"Before? I haven't heard much of it from you? " Taking advantage of two small not to pay attention to, Tai Xi is also slightly jealous said! "I don't have that jealousy, don't you know?"

"I saved her relatives when I was in America. What about those guys in Beijing? Using her identity? I want to arrange her by my side and create some gossip for me. I've met a few times, but there's no connection. At most, I'm familiar with her! " Ding Yu's explanation is very clear, not wordy at all!

"She is also a beautiful woman! You're not interested at all? It's still good to watch. Let's not talk about the appearance! But this wire rod looks quite good! "

Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a horizontal look, "how do you mean, I am a beast, right? You can spare me! I really don't have much interest in this aspect. It was the case in the past, and there won't be too many changes in the future! "

"My Lord, I said wrong, can't I?"

For the child's father, Tai Xi or quite understand, standing in his position, there is a calculate one, their own understanding is still less? But what are their lives like? Even chairman Li? It is the same, but in the father's body, there is no such problem!

Sometimes you are quite skeptical? Even with Eugene orny? Also raised a few little girls, but from the beginning to the end? Nothing happened! But I really don't intend to make it clear! It's just asking for trouble!

Three snacks after things, interest is still very big, Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people also accompany them to stroll, really there is nothing else, other aspects also do not want to go to Ding Yu trouble meaning, at least at this time, really will not find Ding Yu trouble! No matter the time or the place, it's not suitable!

"Sir, quite a number of people have expressed concern about your situation!"

"Come out now?" Ding Yu's performance is very insipid, not to say whether to put it on the top of the problem, but think that this thing is quite interested in, "the time is a little bit early! Why do you come out at this time? "

"Sir, they are just paying close attention to you now. There is no other action. Besides, they can't even count the external contact. I don't know if there will be any other actions and situations!"

"Let them keep watching! It's not a big deal. Now, they seem to feel a little bit of flavor, but they don't know how long it can last? And song Tianren. What's the situation there? "

"Everything is normal. It seems that they are a little bit restrained and haven't completely let go!" The security guard also replied solemnly, "to give a personal impression, they seem to be so cautious!"

"Speak directly!"

"They are so inexperienced!" Security immediately showed their attitude! "At least now we can't control the scale well. If we go on like this, sooner or later, we will suffer losses." Obviously, what about song Tianren? Some little worries!

"They have never been to the battlefield. In fact, what about the battlefield? It's not the most complicated one. The battlefield has its own rules and rules, so long as you control it well! Anything else? It's good to give it to luck, but in the real society, it's more cruel than the battlefield! The test is the people's heart, do not know how many of them? Can you change it? "

"Sir? Do you want to add some security measures to them? "

"No need!" Ding Yu waved his hand. "Maybe some people will do it, but they will never directly target song Tianren. It is necessary to kill chickens and macaques, but there is no need to put the target on Song Tianren. They should know something about it now! What about song Tianren? It's not our people at all

"Sir, do you mean that even if they want to, they will only target us!"

"Yes! If they want to make a move, they will only aim at us. Song Tianren is just learning from me! Are the forces behind them really on our side? That's not the truth! But if song Tianren and his colleagues are talked about, they are forced to stand on our side. Do you think they will go back to do such things? "

"Unless it's stupid!"

"Yes! Unless it is stupid, otherwise, it will never be launched. Of course, there may be special circumstances, but who will allow such special circumstances to occur? I hope so! At least we can sell quite a lot of people, but for our hostile forces, they will try their best to stop or even destroy them! "

Back to the residence, Ding Yu also greets song Tianren and them! "I called you together earlier, but you are a little restrained to death? Tianren, I heard your work is very busy? I'm a little curious! "

"Director?" Song Tianren scratched the back of his head. There are so many people who don't quite understand him. What about his own people? I don't want to add any trouble to the director. After all, what about here? Different from that in China, there are some people who are not suitable for their own identities. So the invitation from the director was rejected!But now the director comes to the door on his own initiative! There are so many people can't understand this! Obviously, the director came to question why he didn't want to go with him. So song Tianren is a little confused now. Can't he tell the director that he is afraid of adding any burden to the director?

"What? Do you understand? "

"Director, I feel so confused!" Look at the people, forget it, it's up to you! They guys! I'm afraid I really don't have the confidence and courage, so I can only be the vanguard! "We just feel that the environment is a little more complicated, and we don't have a lot of adaptability to this? Under the present situation, it is better to keep a little vigilance! "

"The idea is good!" That is to say, immediately Ding Yu got up and left! There is no intention to stay at all. This action makes song Tianren feel very different from each other, even quite puzzled. The director comes here to say such a sentence to them, which will never be too boring!

But what is the cause? At one time, we really have some do not want to understand, since do not want to understand, so good to study it? What if not? Confused, are you kidding? The director has come in person! You want to continue to be lazy? There will be no good days in the future!

"What is the situation? Six elder brother, you come first? "

Wei Hou shakes his head slightly. He doesn't understand it. Is it wrong to stay here? Do you know that since leaving the country, you really feel nervous and nervous? In the past, I have performed many tasks, but what about such tasks? I really haven't experienced it!

You know, this is a foreign country, but what about your own body? It can be said that it is fully armed, but no one paid attention to it! Even if there are policemen, they are totally blind to it! What kind of a thing is this? Wei Hou really can't understand! There are also so many do not understand!

The police are not blind. Are they really blind? It is impossible for Wei hou to carry weapons in China, but there are quite a few regulations about them, and they have never been revealed, but they are here! What about director Ding Yuding? Although not too much exposure, but not too blatant?

So when asked, Wei Hou shakes his head. He hasn't sobered up, so he can't talk about his feelings and opinions. Now he can only shake his head. Otherwise, what should we do?

Song Tianren immediately put the target on the other two people, but there was no response either. The director did not want to criticize them, but the director personally asked them to come over to express what they were doing? Never do nothing!

What's more, since the director came out, to a certain extent, the four people are also led by song Tianren, not to say that they want to see song Tianren's jokes. They really don't have this meaning. The main reason is that we can't feel their heads now!

"After a 10 minute break, we may have different insights if we wake up a little bit."

After each other's separation, song Tianren also looked at Zhan Zhao beside him, "brother cat, how do you see this matter? The director is still the same as before. He will never point out some things. He will only give so-called guidance and be able to understand them? It's the best. If you don't understand, it's not as simple as suffering! "

"Song Shao, in fact, although it's not long since I came out, I still feel like I'm still in my dream! I haven't been able to wake up all the time. Do you have such feelings? I don't feel them, but I personally want to break free from them, and it will take some time! This is my personal situation! "

"What do you mean?" Song Tianren is also frowning? I feel there is something in brother cat's words!

"Song Shao, I feel our state? We haven't recovered all the time. We are excited, nervous and even confused, including some flusters. Whether we admit it or not, it's a real thing. Are you looking at the security guards of the director? There is no such situation, for them, as if everything is familiar with the same! It can't be more normal! "

"This question is a little too practical!" Song Tianren also sighed, "don't talk about brother cat! Even if I feel pressure, I feel excited when I don't come out. I can follow the director's side! But what happens when you come out? All of a sudden panic! For the first time on the battlefield! Who knows what will happen? And did you see six brothers? What about his appearance? It seems not so calm? It's a rare sight

"It's true. He can see it on his body. It hasn't happened before!"

"Six brothers retired from the army. What happened? Must be more than us, he can feel a little nervous? Even I feel incredible, this is not really grinding so simple When he spoke, song Tianren also took a look at his wrist watch. It was still very early!"So what do I think? The director is also urging us. What about the situation? We just follow the director's side to learn. We need to have a lot of experience, but what about us now? If you say something bad, it's like a quail who's scared out of your wits! "

"Wait! wait a moment! The last thing you said? "

"Song Shao, it's not that I say it badly, but I really think that we are just like quails who are scared out of their wits now!"

Song Tianren seems to suddenly understand what, the expression on his face is also changed again and again, "we now seem to be really scared quail, don't say there is no one! Even if there is a so-called wind and grass movement, we seem to shiver all over, there is no other reaction at all, is it? Cat

"How about that? I don't know, but that's what happened! It's hard to say anything! "

Soon, people gathered together again, but this time, Wei Hou took the lead to show his attitude. "I think after we came here, there was a problem in the adjustment of our mentality, and even we could not help avoiding some problems. Whether we admit or not, this is the case."

"I agree! What about this one? It's not from the outside, it's not from the director, but from ourselves. But we don't seem to realize the problem! "

Song Tianren made the final summary of the speeches of the big brother. "We have no qualification to participate in the affairs of the director, so we don't need to put gold on our faces. Under such circumstances, we still behave like this. What if we encounter any problems?"

After saying this, everyone felt that they were ashamed. They had come to the director's side very early and had undergone considerable training. But now, they need to prove that they have more things to go. In the past, it seemed that they had crossed a high mountain, but now they are just a small soil bag! And it's just a little bump with a big butt!

"The general context has come out! Now the question is, what should we do? Shut the door and talk? Doesn't work? Even if we are just talking, there is no use, or do we need to think about how we can mediate? This is the first problem

At the same time, Ding Yu looked at Jin standing in front of him for quite a long time, and then without hesitation, gave him a blow, "it's very strong, hard for you!"

"Sir, the plan has already been made! That's what I did

Let Jin sit down, Ding Yu just brought a cup of coffee in the past, "said so, but the actual situation is that? I've read the briefing of the action. The plan has been made! But how can the plan change quickly! It needs a lot of ability. It's a good performance! I have other considerations

"Sir, I don't like to sit in the office, at least not now!" Jin like expressed his attitude, "it's too boring to sit in the office, and my personal ability, I don't feel up to it now!" Because he knew Ding Yu, Jin also expressed his problem! It's very direct and happy!

"You! If you don't really enjoy happiness, forget it! There is no use forcing you to leave, and it's really inappropriate to let you leave so soon. At least you have left, and there are also some restrictions around you. You can do whatever you like! By the way, there is a group around recently. You can see the situation! "

"I looked at their information when I was on the plane, and I felt that their mental state was very wrong! It's understandable that almost all the chicks just come out are in this situation! "

"The time to come is too short! When you left, I chose a person from the intelligence department to follow me. Hou Tianliang is very smart, and his understanding ability is also quite good. But is it the identity of him? Too special! People from the intelligence department! Really, if you show up, those guys outside will devour him! There will never be any constraints left behind! "

"Sir, it would be a great threat to everyone if they were trained. Anyway, you have already made a bad deal with Mr. Zhang! If you get rid of Hou Tianliang, even if the situation is bad, it won't be worse. But if you let him follow him all the time, it will be a nightmare in the future

"So to solve the problem once and for all is the best way. This is why I didn't take him with me, so I put him down temporarily! But these new guys! It's really not that piece of material. At least now, it's a little troublesome to beat it up! "

"Sir, I will take care of them! I promise to impress them! "

"You are a little lighter, they! Even the flowers in the greenhouse are not counted. If the storm really goes on! Then it will not be so simple as disabled! ""Sir, I'll have a certain scale. One sheep drives, and a group of sheep keeps them."

"It's up to you! By the way, children miss you very much and know you are back! I'm afraid I'll be very happy! "

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