"Here I am!"

Looking at Bruno, not only Ding Yu and Taixi, but also Dongfang Jing has some dull eyes! Because in the past, Bruno's dress is more fancy! Or more anti traditional! But today I saw BrONO's dress, it was so formal, and it was a kind of Chinese style.

Ding Yu and Dongfang Jing two people, you look at me, I see you! Later, Ding Yu was a little bold, pinched Bruno's face with his hand, and then nodded to Dongfang Jing, "yes, it's really him. The meat on his face is real!"

"Go away!" Disgusted clapping Ding Yu's hand! "I sent this to someone on purpose. What about the children? Where are they! Come and let me have a look. I am a teacher. I need to be dignified. In the same way, they also need to pass my test! And Ding, don't you pay attention to the so-called bundle repair in China? Bring it to me as soon as possible. I have made up for it

"Do you think that he is still in the bone, and there is no change at all!"

Ding Yu's joke also caused a burst of laughter!

But Taixi also led the three children out. "This is Mr. Bruno, you three! During this period of time, Mr. Bruno is definitely one of the best people who can eat up and down in the United States

Bruno beside the hate glared at Ding Yu, how does this sound so different? He is absolutely envious of himself! Don't you see the East next to it? His eyes are envious, and even have some expectations, no, he absolutely does not allow others to be contaminated! They are already their own dishes!

"Hello, Mr. Bruno." Respectful greetings and even bows!

"Well!" Bruno nodded slightly. "You too!" Immediately also looked at Ding Yu, don't wait! Bring me the corset. I'm not kidding! Otherwise, I'll turn my back on you later!

"And, you three, I don't like the serious expression very much, prepare well, we will leave soon! To be sure, I'm still picky about the food. The food here is good, but it can only fill the stomach. So I'm going to let you open your eyes! Go get ready! Children

Looking at the children jumping away, Ding Yu shook his head and laughed with his elder brother. Taixi also pushed a big box to come over. "Bruno, you are not a guy who can play autumn wind. This is a treasure in my family. I don't have much interest in these things, but it's good to keep a little bit of it!"

WOW! Bruno looked at the open box and cried out. He saw the Oriental who wanted to reach out. He was like an old hen protecting food. He pulled the box under his feet. "Oriental, you are not a gentleman's behavior. These are my students' parents' gifts to me!"

After closing the box, Bruno is also sent to his car in a hurry. It is absolutely unsafe to put it here!

"I was going to have a dinner with you all!"

"Forget it! It's unfair for me to watch you two king of stomachs eat together. It doesn't have any aesthetic feeling. So I decided to take my three children with me to congratulate you on the premise of a happy meal? I think it's necessary to explore some things! "

What about dinner or reception? The essence lies in the exchange between capital and its own reality! Fortunately, Ding Yu, Bruno and Dongfang Jing are already quite familiar with each other! They really don't have to be at a party or a reception, a party or a reception? It's just to get their intentions across!

Three people communicate in the small room. The time is a little long. No one else enters the whole process. Even Taixi is the same. After the communication, Bruno takes the three children to leave first, and looks at the three children's clothes and dressing up. Bruno also shows his teeth slightly!

From the performance of the three children, there is German rigor, Japanese care, but there is no British and French noble and romantic, in this point can be said to be particularly missing, you can not go to dress, but you need to know the situation!

Internal framework and muscles must be good enough, as for the appearance is what, this needs to see the personal like! Bruno really did not intend to change the three children, just took them to see and see, let them realize some changes in the world, so that they can make their own choice, which must be Ding Yu's expectation!

At this point, Bruno really is not the general admiration of Ding Yu. If it is his own words, will he be so relieved to let the children go to other people? Although said each other is a very good partner!

No, absolutely not. The education and training of any family is relatively private. It will start from all angles. The absolute elite education is just? Children in the family are mixed, at least relative to the cost of training? This finished product rate is still a little bit low!Why cultivate professional managers? Isn't it because they are not good enough to some extent? What about professional managers? It seems to be a good system, but fundamentally speaking, it has lost a considerable initiative and can only passively bear it.

Although this kind of understanding may be a little biased, but still can explain quite a problem! There is also a question, that is, why do we think highly of Ding Yu's two children, not only because of their excellent performance, but also because of Ding Yu's educational methods? Let everybody see quite hope!

Look at Tyler, look at King III, and then look at the two children. What about the two people in front? They are good enough, but Ding Yu still played a great guiding role. With the passage of time, people's interest in Ding Yu's two children is growing. There is no conceited arrogance or vulgarity. It's natural that Ding Yu's two children have begun to have such performance at such a age? How are you doing when you grow up?

You know Ding Yu is already quite a monster! Although the two children have not shown any so-called evil spirits, they have considerable potential. What about Ding Yu? You may not expect it! But the two children still have considerable expectations. If we really get these two children, the future can be expected!

Bruno left with three children, Dongfang Jing is also slightly envious!

"There are a lot of children in the family. They began to receive quite elite education when they were young, but what was the final result? Not to be a dandy, but a lot of them? It's a pity that we can't make it out. We can only say that we are inferior to the superior and more than inferior. It's a pity that we don't want this result! "

"If you are too indulgent, you can't be too strict. It's hard to grasp the scale. What's more, what about the interior of the big family? There are also many problems, the so-called bowl of water is flat, can you really do it? It's still hard! This is a false proposition. Elder martial brother, do you think so? "

"Yes! Had extremely high expectations, but the final result? It's always unsatisfactory. At least it's not up to the level you imagined. You've been to the manor and seen the education. It's hard to understand whether there's something wrong with our education or what's wrong with us old guys! "

"Some things are deeply rooted! It's very difficult to change. If you want to completely overthrow it, it's not about whether you have courage, but because no one can bear the consequences of doing so! " Ding Yu alluded to this problem! Of course, I know the problem, but knowing is knowing, how to change is another thing!

"Ah! Younger martial brother, what you said is reasonable. It's not that there are no problems. It's not that we don't really realize this problem. It's something? It's hard to go back. Do you want to overthrow it? It is to break some rules. If you want to break these rules, it may cause turbulence in the whole consortium. No one can afford such a price! "

"And this question? What's more, if the problem can't be solved by one generation or even two generations, then problems in other aspects will arise after one or two generations, which also leads to many forces now? It's all vertically and horizontally United! Isn't it? "

"We all know that your means are extraordinary, but obviously they are lack of other aspects of understanding. In other words, their research on younger martial brother you! It's still on the surface! "

Obviously, Dongfang Jing also means something. Now Dongfang Jing can feel the influence brought by younger martial brother! But what about some high-level people in the United States? We have always avoided this problem. Whether it is the subconscious or other aspects of the problem caused, now really is unknown!

But what about Dongfang Jing? Or because now many aspects have been united with their younger brother, there is no way to be separated, each other has become one! If you want to split the word, for the whole damage is too serious! So it leads to a lot of things are timid!

"Forget it! Don't disturb your husband and wife! I have a lot of things to do here! " As he spoke, Dongfang Jing also stood up, but before taking two steps, Dongfang Jing seemed to think of something, "younger martial brother, if you say something that may be a little over standard, there are still a few children!"

After waiting for the elder martial brother to leave, Ding Yu suddenly woke up, which was quite helpless. Taixi looked at Ding Yu, but also had some doubts, "what's the matter? Is there anything else? " One side of the service staff has begun to clean up, there are really not too many things, so the work is not so busy!

"Elder martial brother! There are still some who are not very serious! " Ding Yu sat on the sofa and said, "it seems that there are few people at home." Finish this words, Ding Yu also has so some bad intentions looking at Tai Xi!

Seeing Tai Xi's blushing face, Ding Yu jumped to his feet and carried him into the room. Did he struggle? In the dead of night, there is no one else to disturb! It's the best time, isn't it?However, the next day, Taixi didn't get up until noon, and breakfast was also eaten on the bed. Then he took a bath and then lay down again. It's not that he doesn't want to get up, but he really doesn't have the strength. It seems that he still needs to call those girls over. He can't stand it alone!

As for whether to have more children? What about this? Taixi really didn't have too many worries. He didn't need to do any work in front of the stage now. In addition, he didn't have anything to do during this period of time? However, I have heard from Fu Zhen Ou Ni about this matter. She seems to have made preparations in this respect!

If you think about it carefully, there are only two children in the family. Although it may be a little noisy at some time, it seems that there are so few. If you give them another brother or sister, it may be better!

Tai Xi really moved this mind, look at the time, it seems a little early, so also sent a short message in the past, give them a few girls to say hello! After all, I'm here in America! I have a good understanding of the situation in South Korea. If there is really a conflict with China, the South Korea side will not be too good!

They girls! Eat is the youth rice, lost the Chinese market, the day is definitely more sad than imagined! Let them come to America? Help yourself to share some, and these years of time, I have a considerable understanding of them, when a filling is no problem!

From the family situation, there are so few children. This has nothing to do with myself. I'm not a jealous person. The main reason is that the father of the child doesn't show much interest in it. What about the women around? There are also several, even in the ordinary time do not care much!

Such a thing placed in South Korea, it is simply unthinkable, but in the body of the father of the child, is very normal, so many years of time! I know too well! Even if the so-called tricks were not used at that time, I don't know what the situation would be!

When it was about to the evening, the phone call from Tai Xi finally remembered, "Tai hee, did you get through? Or he figured it out, this elm head is finally an expense, after so many years of consolation, there has been no result! It seems that the sun is really coming out from the West today

"Forget it, Ernie! I have this plan. I haven't got out of bed since last night. I can't handle it by myself. It happened that elder martial brother Dongfang came yesterday! By chance, I think there are a few children in the family. As soon as their two children go out, there will be no one in the house! "

"I don't interfere with this question. You are the main room. We all need to listen to you, OK?"

The two men laughed for a while, "Ernie, have you heard about Korea? It's serious! "

"Don't say it on the phone! I know something about it. There's a Chinese saying. It's going to rain. My mother wants to get married. Let him go! I have done what I should do, and I have also comforted my father. But for the sake of Samsung, my father has made his choice, and no one can interfere with it! "

"I also know this truth, that is, the whole Korean people may suffer!"

"If there is no way out, we can only do what we should do. Now we stand in front of the ants, and there is no difference between them. You! You can care about this, but you can't get involved in it, you know? " As a past person, Li Fu Zhen is particularly sensitive to the situation!

"I know, but I didn't think it would take such a long time to come back. I thought it would take a few days to wait!"

"Don't eat meat alone! Many sisters are still waiting! There's something you can see

After hanging up with Fu Zhen Ou Ni, Tai Xi also called those girls in the past, without mentioning too many things, that is, let them come to the United States for a little longer, so that they can be prepared for this!

After all these things were over, Taixi also took a look at the itinerary and arrangement of the three children. Fortunately, they were still in Boston! Did not go out of this circle, did not cause any so-called fluctuations, it seems that everything seems to be so normal! But what Tai Xi didn't know was, what kind of noise was behind the normal?

Ding Yu came to the United States and met with the third generation. After returning to Boston, the Boston consortium, Bruno and the Orient all went to the door! Obviously, this is planning something! You know, these people alone take out one, enough to make the whole United States shake three times!

But at this time, Bruno even with Ding Yu's son and daughter, and his nephew appeared in front of the public, see this meaning? It should not be as simple as godfather! What are the implications?

Can Ding Yu treat these children as protons? In exchange for certain conditions? There should be no possibility of this aspect. Is there any confusion or crisis on Ding Yu's side, so we can't use such means at all. But if it's not for this reason, what else can we do? It's really hard for people to think about it!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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