What about the only reliable point in your hand? It's the so-called special immunity. It seems to be a big right, but what about the actual situation? It's just a cover. It may or may not be useful, because Ding Yu does not dare to make any guarantee at this time. It is precisely because of this that he does not have any capital to contend with.

Being beaten in the face, does Ding Yu really have no other ideas in his heart, and is Ding Yu really not angry? How can it be? But anger doesn't have any effect. I already understood this truth when I graduated from high school. Now I can say that I understand it more thoroughly.

If you want to express your anger, it's not to say that you can shout twice, or that you can vent your anger with your hands. What about Ding Yu's heart? Have done this aspect plan, oneself also is a man! Such things for themselves, not only insults so simple, so they have other ideas.

Ding Yu chatted with Wang Jianguo for a while, but also left. Because it was the plane at night, he still needed to go back and prepare for it. Wang Jianguo couldn't say anything about it. Could he stop Ding Yu? There are really some that are not suitable.

After Ding Yu left, Wang Jianguo also made a phone call to his father and told him in detail, "Dad, Ding Yu is too calm. You can feel that he is very angry, but he can control this anger. This is the most troublesome thing!"

Wang Jianguo's father also felt that he was a little tricky about this, but he still had some praise for Ding Yu. After reading the most complete information of Ding Yu, he naturally knew what kind of training Ding Yu received and what kind of actions he had participated in.

It is absolutely after hundreds of battles. If you lose your mind on the battlefield, you will basically lose your life. This TV series is totally different. It is not to say that if you rush forward with a machine gun and the enemy's bullet can't hit you, how can it be? That's not courage, that's silly. The enemy's bullet, the first target is absolutely you.

Ding Yu knows how to control his emotions. It's still early for Ding Yu. Now it's a very difficult time for Ding Yu. It's no good for Ding Yu. What's more, what about the Xia family? If you are really reckless, Ding Yu may be knocked down by a stick directly, and can't get up later.

But now? Ding Yu has no intention to investigate this matter. In this case, the Xia family will have no way to deal with Ding Yu. If the Xia family does something to Ding Yu, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction from other aspects. What will this lead to? Will the Xia family not know?

But the Xia family can't do it, which doesn't mean that other aspects can't do it. Anyway, it's not Ding Yu's doing it, so what about the Xia family? I can only eat this stuffy loss. There is no way to do it. All of a sudden, Xia's family has some broken muscles and bones. This is still light. You should know that Ding Yu behind has not made any efforts!

For Xia family, Ding Yu is really stuck in the throat. It's not to do it or not to do it. It's really a dilemma. But the problem is that this disaster was created by his own children. Although it may be set by others, it has already come to this point, and there is no room for recovery. What do you say?

If Ding Yu really plays with the so-called means, even if it is a little bit of small means, but the problem is that after Ding Yu came to the capital, he didn't even mean to stay too much. He was going to leave that night. This guy was really smart. He found such a smart guy to be his opponent. It was a headache for the Xia family this time.

Ding Yu went back to his house, and the house had been repaired. What about the original time? There is not much change, but the problem is that some things can not be found. At that time, the staff were more complicated. After investigation, they did not have much clue. Even if they had been opened to everyone, they would not have any effect.

Insurance company there is also the picture and information to Zhong Yun, but know how to? Those jewels are not very big. It's too easy to hide them. So Zhong Yun can only compensate Ding Yu again according to the original style. After a mess, Xia Yang has a lot of bleeding.

What's the meaning of placing so many valuables at home when you're ok! Zhong Yun's heart is also secretly scolded, but how can it be? Ding Yu didn't ask you to pay compensation. You volunteered. As for the consequences of not paying, no one seems to mention it. At least, there are not too many people to pay attention to.

Of course, what's the meaning of Ding Yu's taking out the photos? It's also very simple. I don't want to tear this cheek. In that case, it doesn't seem to be good for each other. I don't owe you anything, so please don't owe me anything. In that case, the face of each other is not so good-looking, isn't it?

Back at home, Ding Yu didn't mean to take a close look. He simply cleaned up his things. Then he took out an instrument and tested it in the room. Then he went to the position of his bookcase and looked at the wood in front of him. Then he slapped up and took out something from it.Looking at the things inside, Ding Yu also shakes his head, which is really dirty. I don't know what they are thinking about in their heads. They simply put the things away and said hello to Ding Ding, "Ding Ding Ding, I won't meet you. I'll go back first!"

Ding Ding also yelled a few voices, he really can't leave, but the elder brother left, also is not a lifetime do not meet, there are opportunities. After Wang Louyu got on and off the car, he didn't hesitate too much? After thinking about it, I suddenly said, "I'll give you a small gift. I found it in my house."

Wang Jianguo was stunned. When he saw what was in Chu's hand, his face turned black. At this time, he didn't even know how to deal with it. "It may be unintentional, or it may be someone who wants to stir up discord in the middle! However, I don't have the time. I'm sorry! "

Ding Yu's words are very insipid, but for Wang Jianguo, there are really some slaps in the face. The house was demolished. Although it was said that it was repaired after demolition, it was found that such things were deliberately arranged by Xia Yang. This is not important, but Xia Yang needs to be responsible for this.

What about Beijing? Say big is not small, say small is not small, what about this time? Ding Yu made Xia Yang lose face, but what about eavesdropping? In Wang Jianguo's opinion, Xia Yang is not inferior to this extent, but he knows people, faces and hearts, who knows?

Ding Yu left very simply. Obviously, at this time, Ding Yu doesn't want to give other people any opportunities. But what happens after Ding Yu leaves? Some things have come to an end, because the parties have left. Now, even if they are looking for something, there seems to be no excuse. It's a depressing thing.

When he received the call from Wang Jianguo, Xia Yang was very impatient. However, he still met Wang Jianguo in a golf club. Looking at Wang Jianguo who was swinging there, Xia Yang also sat in the position there. He looked a little bit unhappy, "do you want to try?"

"What can I do for you?" Ding Yu has left. What about all these things? I don't know what it is for Wang Jianguo to look for himself, but if he wants to be on call at any time, it will become his dog?

Wang Jianguo waved his club, and after thinking about it, he took out a small thing from his pocket. "Ding Yu gave it to me. I found it in his house. I think there should be a lot more meaning!" Xia Yang's look is unbelievable, even the whole person is all of a sudden stand up, Wang Jianguo also looked at, "the house is you let people decorate!"

"But things have nothing to do with me!"

"Yes, if you did it, then you won't be standing here at this time. I feel that my IQ has been lowered a lot when I was with you recently, and I don't know how you do things, to some extent? I don't know how you still care about this guy

After that, Wang Jianguo also looked at Xia Yang with a little pity. Then he put the club in his hand into the bag, but he didn't mean to clean it up. Some people would clean it up. Xia Yang, sitting there, had a complicated look. Then he arrived at Ding Yu's villa as soon as possible.

After waiting for a short time, several people also came to Ding Yu's residence. The room was cleaned up and checked for more than ten minutes. Soon someone came to the front of Xia Yang with something and looked at the things in front of him. Xia Yang was also a little angry.

After waiting for a long time, Zhong Yun also came. Looking at the things placed on the tea table, his face was also quite embarrassed, "things have been placed for a period of time, that is to say, when the house is being renovated, some people will move their hands and feet in this respect! Zhong Yun, I leave this matter to you to handle, and I hope to get an explanation! "

Zhong Yun really didn't think that things would have such changes and twists and turns. What about these things? It won't be Ding Yu who installed it himself. Because Ding Yu just came back, he didn't have so much time. But who did it? Will it be Wang Jianguo? Or does someone want to fish in troubled waters?

But all of the things that are said now are conjectures and have no meaning. Zhong Yun also went to investigate, but before this? Zhong Yun also expressed his own idea, "is it possible for Ding Yu to do it himself? What is the possibility of Wang Jianguo doing it? " To a certain extent, Zhong Yun said so, but also in soliciting Xia Yang's attitude.

"Ding Yu himself can be ruled out. If he wants to do it, he doesn't need such trouble. As for Wang Jianguo? I don't think it's very possible for him to do it. There are so many conflicts between each other. Such means can't play a very important role, so the possibility of him will not be very big either! "

"I see. I know what to do!"

If Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo are excluded, what about those who will do it? It didn't take as much as I thought. It took less than two days to find out what should be investigated. What about the people who came to work? How many are still so some not very careful, was found out some image information.After all, Dingyu is still in a very advanced community, so the management is quite in place. Since we find the information, the remaining things will be well solved. Soon Xia Yang also knows the specific situation, "that is to say, this time, the matter is mixed with Hongtao, right?"

"It's like this from the results I get!"

Zhong Yun is very understanding the situation, there are so many walls to push people, because at the beginning, although he said that he had identified some relations with his brother, the question was the attitude of the third brother? The comparison of ambiguity, and has been three brothers for this aspect of things is not so interested.

But after Ding Yu moved himself, things immediately took a fundamental turn. At the same time, I was in charge of initiative, but now? The initiative was handed over and it also made itself a target. For Xia Yang and Zhong Yun, the blow was a little bit bigger.

Now I know it was something that Hongtao made, but what about that? To some extent, Hongtao is to Xiayang maggots, but what about Xiayang? There is no way to do it now. If we say that we do it at this time, then we will surely let others join together and deal with themselves.

After all, they are passive now, and don't underestimate the group of guys. They are all people in the circle. So they still know the temperament of these guys. At this time, they are absolutely willing to fall into the stone. This is just certain.

Even Xia Yang has some doubts. Has Wang Jianguo already found out the situation in this respect, and then he can not know if he is waiting for his own set. Even if he doesn't, he can mock himself, because this is for himself? It is really a feeling that there are so many people can not see!

Fortunately, Dingyu left at this time. If Dingyu doesn't leave, then the wind wave that is involved will be how big, even Xia Yang has no assurance.

At this time, in a more luxurious decoration hall, some people also spoke to a young man about this situation. "It's a pity, it is the best chance to deal with Xiayang. Although the third brother said that he didn't express his voice, he would never let this opportunity pass from the situation!"

Hongtao also smiled. "I am very interested in the friend of brother three. I really have some arbitrary meaning. I will leave without any stop after returning. It is very unusual!"

"Taoge, isn't it that exaggerated?"

"No, you don't understand what's going on in this!" But Hongtao really didn't have the meaning to explain. What was the original time? I really did this plan. When the friend of brother three discovered the eavesdropper, then things would be very serious. What about each other then? It must be impossible for water and fire.

Then, the three brothers will certainly be mixed in, and Xia Yang and the third brother's friend, each other will definitely make a lot of trouble, and the final result is what? Hongtao even had expected that Xia Yang caused great losses, but his family would definitely keep him. The same was true for the three brothers. What about the sacrifice? Only friends of brother three.

But what will summer sun's next game be? It is self-evident that even the whole Xia family will cause unbearable losses. Of course, the third brother's side will not be too good, but the problem is such a good thing? It didn't happen because Ding Yu, one of the parties, left happily, and his preparations and plans were totally wasted.

It is a very unpleasant thing, but there is not too much way. When I know the news, the plane has taken off. Although it says that their family is extraordinary, let the plane turn around and fly back. What about this? Let's forget it!

And the same, this matter makes Xia Yang not very happy, let the three brothers seem not too happy, for themselves? It's not a very good news to expose yourself to the surface! Really, the plan has not changed quickly, and the plan is good, but in the process? There are too many unexpected problems and situations.

What about these questions? Dingyu is not very clear, but he knows some problems and conditions? It is not possible to mix them at this time. If it is really involved, it is absolutely their own to break bones. Don't look at the two bad money in your hand, but it has a little effect.

Exactly, what about Ding Yu for the special national conditions? There is a considerable understanding, after all, those life in dreams are not white life, it is because of too much understanding, so Dingyu in the face of danger, the first time chose to avoid, and did not catch up, so for themselves, will definitely suffer head-on pain, no doubt.

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