"Hello, you!" After finishing, he saluted, and then reported to his family. When he heard his name, Dingyu's mouth slightly twitched, and then he looked up and looked at it for a while, and then shook his head slightly. This action made the ocean next to notice.

"Acquaintances?" The sea is also very abrupt to say out, Dingyu? Also looking at the sea, "my file you haven't seen?"

The sea was also stunned, after a while, it seemed to have some impression. After all, I just studied it when I came here. "Oh, remember, the case he hosted at that time!" After finishing, also a fine look. "Not slow? It seems that his horse family is not ordinary! I really think of my family as the emperor of earth, not a living bandit! "

Ding Yu heard this, and he snorted without good spirit. "The sea, aren't you intentional? I have no intention of this aspect when I come back this time. You don't follow the incident in this area! Besides, you want to make a big difference and watch the excitement next to it! "

The sea also did not naturally smile, "OK! Since you have no interest, I am also lazy to pay attention to the dirty things of Ma and Song family, and it is disgraceful to say it! " After that, I also showed to the secretary next to me. What about the next thing? Neither Dingyu nor the sea will come out.

Listen to the two people, where are the two people in the city? They were also immersed in a long period of meditation. The one behind it seemed to think about something. He stared at Dingyu for a while, and then there was a little startling expression on his face, and suddenly he recognized it.

Soon Ma Jian knew the development of things. After all, the small county is so big, and it is still such a thing. It is also noisy. Ma Jian's face is also quite ugly at this time. What about his dispute with Dingyu? After nearly ten years, but until now, the estrangement in my heart has not been eliminated.

But when he was engaged, Dingyu appeared again. This is not a pleasant thing, but the problem is that there are so many different situations in Dingyu! When did this guy climb the high branch, didn't he say this guy went to the army? When did you come back?

"The people from the capital city? And did you drive to a Mercedes? " Ma Jian has been abroad for several years. He doesn't know the situation at home, but he also knows something about it? I really don't want to be too reckless. After all, what about the position of my father? It's still a lot worse.

If it was Dingyu alone, Ma Jian was not really worried and afraid in his imagination. Although he was both defeated and wounded at the beginning, he was reckless at that time, and his father didn't have wings. Now? Can kill Dingyu in minutes. But does Ding Yu make this relationship? Still let Ma Jian feel a little pressure.

There are also people who appear to face, let themselves feel that there are so many head explosions, even many visitors feel that there are so many scalp numb, gun guards, what kind of treatment will this happen? Many people are talking about it. Obviously, many people want to see something happen.

But until the engagement, it seems that there was no movement. This also relieved Ma jiannai to his father. There was no accurate news from the capital. But what about the old man in the family? But it was warned that things were better to keep a low profile, and also blessed the two grandchildren.

The words are simple, but the meaning represented by this is different. In fact, what is the point of understanding? It is that there is no bottom detail, which can be said to be very vague, but in some way? There are also some touch and feeling, not very wonderful!

Ding Yu did not stop too much after finishing the business at home, and then he was ready to go back by car. However, it is unnecessary to drive the car directly this time. First, he went to the city of the upper level, and flew directly to Beijing from where to fly. If he drove back, it would be too troublesome and also cost energy and time.

After getting on the plane, Dingyu was sitting there reading books, and what about the sea? It was also a long breath. What about this time? It should be a complete solution. What was the original time? I really worry about Ding Yu going to be mad, but what about the process and development of things? It's not exactly what you expect.

Dingyu has no meaning in this respect at all. It is a very good news for the sea, but what about Wang Jianguo? The news is not so good as I thought. What about my time now? It really means that there are some hemp sticks beating wolves at both ends.

I hope Ding Yu can disperse the fire in his heart, and don't want Ding Yu to be too reckless. So at this time, Wang Jianguo also feels so depressed. Things should not be like this. Xia Yang has caused the matter, and then patted his butt and walked away. The rest of the mess will be dealt with by himself, fucking.

But what about the sea's relaxed mood? But after a group of people came, it became very bad, with no such coincidence! Actually, I met two of them, Ma Jian and songqiqiao on the plane. You should know that they were just engaged. Don't you have to come to the door so actively?There are only a few first-class seats, and they are close to each other, so do you want to avoid meeting? Basically, it's impossible. The heart of the sea sighs, which is NIMA's.

Ding Yu took a look at Ma Jian and song Qiaoqiao behind him. He also looked at them carefully. There was no other words to greet him. He nodded his head as a greeting. Then he picked up the book in front of him and read it. It seems that he is not very cold about his two classmates.

What about the sea? At this time, he took off his sunglasses and looked at Ma Jian and song Qiaoqiao. Ding Yu's eyes were slightly different, more curious, but what was the relationship between them? There is no familiar with this saying, after all, the identity gap between each other is slightly larger.

Ma Jian is quite unhappy because he met Ding Yu on the plane. What's more, he feels a little angry. Ding Yu's attitude towards himself is totally indifferent, "isn't this Ding Yu? Yes? No more? "

Ding Yu doesn't mean to talk to Ma Jian at all. Even if he talks to himself, Ding Yu doesn't look back at all. In his heart, this guy is a stranger. He doesn't want to pay attention to it. If he doesn't want to pay attention to it, why should he? But song Qiaoqiao, who was standing beside him, was a little embarrassed.

What about this time? The sea also stood up, rolled up the newspaper inside, and then patted Ma Jian's face with the newspaper, "Sun Tzu, be honest with me, otherwise I won't let you out of the capital. I respect the father of your two families, but it doesn't mean that I dare not move you, clearly?"

After saying that, also very disdainful looked at, "understand words, sit down honestly, my name is the sea, in 49 cities but revenge my name, save you revenge can't find a way!"

Ma Jian's face is black and white, white and black. What about song Qiaoqiao over there? For this matter, as if indifferent, sitting on their own position, do not know what things are thinking about, as for what happened to their fiance? Song Qiaoqiao can't be invisible, but the problem is that song Qiaoqiao doesn't have any attitude.

Obviously, what about the relationship between the two? It's not as friendly as I thought. Although I'm engaged, is the relationship between them? Is it different from a stranger? Ma Jian's bad face is also the reason for this. He can't find any face on Ding Yu's body. What about his fiancee? I didn't give myself any face.

Although the whole journey is more than an hour! But Ma Jian wants to be more awkward. At the beginning, he said that he was dead and dead. He put Ding Yu in the position below. Qiao Qiao is his girlfriend! So what? Now is not his wife, let alone let you have no way to participate in the college entrance examination, you are not fart dare not have one?

Now? The situation turned upside down. For Ma Jian, the result of NIMA's is really too hard to accept. For himself, the blow is a little bit big. After so many years of fame, he is suddenly looked down upon by people under his feet. This humiliation makes Ma Jian gnash his teeth at this time.

When the plane takes off, Ma Jian doesn't want to stay in the first-class cabin at all. If he can, he even hopes to go to business class earlier, which is definitely better than the first-class atmosphere. It's really uncomfortable.

When they got off the plane, Ding Yu and Hai Hai Hai were also in the back position. However, Ma Jian saw a scene that made him stay there directly. The two people walking in front knew one of them and knew others themselves. But whether they still remembered themselves was really unknown.

Xia Yang is in such a state of anxiety at this time. On the one hand, Wang Jianguo forces him. This guy really wants to catch up with him. He doesn't mean to be merciful when he starts to fight. Such a situation rarely occurs among people of this generation. On the other hand? This is what happened to my family.

Wang Jianguo there forced, at least he can fight back, not to be defeated, but the family side of the problem? He is really helpless, although his family in the military power is not very big, but this time? Has been completely cleaned up, there is no reason and reason to be cleaned up.

It was just a few days. The speed and the speed of the action made Xia's family have no time to make any response. Xia Yang knew exactly how it happened. He didn't expect that the whole family would be moved like this because of Ding Yu. This time, he was absolutely a father.

Xia Yang is very clear, now is only a beginning. Ding Yu took down his watch earlier, which just means that the matter has come to an end. It does not mean that the matter is really over. Now Xia Yang also understands that although it is still a little late, he still needs to work hard.

This is also the main reason why I arrived at the airport. It's a matter of attitude. Of course, what about Zhong Yun, the other party? It's also following behind her. This time, it's up to her. Although she said that this identity is extraordinary, what about that? There's no national interest in front of it."So big?" Looking at Wang Jianguo and Xia Yang, Ding Yu is also a rare smile. What about Ding Yu's performance? It seems that I didn't really mean to put the previous things in mind, but I'm afraid no one can say clearly what Ding Yu thinks in his heart.

The sea also subconsciously twisted his mouth. At this time, he didn't want to confront Ding Yu, and then he seemed to remember something. Then he whispered a few words in Wang Jianguo's ear. Wang Jianguo also followed his eyes and then put his eyes on Ding Yu's body. However, there was a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

But Ding Yu didn't have any meaning to respond, "don't stand here. It's very tired. I've ordered the plane for the evening. If there's anything wrong, please find a place to talk about it."

Ah? Wang Jianguo's subconscious is to wrinkle his brow, "Ding Yu, too hasty to go?" Ding Yu just nodded, "go to the United States, the little girl friend is over there, and my tutor is also in charge of a topic there. I need to have a look, so the time is a little bit hasty!"

In fact, we all know that this is just a reason, but since Ding Yu has given this reason, we need to seize this time. At this time, we say that everything else is bullshit, which has no significance and value.

Soon a group of people also left the airport. Ma Jian, standing in the corner, looked back and forth, and then sighed a long sigh. Other people didn't know, but the young master Xia had enough to drink for himself. There was also the man named Hai Hai Hai before. No wonder people dare to report the number, and they are really scornful of themselves.

When I looked back at my fiancee, I found that she didn't mean to care at all. At this time, she really wanted to drink drinks. She really wanted to slap her on the ground directly, but she thought about it and left it! Does song Qiaoqiao have a relationship with himself? It's really not a good compromise in general.

There are many reasons for this. What about Ding Yu? In my opinion, it's just a reason from the outside world, but who can't say well. Will this become the most important reason? After all, at the beginning, the relationship between the two people was very unusual. Who knows if it will be broken at this time?

In the room of a guild hall, Ding Yu slightly showed some casual sitting there, "I have already said the previous thing, since it is a misunderstanding, then it's over!"

Ding Yu showed his attitude at the very beginning, which also made people feel a little puzzled. Ding Yu has this arrogant capital! Why has Ding Yu been so weak?

But the problem is that it's not appropriate to ask Ding Yu this question. But Xia Yang has already understood that Ding Yu didn't mean to trouble him, so what about the person who solved the problem? It's not here anymore. But even if it is like this, Xia Yang still expressed his apology, whether it is sincere, this is what he has to do.

After waiting for Xia Yang to leave, Wang Jianguo looked at Ding Yu with a little bit of fun. "Ding Yu, I feel very embarrassed by your situation! Your attitude should be a little tough! It's not like you! "

"How can I be tough?" Ding Yu's rhetorical question also makes Wang Jianguo feel that it is so difficult to understand.

"To Xia Yang this matter's attitude, I feel you are too soft!"

"Soft?" Ding Yu also laughed, "do I have the capital to clamor with others? Throw out the third brother. What capital do I have to play with others! Don't use the current situation to talk about things. From the point of view of the truth, what kind of capital and money do I have to compete with others? I have money, and they also have power. I don't have it. They have it! "

"Ding Yu, that's a little biased." Wang Jianguo thought for a while, but there were some comforting remarks, because what about Ding Yu's words? I feel a little dissatisfaction.

"Biased? On the one hand, I'm more magnanimous. On the other hand, I still have the value to make use of. In this case, don't overdo it. Otherwise, I'm afraid there are some people who can't stand it. My parents are ordinary people, very simple ordinary people! "

"It's not interesting to say so!" Wang Jianguo also felt Dingyu's displeasure. How about anyone else? For this matter will not be too happy, according to Ding Yu's previous words, that is, a sorry thing, even sorry also said very reluctantly.

What about things like this? We all understand it very well. It is precisely because of this understanding that Ding Yu did not put forward any requirements and conditions on this matter. There was no need for this aspect at all. He recognized it by himself. Otherwise, what else would he like to do? What good fruit do you have to eat after you really fight hard?

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