In fact, the things mentioned are not specific at all. We just talk to each other on the whole, and the things involved are a little bit big, so we still need a considerable buffer period. To the point of Ding Yu and the third generation, nothing can be achieved overnight!

"Ding, have a taste of my craft? How do you feel? " Old Peyton warmly greets Ding Yu!

Ding Yu looked at the salad in front of him and at old Peyton, knowing that he was definitely intentional, so he also snorted to show his attitude. Old Peyton was also stealing chicken. He laughed and was already an old guy! But can Ding Yu do this? It's an interesting thing!

"Old Peyton, it seems that some of your ways are not very healthy." After eating, Ding Yu talks about it. But what does Ding Yu mean? The charm of satire and ridicule is full!

"How old are you! What else do you care about? The so-called having a son is enough. Now the third generation and Taylor have also supported this consortium. I, an old guy, have nothing to do with it! At least I have done what I should do, and the rest has nothing to do with me

"What kind of flood is it when I die! You are smart enough

"Is that the truth? It's the way it is now! I hope they can perform well, such an old guy like me! It is said that there is considerable experience, but if it is stubborn, it is a stumbling block in front, and the final result of the stumbling block can only be kicked away by others? Why? It's better to go away on your own initiative now. It's good for everyone. I'm enjoying myself now

"It's rare that you have such a mind. Under such circumstances, if the third generation can't grow up again, it's really not your personal reason! But this time I saw him, I still found that he had changed a lot. It's not easy to close up! Is it because of you, an old man

"What do you say? The third generation is not a child, is it! His childhood and youth experience is a little bit strong. As for the youth's time is too short, I hope he can calm down, but how calm? This is really hard to say, but his performance is still good! But now doesn't mean the future! "

"It seems that you, an old man, are quite worried."

"After all, we have to bear too much responsibility. It's still a situation of wolves looking around. I even have some doubts. If something really goes wrong, will you come up and bite?"

For the old Peyton's provocation, Ding Yu slightly nodded, "it's not that you haven't thought about this problem, but just think about it! Then I gave up! It's not just that the gains outweigh the losses. Even if I want to make a move, I'm afraid I have to face the encirclement and suppression of many consortia. What's more, do you want me to rob? It's not my wish! In such a situation, consider the relationship between each other, so still feel that it is better to be quiet than to move! "

"Yes! It's better to be quiet. We are in a certain degree? It can be said that the struggle between the Conservatives and the radicals belongs to the hostile forces! But what about me, an old man? Or do you appreciate it? It's not just that you've treated our family's genetic diseases, it's not much to do with it! "

"Such a compliment? How do I feel that the back of my head is a little chilly? "

"If this happens to the family, I think it's better to be devoured by wolves! It's better to feed you before this! At least you have a good relationship with the third generation and Taylor. Under your care, there is a chance to make a comeback. If you don't feed you enough! Then it's a real fiasco

"You old man, do you have such a plan?" Ding Yu is really so sneering, "I think your idea is really not so good? I'm not a babysitter. Although I'm more optimistic about Shishi and Taylor, it doesn't mean I'm willing. It's two things! "

"Therefore, although we are enemies and opponents, I am still quite assured of you. At least you are quite sincere, not a false person, or because of disdain or for other reasons, but I think it is enough to hear your previous pertinent answer!"

"Is that all I'm looking down on? I think it's not bad! "

"Is this a good idea for the third world? Three generations of him! Still too young! Although there are many experiences, they basically belong to a state of being taught. How much can be played out in the application of reality remains to be discussed! I still need to prepare him in this respect! "

"It's not like you, an old guy. I feel a little indecisive! Or are you really old? "

"In a different position! So the way to see the problem is also different! Previously, I was sitting in that position, and the third generation was just a successor to be elected. At least he has not been in that position, but now he has been sitting in this position! He has gone from an heir to a master"You're a good old man! But don't be paranoid about it! I will not carry such a heavy burden on myself. It has nothing to do with whether the interests are satisfied or not! "

"I'm relieved if you say that! It's the last thing in my heart! " Old Peyton looked as if he had succeeded in stealing chickens. "By the way, this time he brought his wife and children here. Why? Is there any problem in South Korea? "

"I don't believe you don't know anything?" Ding Yu is also quite dissatisfied with this!

"Those guys from the Ministry of defense! In any case, if we seize such an opportunity, we will never let go. Li Jianxi is a character, but Li Zairong is still too young! The market in Europe and the United States is a key, but it is definitely a mistake to let go of the whole Asian market, and it is the most serious one! At present, the opening of the European and American markets is just because Samsung and South Korea have a considerable value to be used. If there is no so-called utilized value, it is hard to say! "

Having said this, old Peyton also looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "I think of one thing now. What about the Samsung Lee family? Li zaireng is in charge of European and American affairs, and Li Fuzhen is in charge of Asian affairs, but Li Fuzhen has been taken away by you! At the beginning, I didn't feel that there were too many clues, but now, it seems a little strange! "

"May I say, is this conspiracy theory?"

Ding Yu didn't admit it, but he didn't mean to deny it either. What's the specific inside information, only he knows best. How old Peyton said it was his own business, but he would never show any attitude towards it!

"Do you know, Ding? It's useless for you to cover up like this. I think what's the most depressed person now? It will never be Li Zairong. He feels that he is complacent and that Li Fuzhen has been squeezed out! It's a good thing that no one will restrict himself in the future. But it's not good news for Li Jianxi, the leader of Samsung. But the problem is that there seems to be no other successor except Li Zai Rong! "

"It seems that the Ministry of defense is really going to do this hard work! But are you really not going to give South Korea a way to live? "

"From your words, I don't feel any so-called sympathy. On the contrary, it means that they want to fall into trouble. However, South Korea is really dying. Even if they want to be the so-called vanguard, they should never adopt such a method. I think their fate may be worse than expected!"

"You old man, do you still have such an interest? But is this meat too small? How can you satisfy your appetite like this Ding Yu obviously has some doubts!

"I think the third generation should have talked to you about it! I want to follow you and start with Britain. Once successful, the benefits will be huge. However, to do so will be a kind of betrayal. At least for the current consortia, the price of such betrayal is still too high. However, for the European Union, we should wait for the loss! So at this time, we can only find a little compensation from other places! "

After silence for some time, Ding Yu neither agreed, but also did not mean to express opposition. If the consortium here really wants to make a move, what will it do to the whole South Korea? It will never be too small! You should know that these guys have no place to look for food. They can only watch others make a fortune. They will never be very comfortable in their heart!

Ding Yu has his own consideration. South Korea is not a private plot of his own, that is, because of Li Jianxi, he keeps a good relationship as far as possible. But what is the South Korean side doing? The bottom line has been broken, but Li Jianxi is hiding behind the position.

What on earth does he think? Ding Yu is able to understand one or two, his son, the successor of the whole Samsung in the future? It has been walking together with Europe and the United States. It is a grasshopper on a rope! And Ding Yu? As a partner of cooperation with ourselves, Samsung benefits a lot from Ding Yu's sake!

Are you supporting your son or Ding Yu now? Don't support your son, now scrap him? It's too late, because what about Samsung? There are no other heirs, grandchildren are too young! And the daughter? Now it is impossible to inherit the whole Samsung. This is a matter of principle. Betrayal is not allowed!

So to a certain extent, there is no other choice for this matter. You can only support your son and give up Ding Yu to some extent? Fortunately, Ding Yu did not reveal anything about this matter, and even supported this choice to some extent! But Li Jianxi is also aware that supporting his son is a good thing, but he also faces huge problems. What about this problem? May let the whole Samsung appear confused situation!

I want to communicate with Ding Yu, but I don't know how to communicate. The United States has put too much pressure on him. Sooner or later, the pressure will burst out. In a short time? It may be that South Korea has taken the initiative, but from a long-term point of view, it is definitely a behavior that is not worth the loss.In the contest between the two superpowers, what is the so-called good fruit to eat if the dregs like South Korea are mixed in? I'm afraid it will have been the care of God if it is not crushed!

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't express any opinions about it, old Peyton had already understood it in his heart! Korea this time! They need to face pressure from all aspects. They are fish on the chopping board. It depends on how we eat them? Can not do any resistance, even need to put their own posture!

The U.S. side will never do any cover up. When the time comes, they will swing the big stick in their hands directly. If you don't want to be honest, the direct way is to hammer down one hammer, which will make you dizzy. As for whether it will give you two dates to eat? Don't think about such a beautiful thing! If I don't give you a slap in the face, it's lucky!

Therefore, in the case of Ding Yu's no clear objection, the third generation has already begun to make corresponding arrangements! In fact, we have made preparations for this aspect for a long time, but because of the special situation, we have been unable to contact Ding Yu all the time, so this matter is also temporarily settled down!

Now Ding Yu is here! And there is no clear expression of the so-called opposition to this matter, there is nothing to say! As if it is to earn a so-called pocket money for the consortium! Although the allowance may be a little bit large, anyway? They are all one country, although this country may not be able to compare with Britain!

But no matter how small a mosquito is, there is meat on its legs, isn't it?

During the break, Ding Yu lay on the bed and looked at Tai hee sitting next to him. He also closed his eyes. "South Korea is in a big trouble this time. Old Peyton talked to me a little earlier. They have already focused on Korea at this time. I think it will not be too light at that time."

"If they are targeting South Korea, on one hand they say they are supporting, and on the other hand, they are targeting South Korea? Is there anything more shameless than this? "

Looking at Tai Xi's slightly angry expression, Ding Yu shook his head, "anger can't solve any problem. This is not a shameless or shameless problem, but involves interests. What about the United States? They need to meet their national and private interests at the same time, with both hands together, and the whole South Korea is really not prepared for this, because no one would have thought that the United States would be so hungry for food and cold for clothing! "

"That is to say, South Korea is used as cannon fodder, not to say, but to step on it again, right?"

"This time, South Korea made a quite wrong choice. It did not say that it was hostile to China, but was also used by the United States! It can be said that both sides are not flattering, such a result is doomed! The question now is how much can this loss be reduced? What's more, will some people show their final madness? "

"Is this the time? Still thinking about the final madness? "

"Let's temporarily deal with the remaining business in South Korea! At least there is still a considerable amount of time and opportunity to retain the shares of Samsung! " Ding Yu is not optimistic about South Korea's problems! Originally, Taixi dealt with a lot, but there is still a considerable surplus. Now, we can't shirk it!

"I'm already making arrangements! There won't be too many problems. I don't care about those industries in South Korea. But why can't so many elites in South Korea see this? That's obvious! "

"This question! It's really easy to say that it's easy to say that it's easy, because the interests are so large that people can forget their country and nationality, or even forget that they are a person. As for the question that it is difficult to answer, it is also very difficult to answer, because what about South Korea? It involves too many problems, with China, with the United States, with Japan, with neighboring countries, and so on. It's too independent! "

"It's not possible to solve the problems in a moment, and not many people want to see it happen!" Ding Yu finally also said a summary!

Tae hee is very dissatisfied, she is Korean, naturally know some of the problems and conditions, but the father of the child has removed all the cover up! It is too much to show all the problems in front of you!

"When will it move in general?" Taixi has so many perseverance!

"There's still a lot of time left, but it won't be too long! I'm afraid it will really be a tsunami. Now it depends on whether South Korea can withstand the pressure! But from my personal point of view, I can't stand it at all! Because he is not allowed to stand up to it

"Why not? Why don't you let it go? "

"The U.S. side will force to push forward. Under such circumstances, what will South Korea do? No choice right! Because South Korea does not have any so-called autonomy. If the United States wants to push this issue by force, it will not care about the so-called face. What can South Korea do to resist it? "

"What about chairman Li?" Taixi is still naive!"Chairman Li?" Ding Yu sighed, "if chairman Li wants to stand out, he will call me in early days, but it is all over now, he still has no action, which means he has made a considerable choice!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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