"You say it's a very simple thing, I don't believe it!" Yanu, who was dressed, tidied up and even fiddled with his hair. "With a limited number of movements, can I confirm that there is something wrong with my lifestyle? Or I can understand that you have already monitored me, only in this respect

"In terms of your blood flow, you didn't use drugs, because once you use drugs, the blood flow will be very different, and after using drugs, some aspects of your body will change. Why do you think Mr. Zhang asked me to examine you? He saw it at a glance, so he gave you such a chance, If you abuse drugs, there will never be such a chance now! "

Kim is very disdainful to look at Yanu, this guy really does not understand anything! Or lack of considerable details! Even I can laugh at him, although I was laughed at a few years ago!

"You can see that, too?" Yanu has so many doubts!

"It's OK to use some drugs to nourish one's own body. Not only sir, but also I can use it. But this is just to nourish one's body. It's like land. It can't be planted all the time without giving it the chance to conceive. In that case, it can only make the land more thin, and people are the same, although from the appearance point of view You're a little sloppy, but your physical fitness is pretty good! "

"It's a little scary!" Yanu was deeply touched! The metaphor is very simple, but very vivid! The reason is very clear and clear!

"You can call this magic in the East, but you call it magic because you don't understand the situation, or you can't prove it with your own scientific means. But what about this in the east? It has been handed down for thousands of years. With such a long time of evolution and correction, what is contained in it, let alone you! Even I feel incredible now

"You've made me feel amazing!" Yanu is sincere sigh!

"When you see Mr. Zhang, you will know what the magic is. I'm afraid that what I have learned has not even reached a little finger of my husband! There is no end to learning Jin shook his head. "I'm not Chinese, and I haven't been influenced by my childhood culture. Later, I studied quite a lot. I feel that learning is still hard work, but the gap is still too big."

"Director Jin, too much self-respect seems to be too hypocritical!"

I don't know whether this is true or not. Anyhow, that's what Yanu said!

"Since Mr. Sanchez has brought you here! Besides, the husband has also agreed, which means that you are still worthy of your attention. There are not many people who can be seen in your eyes by your husband. It is not because your eyes are higher than the top and there is no relationship with this point. Even if you are talented and smart, if you don't work hard, your future success will be very limited! "

Glancing at Yanu's body, "your muscle training is very incomplete. I don't know what kind of situation you are in the army. The scars on your body can explain some problems, but they can't show all of them. How about exercise? It's not to soak up girls, but to make themselves stronger! "

"More powerful?" Yanu has some doubts about this. It's not for the sake of soaking up her sister. What's the role of it? Is it difficult to go out and fight? Where is your position in the consortium? Have let oneself get rid of such low-level and boring things!

"The so-called self strength is multifaceted. People's essence is their own body. We have too much potential that we can't give full play to. Are you superman, sir? Certainly not. He is an ordinary person, but Mr. Zhang's exercise is multifaceted and comprehensive development, which makes him have the ability he has now! "

"Why tell me that? Just because of where I am now? "

"Do you think a lion will choose sheep to be his companion? You must be at least a wolf or even a tiger to become a partner. If you are a rabbit all the time, then in the future, you will only be swallowed up. Even if you are not swallowed up, you will gradually be ostracized. Finally, you will take the initiative to escape. The Boston Consortium has been weak in recent years, but it does not mean that you are the only one! "

"Sorry, I haven't adapted to this yet!" Yanu did not have any anger, because Kim has said the problem is very clear and clear! What you value is your potential, that's all!

"It doesn't matter what kind of way to go to the top. I think Sanchez and Mr. Sanchez asked me to check you. There should be a meaning that I should mention this matter to you. After all, they are not suitable to appear, so I personally mentioned it to you? Are you ready for this? Ambition is not everything! "

"I can understand that everyone has some ambition to underestimate me?"

"Ambition is a good thing, not a bad thing, but are you ready for your own ambition? At least in my personal point of view, you are not ready for this, even if you sit in this position, even if your foundation is unstable? Smoke and fire everywhere, and then you go and put out the fire one by one! In the endYanu didn't mean to speak at once! I had been thinking about how to sit in this position before. As for other things, it seems that all the other things are taken into consideration after sitting in the position. However, I have never considered the problems mentioned by Jin!

Jin pointed to the sofa next to him and took the lead in sitting down. "You don't even think about such a problem, or you have avoided such a problem. After you take over this position, what will happen? Maybe a little fire will split the whole consortium."

"You need to know that you are never the only one in the consortium. You are just the leader of the consortium. It will take 10 years or even longer to become a leader of the consortium like Mr. Sanchez. Can your so-called ambition really support you for such a long time?"

"I didn't think about so many problems. For a moment, it was a bit of a big impact on me personally!"

Jin looked at Yanu, who was about to be knocked unconscious, and pulled the corner of his mouth. This guy! The mind is really not small, the performance can be said to be quite good, but now is still confused by their own food!

"What about your own excellence? It just represents you. Now Sanchez asked you to show that you still have considerable potential. But whether this potential can be well displayed, and whether you can enrich yourself so that you will not be left behind, or you need to slowly look at it! "

"And what I said? It's just from the smallest aspect. If Mr. Zhang talks to you, there may be other different places. But in my personal sense, you haven't been able to understand this since now. You are not Mr. Zhang's child, and Mr. Zhang has no such obligation! "

Thank you This time Yanu can be said to be sincere!

"No need to say thank you. If you really want to thank Sanchez, I think you should go and thank Sanchez. It took you a lot of effort to get you in here. Without Mr. Sanchez, you would not have heard that! Of course, if you are really prepared before you come, the situation may not be the same, but obviously, your preparation is not sufficient at all! This is a pity! "

"Ah! I wanted to make a good impression on Mr. Ding, but I didn't think that Mr. Ding wanted to see the essence! Maybe it's not on the same level, but I need to thank you! "

"The so-called appearance is just for people who don't know the trade. Their judgment is the most meaningless and may even mislead themselves!" After saying a big chase, Jin also looked at Yanu and said, "I hope this nonsense I said? It can help you a little bit! "

"No, it has played a considerable role. If you think about the people who are with me, someone should have mentioned it implicitly! But they can only be hidden to mention, due to the identity and other aspects of the reasons, and then is the old home! What about their words? The performance is either too strong to be accepted, or it is too vague to be understood! "

"It's normal that everyone is different. If everyone is the same, it's a machine!" Clap your hands, "OK! Sir and Sanchez should have been waiting impatiently! I hope you have a good start, but who knows? At least I dare not make any decision on this matter! "

Outside Ding Yu and Sanchez had a good talk, but they didn't want to talk about Yanu again. They both understood how things happened in their hearts, but if they really pointed out, they really didn't have much meaning!

When Jin and Yanu came out, Ding Yu and Sanchez both looked at Yanu, but they didn't mean to make a sound. They just watched! For a long time, Ding Yucai slowly opened his mouth, "Yanu, how about your face? It should be a good thing coming! "

"Good things are near?" Sanchez can't help but be stunned. What does this mean? Is it because he brought Yanu here, it won't be like this. If it's really the reason, Ding Yu will never say it in person! That for Ding Yu, there are so many too shameful!

But if it's not for this reason, what is it? I don't know!

"Taixi is coming back soon!" Ding Yu simply said that Sanchez also got up to say goodbye! Ding Yu's words have been very clear! What's more, the things between each other have been discussed very clearly and clearly! It doesn't make any sense to stay! So I got up to say goodbye!

Back on the car above the building, Sanchez took a look at Yanu, who was sitting beside him. He seemed to be in a state of low spirits. "What? Is Jin able to bully you, feeling a little different, at least your clothes are still intact! What's more, this time is a little short. I believe in Jin's physical strength! "

"Don't make fun of me! Some of me have been hit! I think it's absolutely right for Kim to take my place now, even if it's a complete one! "

Hearing Yanu say so, Sanchez also sighed and moved his neck, "I would like him to accept my position. Although it is not necessarily much, it will not be too bad! But"But what? If Kim takes over the position, it will be good for the Boston consortium as a whole! "

Yeah? Sanchez looked at Yanu suspiciously, "why do you say so? This is not what you usually are

"King explained to me some of the reasons. I have considerable ambition, but I don't have enough power. These forces are not small, but in essence, they can't support my ambition. Even if I sit in your position and the Boston consortium is under my control, it can only be To decline, I'm just ambitious now! And it's a big bubble

"It's not easy for you to realize such a problem." Sanchez also realized that in Ding Yu's apartment, Jin played an important role in his persuasion, and he was really not prosperous. He brought him here!

"I didn't realize it at first, but I was a member of the Boston consortium. I always felt that if I could sit in this position, I could sweep all the consortia and let the Boston consortium regain its glory. But now, it's so illusory that I almost have to believe myself!"

"I really didn't expect that you could see through this problem only once. I also thought that it would take you at least two years! To be able to slowly understand this problem! "

He took a deep breath. "I feel that there is no such person around me, or I don't reuse such people. It seems that I need to reflect on myself. Kim has made me realize a lot of problems. If I don't understand these problems! Even if you sit in that position, the future will never be too good! It doesn't matter if I'm alone! "

"You! Be careful. Although we are not related by blood, we are all members of the Boston consortium. It is enough to understand this! I train you, don't other people have a training object? There are all the same, but can they support this stall? It's hard to say, but now you're doing well

"No, not at all!" Yanu straightened his hair. "Even Jin can perform like this, and he is Mr. Ding Yuding's security. What about the others? For example, Horton, such as sun Yingnan and so on, although they have quite contact with them, but now I feel that I just saw the appearance of things

"Ha ha! Ding Yu! This guy is really not an ordinary evil spirit. I really want to send you to Ding Yu so that you can be well educated. Even if you pay all the benefits this time, as long as he agrees! "

"Will he agree?"

"It's a pity that it's a pity at this point! He won't agree. It has nothing to do with money. You have already begun to understand the operation of the consortium. The consortium has recovered its vitality because of Ding Yu. On this point, Ding is a very good friend. He never covets the so-called interests. What about money for him? It's just a pile of waste paper. It's not as good as white paper, at least there's still some use! "

"I'm greedy for money. I always think that the more money is, the better. But I have the same feeling when I listen to you, that is, a pile of waste paper is not as good as toilet paper when I go to the toilet! It's too short! "

"What about the fees that Ding earned? It is much higher than professional managers, but for the entire consortium, even if it is twice as high, it is also willing to accept, because Ding Yu is not a person who is willing to eat on his own, and is willing to share with you! And to a certain extent, he is a very reasonable and principled person, but it is not to say that he has no weaknesses and shortcomings. His IQ is extremely high, but is his EQ above it? Sometimes there's a problem! "

"It feels good! There's no problem in dealing with people! "

"You! Look at the problem or too much deviation, just see some aspects of it! In fact, if you think about it carefully, who are the people who deal with Ding Yu? They are all old guys like me. We are basically blind to Ding Yu's problems, even quite tolerant! "

"There are some defects in Ding Yu's character. This is a normal thing. If there is no so-called defect, it will make people feel that there are some abnormal things. However, he also avoided this problem very well. Many things he didn't mean to appear in person were handed over to the people below!"

"So I feel it! I have always seen sun Yingnan, Horton, or Sasha and Li Fuzhen. They have never seen Mr. Ding Yu Ding very much, nor have they seen Mr. Ding attend any important occasions. It seems that it is very mysterious for a limited number of times. Is this the reason for this? "

"Ding Yu has always only made some plans. As for the specific things, he is a very good leader. He knows what people use, and he has no doubt about employing people! You know Horton! He is a serious American, but Ding Yu has arranged him in that position, and he still has absolute trust! ""I dare not do it! At least it needs a lot of restraint! "

"This is where you are different from Ding Yu. Turning back to Jin, he will not leave Ding Yu. To a certain extent, he is already a believer of Ding Yu! The relationship between each other is too strong! There's no way to pull them apart. I can't do it, and the people there can't do the same! "

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