"Miss orange apricot, sir!"

Ding Yu picked up the phone, but he didn't mean to stay in the room. He just nodded at Jin slightly. Jin knew what he meant, so it was also the topic of Ding Yu!

"When you were in Japan, you didn't experience too many tests. This is normal. After all, what about Japan? They are relatively small and a little more sensitive. In addition, you are still in the sphere of influence of the Dashan and Tanaka families, and the range of activities is very small, so there are not many opportunities. But if you leave Japan, the situation will be different! "

"Supervisor, are we going to suffer a lot of temptation?"

"A lot of temptations?" Kim also touched his chin. "What about temptation? There are three kinds of Rights: money, women and faith. What about the so-called rights for you? I can't talk about it yet! Betrayal? Just because the price is not enough! Above these three points? How much can you take? "

"Our faith is unbreakable!" We all swear to say!

"You can say that, but you can see from this that you are still too young! The so-called money and women are not as simple as you think. Sometimes you don't need money and women. Even you need an action expression on your face, you can judge the valuable information! "

"Is that ok?"

"Why not, yes or no? Do you really think everyone is stupid? How is it possible that you can think of it? Why can't others think of it? It's just to verify whether it is or not? Do you think intelligence is locked in the box? Don't be fooled by the TV! "

Looking at director Jin's smile, song Tianren felt that they had some toothache, "supervisor, we have not been trained in this aspect! Let's go to the battlefield. Is this just death? "

"Are you still on the battlefield? forget it! Now it can only be regarded as beating the so-called side drum. What can you see? To a certain extent, it is intended to let you see it, so it's better to behave a little more ordinary! Generally speaking, it can be understood in this way. Are there any other questions? "

"Director, isn't there anything good about it? At least let's hope! Always living in despair, I am afraid the whole life will be decadent! Isn't it? "

"Have you read capital! As Marx said, capital came to the world, from head to toe, with blood and dirty things, of course, everyone's pursuit is different! People are more willing to understand capital as money, but this is a serious mistake. What about capital? It is the general term of all kinds of social and economic resources for human beings to create material and spiritual wealth. What about spiritual wealth? It's also a kind of capital. Sometimes it's a little more terrible than material! "

"The old proletariat!"

"They are worthy of admiration, at least in their bodies? They have experienced many tests, but they only represent the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. For you, it is hard to say whether you have such spiritual wealth or not! "

"What's more, these are the most basic things in economics. You should study them when you are in college. If you have a good review of your lessons, it doesn't mean that you can apply them to practice. But if you take a look at them after a while, you will find that everything? Maybe, there are some different ways of expressing them in the books. "

At this time, Ding Yu came back again and made a phone call with orange apricot. During Ding Yu's stay in Japan, Ju apricot was in the way of her work, so she was not there. So she deliberately called to apologize. Of course, she also mentioned some things about her work! As for the follow-up arrangement, we still need to see Ding Yu's action!

After Ding Yu came back, he also heard Jin's words, but he really didn't mean to speak. After Jin finished, he looked at his watch. "There are two minutes left. I'll simply add that time is precious for you. Waste means death is getting closer and closer. The sickle in his hand will not tell you so-called When you cut it down, you won't ask who you are? Cherish it

Cherish it? How to cherish it? Song Tianren, they also feel that the head is a little bit big!

But soon they were pressed by the work. Didn't you see that the director and Jin were the same? Relative to their workload, their own side of the work is showing a geometric decline! But even so, people feel that there are so many breathless!

"They haven't woken up yet?" Looking at Tai Xi's appearance, Ding Yu also handed over the hot towel in the tray, "you don't have to boil it. When they wake up, they won't go to their mother directly!"

"Just get used to it as soon as possible! After all, they are adults! It's not like children. They are still so small after all. I'm really worried about it! "

After wiping, Ding Yu takes the towel! Put it in the tray again!"By the way, how are they doing? It seems that you still pay more attention to them? "

"It's not a matter of valuing or not valuing, but a few of them! There is no experience at all, and there is no systematic training in advance. To be more presumptuous, you can't drag your hands, but you can't carry them. It's about them! Now stay with me? It's a time bomb, so take care of it as much as possible

"Must it be released?" Tai Xi is very confused!

"Time waits for no one! What can be done? They still carry a lot of expectations on their bodies. I don't want to go on their job, but Hou Tianliang's performance makes too many people excited! Is this the time? China really needs to be a little more stable, so we managed to take them over! And when you take it over, you need snacks! "

"It feels a little bit less like your style!" Tai Xi said with great interest that Ding Yu was also smiling! However, I didn't explain it too much! Some things? Tai Xi or do not know for the better, not to say that they deliberately hide her what, but she knows, absolutely no benefit!

Since the father of the child didn't mean to explain, Taixi didn't want to ask, but what about the three little monkeys? Really did not sleep too much time, Wang Xiaogang small face black a little fierce, still have quite get up gas, have no way of things, but he did not experience how jet lag so said!

Although two small did not have too much reaction, but the expression on that small face still can explain quite a problem! But for Ding Yu, there are no problems. He deliberately cooked a meal for them in his spare time. He didn't know whether it was breakfast or dinner, but he took good care of their three little monkeys' emotions!

Although the plane is not small, but the space is still quite limited! In such an environment, there are still some unrealistic things to let children adapt to it immediately, especially now that there are more Wang Xiaogang!

But what about the three small schools? Not really angry! After eating, the spirit is also slowly recovered, since the recovery over, then there are so some can not sit still! Started to scurry in each cabin, whether it is security or service personnel, there are not too many obstacles!

Even three little guys ran to the cockpit and played for a long time. They are the smallest pilots in the world! However, it is also regarded as a lively! But even so, it's hard to get rid of the excitement!

"Dad, we're all flying! Can you fly a plane

"No problem with helicopters? But the airliner or the fighter plane, to the individual request is too strict, at least I cannot! Especially the fighters? There is no one in a thousand miles! " Ding Yu also simply said about the standard of fighter pilots, and said that the three small is also a Leng a Leng, did not expect to have such a thing!

I have seen it in the cockpit just now. It seems that it is very simple. They even have time to drink coffee. I didn't expect that there is such a gateway here!

"Dad, I thought you were omnipotent?"

"No one is omnipotent, even gods are not omnipotent." For the three children, Ding Yu is also extremely patient, "the so-called greedy can not chew, there is not to be able to aim high, with your current physical quality? There is a good foundation for you to be a pilot, but it just means that you are quite likely to be a pilot, not that you will become a pilot in the future! "

What are the children going to do in the future? Ding Yu really did not have too many deliberate arrangements, at least did not show too many directions, they still have a considerable possibility, why must they be bound? Now it's a good time to lay a good foundation for them! No matter what you do in the future, you will get twice the result with half the effort!

Although the three small did not get a positive answer, but to let them have considerable thinking, immediately also ran out of Ding Yu's room, to find Tai Xi! When he saw Jin come to the door, he also said hello to him!

"Sir, it will land in two hours! Old Peyton wants to meet you

"The old fox is well-informed." Ding Yu held his chin, "but for a long time, they didn't find it in their family! Have they made considerable progress in their research? "

"I haven't heard of this news. Even if there is news in this aspect, I don't think their family will publish this news, because if it is published, it will be quite attractive even if it is not targeted by the public!"

"Isn't the old man no longer concerned with the world? Now why does it suddenly come out at this time? "

"The reason is that he is engaged! The relationship between the third generation and your husband is good, but it seems that there is something wrong with the third generation's appearance, so the old Peyton comes forward in person! It's too early to invite you to sit down, sir! "

"Yes! Give him that face! There's no problem talking to him. Let him lend Elizabeth to me, teach song Tianren a lesson and let Elizabeth be a little lighter. Song Tianren and they are all tender rabbits, which are far different from Guo Li. Don't let them off! ""Elizabeth may be very angry!" Kim also said something on purpose!

"I don't care how old Peyton arranges it. It's his own business. I just want one result."

"I'll give you feedback, but for old Peyton, it's OK to get in touch with you and talk about something! After all, the third generation is still too young! But he is very cruel. I heard that he cleaned a lot of people, but the old Peyton's family did not suffer too much power! It's not easy! "

"Wolf boy, if you want to frighten some old guys at this time, you must use appropriate means. What's more, there must be old Peyton behind this. Although old Peyton doesn't care about the affairs of the world! But as long as he's in charge? There's no chaos in the family. Let the three generations toss about it! What's going on with Taylor? "

"I studied hard. Mr. Bi, you came back first! It is said that he has returned to the family, but there is not much movement. However, I think it will not be quiet for a long time. After all, we still need to support the third generation. At this point? I still need to sigh. I have courage! "

"What Tyler learned is still of considerable use. What was the old Peyton family? There are quite a lot of research, and Taylor's literacy is also very high. Now I think of it a little bit. Unfortunately, she is a very good candidate. Forget about it, instead of mentioning her, just take a look to see what the standard is now! "

The plane stopped at the airport in California. Old Peyton didn't come to the airport in person, but the third generation came to the airport in person, and Taylor was also accompanied by him, and gave Ding Yu quite a courtesy. But Ding Yu also took Taixi with him. What about the third primary school? It's really not in the travel team!

"Sir When he saw Ding Yu and Tai Xi, he bowed down to salute. You know, since he took charge of the family, he did not bend down his waist. However, in front of Ding Yu, he was really convinced, without any reluctance. It was not to say that he was grateful, but to show respect from his heart!

Even if you become the enemy of your husband, but this does not hinder your respect for your husband. This is two things!

While song Tianren and others standing in the window of the plane looked at the third generation with a strange feeling, "who is he?"

"The third generation, the grandson of old Peyton, is now preparing to take charge of the consortium, which can be regarded as an invisible consortium. It is equivalent to, or even higher than, the top ten consortia in the United States. There are fewer internal members in the family, but what about the position? People are quite wolf like! "

"Did you see the woman?"

Song Tianren nodded, "the evil spirit on the small face is very heavy! It's a cold Rocha

"Hum!" The security guard nearby said with a smile, "her name is Tyler. She was valued by her husband at the beginning, so she was almost accepted as the first disciple by her husband? But later, because of the lack of opportunity, I gave up! "

Eh? Song Tianren felt that his neck twisted too much! It's almost a turn for the better! Or rub it with your hands and wriggle your neck again, "just her?" If you want to know about Tong Tong, it has been spread all over the capital! The director seems to be very interested in children, this has the follow-up winter camp!

"Yes, she is. Although she has not become Mr. Liu's apprentice, her husband still favors her. When you go to the capital, you can go in and out of siheyuan at will, and you have a very good relationship with your uncle. Where is Liu Daochang? Also learned a lot of things! Good relationship with Zhoucheng railway! "

Song Tianren and they also took a deep breath. They could be valued by the director and almost became the first disciples of the director! This is enough to prove his excellence! You know, whether it is the first echelon, the second echelon, or Hou Tianliang, song Tianren and so on, they can only be said to be students!

If you want to be the director's disciple, don't even think about it! And this girl? It's incredible to have such potential! If she really became the director's first disciple, then this person is really lost big hair! Now, what about this? It's really imminent!

What about children? It's just that the director thinks highly of it! It seems too early to say that he has passed the test. As for the children in the director's family, they are not counted!

As for Guo Li and them? They are only the students of the director, not the students! Of course, to a certain extent, they just inherited the director's medical network, only a small part of it! It's quite different!

"By the way, Tyler? Is it important in their family? There seems to be no one around? "

"And old Peyton? Almost retired now! Has the final say that what is not for the body, it is basically the third family's final say. Taylor is the most determined supporter. Everything on the surface is the third world's decision. But the things that are not convenient in the dark are basically Taylor's manipulating. What kind of identity do you think she is like? ""Another thing, sir, is to find a so-called teacher for you. At the beginning, he instructed Guo Li and let him have a deep memory. Compared with Guo Li, you are still a lot worse, but I believe it will make you feel a little bit!"

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