"The so-called existence of Samsung is good!" Taixi also said leisurely! The words are full of their dissatisfaction!

"There are some biases in this statement, mainly Li Zairong? It's too deep! It takes a process for Samsung to hand over all of them to Li zaireng. Internally, there is no problem. Fu Zhen is no longer an obstacle! But on the outside? There are still many contradictions. Li Jianxi, chairman of the board of directors, is for the son of Li Zai Rong! It can be said that the whole face has been abandoned! "

"I don't understand!"

"We should think that all the equity of Samsung should be handed over to Li zaireng. The inheritance tax is definitely not a small amount. Moreover, all the consortia are staring at this matter. There are not many people who can tell clearly what Li zaireng has done. Similarly, there are quite a lot of people stealing chickens."

"A lot of people are stealing chickens. What does that mean?"

"What about Samsung's action? It can hide a lot of people's eyes, but it can't hide everyone's eyes. Anyway, Samsung is in front of them. Even if something happens in the future, Samsung will bear the brunt. Why not make good use of such a good opportunity? " Ding Yu can be said to see this very clearly!

"No wonder I encountered some problems and situations when I went back. It turned out that everyone had a considerable feeling!" Tai Xi slightly hummed, "they make such a choice, don't worry?"

"What are you worried about? For all of you, interest represents everything. As long as there is interest, even your parents can sell it. It's normal. This is one of the reasons why I let you come here. Although you have made considerable contact with business, the contact is basically on the surface and on the inside! I can't see it! "

"I know that there are so-called hidden rules in every industry. When I was in the entertainment industry, I saw a lot of them. Even many of them didn't have any so-called bottom line. But what happened today completely broke my cognition. What about this? It's still chairman Li. I don't know what to say now! "

"They're not good people. From your point of view? I think it's a problem for chairman Li to do so. But from the perspective of chairman Li, his doing so is beneficial to Samsung as a whole. What about Samsung? South Korea is not a problem, if Samsung has any problems, then South Korea will be more implicated! If two rights are harmed by each other, the lesser one should be taken. Therefore, this is the only result in the end! "

"But have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"

"The consequences are doomed! What about chairman Li? There will never be any problem. Since he has chosen Li zaireng, he needs to carry the cauldron for this. Since he is the successor, if he wants to wear the crown, he must bear the heavy burden. Therefore, when there are problems in the future, he will stand up to take the blame! It has nothing to do with Chairman Li. Samsung will not be affected by other factors. This is a doomed thing! "

Taylor put his foot on the bed. "Samsung will let Li zaireng take the blame, and then it will be ok?"

"What if not? Let chairman Li stand up? If he stands up at this time, at his age, who knows if there will be any accident? If you really have a headache, what should I do then? That's a hot potato, OK? What about Li Zai Rong? All aspects of the past can be explained! "

"Is it not enough for Li Zairong alone?"

"Of course not enough!" Ding Yu narrowed his eyes, "and it is absolutely not enough, the weight is still a little poor, but the female president, don't you think it is a very good choice? It is not only difficult for the president of Korea to explain to the world, but also for the former one

"Playing so much?" Taixi grew up with his mouth! It's not close at all!

"The two superpowers, China and the United States, are in the middle of each other. South Korea is in the middle of each other. They must make their so-called voice. What kind of result do you think it will be? Now that we have not made good friends with China, the United States has made a fool of it. Now we have turned to China instead of looking for China, which has no effect. This can not be solved by one person and two people! "

"Old Peyton, are they all ready for this?"

"I'm ready to take action against Britain. We still know something about it. Even the UK itself knows about it. But there are two different voices in the United States, some of them? I hope to be able to follow me and make a move against Britain. After all, it is possible to seize huge interests by taking action against a country. There are not many opportunities like this. On the other hand? They are inclined to attack the EU, because the EU is a considerable threat to the United States. What about the EU? It can't make any profits, and even needs to pay a lot for it. But as long as Britain leaves the EU, it will be a good thing for the future interests of the United States! "

"In the end, I still hope that Britain can leave the EU. As long as Britain leaves the EU, everything else can be said!""Easy to say, but this thing! It can't be done in a day or two! America! Some take too much for granted! But for the consortium, it's a big dinner party, the meat of England! I've been peeping at for quite a long time, and I don't know what kind of choices we should make after this one! "

"What choice has Britain made? A little confused? "

"You can choose to be patient or to do something, but in my opinion? The possibility of forbearance will be greater. As we all know, the consortium started in the UK. We have benefited from the help of Britain in the process. Moreover, the consortium also has considerable power in the UK. No one wants to break it if it can! "

"If you rob someone else, you have to smile. Isn't that too much?" Tai Xi is also dissatisfied with a kick, but also vent their own small emotions! That is to say, it is not your own home, otherwise it is another choice!

"Kim has already arranged for the hotel! After all, we have a little more staff! Stay here? It's really that some of them are not suitable. In fact, when we get off the plane, we have already made arrangements, but the inspection is not finished yet! "

"I didn't pay so much attention at home!"

"The domestic situation is still good, but this is the United States after all. Who knows what will happen? Tomorrow, we need to continue to talk with the third generation, involving some specific content. What about today's negotiation? We have basically known each other's original intention, but we still lack some details! "

After the rest was almost over, Ding Yu and Tai Xi left the manor. They didn't mean to rest in the manor. The main reason is that there are so many people on Ding Yu's side, so it is not so convenient. If all the people are allowed to live in the manor, there may be security problems here, so Ding Yu also chose to leave!

"Grandfather, sir, there are not too many opinions about our choices!"

Old Peyton, looking at the third, also took out his cigar knife and cut the cigar! The whole process does not mean to borrow people! When everything is ready, I look at 30, "where's Ding? It's a very interesting guy who doesn't interfere with other people, the same? I don't want other people to interfere with myself. I have my own opinion! "

"In this case, there are still people who are ready to do something to your husband, is that right?"

"It's certain that there are ready-made scapegoats. Britain is the best target. Everyone knows what Ding will do to Britain if he can't stop it? It's very normal to be desperate, isn't it? "

"Sir, you should be quite prepared for this? That's why he didn't stay at night? "

"Don't you stay? To a certain extent, I don't want us to be too embarrassed. What is the relationship between me and Ding Yu? It's really hard to describe it. Whether it's an enemy or an opponent, or a friend, it's hard for you to compete with him now. When I sit with him, I feel a little tricky! "

"A man like sir? It's really tricky! "

"Yes! It's very tricky. In fact, it's very interesting to be a friend or an enemy. It can motivate you to make progress, but what about some people? Too extreme! It can also be said that they are rotten from the inside of their bones! Rotten from the root

"Grandfather, I'm afraid it's not possible to eliminate them in a moment and a half!"

"Time will slowly give you the answer. Do you know how to rot from the root? The process may be a bit long, but it is definitely a hopeless one. This is quite different from the decay of branches. The decay of branches can survive by cutting off their arms, but how to solve the root rot? Even on the surface, there are not too many changes! When we really feel something, it's hopeless. In such a case, we will cut off the relationship between each other! "

The third generation seems to understand the meaning of grandfather's words! For such a long time, what about some families? It should be eliminated! Not that the family was destroyed? It doesn't have any relationship with this, but they don't conform to the times! So can only be eliminated, at least in the long river of this time, simply can not stand the so-called heel!

I am now in charge of the whole family. I absolutely don't want to be the culprit of the family. I want to know that the family has just begun to get rid of some shackles. If the whole family is destroyed and eliminated because of his own fault, what kind of scene is it? The third generation really dare not do this imagination! It's really terrible!

"Grandfather, the family has made quite a choice, but some families may not be willing to see such a thing happen! Everyone has his own choice, doesn't he? "

"Yes! Everyone has his or her own choice. This is a personal right. But it is not so simple to deal with the EU. Politicians can yell at it. The final result is just to step down. But we can't turn around at will. This is not in line with the operation of the consortium! ""Grandfather, politicians seem to have been pushed out by us. Does anyone dare to go against the wishes of the consortium?"

"What about the state and the consortium? It is contradictory. The question is how to make this choice? stultify oneself! Whose spear is sharper, or whose shield is more solid? There is no way to make this judgment, so I admire Ding Yu even more, because he can bind everything with interests, and he doesn't need to do anything superficial! "

"Granddad, who started talking about it again? How do you feel? It's a cliche? Even if you want to target your husband, you don't need to take such a way. It's old-fashioned! I'm afraid no one can continue to endure, at least for me, I'm almost immune to it! "

"At least one excuse, isn't it?" Old Peyton also sneered at such a way, "if you don't find a so-called excuse for doing something, then how to explain it in the future, no matter whether the explanation is full of loopholes or not, it doesn't matter, as long as there is this explanation can be used!"

"Yes! As long as there is a so-called account can be! Other things can be done in secret. In fact, this is the most hateful thing, but this is also the most convenient, although I don't want to admit it! "

"There must be some people who are interested in Korean affairs! In fact, more people should want to follow Ding Yu. Although we have quite a few opinions and opinions about Ding Yu, what can't be denied is the pursuit of interests? Still have the same point, watching helplessly, this kind of taste should be very uncomfortable

"Sir, what would be the way to do it, sir? Assault? Or direct attack? "

"Who knows? The means are not the most important. We all want to know what the consequences will be. But what if we talk about it? What Ding has done is to support a lot of departments, that is, the expenditure of taxpayers is a little too big, and some people can't accept the big one! "

"They want to do something to their husband, but they can't bear the pressure. They talk to themselves and contradict themselves. What do they think? They feel that Mr. Chen is just a chicken rib, tasteless, and a pity to abandon. Is that right?"

"It should be like this! But with chicken ribs to describe, how much this seems to be too much! What about many consortia? All want to be able to swallow Ding, but the problem is that they can't swallow it at all, but their own loss is too big! This is the same as gambling in casinos. At the beginning, I wanted to win money, but when I lost to a certain extent, I thought I could get my money back, and then? Slowly to sink

"Grandfather, do you think the gentleman did it on purpose? He's fishing at all

"I don't know. It's hard to say. Anyway, Ding is one of the few people who can't see through. However, Ding doesn't have any so-called shortcomings. Relatively speaking, his IQ has no upper limit, but is his EQ? It can only be said that it is maintained within a certain range. " Old Peyton also made a considerable evaluation of Ding Yu!

"Without this feeling, I just feel a little cold!"

"What about Ding's association with Fabio and the east? It's not a normal association. There are his subordinates, including Hote, Shasha, sun Yingnan, Li Fuzhen and so on. There are so many other relationships among them! But on the other hand, I'm afraid this is also the advantage of Ding, because he knows that professionals do professional things! "

"My husband is a doctor, and he is an incomparable doctor, but he always feels that he does not pay too much time and energy in medicine? However, the medical team has given a very high evaluation to Mr. Zhang, and there are some fanatics! "

"I did ask about the research, but the effect seems not particularly obvious. At least, it needs considerable investment and time to solve problems with modern medical technology."

"Although this seems to be a false proposition, at least the path chosen by Mr. Zhang has played a considerable role. Our family has been studying this field since the beginning of history. All the data together have not achieved any so-called results. The gap between them is a little bit large."

"Sometimes I really want to catch Ding gei and throw it into the laboratory. If I don't research it, I will never give up. But after thinking about it, I'd better forget it! It's just daydreaming. It's impossible! "

"Grandfather, let's forget such a thing! No one can resist it! At least with Mr. Chen and this direction, what will be the result if there is no Mr

"Yes! What kind of consequences would it be without Ding? " Old Peyton looked at the cigar in his hand. "I still don't want Ding Yu to have anything wrong, but this guy! As I said just now, there is no problem with EQ, but if you compare his IQ, there is a difference between heaven and earth! "

"Grandfather, if the gentleman knew you were arranging him, would he have a fair opinion of you?"

"Yes, but don't worry! In fact, Ding himself knows that he has this problem, so you will find that he seldom deals with the outside world. What about the people he deals with? Are they all familiar people, or are they patients? "Three times blinked his eyes, as if it was really like this!

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