"Do you want to remind them both?" Zhan Zhao asked!

"It must be a wake-up call. Where are the two of them? They may want to understand it, or they may not understand it. But in the end, we should let them understand. Although it seems that this is not a big thing, what is the actual situation? There may be a lot of involvement, and we can't afford to take it lightly. Otherwise, there will be big problems! "

"You mean in the future?" For song Tianren's words, Zhan Zhao is also a little thoughtful!

"Not just in the future, even now? There may also be considerable problems! We are all within the scope of the assessment, including you, brother cat, the same is true. How about a high or low score? It's not what the purpose is. To be able to enrich yourself to the greatest extent is the most important thing. How to enrich yourself? It's not just the efforts of others, but also a considerable comparison? " What song Tianren said is so wordy!

"I feel that although it is only a few days, there are still so many things I have experienced in these days, and even some unimaginable things. There is also director Jin. I feel that he has two styles with the director!"

Song Tianren snorted, "what about the gold supervisor? Pour is not arrogant person, but that is also to whom? In a way? He didn't expect to put us in his heart and say a bad word. In fact, we are a burden. No one will be too happy in such a situation! "

"It's not like your assistant Song said it!"

"In the past, I really didn't know how high the sky was and how thick the ground was, but now how can we not know? No one is stupid, is he? The things you see are not the same at all. What if you broaden your horizons? Naturally, this idea is not the same, but this psychology? It's really hard to change! "

"Yes, to say a hard word, I am a police officer, and I am a criminal police officer. How do I feel about myself? Will is still relatively firm, even if it was masturbated, there is no change, but came here, I do not know what my family name is! Want to convergence of this mind, is really want, but can not hold their own heart! It's always hard to sink! "

"At this point, none of us can compare with Hou Tianliang, the Secretary of Hou Tianliang! How about Secretary Hou at first? That's just one thing! It's OK for anyone, but now I know that it's not a problem that everyone can go to. If you and my generation go to that position, I'm afraid it's already gone to all over the world! "

"No! I should have floated, I have never experienced it! But assistant song, you are different! It's not about the theory of origin. At least assistant song has experienced something. I've never experienced it! "

"Don't bury me? It's OK, it's like I can do it! " Song Tianren also said without good breath, "what about me? Because of the family, I have been to many places, but it's like a blind bear breaking corn. It's just like breaking a ear and eating a ear. That's just to broaden some of the so-called horizons. What if I say it? It doesn't mean much! On this point! It's really a lot more different than their three children! "

"You may not know, this side of the capital! The people who hit their three children are really out of the sea, but what about those who have children at home? They all want to bite off a piece of meat in the future

"No! At such a young age

"Because they are still young, they are especially concerned about. You know, they are taught by the director himself. In the future, they will not know what kind of evil they will be! If anyone is contaminated! In the future, there may be considerable development in the family. You have not been to the winter camp

"Those kids are doing very well!"

"One of my nephews is at the winter camp too! It's the little fat dun. My father and big brother talked to each other on the phone. They really praised him to the sky! But also because the contrast is too big, but really need to admit that the director used that way is really good! Let you involuntarily have to work hard! They have really caught up with a good time and a good opportunity for education! It's absolutely not a small matter! "

"The girl in my house! I'm old! But it's still very good. I feel very obedient, but I owe their mother so much! " Zhan Zhao shakes his head!

"The question? You don't have to think about it! I've made a lot of arrangements. I haven't told you about this before, since you said it now! Well, I'll mention that at least you don't have any worries! Whether it's uncle Xin or the old man? You don't need to worry about it at all. But if you say something, I can only do it! "

"Really?" Zhan Zhao said something that he didn't believe!

"What are you doing? I song Tianren although there are so some not very tune, but this discretion still has, OK! Let's not talk about it! It's better than you think. Let's talk about our own business! What should be done next? Relieve the pressure, and at the same time? Actively integrate into it! ""The pressure will only increase! It's not something that can be alleviated. Should we integrate into it? This is also very difficult! " Looking at Song Tianren who wants to smoke, Zhan Zhao also continues to say, "I have learned something about the general itinerary. Now it's just Japan, then the United States, and maybe Europe. What about Japan? Not too many things, that's it! What if I went to America? What is the situation? "

Song Tianren and Zhan Zhao discussed with each other, and the two secretaries over there also discussed with each other. We all discussed the same things. Now we finally understand why the director put so much pressure on them and even didn't hesitate to make so-called small reports. Now, it's light!

If there is no previous sharpening, then now they may directly take a gun to kill themselves, it is not a place for people, OK? The surface is bright, but what about the actual surface? The black one!

"You put so much pressure on them?" Ding Yu said it casually.

"I didn't give them too much pressure. I just explained some things to them, so that they could see more clearly, so as to save them from worrying you, sir! In the end, it's not very good. Maybe it will be useful in the future, but at present, it still needs considerable training. "

"Whatever you want! It's just for you to practice Ding Yu didn't care. Looking at Dashan and Tianzhong, they both sat down. After seeing Ding Yu and Dashan, Dashan nodded and said hello to Jin. They heard about Dashan Minxing yesterday! Thank you very much!

After all, let them contact song Tianren, the difference is too big! And gold led them to the hall of Min Xing, which was another thing! Mutual understanding and familiarity between each other, to know song Tianren behind them? Can have considerable resources, not to mention the use of no use, at least have a considerable friendship!

And after the so-called friendship? The rest is easy to handle! If you can't even enter the temple gate, how can you worship Buddha? The truth is simple, but things to do, it is absolutely not so simple!

"Here they are! Then let's talk about it! " Ding Yu spread out his hand!

"Sir, someone is coming from the port city! It's very private! " Kim took the lead in his speech.

"Sir, there are quite a lot of people here in Japan who are very interested in you!"

But Tanaka shook his head slightly, "Sir, the attitude of South Korea is a little bit tough!"

"Tough?" Ding Yu murmured to himself, "good words are hard to persuade the damned ghosts! Since this road is their own choice, we can't stop it, can we? Let's talk about what we should talk about! I'm flying straight to America. What about this? It's really impossible to get around the United States. They are more anxious to wait than they are now! "

"Sir, what kind of attitude will the United States have? You know, Britain is their leader. They will never watch things and problems happen in Britain!" Dashan said with a worried face!

"Tanaka, what do you think?"

"Sir, I think the United States will help the British side!"

When he saw his husband looking at him, king stood up on his shoulder and said, "the United States definitely wants to help Britain, but I personally think it is even helping? It should also be limited. After all, what is the attitude of the United States towards the EU? It's still a little ambiguous! " As soon as the words came out, Dashan and Tanaka's eyes brightened up!

"So this time? Go to the United States first, we can sit down and have a good chat, and take what we need! I am interested in the UK, they are interested in the EU! Yes, of course? America may need to protect Britain? What about me? I still have a little favor for the EU, so it depends on whose means are more powerful! "

"Sir, if that is the case, then this matter can be manipulated very much! But the British side will not be unprepared at all. We have considerable funds, but what about these funds? Not enough! "

"We don't need to worry too much about funds. Are you willing to participate? We are business partners. I am not willing to treat my friends unfairly. If not, there is no need to force anything? Or that sentence, good words hard to persuade the damned ghost, everyone? They have their own choices, don't they? "

"They don't have the courage, sir! Not enough

"I still hope to be able to unite some friends. They are not willing to be friends, and there is no way to do it. I can't hold a gun against their heads. It's not good to be unwilling, is it? There is no need to do such tasteless things! When I come to Japan, the one who should come will come. Since I don't come, then forget it! "

Ding Yu also made a decision on this matter, and the matter is over! It's like fighting a war. The three armies have not moved their supplies first. It doesn't mean that all the battles have been finished! You give the food and grass to come over, and then divide the so-called booty, such a thing will be despised by everyone!Soon everyone also reached a consensus, "Sir, we have prepared lunch!"

"No lunch! It's too wordy to make dishes and bowls! Just a few of us have lunch together! Everyone in the house is here! Although I have met before, but work is the first thing, since the work has passed! Let's have a dinner party then

"Yes, sir. We're going to hold it right away!"

Both Dashan and Tanaka know that this is a chance for the husband to contact the family and get familiar with each other's feelings. The husband's wife and children are here! What about family gatherings like this? Not all the time!

Before the evening, Ding Yu has been flying directly to the United States! While sitting on the plane, Taixi takes care of the three children, and Ding Yu has a lot of work to do!

What about song Tianren and the three of them? Even more so! There are a lot of gold supervisors to account for the work, there can not be any delay, because any delay, may cause huge losses!

And for song Tianren, they look at these documents on their desk, which is really getting thicker and thicker! If you wait a little longer, will you be able to bury them? Where exactly are the documents from? You really want to kill them, don't you? Then come up again like this, not even a buffer time?

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to it at all! It's the same with Kim. What about the two secretaries? Because he is a secretary's job, so this is handy, but song Tianren is not this material at all! So he is now a head two big, feel so some claws!

But can't it be done? So can only be impatient to ask for advice, and this consultation? We also need to see the timing, because the two colleagues are very busy, including the director and Kim? It's all in one room!

After all, it's a plane! Even if the space is large, it is limited. What's more, Ding Yu needs to process quite a number of files in real time, so it is impossible to leave here, that is, two or three hours! Song Tianren felt his head was about to explode! It's true that some of them can't bear it!

Ding Yu seemed to feel something. He looked up and immediately put down his pen. "Take a rest for 30 minutes! You can sleep, but not more than 15 minutes! Then have a short meeting! "

Song Tianren and they didn't know how to get back to the cabin store. Anyway, they lay down in a daze. They remembered what they had drunk when they lay down, but no one can tell clearly what they were! That is, 15 minutes, all of them were woken up, washed their faces, and then came to the conference room!

"Have something to eat! But don't eat too much! Because there is quite a time away from the United States, so now it is regarded as time difference! " What about Ding Yu's speech? It's not polite, but it's just the same? There is no expression on the face, it is very plain!

"Director, will future work be like this?" After biting a sandwich, song Tianren said with gnashing teeth.

"The workload is not so big now. What are you dealing with? It's just a relatively simple thing! I don't believe you. Even if the last two decimal places are wrong, it is also an astronomical loss. Even if you are made of gold, you can't afford to pay! "

"Director, these are the most relaxed?"

"Yes, these are the most relaxed!" It means that there is no threat at all! For song Tianren, they are really not necessary! "As time goes on, you will gradually come into contact with more things. I hope you will have a lot of luck!"

What is luck, director Song Tianren has always been more daring, so what about this? Or relatively casual, not like the other two? It's a little quiet now!

"What about the things you're in contact with? It's easy to handle, but even if you leave here in the future, the things you contact also need to be strictly confidential. I think someone has already explained these things when they come here! I don't want to be mentioned in the future, which makes it difficult for me to do it! "

"Director? You mean you're going to come to us in every way

"Understanding is still very good." Looking at Song Tianren, Ding Yu also grinned grimly, "what about the people who want to infiltrate into the group these years? Many, what about the people who have problems within the group? It's not that there isn't, but it's basically digested inside! "

"Internal digestion?" Song Tianren feels that he has some dry mouth!

"Yes! Internal digestion! As you imagine, many of them can't find any information on this earth! But I didn't do much of it, because someone would be willing to do it for me. For you, hope is a warning! Some mistakes? You can touch them. No one is a saint, but there are some mistakes? He who touches will die. "Song Tianren and others all agreed to swallow a mouthful of saliva. The words came from director Ding Yuding's mouth. I don't know why. It's so shocking! But as we all know, the director does not like to joke, that is to say, this is the truth!

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