The dialogue between the two people is a little simple. If you don't listen to it intentionally, you think they are making a joke. But each other's heart is very clear, and the intention has been expressed very clearly!

Some people want to fight, or deliberately aim at Ding Yu. What kind of methods and means will Ding Yu take for this matter? I hope Ding Yu can have a good grasp of it. After all, he can let the old man in front of him say such words, and those guys who want to make trouble! They should all be non ordinary people!

Maybe it's a big story, or it's a power broadcast, but Ding Yu really doesn't mean to take it seriously! The old guy in front of me wanted to take some eye drops on purpose! We'll see!

"Yes! I was surprised to see Bruno leave just now The old man asked subconsciously, "it's not normal to let him have so many minds!"

"Boston is your base camp and your territory. Under such circumstances, there are such worries?" Ding Yu said with bad intentions! "In fact, there is no big deal! A very small thing! I don't want to talk about them, but at least it's given to Bruno

"It's mainly because Bruno behaves so strangely. Although he's always been a bit of a jerk, in the end, he's a reliable guy! It's a little interesting to make him lose his manners! "

Ding Yu blinked his own eyes, "you old guy's eyes are really not ordinary spicy! ok I said it straight! Taixi came with three children. Other people may not know about this, but I think you must know that. We both have things to do, and we don't have so much leisure. So let Bruno take their three children for a period of time? This is roughly the case! "

"What?" The old guy was so hung that he didn't fall down there. He helped the sofa next to him and even pulled out his ears. Obviously, he doubted, "did I hear you wrong? Or are you wrong? Let that bastard Bruno take the baby? What do you think, Ding? This is no longer a joke so simple! That's a jerk

Ding Yu was holding his chin, as if he didn't care about it at all. "I said old guy, I'm not so worried. Are you? Sit down and crush! Don't care too much! " Although he evaluated Bruno in this way, in his own opinion, it was a little biased!

"No! This is not a joke. What about us? Maybe it's not a famous teacher, but it's too easy to find a famous teacher! If you talk about a person, I promise I'll invite you here now. What's more, Bruno, who is that guy! It's better to give it to me than to him, isn't it? "

Ding Yu didn't care and laughed, "in fact, I just like this point, so I asked Bruno to help me with this, relatively speaking? We are really not as pure as Bruno's, which still needs to be admitted! "

"What do you mean?"

"This is America, after all! And with the growth of children's age? In the end, they still need to see something. You can't do it and I can't do it. But Bruno has no problem. Whether you admit it or not, it's the actual situation! "

“WTF!” A very vulgar word, the old guy also expressed his anger and helplessness, "OK! I have to admit it. What about Boston? Big and small all need to give us a face, but what about all kinds of things? It's Bruno who is more proficient

"So I can't, you can't, only this guy can do it! What's more, it's not going to do any messy things! How to control the scale? We know what's going on here, but it's up to Bruno to control it! "

"Well! I'll tell you! Bruno is the guy who made a joke about the province. After all, this is Boston. If something goes wrong, the whole Boston consortium will lose face! I can't afford to lose this man! Especially in front of Bruno

"I've got a present for you. Don't forget to take it when it's time."

"Here you are! If it's pure cash, Boston really can't take out too much. As for how to replace it, it's up to you! I hope to have a good cooperation

The old guy is also very popular. He doesn't have too many so-called greetings. After a quick talk, he claps his hands and walks away. However, Ding Yu is very satisfied with this point. Ding Yu doesn't like to dally too much. He doesn't have any significance and value. He's wasting time!

"Sir! MI6 is out there! "

Ding Yu didn't look up at all, "they guys are really taking pains! I've already come here to squat on the street! How do you mean, do you really want to tear the so-called face? Or do you think I'm afraid to do it? "

"Sir, I think they have some intentional meaning. Of course, there should also be the indulgence of the US intelligence department. I don't believe that the intelligence department in the United States will not be aware of this. We should know that the MI6 people almost put their labels on their heads! And on such a large scale, even the blind should have this feeling, right? Do you really think you don't know anything? ""You mean why do they turn a blind eye to each other's contradictions and disagreements?" Ding Yu snorted, "if there is no way out, they are just a department. The so-called high-level officials can ignore any contradictions and squanders for the sake of interests. This is a very normal thing. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests!"

"Dear, sir, although I understand this, I still feel that I can't accept it. At the beginning, you were a life and death victim. You were behind my back. I stabbed you in the back. These things seem to be yesterday's events."

"Even you feel that some of them can't accept it. You can imagine how angry they are now! But now this time really do not need to stir their anger, since they are willing to watch, let them watch! We are not the most anxious aspect

"Sir, we are not the most anxious side, and the United States is definitely not the most anxious one. However, relatively speaking, the United States should be the most able to hold our breath. We are still slightly passive!"

"From the actual point of view, we are a little bit passive. It's like fishing. What's more, there are still troublemakers around us, and we haven't done anything for a while! This is a good opportunity! It seems to be a good choice to go down and try water! " Ding Yu also slightly hummed!

In the afternoon, Tai Xi came back with three children. Tai Xi was a little tired, but the three children showed no general excitement! Looking at Tai Xi sitting on the sofa, Ding Yu sent a glass of water!

"It's not a very good teacher for them, but this time should be quite appropriate!"

"Teacher?" After taking a breath, Taixi placed the water cup on the side of the tea table! For such an important thing as looking for a teacher, I am still quite moved!

"Yes! Bruno was here in the morning, and so was the old guy from the Boston consortium! Let Bruno take their three children for a while! Maybe it's a day or two, or a little longer! "

"No, I object! Let Bruno take it. That old guy is a playboy What if it's someone else? Taixi may not be so strong, but he is really furious when he hears that he is Bruno. The old man knows him well. He has heard about his reputation for a long time!

Looking at Tai Xi standing up, Ding Yu also pressed her shoulder, "the three of them! It seems that I am still young, but what about the things I contact? It's really a lot! There are obvious differences and differences between the development of modern society and our original contact. If we continue to adopt our way, it will play a very small role! "

"But that's Bruno! It's an old crook! You don't know! "

"I don't deny that Bruno has some problems with his style of life, and he's totally unruly! But that's just appearance! He was able to let elder martial brother Dongfang follow him, and for so many years, not only in the United States, but also in other countries, he has made every effort. Do you really think he is harmless! "

"I don't have so much feeling, but the news about him has spread widely in the news. Most of the time, it's mostly negative news. Basically, I haven't seen any positive news, and I don't know what he's thinking about?"

"What the eyes see is not true. This is actually a very good example. In any case, what about Bruno? It seems infamous, but for Bruno, fame is a dispensable thing, at least he doesn't care about it! "

"I still feel a little worried!" Taixi still has some bitterness to say.

"You and I have no experience in this field, let alone mention any so-called experience. In fact, if I hadn't threatened Bruno, he would not have taken over the job, the children of the family! A lot of people have expressed considerable interest. Doesn't Bruno know how much pressure there is behind this? "

"It's just that you feel a little bit better about yourself." Although Tai hee is very clear that the two children are excellent, but in this case, there is no reason why the mother should mention it. However, in Korea, when the children of all major families stand together, the performance of the two children is really unique!

"In fact, Bruno is even more nervous than he imagined. Since this matter has been handed over to him, don't ask too much about what, our baby, he! I will be more cautious and careful. What's more, it's not like Bruno leading them to do some messy things. Even if he is feeling, I won't let him do so! "

"Well! I have reservations! "

"In the evening, elder martial brother Dongfang will come over, and Bruno will certainly come along with him!"

"I'll go and prepare for it. It seems that there is nothing in the house!"

"I don't need that. It's just to talk about some things. Even if Bruno and Dongfang elder martial brother are picky, they won't show up on this point. However, running with three children today must be very tiring! The three of them! Too much trouble! It's really too much to eat! "Dongfang Jing came a little early, and not alone. It was very familiar to see two children, but Wang Xiaogang was quite strange to Wang Xiaogang. However, Wang Xiaogang, who looked at the head of the tiger and the tiger, seemed to be very interested, especially when he saw the guests, it seemed that he didn't want to put down the stick in his hand!

"Younger martial brother, this little fellow is a little interesting!"

"My nephew, my nephew, didn't want to take him, but I was in my house! It's really like a baby. What about my father and mother? That's all! There are my grandfather and grandma on top of him. I look at it as if there are so many things wrong. So I got to the courtyard. How about coming out this time? Also to put an end to this aspect of the problem, so he was brought to the position around! If you stay at home, it's not so simple as Jia Baoyu! "

"It's not so much like looking at the little guy! At least it's a good look! "

"More than his brother and sister!" After three small greetings, Dingyu let Taixi leave with him! "I asked Bruno to take them for a while, and I and texi were not free!"

Well? Dongfang Jing was also stunned, but he did not like Taixi, immediately expressed the so-called opposition, but meditated for a long time, "it is quite difficult to let Bruno open this mouth!"

"I thought elder martial brother would oppose it!"

"Against? Why oppose! Bruno, I still know something, is not missing, end is a character, that is, younger martial brother you! Others! He really doesn't see it in his eyes, and he is also a person with a higher eye than the top. At least in my personal impression, he really has no impression. Who has he brought his family children! "

"Standing in my personal perspective, I think Bruno is still very good, the child gave it to him, should still be assured! I can't easily seize such an opportunity, and I don't want to give up! "

"What do I need to do here?"

"This time, we need all kinds of support to help the UK. I talked to the third world and reached an agreement on it, because their goals are different! What about their goals? It is still on the EU, with Korea. Our goal is to be in the UK. I have talked about Bruno and Boston before! "

"There's no problem with me!"

"The problem is really big. People here are very close to be cared for, and people here are not very convenient to act. So some people on my side need to be called to knock on this side drum. At least some movements need to be heard. And the old Boston guy just mentioned something to me. Some people want to have other actions!"

"I don't hear much!" Oriental Jing also feels very strange!

"We are fighting for the UK, and a lot of forces are united! But some people obviously can't see such things, whether they want to go with us or to get a hand in hand, and nobody knows about it! " "But the old Boston guy deliberately mentioned this to me, but it must be true!"

"These guys should be more than just tiger bites!" Dongfang Jing also hum, "courage is so big, and dare to do so, this should be very small!"

"The size of the coming end has not much influence! Since someone is willing to mix, then mix it! If it's our own, it doesn't seem to mean much, isn't it? "

Looking at his younger martial brother, Dongfang Jing is shaking his head. There are also some chills in her heart. Obviously, it is not so optimistic about some people who want to make trouble! His younger martial brother has always been determined by his plan, and his focus is never in front of him, but rather a very long-term one. It is far away that people even have so many unclear views.

In such a case, some people want to make trouble and don't know what their heads are thinking about. More precisely, the top level on the US side? There is still another idea for my younger brother! A higher level? Or that is to say, I want to step my younger brother in the position of the foot!

How about the financial group here, younger brother, who have been playing with each other so many times? It seems to be very small, but the foundation is more and more stable! I don't know what the U.S. thinks about it? It's just as if you don't pull it together! We must fight with my younger martial brother so much. We must know that this time is different from the past! My relationship with younger martial arts has been very broadcast!

Even at the top of the government, it is the same. No one can say how many mines the younger martial brother has buried. To a deeper point, now, the government has not even expressed strongly against the British side. To some extent, it is just a so-called trick!

What is the effect of such a trick? Maybe there are other arrangements behind it? But who can guarantee that there is no means behind their younger martial brother? No one dares to do this guarantee!

If you say your younger martial brother really prepared traps, then stepped in, it is not that you want to take off the pit can take off the pit! It's not that simple! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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