"How was the food? I liked this store very much when I was a child, even now I come here from time to time! But what do you look like today? I really feel a bit off my stomach! "

The speaker sits on the chair and looks at his costume? It's a little fancy, white suit! The hair is also glossy and smooth! Even if a fly stands up, I'm afraid it will split! And it's a little frivolous!

Did you come here to see a joke on purpose? It's a bit different from that! Moreover, it was still so loud that the relevant parties soon knew who was coming? In fact, even if we don't investigate, we know who the visitors are? Because his dress and dress up are too conspicuous! Not many people dare to dress like this!

"Isn't it rude to come to Boston without saying hello?! Or is it that our hospitality is not very good, so we have a certain view? " When he spoke, he also indicated to the woman by the bucket, "it's OK. You should eat first, and then you can talk. I don't want to offend Mr. Bruno."

The people waiting in the car outside are all looking at their faces. Bruno's things are easier to solve. Just finish those ice cream! Although it will cause considerable damage, but it is not a big problem, but Yanu is here! Things become extremely complicated!

His arrival represents the attitude of the whole Boston. If there is really a conflict in Boston, who knows what will happen? What's more, there are really some people who can't do it. These guys are not as friendly to the senior management as they think!

Obviously, Yanu's arrival is to force some people to show up. Bruno didn't look up to these guys before. There was no need to get angry about some so-called ants. Even if he lifted his feet, he felt that he was a little ungrateful! At least these guys don't deserve their shoes.

But for Yanu, his identity is just right. If you don't tell me when you come, you still make such a thing. Who doesn't know that Ding Yu is the most distinguished guest of Boston consortium? The Boston consortium was able to stabilize its foundation again, and Ding Yu played a crucial role in it! He's closest to the Boston consortium!

But now some people have extended their tentacles to Ding Yu's two children, right? It should be three children. Although Wang Xiaogang is his nephew, he is also one of Ding Yu's children. If it is in other places, it is understandable. But they should do such things in places like Boston. Where should Boston's face be placed?

So at this time, the Boston consortium is really a little bit "pissed off"! And the relevant departments that have found out about this matter also understand why the Boston consortium was so angry. What about this cake? That is, Bruno and the limited personnel of the Boston consortium know, but now someone has broken the bubble!

Ding Yu didn't make any response. Now he gave the child to Bruno. When the news didn't spread, Bruno could only stay in Boston with three children. He really couldn't get out of the circle, but now the bubble has been pierced! That means Bruno will take the kids out of Boston!

If the children are left in Boston, the Boston consortium can give more care and deepen the relationship with the children. However, if they go out of Boston, many people will focus on it. Whether they are aiming at Bruno or Ding Yu, they will give different care to the three children! How can the Boston consortium tolerate such a situation? It's bad for the Boston consortium!

Because this is the investment for the future! Ding Yu's children's potential is also seen in the eyes, not generally excellent! Whether it will inherit Ding Yu's consortium in the future is another matter, but if it really grows up, it is definitely a high-quality object!

The family can not cultivate such excellent talents, but if it can accommodate the combination, it can contribute to the inheritance and continuation of the whole family. If such things are done too much, it is already quite proficient! We are also all kinds of means for this, but under such circumstances, some people deliberately make trouble and muddle the muddy water? Some can not be forgiven!

"Hello, Mr. Yanu."

Looking at the middle-aged man who pushed the door in, Yanu also glanced at the corner of his eye! There is no intention of standing up! "Oh? It turns out that there is someone behind her! No wonder you can make a show here

"Mr. Yanu, this is a complete misunderstanding. I can explain it!"

"Explain?" Yanu blinked his eyes, then tilted his body up, his legs, arms are generally placed outside the back of the chair! "Mr. Bruno doesn't care about this, and I'm not good or bad about the interest of Mr. Bruno and the children, but what about what I'm talking about now? It's a provocation against the entire Boston Group. Are you sure you want to carry this thing down? Can you carry such a big ice cream cone just like you? "

"Mr. Yanu, things have happened. I don't think anger and anger can solve any problems now. It's the best choice to sit down and settle this time, isn't it? This will be of considerable benefit to both sides! ""Ha ha! The words are from the government. Have you ever been a lawyer? "

"Mr. Yanu, once again, I regret that I didn't see the strange waves clearly! I didn't expect that things would change like this! We are also hoodwinked in the drum, so we lost a lot of propriety

"It's no small thing that you lost your sense of propriety and caused damage to the Boston consortium! I don't know what the forces behind you think about this matter. It may be a trivial matter for you, but the whole Boston consortium is quite unhappy about it! It's no use persuading me

The visitor looked at Yanu and bit his back teeth slightly. What happened this time? In fact, it is really a misunderstanding. The main reason is that the government and some forces behind it are too taboo for Ding Yu, so they act rashly.

In fact, if this time's thing if coldly look on the sidelines, it's not a big deal! Even if we can understand it soon, we still need to say something here, Ding Yu, this guy! It's really the general ruthlessness, even let Bruno take his children! Ordinary people can't make this decision at all!

Their children are basically home to education, so that there will be no problems and conditions, the province in the future what mistakes, but Ding Yu? Even let go of Bruno, it is true that each other is a very good partner and friend, but it is not too risky to do so!

However, it is because it is too abrupt, it is a total evil of the Boston consortium, so that the entire Boston consortium's plan has failed! Maybe it will not affect the interests of the Boston consortium, but it will definitely affect the strategic direction of the Boston Consortium for the future. In such a large situation, it is strange that the Boston consortium can give up!

The funny thing is that the government still wants to solve this problem as soon as possible. I don't want to be dragged too much energy, but how can it be? At present, the Boston consortium and Ding Yu have a cooperative relationship. Ding Yu is absolutely happy that he can mobilize the national government's energy. He will never give up on this matter even if he pursues it indiscriminately!

Only in this way, Ding Yu can pay more attention to things in the UK!

One more question? We are more concerned about Ding Yu! Now that we come to the United States, the presidential election here has been in full swing. Who knows if Ding Yu will intervene? At least there is no awareness of this.

But the more we don't find this aspect, the more people are worried. Because this is related to how to target Ding Yu in the future, no one can understand Ding Yu. Because Ding Yu is quite different from other consortia, and this difference also brings us endless trouble!

"Mr. Yanu, what if I want to take full responsibility for this one?"

"Wait for her to finish the ice cream." Yanu also gave a slight smile, "I think it will take quite a long time. I think you also need quite a lot of time to communicate with each other. You have full power to solve this problem, but how to solve it? It may not seem like a big deal to you, but for the Boston consortium, it's a heavy blow

When Yanu was talking, someone suddenly came in and took a look at Yanu. When Yanu nodded, he came forward, bent over Yanu's ear, covered his mouth and whispered a word. Then he stood beside him, and Yanu rose up in the air! "Really?"

Next to the people are also scared a good big one, Yanu such experience must be something, can let the performance of such a panic, must be a terrible thing! Yanu turned his head and looked at the people next to him. "It seems that the Boston consortium is really not good enough for you! In that case, give them three more barrels to eat! Although we are bad guests, we are masters at least. We need to greet our guests! "

Then one kick to go, directly kick his chair to the people over there! "Have a good time, then, and have fun with us."

Seeing Yanu leave with anger, people on the side of the national government squint their eyes and look at the agents behind. However, many of them are at a loss. Obviously, they don't know what happened. At least they haven't been informed at this time. However, someone has already pushed three barrels of ice cream outside!

To eat or not to eat? See everyone's own consciousness!

But soon the news was also passed on, the people in the government after hearing the whole story, did not know how to describe their pig teammates! Bruno and the three children have been found out. At this very delicate time, they still want to monitor!

If you want to monitor, it's not impossible, but can you be a little alert! I was caught by someone else!

Previously, Bruno seemed to have provoked Bruno, but to a certain extent, it just provoked the Boston consortium. Both Bruno and Ding Yu would not take this matter seriously. But what about this time? It can be said that at the same time, Bruno and Ding Yu, especially Bruno, asked for their own lives!As for Yanu? His anger just now! There should be some pretentious meaning. Things have little to do with the Boston consortium. They are naturally happy that such things happen. But why did the headquarters send such pig teammates? What did they think?

People like Bruno? Also want to install eavesdropping! Is there shit in your head? There are three barrels of ice cream in front of you. Do you want to eat or not? If you don't eat it, you're really going to tear yourself apart from the Boston consortium! But if you eat, three barrels! Is it hard for them to be penguins directly?

"Since everyone is so idle and boring, eat it! When to finish eating and when to leave! "

Take a look at the woman who has been in a mess over there. She also slightly nodded her head. There are too many people. Some words are not convenient to say. What about this time? She is the black pot for her side. What's the good news? It's ice cream. It's not anything else. But one thing is certain. What about the future? She will never have any ice cream to have so-called good feeling!

However, the people who came in to see the four barrels of ice cream felt extremely uncomfortable. Even if it was a disaster, don't use such a way and method! It's better to play a meal directly, which may feel better!

What's more, this time, it's obvious that someone has done something wrong, but let them these subordinates back the black pot, there is no reason! But we all know that since we joined this department, some things are really difficult to choose. At this time, we can only find the dishes!

With a spoon? It's not a good joke, OK? If it's with a spoon, Ma Yue can eat these things in the year of the monkey? There are so many things to do outside. It's better to finish the three barrels of ice cream in front of you!

At the same time, Jin also reported this time to Ding Yu. Ding Yu didn't mean to look up at all. He was still dealing with the documents inside, "let's not get involved in the matter! If Bruno had called and told him that since he had chosen to let him take care of the children, he would have understood

"Yes, sir!" Jin didn't mean to ask for love, but he didn't leave immediately. "Sir, what should song Tianren do with them? Elizabeth has come! But look at her appearance, it seems that there are a lot of dissatisfaction, such a small matter let her appear, some make a fuss

"She must have done it on purpose." Ding Yu also raised his head and said, "let her come. I think she should have something to say to me. Give her an hour."

The waiting time is not very long. Elizabeth also came to Ding Yu's office. Before she came, Elizabeth was also very clean. In front of Ding Yu, she really didn't need to play those so-called small actions. It was embarrassing!

"Sir Ding Yu reached out and made an invitation gesture. Someone brought tea. Ding Yu quickly dealt with the documents. Then he stood up and went to Elizabeth and sat down. "I'm going to give you an hour to convince me."

"In fact, sir, I thought ten minutes would be enough!"

"Well, let's talk about my side of things, song Tianren and their situation. I think you should have read the information and briefing! Say it Ding Yu comes straight to the point. Although it is quite taboo for Ding Yu to expose his cards in the process of negotiation, it has no so-called influence on Ding Yu!

"Sir, song Tianren and they are too young! The things on paper do not have any effect, and their temperament is not comparable with Guo Li at all! It's quite different. I don't need my hand. If you look for a few people at random, they will fall into a mud pit

"You are entrusted with it! What's more, their power behind them is also quite big. If they really stay in China, they will have many inconveniences. The conditions here are not so constrained. Moreover, you are still one of them. It is not so reassuring to give it to others, so it is given to you! I think you should be ready for this! " In other aspects, Ding Yu may not be at ease, but Ding Yu believes in Elizabeth very much!

"Yes, but I have a little request. I hope I can join it!"

"What? I don't think you deserve it Ding Yu sneered and said, "what about this matter? Related to some of your internal problems, I do not want to have any conflict with the third world because of this! What's more, what about the funds needed this time? Although more is better, I am not a greedy person! "

"Yes! I hope that Mr. Ding can give me a chance. I have started to be semi independent and have considerable autonomy. At least, I still serve myself now! "

Yeah? Ding Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Then he understood, "it's interesting! However, this is really a reflection of your ability. I'm afraid that the third generation can only recognize you by holding your nose! After all, it's not convenient for someone to show up! "

"Yes, sir! We all see the profits. So, because of the relationship in some aspects, we can't even speak out. But who hates the money? Isn't it? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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