He hated Ding Yu, but he couldn't give him any more! Using some so-called small means is OK, there is no problem, but after rising to a certain height, we really don't know how to deal with it! Even the upper class is hesitant about Ding Yu!

Why are you hesitant? It's because Ding Yu is no longer the guy they can control at will! What about politicians in American society? Basically, there are gold masters supporting them. What about Ding Yu? He is also a big gold owner, and his relationship is too complicated. Even some content, the intelligence department dare not rashly reach out!

Really if you reach out! Will offend each big consortia, Ding Yu already parasitized in their interior! It's not that you can move if you want to. This is also where Ding Yu's intelligence lies. They have integrated into each other and moved me? Is to make the whole United States may be chaotic, depends on whether you have the courage?

But such a stalemate still needs to be broken. It depends on who rushes forward! Forward at this time? Basically, they are the role of cannon fodder. In other words, in the case of not meeting Ding Yu's appetite, it's useless to talk about extravagantly!

But how to satisfy Ding Yu's appetite? You know, behind Ding Yu, there are quite a number of consortia at home and abroad. This time for Britain, it is just a test run of Ding Yu!

But think carefully, after all, you don't need to use too much of your own human, material and financial resources. Anyway, it's not yourself who died. As for the situation of others, this matter is another matter! At most, it's a matter of face, so that the British side will not be gossiping in the future!

Of course, even if they are gossiping, what can they do? Do you really think you're the boss for nothing?

So when we see that the intelligence and governance departments in the UK are so perfunctory, so are our counterparts in the United States. When you report, we follow the same report. No one has the intention to break this hidden rule! You are not in a hurry. Why don't we emperor and eunuch? It's not good for us!

"How are you feeling these two days?" Looking at the two secretaries sitting in front of him, Ding Yu said calmly. When he spoke, Ding Yu also paid attention to their expressions and body movements. Although his work was very busy, at this time, Ding Yu really didn't want to perfunctorize them!

"Director, we don't have any problems!" Each other looked at each other, but also said quite guaranteed words!

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "the wrong answer, I ask you how you feel, do not need you to mention the problem of effort, effort is what you should do, as for how to work hard, I don't care!"

In the face of the director's attitude, the two people also could not help straightening their waists. "Report, director, I feel the pressure is very big, we are facing these, is the original time did not contact how much, wine and wealth, in 49 cities, how many have so some contamination, but did not think there is such a door!"

"Yes! In the past, I also had a lot of contact in 49 cities. We still have some obscurity. At that time, I always felt that I was on the top of the peak! But now look, arrogant, look back! I feel like a clown at the beginning! I don't know what the audience thinks of it

"What did the audience think of it in the first place?" Ding Yu also hums a smile, "you can feel this is quite not easy! Maybe give yourself the feeling that everything you have is under the curtain, but that is just your own feeling! In fact, it's the emperor's new clothes

"Director, if you think about it now, it's true. We boast how secretive we are. But after a careful review, we should be dismissive of it! We seem arrogant and despotic, but we are just clowns dancing on the stage

"This statement is not correct. According to my personal understanding, it is more like a kind of tempering. Even if you have no experience, you need to know and understand. If you don't know and understand, how can you explore it? But the vast majority of people are lost in it? In depth and can not extricate themselves! Totally addicted to it

A slight cough! Ding Yu continued to say, "I hope you can have a good taste, the movement of these two days is a little bit calm, in this case, then you go out to activities! It can also be regarded as adding some so-called experience to you. If you are always locked up here, there is no future? "

Ah? The two secretaries looked at each other. What kind of a thing should the director release them? What's going on out there? Even if they have not seen it, have they not heard of it? Under such circumstances, let them go out, and the wolves outside have not broken them?

"Director?" Two people feel so stupid?

Ding Yu waved his hand and said, "it's too wasteful to learn to apply, but useless to learn."! Just make yourself at home! As for song Tianren? He is the same, but I don't need to tell him anything deliberately. His mind is very big. I believe he will perform quite well, so congratulations to you in advanceWhen they came out of director Ding Yu's room, the expressions of the two secretaries were almost like eating dog excrement. Now, let them out at this time. What kind of situation is it? Will people outside eat them with chocolate? At least it has quite a taste! What a hard thing to say!

Then two people also found song Tianren. After all, he was the group leader. Why did the director deliberately tell them both, instead of telling song Tianren. From the above situation, song Tianren should be more favored by the director! The reason revealed in this should be very clear, song Tianren's performance is more excellent, there is really nothing else to say, but the problem is that we are all together! Why is song Tianren excellent?

"Chief, is this really feasible?"

Song Tianren's mouth is also twisted. If possible, he really doesn't want to go out at this time! At this time, it is absolutely necessary to stay in the novice village, at least with considerable protection. What about after leaving the novice village? The protection on the body can be said to be complete, and there is no more! Will it be black and blue?

If it's injury, it's nothing? Scar is a man's medal! The problem is that they leave the novice village, so they are facing a colorful society! In the past, I didn't understand and didn't feel the horror, but now the more I know, the more I feel the problems. The pressure is really too great! Great pressure makes us feel that there are some difficulties in taking a breath! Not to mention action!

"Is that ok? I'm afraid no one can answer this question. If you say something from your heart, you are worried. I am the same with me. They all say that song Tianren is unruly, but I am also very afraid here! I'm afraid I can't stand the test, I'm afraid I'll let down the motherland and my family behind me! "

This remark really resonates, not only the two secretaries, but also their security personnel, as well as Wei Hou and Zhan Zhao. They are a whole when they are away from home. No one wants to have any problems or situations. After all, the things they shoulder are really different!

Then song Tianren also heavily hammered the table. This action also scared everyone to a big pick, "but, did we just give up? No, where did our backbone and courage go? What's the matter? We're just a little shorter than the others? Lower your head? The director has created such good opportunities and conditions for us, and we are just cowardly? "

"When we are in China, we are" open our teeth and dance our claws. "! Like a crab? But in foreign countries, do we not even have the courage to step out? Are we still Chinese? Is it possible that these so-called "foreigners" are more noble than us, and that we are born inferior to them! I don't believe it. They are three headed and six armed! "

Several people are looking at Song Tianren, not to mention it. It sounds like a lot of exasperation. "I think it's OK to go out and have a look. At least now we haven't carried any tasks. In the absence of tasks, we dare not go out and have any actions. So when we shoulder something, is it direct It will be crushed

When Ding Yu knew that song Tianren had gone out, he also laughed at Jin. "It seems that Tianren's courage is not so big, but also aggressive! It's really not easy to have such a performance at this time! It's more than that simple courage! "

"Sir, it's really a little risky to let them out at this time."

"Risky or not? It's not so important. Don't you feel that the water is a little too calm? Although tranquility is good for us, there are also many disadvantages. If we don't muddle the water, we will also have quite a lot of trouble. Moreover, this is a good opportunity for song Tianren! The question is whether they can resist the pressure themselves! "

"At present, all sides have maintained considerable attention to the consortium, but they have not made any action. Now that song Tianren and his colleagues go out, there should soon be quite a commotion. It is impossible for the disturbance to be calmed down, and I don't know how the intelligence department in the United States will look at this matter?"

"Whatever they want! Anyway, it's for practicing. I hope they can take this step. It's good for song Tianren's future growth. But I really don't want to take over such things in the future. It's too much of a test for people! And it's the thankless one

Jin is really not sure about this matter. He is aiming at his teaching ability. How can China ignore this matter? It's just a matter of more people and less people!

"By the way, did you get the information from Charlie?"

"Send it! I took a general look at the royal family of England! I don't know how to describe it! " As he spoke, Kim shook his head. "But now I understand why the British royal family has set up such a big stall! How black the heart is! Ordinary people can't compare it! ""What a normal thing, since we are all ready! So it's time to move! Let's start with public opinion. By the way, the British people outside our apartment are very quiet at this time! Should we find something for them to do? We can't make them too stable! "

"Sir, song Tianren and they will go out! If you go out at this time, it will not only be the British side who will be shocked, but also the intelligence department in the United States will follow suit! "

"It's no big deal to move as soon as you move. It's not a good thing to be too calm. If it's too quiet, everything is just under the bottom of the water, and you can't see clearly at all. But after you move, the problems above the water are easier to solve. As for others? It's better to solve it under the water! "

"Yes! Sir, I'll arrange it now! "

"Although it's not long to come back, colleagues and friends from the hospital still need to meet! And these two days did not accompany Tai Xi to have a good meal! Our husband and wife are going to be quiet for a while! What do you think of the idea that you can arrange the time by yourself? " Ding Yu ridiculed said!

"Sir, it's going to be a mess out there!" Kim said with a wry smile!

"It's better to mess up. There are enough people on my side! What's more, under such circumstances, there won't be any people or forces fighting against me, but it's song Tianren and some of them! You can relax a little, but pay attention to protect them. They are all young people! "

When he came out of Mr. Zhang's office, Jin also made some arrangements. Soon Ding Yu drove to the hospital and bought some things on the way. Of course, when he left the apartment, he also carried a lot of things. Maybe it was not a precious gift, but at least it represented Ding Yu's intention in this respect!

Ding Yu is moving? What's more, it's not a small move. With song Tianren, they all moved at once. Now, the apartment is almost empty! What kind of situation is this? People who get the news feel that some of them can't touch their own minds! Isn't the joke a little too big?

Ding Yu has already moved, and all the people outside are following. If you don't move, what are you really missing? In the future, it will not be so simple to be beaten! It's true that you may lose your head! No one wants the guy who eats by himself to be cut down. Anyway, there is something wrong. Just follow it!

"Sir, we don't even need security at the back! They're all protected

Ding Yu also looked back, but could not say that it was about four times. Anyway, it was almost the same. The people behind may be a little more! After taking a look, Ding Yu turned his head and said, "it's no big deal. Since you are willing to follow, you can follow! What's more, this is a very normal thing! These are the guys who help me lose weight! Isn't it? "

"Sir, I'm afraid they really don't mean to lose weight, but the guys they follow are really chicks, just a little bit more! It seems that some people deliberately want to give us an inferior position! "

"Whatever! How about dealing with them? Really don't need too much anger, there is no need to follow, if you are willing to follow! It's not a shady thing! " Ding Yu's mentality can be said to be very peaceful! I really don't mean to be serious. I don't mean to play with these chicks!

When he came to the hospital, Ding Yu also met with your old friends and colleagues and distributed some gifts. As for his office, there were many gifts and some thank you letters!

At this time, the outside of those monitoring personnel did not enter the meaning of the hospital! The hospital offices have been checked several times! Even every day there will be someone deliberately to check and sort out! But it doesn't have any effect at all. All the medical documents and materials left there are!

When Ding Yu was in the hospital, he never dealt with business affairs! This is really not what you use so-called small action, can penetrate into! At this point, Ding Yu can be said to be a careful one!

What's more, there are so many taboos in people's hearts! Why do you say that? In the whole medical system, Ding Yu is definitely one of the top people in the platoon. The medical power behind Ding Yu can not be described by Pang da. It's too big to say! It can be seen that the general!

Birth, old age and death! No one can escape, even if a person is no more than a cow, it is impossible not to see a doctor all his life! Sure. What about the family doctor? Are very concerned about the protection of customer privacy, but how privacy, is also layman! And Ding Yu, an expert, wants to play with you? It's not like playing with noodles?

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