn't attract too much attention from other people. "

"Sir, we have already planned the capital! At least not too much attention has been paid now! All of them are channels within the group. Moreover, some funds have been raised within the family! In case of emergency! "

"Yes!" The so-called raising some other funds is not a bad thing for Ding Yu. Do you want to participate in this matter? Of course, the more money, the better. What's more, they are still under their own door. It's not a bad thing for them to develop rapidly!

"Thank you very much, sir." Dashan and Tanaka are really concerned about this matter, because it is of great benefit to the development of the whole family. Of course, this matter needs to be explained to Mr. Zhang. You can't do it secretly. If you don't agree, you can give up!

What about talking to your husband? Methods need to pay attention to a point, do not need to be too rigid! In fact, the gentleman is very easy to talk about. He is not so big a devil as he imagined. He is just outside? I don't know so much about Mr. Zhang, so I'm not very impressed!

However, it seems that there is no need to change the meaning of Mr. Zhang, so it is not easy to do anything on my own side!

"What about the planned action? It is aimed at the whole of Britain. The contradiction between them is a little bit big. Now it has begun to operate quite well. Although the specific news has not yet spread, some people have begun to take some actions! "

"Sir, will the British side really make such a choice? Is it not worth the loss at this time? "

"Tanaka? What do you think? " Ding Yu did not answer Dashan's words, but turned to ask the mountain next to him!

"I think the British side should have given considerable consideration to this issue. The EU is mainly composed of France and Germany. What about Britain's accession? They have not been given a proper position, which makes their self-esteem unbearable, let alone their own interests? It's not as big as I thought. If this contradiction is not solved, it will always be a problem, and it is still a considerable problem. But judging from the timing, the British side is a bit abrupt! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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