In the United States, most of the middle class and above have their own private doctors. They can not trust their wives, but they will never distrust their private doctors. They are even higher than lawyers, so that they often communicate with private doctors very closely!

If private doctors suggest that it is best not to indulge in a year, then basically no one will cross the line! We can almost say that there is no reservation for the doctor's trust!

And Ding Yu? It's a doctor. Although he is not the private doctor of others, many people feel that they are afraid and worried about the treatment resources he controls! But so far? It seems that there are not many discoveries, but it is good to be prepared for this aspect, isn't it? Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, who knows if Ding Yu will stay behind?

After showing his face here in the hospital, Ding Yu also converged with Taixi! As for gold, it's gone! Originally, there was a little shortage of people to monitor Ding Yu. After all, these guys are all chicks. They are more in quantity. If we really want to say quality, there is a big difference!

When Jin disappeared, all the people outside were busy at this time. The reports that should be reported, the actions that should be taken, and the busy people would be very happy. Judging from the judgment of the people, Jin could not have acted alone. It must have involved something! And Ding Yu should have given him quite a cover!

Why does gold not disappear at other times, but at this time? Ding Yu comes out once, and then gold disappears! Everyone knows that Jin is Ding Yu's chief security guard, and the importance of Ding Yu is self-evident!

So a group of people have been mobilized, and the British side seems to have moved after a hindsight, but it seems like a headless fly, bumping around everywhere! "Why go out today? With the secretary? "

"When they came here, they didn't have anything to do. I'll let them follow me. They've eaten almost all the youth meals! Now it's time to calm down in your mind Tai Xi also blamed a look at the father of the child, "I feel that today's people how a little bit more ah! I can see it

"It's not so much." Ding Yu didn't explain the reason. After a look at it, he also looked around, "how come you didn't see gold?" This is not jealousy, but feeling a little abnormal, because gold is basically inseparable from the left and right, but he has not appeared up to now!

"Some things need him to do. It's not very convenient for me, but he's different!"

Sitting in the dining room, the surrounding is a little empty. In addition, although Ding Yu has protective measures, he can still observe it, so he soon got a lot of news!

Jin was released by Ding Yu, and he still went to do something special. At this moment, Jin can handle some things personally! It must be very important. I can't give up! We must find the trace of gold!

"How do you feel about a few days' inspection?"

"I feel that the research room and scientific research institutions here are really high-end. Children should be allowed to come and have a look together, which will help them grow up in the future! As for investment, I don't understand that! But I want to have a try? "

Seeing that Ding Yu reached out his hand, Xiao Jiu, who was sitting next to him, was the first to find out the information, and then handed it to Ding Yu with respectful hands. "Sit down and say, it's not very polite to stand at this time!" Whispered a word, Ding Yu also looked through the information in his hand! "About how much money?"

"I need about 20 million! Dollars

For this amount, Ding Yu is also very puzzled. It's only 20 million US dollars. It's not a very large number. So Ding Yu is puzzled and looks at Taixi. "20 million dollars is not a very large amount. Although the timeliness is a little long, it is still very good to see the introduction in the materials."

The two girls next to me, you look at me, I look at your! Twenty million dollars! How much won will this change! I feel that the head is a little bit insufficient for a moment! For a long time, the two talents realized clearly, almost 20 billion won! This is simply taking money instead of money!

"The time is a little long, so I'm not so satisfied, but I'm a little nervous about the capital now! So the child's father! This matter can only trouble you

Ding Yu shakes his head slightly. The so-called capital shortage is impossible, OK? How much money is there in Taixi's hands? I don't know, but how much can be estimated! However, since she needed it, Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse, but nodded slightly!

"Just go to the Bank of Boston account!" Ding Yu also returned the documents immediately! As for the so-called amount of money, Dingyu really did not mention anything. Taixi also narrowed her eyes. Judging from the situation, she was not generally satisfied with this!The meal time is a little long! Ding Yu and Tai Xi have no taboo, but the two girls next to them are always tied up. Of course, it will not be the first time to meet Ding Yu. However, what is the identity of Tai xi'ou'ni and what kind of identity they are, they are sitting together now! Don't mention that feeling!

When drinking coffee, Ding Yu put his eyes on the two girls beside Tai Xi, "they have been in Boston for a while! Don't always be constrained. Go to Los Angeles or New York to have a look. The environment may be better there! It's still a little chilly here in Boston, it's not so suitable! "

"Go out now, your elder master is alone in the house, let her be a Secretary for you! I'm not so fit these two days! " Taixi also said with a smile!

Ding Yu is to complain of a stare, "nonsense! This period of work will be very busy, you give me a break! With this free time, I might as well have a good rest, the children are Bruno's side! I don't have much time either! Just be happy on your side! "

Although Ding Yu didn't mean to agree, Taixi didn't mean to give up. He snorted slightly. At night, he didn't take other people with him. He went back to the villa with Ding Yu. "I feel there are a little more people today! Did you mean it! I think you did it on purpose

Because back to the apartment, Ding Yu is a little bit presumptuous, "there are really some intentional meaning! These two days in the home is stuffy, always is not a thing, so went out to take a breath, don't say refreshing Taixi is also an elbow stroke, but for Ding Yu, there is no strength at all, and he doesn't feel any pain at all!

"I had some worries before. I had known that I would have let them come with me!"

"How many of them! They are all girls, at least in business, and now this age has not experienced too many things, for them do not test! People's heart! Really if it's a test! Come and go! At the end of the day, you will find that you are still hurt

"Why do you say that? I just want to try it? No other meaning

"Don't try! You want them to become rich, or you, simply impossible things, I did not mean to underestimate anyone, everyone? We all need to have a different life, and everyone's life is different! "

, listen to your boss. They are valued by Fu Zhen Ni Ni. You has the final say. We can only bow down! "

"Nonsense!" Ding Yu gently shaved Tai Xi's nose, but then she was carried into his room, as for what would happen in the room! Not enough for outsiders! But the next day, Tai hee didn't get up at one and a half minutes. Even when he was sitting on a private plane and looking at three girls, his eyes were a little different!

"Well! I now give you a choice for the last time, you can leave! And what about me and Eugenie? To ensure that you will not be bothered by anyone or anything, pursue your own life or people. Does Mr. like you? It doesn't matter, but you've been with you for a long time, five million dollars each

"If you stay, it's another thing. I'll give you a lot of time to think about it! Originally, I was thinking about discussing with Fu Zhen Ou Ni whether we should make the final test to you, but the gentleman told me! What about the test of human nature? In the end, it can only hurt others and yourself! So I gave up! I hope you can make this decision on your own, instead of simply considering the problem with the so-called friendship or friendship, or even interests! "

Ding Yu didn't have so much time to pay attention to the affairs of Taixi. Jin returned! A taxi came back from the outside. People looked at Jin who came down from the taxi. They really wanted to eat him alive! I haven't seen this guy for almost a day and a night! Where on earth has he gone?

Anyway? You always need to give everyone a letter, OK? Suddenly disappeared! The disappearance of no trace, there is no clue and hope, you know, in order to find this guy, people almost have to turn over all the garbage cans, in order to find his trace!

But now he came out on his own? And what about his appearance? Seems to be very casual! So we also feel that there are some itchy roots. More importantly, what has Jin done behind this? Is it that day and night, Kim is out of the waves? It's impossible at all, OK?

However, compared with Jin's natural and unrestrained, song Tianren is not so moist! Yesterday, when I went out for a stroll, basically there were not too many people to pay attention to them, even if someone was approaching! They are basically rookies. They can even be seen through by song Tianren. What do you think is the rookie?

But for song Tianren, they did not have any harvest. At least they came out of the apartment, which is a considerable progress! As for the external environment? Judging from the current situation, it is OK, but it is not to say that there is no problem at all. Just after going out, someone has already come to visit! If it continues, I don't know what the situation is?But Ding Yu didn't give them any advice at all! It's all about their own play, and Kim? "Sir, there are still some worries and fears. The wind is about to rise!"

"Is it just the wind? It still doesn't have much use. We still need to add some seasoning and some bait. Call old Peyton. Let's go to Boston Bank for a visit! Some things? We should also release quite a lot of news! "

"Sir, this is a great news."

"It's always a good bait, isn't it? You want to muddle the water by hand? This is a little too insulting to everyone's IQ! Therefore, we still need to throw some stones into it. Maybe many people can understand our purpose, but does public opinion really understand it? It just needs to be quite misleading! "

Since he chose to do it, Ding Yu would never choose to be merciful. How could it be possible! Killing pigs? This knife must be hard, not hard. If the pig kicks it up! What a pain to be kicked again!

Sanchez is very happy that Ding Yu is going to visit Boston Bank. Now Ding Yu wants to stir up the muddy water. No matter what, he needs to cooperate well! Even Sanchez asked the following people to make good publicity. What about the publicity? Not for the big guys, but for the outside world!

What about the action of Ding Yu in the United States? It's really a feeling that there are so many people at the top who are very clear that Ding Yu's doing this is to make a mystery. He is standing on the surface. What's the main purpose? It's to cover some people in the dark!

this bad ass, he issue orders left and right, and he has made the layout, and let the people below to carry out the concrete implementation, but the question is who actually has implemented it. What about the spokesperson? It must be Jin, but nobody knows what Jin has done! Yesterday, it disappeared for a day and a night. It must have been arranged!

Now, it's impossible not to stare at Ding Yu, but what about staring at Ding Yu alone? It must not work!

Soon the news came from the Bank of Boston. Ding Yu had a huge amount of money from the Bank of Boston! This huge fund transfer also makes many people's nerves start to tense up! Now this time to mobilize a huge amount of funds, it seems that Ding Yu has started some aspects of the operation!

If Ding Yu went to the Boston Bank, there might not be too many people agitated, but Ding Yu mobilized a huge amount of funds, which caused a lot of noise! There are already some people in Britain who can't sit still! Because the market has clearly been able to feel the influx of capital!

It must be Ding Yu's action. Although the market's response is very weak, it is enough to illustrate the considerable problem for the sensitive UK! Ding Yu is such a guy! After all, he raised the knife in his hand!

"Head, we have sent a message from the headquarters. Let's check on Ding Yu's actions."

"Strict investigation?" Looking at the report in his hand, he immediately threw it on the desk, "they are all gentlemen, just give orders casually! But have you considered how the people below us should handle these things? Ding Yu's people are all vegetarian? They just want us to check it out? Here is the United States, not Britain, let alone even in Britain! Is there any so-called strict investigation? "

In the face of the boss's dissatisfaction, the person standing also shook his head, "head! Listen to the feedback from the headquarters, Ding Yu has begun to act! The Bank of Boston has provided him with considerable funds. This is a message from our American counterparts. What are the channels? It's not so clear now! "

"We don't have enough people here. It's very hard to watch Ding Yu alone, let alone other people. What about the United States? It can only provide limited help. Under such circumstances, let us investigate. How can we get into Ding Yu's apartment? "

"Sir, this is a difficult task, but for us, it seems that there is no other choice. The domestic government is very dissatisfied with this. If we still have the previous attitude, we will not only be accused of being so simple!"

Shaking his hand, he said, "we can't move Ding Yu. Everyone knows why. They say I'm afraid of death. But for the sake of the British Empire, it's not a problem to ask my head? But the whole intelligence management department can't bear much blow! There is no problem for us to go in and fill the pit, but how to bear the responsibility? This is what I need to consider, not just to get Ding Yu's information! "

"Sir, we've sent people from the headquarters!"

"I called a lot of reports to the headquarters, and also mentioned some problems. The new comer is here! It's time for me to step down! I can't die? It's not so important, but I hope you can still remember one point. To provoke Ding Yu at this time is to throw the emotional management department into the pit! We can't afford it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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