Ding Yu holds his cheek in his hand, his expression is very casual! "I understand, I return, I understand! But you have not convinced me of the conditions, my side of the capital is sufficient, it is not so important, more or less earn a little, for me personally, does not have too much influence! What's more, you should know my relationship with them! I don't want to elaborate too much on this issue! "

"Sir, this is my first big business. I talked to old Peyton. What about my line? Half and half! To be exact, the third generation is now in charge of his own affairs. What about some people? It's marginalized! If I continue to stay in the consortium, no one knows what will happen

"Go on!" Ding Yu is still in that position, and there is no change!

"I've realized something. What about this one? It's not a simple thing, it still needs everyone's friendship, and I have done quite a lot of communication with you, and they gave 3% of it! How about this way, sir? Thirty five percent, thirty-five percent of them, and the rest for other purposes! "

"This guarantee is of no use. Although they are willing to give considerable profits, I don't attach much importance to the interests. Moreover, with my partners, I just charge professional managers' fees! To a certain extent, they are not my friends, or even my enemies and opponents. If I do this, will they be regarded as enemy assets? "

"If you have any request, I think you can still negotiate."

"Talk?" Ding Yu's expression was slightly disdainful, "I think you should not have got some news. If you get any news, you will definitely not say so. What's more, I have no way to explain this matter to our partners! This is the most troublesome thing

"It's a troublesome thing, but it doesn't mean there's no way to solve it, does it?"

Ding Yu took a look at his watch. "Five minutes, there are 55 minutes left. I'll stay for you!" After saying that, she also nodded. Elizabeth was puzzled, but after seeing this situation, she also got up to say goodbye to Ding Yu. Something must have happened outside, and it was something she didn't know!

After coming out of Ding Yu's apartment, Elizabeth also looked at the assistant next to her, "what's the news? Mr. Ding Yuding should not have such an attitude. Something must have happened outside, which makes Mr. Ding very unhappy. The more he is like this, the more it shows that there are some problems in it! "

"Madam, we have got some information, but we have not confirmed it yet." The assistant next to him hesitated for a moment, then looked around, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Bruno has three children. Those people under the government went to try Mr. Bruno. He didn't take it as a matter. He prepared a bucket of ice cream for the woman who was trying to put her in. The Boston consortium was very unhappy. Let Yanu go there, No I've been through

"But what? I have seen Yanu. Although he is frivolous outside, he is steady in doing things. He is not a unscrupulous person. At most, he is a little annoying. He should not do anything to a useless woman! "

"He didn't do it. He used to express his dissatisfaction, but people from the government installed eavesdropping devices on Bruno and his three children, and they were caught on the spot! Yanu was very angry and thought that the government was a provocation to the whole Boston consortium! Three more barrels of ice cream for them

"What?" Elizabeth looked at her assistant in shock. "How dare they do that? And such a simple thing? Why is it so complicated? Do they know what the consequences are? "

"Ma'am, it's hard to tell whether the news is true or hearsay. That's what I know. Those guys are still eating ice cream, and Bruno hasn't said much about it! I don't know what he's thinking about! However, from the understanding of the situation, it seems that some of them are not very good! "

“WTF!” "They are pigs? Even pigs are smarter than them, OK? Now this is the time to make such a fuss? They are not only offending Bruno and Ding Yu, but also the Boston consortium. They want to offend all the consortia! These fools

Elizabeth now more or less understood why Mr. Ding Yuding let herself out! And also left himself 55 minutes of time, things have changed, and still such a change! There must be many other opinions and ideas from the major consortia! What's more, it means something has changed? Need to discuss again!

"Do you know from Washington?"

"I already know! We can all get such news, presumably the major consortia and people in Washington will know! I don't know what kind of response Washington is going to do, but

Elizabeth waved her hand before she had finished speaking! Don't need the assistant to continue talking!"There should be people in Washington to make this decision!" But in the middle of this, Elizabeth shook her head a little again! Now the two major factions are fighting hard for the president's choice. If such a thing comes out, no one will be in charge. If it is handled well, it will be fine! If we don't deal with it well, this problem will be a big one! What on earth are those pig heads thinking about? "

The assistant hesitated for a moment. "I guess I've got some, but it's not easy to say."

"Say it Elizabeth is not a man to hear!

"I haven't been able to find out why Mr. Ding's three children should stay with Mr. Bruno. There is considerable pressure from the top, so what about the people below? There are other ideas! So we are all kinds of means, but is this the way to use them? It's a little bit inappropriate. When I know the news, I think it's too late to deal with the ending! That's why it's such a big Oolong situation! "

"It's not a chick. They're so passionate. They'll make a big mess! And there is no way to end this mess now! Washington should be very hard on this matter now

"Madam, I've got the plane ready. What should I do next?"

"How to deal with it?" Elizabeth, too, was a little absent-minded, "how to deal with it! Who knows how to deal with it? It's not a big thing to offend Bruno before, and punish her for eating ice cream. This matter can cover up the past, but monitor this matter? It's not that easy to read! This is really not so simple as prying into privacy! We will not simply give up! "

"Now it's time for everyone to know about it! Although there is no sound at present, we will never wait too long! Various consortia will certainly have considerable action. If they can't commit direct crimes at this time, they will go to meet Mr. Ding Yuding, let alone ask Mr. Ding Yuding! Big trouble

"Madame, I don't understand!"

"The game of general election has been started a long time ago! However, no one can tell exactly how the situation will change. And whether the incident is a fuse or a hard thing to say, Mr. Ding Yuding will not make any action, even the so-called hint, but he is definitely not a person who seems to be with him! "

"Intervention? This is a very serious problem! And it's a deep, bottomless whirlpool

"Mr. Ding will not intervene in any way. The question is, which consortia? What would they do? What about consortia and the government? Originally, they are mutually balanced. Whether the east wind prevails over the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind, there will not be too many deviations. But this time? Not really! "

"Madame, do we need a pause?" The reason for mentioning this choice is that there are so many people who can't see how the current situation will develop. In this case, it's better to stop!

Elizabeth sat in the car with her hands on her forehead, but her head was still thinking about how things should be decided! Stop? No, it's because it's intuitive about its future development. But if we don't stop, how should we go about the original?

However, while Elizabeth was thinking, her mobile phone suddenly rang. Looking at the phone call above, Elizabeth opened her eyes vaguely. After a while, she connected the phone. The driver and assistant left the car at the first time, and even the standing position was far away from the car!

"I'm sorry, I was thinking about things just now. I'm a little bit late!"

"I heard that there are quite a lot of problems and problems in Mr. Ding's side!"

In the face of the third generation's question, Elizabeth also simply said her own information and analysis, "this is what I have learned now. There is no news from Washington. I still need to know more before I can make the next judgment."

"How is your mood, sir?"

"I talked to my husband for five minutes, during which he didn't mention anything about Mr. Bruno and his children. My husband had given me an hour, but now I still have 55 minutes left. I can have the courage to talk to my husband twice more, but I'm afraid that's the limit."

"Two more times?" The third thought for a while, "Washington is discussing now. They can mention it to Mr. Bruno. This is just a misunderstanding. There are already some heavyweights coming by plane. The time will not be too long!"

"I'm not so worried about how Washington will handle this time, but what I talked about with my husband is that he obviously has other considerations. For other consortia, will such things lead to any changes? What's more, it's Washington? What will happen to other consortia this time? "

"I don't know yet, but I think they all know about it! It won't be long! "After saying that, the third world hung up the phone, Elizabeth also put down the phone in her hand, the matter has nothing to do with the third generation, after all, this time the thing is through Elizabeth's line, Elizabeth's heart is also really a little bitter, with her imagination is obviously different!

In my opinion? Mr. Ding Yuding would refuse if he didn't see it. After so many years of quarrelling between each other, did Ding Yu suffer a loss? Have you eaten some food in the United States? At the same time, it has also eaten a lot. But did Ding Yu grab the benefits? Big. What about America? It seems that I can't bear a lot of losses!

What if it's a hot fight? For the United States, there are some really can not bear, Ding Yu is delaying their too much manpower, material resources and energy! Therefore, we need to take another way to confront Ding Yu. There is cooperation and hostility between them. What about this time? It's also a test of water!

Of course, what about America? Most of them don't refer to Washington, but to other consortia. Over the years, Ding Yu and the consortia he is close to, can be said to be prosperous and envious. What about other hostile consortia? Still able to maintain, the appearance is still bright, but how about inside? Only oneself know!

What about the composition of a consortium? It's not a family. It's very fast to get rid of it! In the process of upgrading, it is also bloody. It is not so indifferent as imagined. How can it be? No one wants to be eliminated, and they all hope the consortium? Can be more stable!

It's a nice thing to say about stability, but how to be stable and what to use is just staring at the little things in your plate. It's useless, so we still need to open source! At this point, Ding Yu is really admired! Although this guy is very annoying sometimes!

But anyway? Let's start to solve the problem in front of you! Absolutely can't let Ding Yu find anything wrong there, but also need to satisfy Bruno! After all, it is not equal to the situation of leisure!

"Ding, you should know!"

"I see, but I've told Kim, don't worry so much? Yes? You still have this worry! I don't have any idea when I'm a father, and you shouldn't have this idea when you are a teacher! "

"That's not the case. Since the child has been handed over to me, I need to be responsible for it! I'd like to say that it's the performance of other consortia. Many people have called, which makes people confused and flattering! There's a problem in this, and it's quite a problem! "

"No wonder you made this call. You must have heard quite a bit about it! What about this? I really knew that when Elizabeth came just now, she tried with me, and I heard the meaning of it. However, I have not made this decision yet, and I am not in a hurry to make this decision. "

"These guys are really shameless! If it is convenient for you to tell me what conditions have been opened up for both the face and the lining! "

What about this? In fact, it is quite excessive, but for Ding Yu, he really doesn't pay much attention to it. "In fact, it's not a big deal. I'm equally divided with them, 35% each. Elizabeth is in charge of the connection, accounting for about 3%! Anything else? I don't mean to ask questions! "

"Thirty five percent, they're not as greedy as they think? But these guys don't really want to be shameless. They want to have a face in front of them, but they still want to be able to hold their own buttocks behind them. How can they all think of being able to take them into their arms

"They just put forward their intention in this respect. As for what plans they will have behind them, I still don't know. I often hear about the big consortia stabbing in the back. However, I also know that the major consortia are in the same boat. If they really kill them all, it seems unreasonable, so you know it!"

"I didn't expect you to have such a disposition!"

"I don't care about it. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong! What can we do? Can I kill them, or can they kill me? "

"These guys are so careless! I really don't like it. At least I don't agree with it

"Discuss! They can find me through Elizabeth, and they will certainly find you in other ways too Ding Yu quickly kicked the ball out, and didn't mean to stay at his feet!

"Damn it, these grandsons are really not human beings. They want to come up and take a bite when they have benefits. When there are no benefits, they will put guns behind their backs. If they are given such a chance, who knows what these grandchildren will do in the future? I need to talk to the internal people well!"

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu also smiles. Is there something? It is not necessary to do too much to explain, we naturally understand how a thing! And I also believe that Bruno would never say such a simple thing, behind this! There must be a considerable operation, wait and see!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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