"Sir, don't you think there's something weird about this?" After seeing Charlie away, Jin turns back and looks at Ding Yu in confusion! "I didn't hear about it when I was dealing with many affairs in the UK before! Now all of a sudden, some of them can't be prevented! "

"On the Royal side! I've moved other thoughts Ding Yu said with a smile, "from another point of view, we have done great harm to Britain in the past two years. There are so many British people who can not bear the pressure! So now the royal family has to do something to clean up the situation temporarily! "

"Is it really shameless?" Kim can be said to be surprised and surprised! "This is an unexpected skill

"Just say it's shameless! If the power of the British royal family really moves, there are not many people who can carry it. Charlie can be said to be a higher level in Britain! He needs to come here in person to show how much pressure the British royal family has put on him. This time, it's definitely more than killing people with a knife! "

"Sir, the royal family is obviously quite aware of it!"

"It doesn't matter what feeling. There are problems in our country. If the royal family makes a move, can the British people agree to come down? It's impossible at all, so we can only adopt certain ways and methods. Instead of letting others do it, it's better to find someone who knows something about it and at least know what to do with it! "

"Now, it's going to be very difficult for us!" Kim is obviously worried about the next move!

"No, let's choose, that means we can kill!" Ding Yu said decisively, "the original plan is to get a ticket and go! Don't be too angry with the British side, but now, the situation is different! Our decisions are just decisions, and we need to change them! "

"By the way, how are song Tianren and them?"

Asked Jin Leng for a moment, the topic changed a little bit quickly. "At the beginning, it was really a little bit of a snob, but the performance of these two days is still very good, their foundation is actually very solid, but the development is a little biased, timely adjustment, the future can be expected! The previous Sir's suppression may have been too heavy, which made them a little bit wilted, but Elizabeth's side was very dedicated

"What a bunch of them! Because of the family relationship, if you take out one of them, it's all human spirits. If you take one of them, you can knead them three times. But if you put them in the public, these guys are another thing! Even if you and I, it's very difficult to give them in a proper way, and even may be disheartened! "

"You just don't want to see them all, sir!" This is not really a compliment. Sir, if you really want to move them, what are the bright and the dark? Black, white, direct let you lie down, and never turn over!

"Different origins, children are particularly sensitive to the impact of the environment! As the old saying goes, it's normal to follow a good man to learn from a good man, and follow a witch to dance ghosts and gods. It's normal that you read and see when you are young. Compared with other people who only started to contact when they were in their twenties, the foundation between them is different! So these guys, when they get into some business, they start to be like fish in water, because they know how to play the game, but because of this, what is their performance? Maybe it's sloppy, maybe it's dismissive, and so on. There's not enough stamina! "

"Maybe some places are too good! So the mind is bound to be so complicated! "

"Yes! Some places are so excellent! So it's hard to avoid some complicated thoughts, these guys! Want to be adjusted! It's really not a common difficult thing. Song Tianren is OK to say a little. The other two people! It's been a while! Has been silent, the heart can not have any ideas! See you sometime

"Sir, you are going to water them again!"

"Song Tianren grew up very fast, but what about the two of them? Not slow, at least now can keep up with song Tianren! And now there are such opportunities, they can not grasp their own, to see their own! It's a flesh and blood millstone, not that I want to throw them in, but they come in by themselves

"Sir, throw it out now. It can be said that wolves look around!"

"If you don't give them a little pressure, they won't have any feelings. In this case, give them a little pressure. I'll make this decision. What can they do if they stay at home? As for whether they can resist these temptations? Whether we can keep the so-called bottom line, this has nothing to do with us! We are responsible for their growth, but we are not nannies

"A little cruel!" Kim raised his shoulder. "I'll ask them to come and see you, sir, when they are free! I think they must be very complicated, nervous, and have some small excitement at this time. They will not be depressed in the imagination! But who knows what will happen? ""What's going on over there, tangerine and apricot?"

"Well done, but what about the family? There are still some frictions! There is still some anger over the orange apricot business. After all, Mr. Tanaka also came from there, and both of them are highly valued. This makes some people feel insulted! "

"That's all right." Ding Yu feels a little funny! "Have they lost their heads?"

"Talents can't make the best use of everything. Even at the beginning, they thought they could please the American side. Now they are staying here with Mr. Wang, and they even take up such a position. Some people's faces must be indelible! And Mr. Tanaka? It's nothing in their family's resume, but orange and apricot are different! "

"Oranges and apricots are also the focus of their families! However, due to the identity of women, and previous failures, they were abandoned? It seems to be a normal thing! " When talking about this, Ding Yu also shakes his head. In the whole Asia, even the whole world, patriarchal society, patriarchal society, it is very normal thing!

Woman! To maintain their rights and interests, there is still a long way to go! "What about the other things? I don't care, but if anyone does something to oranges and apricots, don't blame us for not paying attention to the so-called affection here. This is what I said. I can tell you there! "

"Sir, I don't think they will do anything too big. Sir, you are standing behind the orange and apricot. Even if they want to make a fuss, they need to have a certain sense of propriety. Otherwise, they can't afford the price! So it's just to make a fuss about the things in the house and pick up some oranges and apricots! "

"You can arrange it! But also need to give orange apricot to solve some follow-up trouble, don't let trivial things too much to trouble her! After all, her present position is very important! " Ding Yu still has considerable consideration for the details!

Relatively speaking, during this period of time, there are a little more people going in and out of Ding Yu's apartment! Sun Yingnan wants to arrange an office for Ding Yu, which is more convenient. After all, the apartment is a residence and a private place! But Ding Yu didn't promise this thing, because unless the necessary person, otherwise also can't enter here!

And has been monitoring Ding Yu's people, this time is really do not know how to deal with! Is it possible to walk into Ding Yu's apartment? After this guy came to the United States, he basically didn't get out of the gate or even went to the hospital! This NIMA!

There is no clue at all! It seems that Ding Yu is surrounded to death! But from a certain point of view, we are also dragged here by Ding Yu. We can't move at all! What should I do? You can't do nothing, just wait here, right?

Want to start, but do not know how to start, do not start, then it is in chronic death!

Why did you provoke such enemies and opponents as Ding Yu! Originally the relationship is very good! We have to make such an enemy come out, but after making this enemy out, there is no way to clean up the mess. Some people have begun to curse their mother! And this mood is also a little bit impatient!

Even if possible, they would like to take a gun and rush into Ding Yu's apartment directly, and then they would pop this guy out! It's all done. Isn't it simpler and more convenient?

But if you think about it, do you dare to do it like this? What about the apartment? It is only left to Ding Yu, whose children have been taken away by Bruno! What about Taixi? Under the protection of the Boston consortium, Ding Yu is the only one in the family. He may have set a trap and wait for some people to come in!

"Sir, since Ding Yu came to the United States, we couldn't find any clues and opportunities. We knew he was hiding in the apartment, but we just didn't have any way. First of all, we didn't talk about Boston and other people's family members on the periphery, and the team led by king was inside, let alone contact! Even if you want to see Ding Yu's demeanor, some can't do it! "

In the face of complaints from subordinates, MI6 people don't know what to say! Now we can only observe from afar, and I believe that Ding Yu must know that they exist! It's just that I don't want to do it myself at this time! Anyway, I can't give Ding Yu any more!

However, for such a long time, there was no relevant information, at least from Ding Yu. As for the news circulated by the outside world, who knows whether it is true or not, there is no way to prove what!

"I've heard that several of his secretaries often go in and out of the apartment. Is that true?"

"Sir, we have checked all the information about them!" The following people also took the files at the first time. "Their background information can be said to be very deep, but the information that can be verified can be said to be very few. In recent years, China has strengthened the security of all aspects, not only us, but also the United States has suffered heavy losses!"Looking at the subordinates' desire to stop, the leader said in a low voice, "what else?"

"What's more, it's because of Guo Li's affair that the emotional management department has lost face. This is not the most important one. It involves considerable human, material and financial losses. Who knows if this will be another trap. After all, there are precedents for such a thing! I have to do this

"Yes The leader put the file on the desktop, and said with a sigh! "Who knows if this is a trap? Ding Yu is a good one, and we have stepped into it! It's a huge loss, but the question is, do we have any other options at this time? You tell me, are there any other options? "

"Sir, I don't know if there are other options, but it's very dangerous to do so. If it leads to chain reaction, what will be the cost? No one can say clearly. Ding Yu will definitely do it. As for the way to do it? It may also be diverse, but if you say that Ding Yu leads this sign to the Department of information management, no one can bear it! "

The leader is also biting his own teeth! Other things are easy to say, but what about this one? I really dare not make this decision without authorization, because no one can bear the consequences! Even the big man behind him is the same!

It is useless to find any reason for this matter, even if it is to open them up! There is no use for it. Ding Yu will definitely put the title on their head, and then it will be really unclear! And does the intelligence department dare to carry this black pot on his head?

Because of Ding Yu's affairs, every aspect has been very dissatisfied with the situation management department! Because of Guo Li's affair, everyone's eyes are different when they look at the emotional management department! If we say that if there is anything going on now, is it necessary for the intelligence department to exist? I'm afraid it will not be so simple to reorganize at that time!

What about now? That is to stare at Ding Yu, as for other things? No matter it is expressed or implied, it will not be given any attention. Anyway, no matter what happens, the emotion management department can never bear this black pot! Don't believe that Ding Yu can still beat a rake?

Even if it was Ding Yu who really started in the future! All of us are eating melon, and things will not fall on the head of the emotional management department alone. It is better to let the emotional management department carry this black pot on its own! So happy to make this decision!

So what about the people from the intelligence department? Stay honest, and even maintain a good relationship with the Intelligence Department of the United States. When there is news, they will inform each other. When there is no news, it will be as far and far as possible, as if things have nothing to do with them!

And this action also makes the United States feel out of breath! Ding Yu has already made it clear that he will fight against you in the UK! Even the tip of the knife is under your nose! You're still fuckin 'like you're all right now! With us outsiders, are you?

But the United States also knows what the British think! These guys! After all, Ding Yu is in the United States. Can't the United States just watch Ding Yu do something to the United Kingdom?

For the scoundrels of the British intelligence department, the United States really does not know what to say!

But on second thought, although this is the territory of the United States, how to say it? Even if it's their own territory, they can't directly rush into Ding Yu's apartment. If they rush into Ding Yu's apartment, it's really a tear in the face. At that time, it's really going to make Ding Yu angry!

Things can't be done like this, no matter how you kill and fight in the dark, but at least on the surface, they are all smiling. Hello, I'm good, everyone! Therefore, there is no so-called "hard stubble" in the United States! It's good to keep the peace, isn't it?

The United States also has no intention to deliberately target Ding Yu! Although the consortium behind Ding Yu is not well-known, it is only relative to the public. If it is really carried out, it has countless ties with several major consortia in the United States. What about Ding Yu in recent years? It's really not as fierce as imagined!

It's especially frightening to feel that there are some fears! Yes, it's fear!

In the past, Ding Yu was definitely not as calm as he is now. He has also done the thing of shelling with missiles, but what about these two years? This guy stopped! This thing is noisy? Let everyone feel a little surprised, this guy is really self-cultivation, can't it? That's the butcher? It's impossible, OK?

Since it is impossible, what did Ding Yu do behind this? What's more, how many people have Ding Yu packed into various departments these years? How many people work for Ding Yu!It's no exaggeration to say that even if the documents here have not been released, they may be the first to appear on Ding Yu's desk! So we all have a headache for Ding Yu, but he has a lot of money. In a capitalist society like the United States, money is really useless and unfavorable!

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