However, from the above things is perfect, but the specific operation is also perfect, this is really ambiguous, Ding Yu really dare not do any determination! Some British guys will never be as honest as they think. Who knows if the British royal family will bet on both sides?

Don't believe too much in British morality. They never have any so-called moral integrity. The royal family can do such things. Other aspects can be imagined!

Of course, there may also be many reasons why the royal family is dissatisfied with the government in person, but Ding Yu really doesn't want to go deep into it. But if it is to ask Charlie to come over and agree to this matter, there are some too many trifles! Charlie's family won't hide from himself, but he has already sold his family's face!

So Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, "Charlie, what do they say?"

"The boy of your family can marry a princess and bestow a title on him!" Charlie said tentatively! Seeing that Ding Yu's face was so dark, Charlie also sighed slightly, "Ding, the conditions are always discussed. I can't show all the conditions all at once! And the connection is not so convenient! "

"I'm afraid there is no one else in this calculation! I have no idea if he wants to, but if he doesn't, no one can force it! " Ding Yu's words are very slow, but the momentum is really that ordinary people can't compare! Take your own son as the trading object, which is not good!

"If the royal family puts forward such a request, you can still perfunctory, which is to give the royal family a little face in this respect! You refused directly! What a shame Charlie also has some arch fire! "You know what the royal family didn't say when you were rampant in England for so many years?"

"Basically, I haven't had any so-called instruction with the royal family. Naturally, I can't talk about any so-called relationship. What's more! What is Xiaojiu in the royal family? I'm not so clear now? So it's impossible to talk about the terms of their agreement, Charlie, when did you start to be so hesitant! This is not your style

"It's not hesitation. There's no way! It is said to be against Britain, but to a certain extent, it is against the British aristocracy and the government. I am not wrong to say so! " Charlie is very embarrassed to say!

Ding Yu slightly nodded. In this, we still need to talk about the British model, which is different from many countries. A lot of land in Britain is still subordinate to the aristocracy, rather than to the state. For example, in London, England, most of the land in the city belongs to the nobility, and the buildings in the city are not purchased from noble books It's a loan.

So many houses do not have any so-called permanent rights, once the land expires, you need to rent the land! So what about the upper class in England? Enjoy a steady stream of money!

What about this? The British government is not willing to face it, but rash to do it, there are some unlikely, so the government and the aristocracy are also quite irreconcilable contradictions! It's like the house of Lords has been reformed many times, but the house of Commons is still not satisfied! The contradiction is not so easy to solve!

"A piece of permanent land, twice as much as you originally combined in front of all your houses in England, a title! Ding, this time we can only talk about commercial conditions, not other things. If we really talk about other things, I'm afraid the house of Commons will be completely angry! It's hard to say what the result will be! "

Ding Yu seemed to understand something, but also looked at Charlie, "I can understand, is this a way of redistribution? The royal family is not only dissatisfied with the government, but also dissatisfied with some nobles. However, it is not appropriate for the royal family to come forward and let the government come forward. So let me be the villain!

It's enough to be a bad man! The royal family has to make a profit. I really don't know how to express it! Charlie, I wonder if I can say a curse now? Because it's hard for me to express my feelings now! "

"Ding, it's not very gentlemanly! Internal problems still need to be solved internally! " Charlie also put forward his body, "Britain has never been your enemy, you and I are still very good friends and partners, and I believe that we can get along with each other forever!"

"This gap is a little bit big. I just do business, and I don't care about other aspects." Ding Yu showed his attitude at the first time, "I don't want to get involved in it, and I don't want to be flattered!"

Charlie shook his head. "I know that's your answer, but fortunately there are no other requirements from the royal family. If you really have any requirements, I think they will have other reactions. They are greedy, but also very cautious and careful."

"Then let's say something more practical! Let the royal family enter the arena, which is definitely not a good thing for other forces, because this is a cake that occupies other people's plates, which will make everyone not so happy! At the same time, it also smashed my own signboard. I don't think it's good to do so! ""A hundred? How did you like it? It's not a big number! "

"A hundred? Charlie, you really open your mouth! Do you think that's the right number? " Ding Yu also looked at Charlie with hatred, "one I think is a little bit too much! A hundred? Don't let anyone else get involved! Just watch the royal family perform with you! Are you kidding? Cut two zeros

"Cut two zeros. Why don't you just cut me off? What do you think? Even if you don't cut me off, I'll make sure that I'll be chopped in pieces after I go back! " Charlie widened his eyes and glared at Ding Yu, "Ding, actually, this is a robbery! But even in the robbery, you also need to have a good sense of propriety, can't always live without grass? In that case, what will Britain do in the future? "

"But a hundred, that's too much! It's too big to bear. I can't give a lot of space. You know, I don't lack funds at all. It doesn't play a very important role to rush back so much money now, unless I'm reckless. But Charlie, you should know what the consequences are! "

"Wanton is absolutely impossible, but if you cut two zeros, is that still called money? Even if the protection fee is not so small! So absolutely not! I have no way to explain it after I go back! "

"Well, if you say a number, I hope it will be a suitable number! What's more, even if you said 100 before, I don't believe it's full amount. It must include a lot of stocks, funds and so on. I don't need those things. It's useless for me personally. What I need is cash! "

"I'm kidding. Even the richest man in the world can't get so much cash now. I don't believe you have all the cash in your hand! If it's all cash, I'll eat it now. There's nothing left! "

"Although I don't have all the cash on my hand, I can convert a lot of things into cash, which will play a crucial role. But how about the things on your hands? It's hard to say! You've got me a pile of useless waste paper. What's the use of me? " Ding Yu is also eloquent! "No matter what, a hundred will not do, even heaven will not!"

"Fifty! I know the Royal requirements are too much! If we do too much, we will certainly arouse public anger. But I also know that all of us have put the funds into your hands. Who owns how much? Besides you, I'm afraid not many people have such details, do they? "

"You're trying to persuade me, aren't you?" Ding Yu glared back discontentedly, "Charlie, say a realistic number, and a little, if the Royal funds come in! I need to get a part of your money. Of course, if the number you say makes me feel satisfied, I'll show you a way! "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Charlie also took a deep breath. He was very satisfied with Ding Yu's words. The relationship between himself and Ding Yu was very good, and the cooperation was also very smooth. However, it did not mean that he could enter Ding Yu's plate to eat. Two things happened!

Charlie also understood that he could not hide Ding Yu from the royal family, even if he did now! In the future, it must be too late to hide it! Just for the sake of the royal family, the whole family should be filled in. Forget it! Not so noble!

And what does the royal family mean? Charlie also knows a lot about it. They have a lot of ghost ideas. At the same time, they also think about the problem of face and many demands. But what about the things they pay? Let Charlie have so many invisible, are some empty, not too many practical things!

"I have come up with a number. What about this number? After I go back, I can at least explain to the royal family and the family. 26. If it is less, the pressure on the family to resist is too great. There are some conditions mentioned by the British side. Are they useful or useless? I can go back and talk about it again! "

"Another pile of cultural relics?" Ding Yu wiggled his neck. "Charlie, I really have some doubts. What do you think of the royal family?"

"What do you think? It's really not a good question to mention, but what about these cultural relics? Not in the museum, but in the Royal Collection! I think you will be very interested, and the Royal authorities will offer you a special condition. In addition to these cultural relics, you will also be given two special things! "

"I really don't know what kind of discussion and expression I should do!" Ding Yu laughed bitterly, "by the way, how is the situation in the hospital? Although I have been in China before! But most of the time is in my hometown! There's no free time to go to the hospital! "

Charlie also put out his thumb at the first time, "I didn't say that. Although my father didn't go every month, he would go and have a look when he had time. He found that China's conditions are really getting better and better! Previously, I bought a courtyard in the capital. The price was a little expensive, but he liked it very much! ""Siheyuan? What is that? " Ding Yu also feels so funny!

"Can't you always live in the apartment after you come? How about staying in a hotel? It's not so private. It's better to find a housekeeper and two logistics staff to take care of it. If you come to the capital in the future, you can also have a place to stay, so you don't need to be so restrained! "

"It seems that my heart is really moving this time."

"Yes! The development of China is getting better and better! What about the development of medicine? The United States and Japan were the first to enter China. They both made a lot of money in silence. There was no other way. Judging from the time, the entry of the family was a little late, but I believe there will be better development in the future! "

"Since I came to the United States, I need to treat you well!"

"For the next time! In the end, there are still familiar people, if you really meet! It can be said that the purpose of this time will show some signs. If the royal family really comes to the door, how to deal with it? I don't care! But what about your family? This pressure is really not general big! You can't ruin the family's efforts just because of this? "

"Whatever you want! Take me to the house

"I have already talked about the general things! I'll send it to you! It's really inconvenient to take a plane to go back later. This time, the Royal authorities did not let the intelligence and governance departments join in. They are also extremely worried about them, but in any case, it is the British Department! "

"If they don't mean to do it, I don't have much time to pay attention to them! How about this reply? " But Ding Yu also hums a smile, "but redundant said a word, you and royal family's relations are good, but I don't trust royal family very much!"

Charlie also obviously nods, can let Ding Yu say so, is already quite to the face! If you mention any requirements again, it's really too much! Ding Yu gave himself such a big face, he also had to face, right?

"If they don't want face, they don't need to have too much scruples! These guys! Sometimes their minds are quite different. What about their hearts? There are some other purposes, I am not good to mention too much! Just like this, just dressed up, now need to dress again! It's a bit of a problem! by the way! Is it convenient for me to bring something back? "

"I just said I was worried about my face. What's the matter now?"

It's just a joke. It's not a big deal! Ding Yu has no intention to refuse! Looking at the dressed Charlie, he also nodded, "take things directly from the United States, which is a little cumbersome. I have people send things to Britain!"

"Yes! I hear you gave the child to Mr. Bruno? "

"What? This news spreads so widely that Britain has already known about it? It's spreading fast enough

"The two treasures of your family are now in the royal family's mind! Not to mention anyone else! Who doesn't want to be able to better improve the family's genes? For the future of the next generation and even the whole family, do you have a fixed line in China? If there is a good wife in the family, a man will not be in trouble! "

"It's too wordy. It should be a good wife and a good husband! Be concise and comprehensive! "

"That's what it means. What about the princesses of the royal family? From the appearance, it's still very good, but it's good to be a lover, or to marry each other. Otherwise, I really don't agree to marry a princess. It doesn't mean much! Really excellent can be said to be very few! What we see is only superficial, but there is too little substance! "

"It has been handed over to Bruno. Some things are inconvenient for me. What's more, I still have a lot of things to deal with. If they stay here, who knows what will happen and catch up with such opportunities, so they can seize Bruno. Otherwise, they will never have such a good opportunity!"

"There is considerable discussion in the UK. If there is a chance, I hope that the three children can go to England. The royal family and the royal family will guarantee this!" Charlie is also a positive book, looking at Ding Yu said! "Nothing else!" Looking at Ding Yu's face, Charlie also explained quickly!

"There are so many things that are not suitable at this time. If I have time, I will let Taixi take the children with me, or let them play by themselves. It's nothing. But let me make this decision now. You believe it, I don't believe it!"

Looking at Charlie, Ding Yu also answered this question very seriously! When hearing Ding Yu's reply, Charlie also nodded his head heavily. "I believe my father will be very happy to hear this news and look forward to the arrival of this day. In fact, I hope you can return to England when you have time. Many students still miss you very much. You are the devil

"Why do you keep asking me? I, the great devil, have already left office"Out of office! It's still the big devil in everyone's mind Charlie, when you're done, wave! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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