Although Bruno didn't get the inspiration from Ding Yu, he already understood what Ding Yu thought in his heart! Some consortia! Can't bear the pressure! It's not that they can't afford this face, but there are so many implications behind them. In this case, we need to say it well! Right?

You have this meaning, does not mean that we have the same meaning. After all, the power between each other has changed a lot. Ding Yu has never been ravaged by others, and his partners are the same. In the past, the power was too weak, and we may be bound up, but now it is different!

Or that sentence, to attract a number of, split a number of, hit a group, this sentence is really too essence! I'm afraid only eastern China can sum up such words, because their history is too long! Although there have been some problems, but the culture has never appeared any fault!

All modern business cases or war strategies can be found in the cultural history of China. People can play these things perfectly thousands of years ago, and even can highly summarize them. However, these things sometimes appear obscure and difficult to understand for ordinary people!

"I hear there's something wrong with the kids?"

Looking at Tai Xi in a hurry, Ding Yu also felt a little funny. Seeing her lying at the door, she didn't mean to come in. Ding Yu also slightly nodded her head, "how do you know, it's not a big deal. Anyway, Bruno is watching over there. If there are any problems and conditions, Bruno can't afford to lose face!"

"Nothing really?" Taixi is very suspicious, said, and then slowly into the room! However, it is still a little far away from the desk. Many things in the study are confidential. I don't want to violate this taboo. Husband and wife should respect each other at this point, so as to manage love well!

"There is nothing. Some people want to know why I want to put the child in Bruno's hands. They are very doubtful whether there is any transaction or whether there is any conspiracy in it. After all, this time, I have collected quite a number of consortia and also a considerable amount of funds! Some people are very nervous! "

"Because of this? They didn't use any means Tai Xi is very worried to ask!

"Previously, I found a woman to seduce Bruno. If Bruno was alone, he might have been" devoured alive ". But with three children, because they had no experience, they were still seen, that is, a limited number of words. However, Bruno did not take it as a matter and later gave it to the children We want to remove the monitor, too eager to know the problems and situation! As a result, Bruno caught one of them. I suspect that this guy is on purpose. He can vent his anger and publicize the fact that he has children! This guy! There's still a set of them in my stomach, one arrow and several Eagles! "

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand some of them! Does it really have no effect on children? "

"Bruno with the children, Boston is aware of this, Bruno is really not good to directly publicize this matter, now good! Bruno can leave Boston with his children and go for a stroll. Other consortia, after knowing about it, will treat the three children! I'm afraid we'll really look at it differently. To put it too far, even if the three children drop a hair, they will take the top priority

"Didn't you know that before?" Taixi still doesn't understand! The children have been handed over to Bruno, is it difficult that we do not know the meaning of this? What happened?

"We all know what's on the surface, but who knows what's inside? After all, there are not many such things as giving children to outsiders. After all, there are not too many cases in history. What's more, it is still in the United States that they have no experience with such problems. Naturally, there are other doubts in their hearts. What about some people? It's too clever, so it's such a thing

Looking at Ding Yu shaking his head, Taixi also eased over, so he listened to Ding Yu continue to say, "didn't you go to the universities and laboratories there? I know the news so quickly. It seems that some people have deliberately delivered the news to you! "

"I went to investigate for a circle, and all the universities and laboratories showed an open state to me. Looking at their appearance, it seemed that they were flattered. I don't know how it all happened. I also heard some people's introductions about the matter you said, so I couldn't bear it!"

"It's normal. You worry, and I'm also worried about it. But Bruno was handed over to him. If something happened, he would have no face to see him, but this guy! Ghost hate, you still think about it. If your son brings you back two daughters-in-law now, what kind of situation will it be? "

"What?" Tai Xi's hair was also a sudden stand up, "he is really small, but at least need to look at the eye, and there is..." I said a lot to myself!"Now almost all the people with some strength know about this situation, so you can rest assured of the safety of the children! There will never be any problems, whether it's the government or the private sector. They are more worried about the children's situation than we are. It's good to put the mind in the belly! And how did your inspection work feel? "

"They are very welcome to me. Some things in it make me feel so dizzy!"

"Ha ha, you! I was fooled by them! These guys! EQ has quite a problem, but this IQ! There are really not many people can match! However, it's good to give them three little guys a dozen of this front stop, and when you come back, you will continue to take them for a stroll

"You'll do me a disservice." Tai Xi was very dissatisfied and said, "those girls will come here today, I'll pick them up! If you don't eat with you, so do you. Don't eat sandwiches at your desk! "

"I see! A little more, too little! It's still a bit cold now! "

"I left my coat outside!" Waving his hand with Ding Yu, he also left quickly, but when he left, he was very upright, unlike the previous time, so in a hurry! Ding Yu then also lowered his head and continued to deal with the work above!

As for who disclosed this matter to Taixi, Ding Yu really didn't mean to pursue him. The investigation is meaningless and time-consuming. The process of investigating this matter is too boring! Just know the consequences!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate. What about the people below? There are not too many comments, what's more, they don't have much time to pay attention to this problem! Because their heels are no longer on the ground!

As for song Tianren, the four of them are the same at this time. The documents they handle during the day are unbearable to them! It turns out that when they were in China, they were not as good as dead. Now? It's better to die, and as far as we know, what they handle is only a part of it!

And at night, let alone! I don't know where the director came from. The old pervert, the old witch, has never met such a person! When the eyes narrowed up, to be more monstrous, there is a way to exercise them, but also to let speechless!

It is to show them a document, and then through words and body movements, you can guess the content of the document. Sometimes even song Tianren doesn't know what happened in the process. They don't have any leakage at all. Why can people guess it!

Even their usual preferences? All the arguments are correct and give people the feeling that these guys are not people at all! Even a machine can't be so accurate, OK? Is it possible to know everything through a few words or simple body movements? If so, what are the secrets in the world?

"What do you think, brother cat?"

Zhan Zhao, who was questioned, thought for a while and shook his head. "I have been a criminal police officer for quite a long time. There are certain studies on this aspect. There are also such disciplines in the criminal police. But relatively speaking, these guys are more powerful. What if I were to take it personally? Our experience is more abundant, their theory is more comprehensive, and sometimes they are a little bit dead reading, too much faith in books! "

"His uncle, how old am I to wet the bed? They can speculate. I really have some doubts. Did they really send ghost shadows to stay with me since I was a child?"

"What about my knowledge? I don't use it much here. If I just do things, it's no problem. But what they show me is really eye opening. Some things are in my heart, but I can't say them in my mouth. I don't know how to express them. In this regard, we should learn more in China! Can not completely deny them, need to learn their strengths, but also should understand their shortcomings! It's a process! "

"The director is really so hard to see. It's totally different from what I imagined! There is a big difference. These are the things that lay the foundation. Now we have some understanding. No wonder the director can see us so thoroughly in the original time. The director has already learned to apply it! We! Just opened this book

"I just had a look. These guys are all armed with guns and have no intention of concealing them at all. Moreover, there are even several people in this group who seem to belong to the relevant departments!" Zhan Zhao also said in a low voice!

Song Tianren slightly waved his hand, "I know this thing, the certificate in their hands! It's for convenience. You know, this is the United States. They are very dark. What about that? You don't know, you know, in China, the children of 49 cities dare not do this, but in the United States, it's common! The system and culture of the two countries are too different! "

"It's hard to imagine that they dare to do this? And so blatantFor the cat brother's exclamation, song Tianren sighed, "what you see is only superficial! Hiding behind this is the most real thing. What we see is just the tip of the iceberg! And this is because of the director. If there is no director, we can't even see a hair of it! "

"It's true that without the director, what we see is only the surface, and we can't see the essence at all. We don't deny that some things in the United States are very advanced, but there are a lot of rotten things inside. Actually, I really don't like countries like the United States! People say how good immigration is and how good is American democracy? Bullshit

"This is a pure capitalist country. To be exact, it's a country that looks at money. If you have money, you can have almost everything. But if you don't have money, it's stinky shit. These guys! It's really not just a grandson! "

The reason why angry youth like to say a chase, but also to vent the pressure on the body, there is no way to do things, in recent days they bear a little bit more! In addition, Elizabeth deployment of people, there are so some inhuman, but there is no other way to vent pressure, so it can only be like this!

But when they re-enter the room, see the situation in the room, several people's eyes are already a little silly! Is this joke a little bit too big and a few naked women are standing there? What does that mean? Or do you city people really know how to play?

"Color, it's a serious situation. You are all men, and it's hard to avoid such a problem. You can see from your eyes that you haven't experienced much, but in this case, you have shown that your pupils and breathing have changed a lot, which shows your inner heart! It's not mature at all

This thing needs to mature? How are you mature? Do you want to try it yourself? Although song Tianren felt that he had a lot of guts, such things were still taboo, especially when there were so many people in front of him! After all, who is not Guo Li, nerve thick with bucket like!

Some teasing down, not to mention song Tianren and them! Even Zhan Zhao was a disgrace. He had never encountered such a situation before. Anyway, all kinds of embarrassment and embarrassment were encountered! make a fool of oneself!

The next morning, Ding Yu had the leisure to ask about Jin! "How did they behave?"

"There is a considerable gap with Guo Li. Guo Li sees some things clearly and clearly. It may also be because he is a doctor, so he is not so taboo about some things. Moreover, his psychological quality is also very good. Things in Britain have made him have considerable exercise, but song Tianren and others! I haven't passed the psychological level yet! Not to mention anything else! There was even nosebleed! "

Looking at the gold shaking his head, Ding Yu is also quite helpless, "originally I really don't want them to get involved in, this flesh and blood millstone! It's not as easy as you can imagine. The people you are looking at now can be said to be in all aspects. Who has no idea of their identity? How many of them! You've got it

"The British intelligence department is very active these days, and the people from Washington arrived yesterday! I heard that I wanted to see Mr. Bruno, but the people in Washington met Elizabeth in private! We still don't know what we have discussed in detail! "

"What are you going to discuss?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "in fact, the problem is! It's still a good guess. People in Washington want to see Bruno just to calm down this matter. After all, it involves the issue of the president. What's more? This time we are targeting the UK and they are targeting the EU. This general policy can not cause problems! "

"Ready to give in? This is a strange thing

"The situation is stronger than people. It is understandable to do anything for the sake of the so-called interests and capital. What's more, there are some problems during the presidential election! It's not as simple as you can imagine! It's hard to shake it off! "

"I see, sir!"

But Ding Yu stopped Jin, who was about to leave. "Go and say hello to Sanchez. I'll invite him to have dinner together. It's here! I really don't like to go out. There's the hospital. I've been busy recently. Although I mentioned it to the teacher, there are still some things that need to be... "

Jin Yiyi's response, then walked out of the room! These things, sir! It is necessary to pay special attention to banqueting Sanchez at home, which is not very common in the upper class of the United States! But Mr. Naihe is such a person, there is no way to avoid some problems!

When Sanchez got the news, he was very happy, but diluted his depression. The Boston consortium was very dissatisfied with those guys in Washington. The three children had seen and had a good contact with each other. They were all good children, and there were suitable children in the family. However, there was a gap compared with the three of them!

This is not to say that they want to avoid it, Ding Yu's son and nephew? It's really unknown whether you can take a fancy to the children at home, and what about Bruno? It's not so good, that guy! It is also the goods whose eyes are higher than the top. It is very difficult for ordinary people to enter his Dharma eyes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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