"Wow, uncle Kim!" When the two children saw Jin, they immediately rushed over. As for Wang Xiaogang, he was staring at the so-called uncle Jin in front of him. He felt a little surprised!

Jin is holding two small around a few times, and then put the two children down. Looking at Wang Xiaogang standing there with a stick, he also smiles, "Hello, I'm Jin!"

"Hello, I'm wang Xiaogang!" Finish saying that, also be to scratch own head, a bit silly!

"I came in such a hurry. Although I have prepared some gifts for you, I can't get them back for a while, so you may have to wait a moment!" As he sat down, Kim expressed his apology.

The two children really don't care about it. When they are outside, they are taken good care of by Jin. In addition to their parents, they may have the most contact with Uncle Jin. What about Jin? Not so strict with his father, even in his spare time can accompany himself to play, is a little more work!

Sitting with the three children for a period of time, Jin went to see song Tianren! In addition to the first look at Song Tianren, the rest of the eyes are placed on Wei Hou's body, slightly moving his nose, "the smell on your body has not been eliminated for such a long time? What's more, you seem to have some big problems? "

"In the process of recuperation! It may take time! " As for Jin, we all know quite well, but we only heard his name, but we didn't see him! After seeing it today, I found that this guy was in the middle of imagination? It's totally different! What about the face? Not too much seriousness, but the same? Also can't see what so-called smile!

"Hello, I'm Kim! Sir's safety officer, what about the future? May work together, I hope everyone can cooperate with each other, do their own work well! In particular, what about my requirements? Maybe it will be a little more strict. If I can't meet my requirements, I don't think you want to know what the consequences will be. On this issue, those idiots in the second echelon can prove that, right! Nice to meet you all! I hope our next contact will be very happy

When he turns around and leaves, Jin throws his head at Wei Hou. Wei Hou takes a look at the crowd, and then follows Jin's side. Looking at Jin Li, they also take a breath of cold air and feel a little pain in their teeth!

Gold's coming too fast! It's not to say that it gives everyone a bad impression, but from his eyes? How much can you see, for these people? Some of them don't really care about it. Exactly? There are so many belittled, of course, there are so some boasting!

"Do you feel that Kim's eyes are so familiar?"

Song Tianren didn't mean to liven up the atmosphere, but he really had this feeling. But why is Jin's eyes so familiar? There is really no specific statement! It feels strange!

"The injury has never recovered? The smell of gunsmoke on you is too strong

"Yes Wei Hou's reply is very cautious! Even away from a considerable distance! You should know that even if the director is at his side, he does not feel so much pressure. However, when Jin stands in front of him, Wei Hou is not very comfortable. What is the discomfort? It is really not clear!

"You seem to have some fear? No Kim changed his words. "It's not afraid. It should be said that he showed considerable precautions against me. From this reaction, it's a little exaggerated."

Wei Hou didn't answer this question. He just looked at Jin. Jin stood up on his shoulder. "It seems that there is still a considerable gap between this practice and my husband. I have been with him for quite a long time. When I first saw Mr. Huang, my reaction was almost the same as yours. However, I don't feel like this when I stay with him now !”

"There is no such feeling on the director's body!"

"So I don't have enough practice! But on the other hand, what about your cultivation? It's the same thing. Although I don't know how the injury on your body is, the guys transferred here! They are all pieces of rags. There are not many good ones. I'm a little worried! Your situation is particularly serious! "

"I will recover as soon as possible!"

"You still have a lot to look at. I mean combat, but if you keep going like this, maybe you will go to God in two and a half days! By the way, you don't trust God, I should say you went to Marx! It's not ridicule, it's just my own expression. I hope you can adjust your breath as soon as possible

"Mr. king? That's what you came to me for? "

"Just call me Kim! Or the gold supervisor can! I don't care, sir. I mentioned you. For the time being, Mr. Zhang doesn't have so much time and energy. So I'm responsible for your situation temporarily. I don't care about your internal situation. But you need to be my deputy. Is there a problem? "

"Director Jin, the affairs of the group need assistant song to be in charge!""This is your internal affair. It has nothing to do with me. You should be my deputy and be responsible for the specific security. I don't want you to have other problems. So I just need your answer now. Can or can't you?"

"Report, yes!"

"Good, and this is not a troop, so there's no need to report!" Kim was very satisfied, "inform them to prepare, take you to see, even if we meet each other!"

"Now?" However, as soon as he spoke, Wei Hou also drew his heel together. "I'll go back to prepare immediately."

"Notice that you are no longer a soldier! Try not to carry the smell of soldiers on your body, which will make other people very unaccustomed. There are a lot of people on the security side. They are also from the military. When they have time, they can communicate with each other! " Look at the watch, "five minutes, meet at the door!"

"Six elder brother, is there something wrong with you? This expression is a little serious!"

"In five minutes, we will gather at the gate, and director Jin will go out to have dinner with us. It's a gift for us."

Ah? Everyone looked at each other, and Wei Hou snorted softly. However, as everyone left, Wei Hou also tugged song Tianren. "Director Jin asked me to be his deputy, mainly responsible for our security issues!"

"Good thing Song Tianren also smiles at Wei Hou. "Six elder brothers, what are our situations? Others don't know. Don't we know ourselves? Just me and brother cat? It's just for nothing to go out. There's security around them, but how do you say that? It's also a little bit short. I'll give it to six brothers. Everyone can rest assured! "

"I mentioned your situation to director Jin. Our division of labor is different. I'm only responsible for security issues!" Wei Hou once again mentioned this matter. It is better to mention some problems face to face, so as to avoid misunderstanding! Now do this aspect of the explanation, save time, the same also avoid other problems!

"I see! Six elder brothers, I will talk to them two people! "

Six elder brother already said this very clearly! Song Tianren is not a man who is careful. What about six brothers? To be the so-called deputy to the director of gold is a matter of everyone's safety. What's more, what's the main purpose of Liuge's coming here? Is to study these, originally has so many does not match with oneself! Everyone's purpose is different!

More specifically, this should be the director's arrangement, otherwise, why let six elder brother be the deputy? But six elder brother did not conceal oneself, and directly talked about this matter with oneself, his this thought! There are still some too elegant! Can't say is not good, is some too straightforward!

Taking advantage of the emptiness, song Tianren also briefly mentioned this aspect with the two secretaries. What about six elder brothers? There are already quite arrangements. What about them? I'm afraid we'll be on the agenda one after another, but now we haven't made preparations in this respect! This is also a problem!

For Jin and song Tianren, they go out to eat supper, Ding Yu not only does not have any obstruction, but also laughs. This action also makes Taixi a little puzzled, "it seems that you are very happy?"

"Kim is back! It really gives me a lot of free time! Song Tianren, they are now! It's still elm pimple. It's not easy to get enlightened, but I don't have so much time and energy! "

"I don't see any problems with them. Are your requirements too strict?"

"Are you strict with me? It's too short for them! It's the so-called recruits. If we let them go to the battlefield at this time, would they piss off? It's really hard to say, but I'm the commander? You can't train them in person! "

"What about the metaphor? Some of them are exaggerated? "

For Tai Xi does not cooperate, Ding Yu hummed, but here to educate her? It's a little inappropriate, but I always remember that when I get back to the United States, I really need to let her know why the flowers are so red, and what is the cost of getting angry? It's definitely what we don't want to face!

Jin took the people to a guild hall, which belonged to the Dashan family. He didn't go to the so-called tavern or any kiosk. It seemed inconvenient to some extent. However, the people around him didn't really have any requirements for service! Think song Tianren's identity is not so appropriate!

"Sit down! The conditions here are more comfortable. The environment is totally closed. At the same time, the conversation is more private and intimate! Just relax and relax

The words just finished, there was a knock at the door, and he saw Dashan Minxing come in respectfully, "director of gold!" Then he bowed to the bottom, and after Jin spoke, he let his subordinates put the drinks and fruit plates down!

"Sit down!" Dashan Minxing was stunned for a moment. He just came to say hello to him, but he didn't expect such treatment. "Let me introduce you to Mr. Song Tianren, leader song, and next to him is Wei Hou. They are secretaries! This is Zhan Zhao! "Then he introduced them to song Tianren and said, "Dashan Minxing of this club, the people of Dashan family! This time Mr. Yamamoto came to Japan. He was responsible for many things in the periphery. It was very hard. If you have any needs in the future, you can contact each other under inconvenient circumstances! "

"You have worked hard!" Standing up is also bowing, at the same time, this heart is also a sincere thanks to Kim, after all, such an opportunity is not everyone can have! What happened after Mr. Ding came? He is only responsible for the external situation, the owner and Mr. Tanaka can be said to have explained some things clearly! Keep it in mind!

If there was no gentleman, there would never have been Dashan family today. He might still be living in a restaurant or even living in a tavern? Can not often go, because the conditions at home will not allow themselves to do so! But now? This guild hall is already its own!

Can practice in the side of Mr. Song Tianren, their identity? It's absolutely extraordinary. The friendship and friendship may play an important role in the future! No wonder director Kim is back today! Obviously, this is also a reward for Dashan family!

Mr. or the owner and Mr. Tanaka are not needed for such a thing. Even if it was not for the special situation, the gold supervisor would not be able to come forward. But today, the director of gold came forward! This is really exciting for Dashan Minxing! This is to make it clear to pave the way for yourself!

Soon, the public also chatted together. What about Dashan Minxing? Although he was very cautious, he had already understood the meaning of director Jin, so he also picked up quite a topic, and everyone had a good time talking about it! Almost an hour later, Kim asked for a new fruit plate!

Dashan Minxing is to personally deliver, quickly out of the room, even deliberately closed the door! There are a lot of snacks on the table, but director Jin asked for a new fruit tray. The meaning in it is quite clear. Dashan Minxing knows very well that this is to give himself a step. What about the rest of the conversation? I'm not fit to stay!

"Assistant song, may I hear from Wei Hou? Are you the leader of the team? But from my personal observation, your nerves are already tense, there are so many fierce! I don't know what the reason is? "

"Director of gold? Although it is not the first time for us to go abroad, it is really the first time for us to go abroad with the director. In the past, we have not experienced such a scene. In addition, we have some reasons above, so we have a little bit of formality, and we have never let go! " Song Tianren also answered sincerely!

"Before leaving Japan? I hope you can solve the problem of your own pressure. As for the way to use, I don't want to ask more about it. For yourself, if you can't keep up with this rhythm, then wait for your results? Is there only one left? That is to be eliminated! "

"Director Jin, we will try our best."

"It's your own business to work hard or not. It doesn't need other people to join in. It's meaningless. I hope you can understand whether I'm eliminated from the competition for you? I don't have much interest. It's better to stay. We can work together. Didn't you stay? It's not that I eliminated you, but you eliminated yourself. It's so simple! "

Shaking his own glass of wine, "and a little, don't think that if you go out of the country and follow your husband's side, you will have nothing to worry about! I advise you to give up this idea, this is not your so-called iron rice bowl, don't think about it! At least what about me? I still have this right! "

It didn't take long for Dashan Minxing to come in again. It was not just the fruit tray, but also some other things. The room became lively again. Before leaving, Jin and Dashan Minxing also walked in the middle of the room, "these guys! It's still a little tender, but the qualification is good. If you have a chance in the future, you can contact me! "

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, Mr. king."

"Not so much thank you, pay needs to get considerable return, maybe not now, but does not represent the future!"

When I came back, it was quite late! Ding Yu and Tai Xi have already had a rest! So song Tianren and they all lay down after washing!

"Brother cat, did director Kim mean it?"

"It must have been intentional! But what about the intention? Some encouragement, but the same? Also has the quite guidance, also has is my brain? Now it's still a bit chaotic, I hope to be able to use the shortest time to adjust, but the time really does not wait for a damn! What the hell

"Yes! Damn it! Mad What about this? Pour really is not complaining, or venting their dissatisfaction, but to their own so some hate it! Obviously, I wasted too much time. Otherwise, would it be like this?

What about the first and second tier guys? They are just guided by the director of a direction, at most in their leisure time just, there is really no other action, but now they have begun to step into their posts! What about your own side? Even the director has a little dislike of even fighting. The difference is a little bit big!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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