However, the children in the family are not as good as the law eye now, but it does not mean that they will be inferior to the law eye in the future, will they? What's more, it's not against Bruno. That guy is just a dandy, and he doesn't see who can really walk into his heart. Maybe it's fake, maybe it's intentional. No one can say it clearly!

Mainly for Ding Yu's son, as for his nephew? It is really very difficult because we all know that he will accept the whole family in the future. Compared with the situation in China, it is basically impossible for him to accept a foreign daughter-in-law, so he can only maintain a certain relationship!

But Ding Yu's son and daughter? It's not the same! Take Ding Yu as an example. There may be only one wife, but is there anyone else? It seems to have, but it's just a little bit implicit in the expression! Since Ding Yu has been like this, his son? Can really have considerable expectations!

Feelings are slowly cultivated, as long as you keep good contact! Not only the Boston consortium has such consideration, but also other consortia have the same consideration. We all hope to be able to take the two children, but from the current point of view, it seems that there are not too many results!

In order to meet in the evening, Sanchez really sat down a little preparation, and even could take Yanu with him! However, looking at the clothes on Yanu's body, he also pursed his mouth and took him to Ding Yu. What's good for you to wear like this? Too much personality! You want to say two words, but after thinking about it, will Ding Yu really care? What's more, Ding Yu seems to be a guy with more personality!

When Ding Yu saw Yanu, he was also surprised by his head shape, which was really extraordinary. If it was from the appearance, the whole person was slightly conspicuous, but what about his eyes? You will find that there are still a little sullen!

Looking at Ding Yu's outstretched hand, Yanu obviously didn't think of it. He had heard a lot about Ding Yu, but he didn't really have contact with him! In his own impression, Ding Yu is as cold as ice. Seeing him now is no different from the expected situation, but it is still very painful, and there is no arrogant and tireless situation!

"You old man, you've brought a new man! It's not easy! " Ding Yu's speech seems to be a little critical, but if we understand it from another angle, we can find that the relationship between Ding Yu and Sanchez is very good!

"His performance is very decent. He knows that your eyes are very vicious. No matter it is the third generation or Taylor, you are green eyed, so today I also brought Yanu here. I am already an old man! Always can't still be in public, home is not said that there are no people, but with Yanu there is no comparison! Let him run errands for you, it should still be OK, and he is very familiar with the situation here! "

Ding Yu looked up and down at Yanu in front of him, "I won't read the information! What about your beautiful resume? Everyone has it, but old man, let me see. The price is very expensive, so you don't feel pain? "

"Boston is here anyway! Whose young lady do you like? I'll take you to warm the bed now. Even my granddaughter doesn't have any opinions? What do you think? " Sanchez is also an excited general to say!

"Give me a break Ding Yu turned a pale face. "I have been studying in the hospital here. Boston has also helped me a lot. I can help you, but only once! Never again! " Ding Yu is very straight, white Ming said, without any courtesy.

"I heard Bruno left with the children?" Speaking of this, Sanchez also bit his own back teeth. "Those bastards haven't finished their ice cream. If you want me to say, I'll give them two typewriters directly and solve the problem directly. It may be better!"

"What era is it! If you can, you can! Everyone's face is more beautiful, and my situation is more special, so sometimes you will take appropriate measures, but in the past two years, it is less and less. It is not like that in the previous two years, people were fighting and killing every day, which made people impatient! "

After a greeting, Ding Yu also nodded to Jin, "Jin, give Yanu a check!" Kim also looked up and down Yanu, and then led him away! The room is worth the rest of Ding Yu and Bruno!

"At the beginning, I didn't expect that you would be so courageous. There are many children in the family, and I have brought out a lot of them myself. It's very difficult for an old guy like me to make such a decision. It's really not just a matter of selling people's feelings."

"It's hard for me as a father to do some things. After all, it's my child. My blood is inherited, so it's just a fake hand! Let them fully understand some things, in such things, Bruno will not have any so-called scruples, whether you admit or not! Isn't it? "

"Well, if you put the child here, I'm really worried! You don't dare to take such a heavy hand. An old guy like me is even more worried! Do you want to take this heavy hand, how to do it, etc., and the final result? It's going to be disappointing! ""Forget it! Don't discuss this matter for now! Here comes Washington

"Those guys! Hum Sanchez expressed serious disdain. "Originally, it was some people's dogs, but now it has its own school, but there are countless ties in it. I really don't want to see them. I can't help seeing them! The typewriter at home is already ready

"Forget it! The president you supported was assassinated! We all know this, but it has been so many years. If we do this again, who knows what will happen to the world? That typewriter! Keep it! It's an idea, and it's also a motivation for yourself. It's not better! "

In fact, Ding Yu is very clear that this old guy is completely joking with himself. After all, he is the president of the United States, not other people. If there is any problem or situation, the problem is really too big!

"Well! Just the two of us, the presidential election has come to the most important time

"Forget it! If you really interfere, no one will have any good fruit to eat. I don't believe you old guy. I think you're an old guy? You won't believe me either! If something goes wrong, it will be me. All the spearheads will point at me. I don't know where to run when I want to run! "

"You boy!" Sanchez also slightly smile, "I don't believe that woman, but that man? There are also quite a number of problems. If he is really placed in the top position, who knows how big a mess he will make? "

"I think you guys are jealous! At least it is a political family! If you really want to be on the top, both husband and wife will be the president! Although it is different from the Bush family, it has gathered a lot of people. If it is really strangled, it will be the complete destruction of a political family. It is cruel enough! "

"It took a lot of resources and twists and turns to build up the Kennedy family. They said it was destroyed, wasn't it?" Sanchez's eyes also flashed the light of hatred, "because the Kennedy family was destroyed, how many consortia's painstaking efforts were burned. Under such circumstances, what do you want me to say?"

"I'm not going to interfere in this matter. It has nothing to do with me, but the woman candidate is not in good health!" Ding Yu said thoughtfully, "I am a doctor, just talk about the matter!"

Yeah? Sanchez was stunned, too? Staring at Ding Yu, but Ding Yu's face is expressionless. He takes the water cup on the table and sips it. It seems that he didn't speak at all. But Sanchez really keeps this matter in his mind. Ding Yu seems not to care about this matter, but is this true?

It's certainly not true. If Ding Yu doesn't care about this matter at all, how can he know the woman's health report? To know that thing can be said to be top secret, even if he wants to get these things, he will definitely not be too relaxed, and will be very uncomfortable in the future, not a joke!

But think about it carefully. What about Ding Yu? It's really not a general doctor. The old Peyton guy has been able to live for such a long time, and even the whole family's current leaders, the third generation and Taylor, are all due to Ding Yu's reason. Now they are living a very nourishing life. This generation, even centuries, has not been able to solve the problem!

The outside world certainly doesn't know about this, but as a member of the small circle, Sanchez still knows some things. After all, there are some activities? It was completed in Boston. The old fox, old Peyton, came to Boston more than once. Is it just for sightseeing here? Don't make such a joke?

What about such a big doctor? It must have its own unique way, but what is involved in it? I can't say clearly on my side, OK? We know that Ding Yu is a Taoist. Taoism is a local sect in China. It has been spreading for a long time!

It involves the perception of politics, economy, medicine and so on. Not many people can understand it!

Ding Yu is a guy who has quite a lot of research on this, and Ding Yu is really not an uncivilized antique. He has a strong ability to receive new things. It seems that now, he is a very excellent surgeon. The medical team of Hopkins sometimes calls for Ding Yu!

Why do people want you if you don't have enough skills? Is there no other doctor in the world? There must be, but in such a case, Ding Yu is still needed. We can know that Ding Yu is definitely not the one who gets a false reputation!

"I need to think about it."

"What are you thinking about?" Ding Yu said suspiciously, the words seem to have what do not understand like!

Sanchez laughs at Ding Yu. Ding Yu doesn't want to interfere in this matter. He can understand it. However, this matter is really a very good channel. He needs to give a serious blow to some aspects. As long as the woman is not on the top, everything else is very easy to say, and even he can seek more things for it!Don't say how insidious you are and how unpatriotic you are. In a society like the United States, interests are everything and interests are the root!

Ding Yu and Sanchez are talking. In the other room, Jin looks at Yanu and says, "have you been to the battlefield?"

"Yes Yanu is also looking at Jin. There are some provocative looks in his eyes. Jin is Mr. Ding Yuding's personal security. The outside world has quite mysterious rumors about this man, but everything is just hearsay, and the relevant real situation is really not known much!

"Take off your coat! I'll give you a simple check! "

Although Yanu was a little puzzled, he still took off his coat, but he didn't throw it on his sofa. Instead, he put it neatly on one side. His muscles were very good, his chest muscles were very developed, and his abdominal muscles were angular! If it's a woman, it may have been posted now!

Jin looked at the muscles above Yanu and frowned slightly, "no one told you that such exercise is only a little explosive, but not too much patience? It's just to look better! "

Yanu's mouth slightly twitch, "not many people can carry it!"

"That's because you didn't encounter a real master. Of course, you may not encounter such a situation, but this kind of exercise will cause considerable damage to the body. Moreover, you should eat some protein powder or other things, which can be intuitively felt from the soft and hard degree of muscles. It's not very good!"

He saw that Jin stretched out his hand. When he used to stretch out his hand, the whole wrist seemed to be broken, and it stood upright, "the use of muscles, bones, etc." Then he waved his arm and threw it out. The watch on Yanu's wrist directly fell down! Then he was caught by Jin!

"This is the correct use of muscles and bones, and at the same time, it can minimize the damage to yourself! And your watch is slightly in the way, so I'll take it off for you. Don't mind! "

"It's impossible. How did you do it?" Yanu almost widened his eyes! Almost fall out!

"It's easy to do this. I've explained the principle of it, but you'd better not study it for the time being, because you don't even have the fundamental foundation. What about me? It's not to show how smart I am, but to tell you that at least I still have the ability to examine you! "

"I'm in good health!"

"It has nothing to do with me whether you are healthy or not. I want to check whether your bones are complete, and whether there are problems and conditions in your meridians. As for other aspects, I have no right to speak!"

Yanu slightly lost his mind. The so-called lack of the right to speak means that he is still quite poor. What is the reason for this? Is it because of Ding Yu? It should not be the reason for this. The reason should still come from Jin himself. That is to say, he may not have reached a certain level. It must be like this!

"Mr. king, can I ask rashly, who will survive if we only talk about the two of us?"

"It's a stupid question. I'm not a fairy. A bullet may kill me. I never underestimate anyone. If it's fighting, I'll kill you. Similarly, if I lose my caution, you may be the same. But from the perspective of probability, I'm more likely to die!"

After checking Yanu's arms and arms, including his upper body, Kim also wrote something, "I need to check my lower body, just wear shorts!"

After a check-up, Yanu also felt that he was panting and gave himself a feeling of limited movements. It was not a violent exercise. But why did he have such a performance and the use of those movements made his muscles hurt a little?

"The condition of muscles is not so good. There are a lot of selective exercises, but systematic exercises are basically not. There are some problems on bones, but the problems should not be very big. At most, one or two operations are OK!"

Yanu, dressed in clothes, looked at Kim. "Can you check all this through a limited number of movements?"

"It's impossible to apply it to ordinary use, because there are not many people who can check out so many things. If it wasn't for the sake of my husband, you would have to pay me at least 200000 dollars for such an inspection, and I would never have done it!"

Yanu's mouth has so many twitches, such a one-time inspection, it will cost 200000 US dollars, even if it is to steal money, it seems that it is not so excessive! But I am not good to mention what, now this time to mention what seems to have no effect, but I still feel that there are so many gods nagging!"It should be a good choice to open an experience hall in the future!"

"No interest!" There was no change in the color of gold. He wiped the alcohol gel on his hand. "The problem is not very big, but we need to pay attention to it. It is better to pay attention to your life problems, too much!"

"Is that ok?"

"It's a simple thing!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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