"Sir, can I understand that we have no way to take any military measures against Ding Yu, so now we have to take other means, including political means, courtship and so on! Please forgive me for being a little more direct! "

"Wesley! Since you understand, don't say it so clearly. There is no meaning in piercing this layer of window paper! It's not the best way to feel the anger in your words. There are many experts in the MII, but can I let them take such a way? Do you know how powerful the power behind Ding Yu is? We have taken a certain approach to him. Then he will do this ten times in the whole UK, and even the people who do it? It's from us! Do you know all this? " The old man hated it and said it!

"Because they have been treated unfairly!" Wesley also said, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm not aiming at you!"

"It's not so important for me. The problem is what kind of way to take now. I don't know how much I will lose in this action. Even I am ready to put it in as a chip, and I don't know whether it will satisfy Ding Yu's appetite, so your position is particularly important!"

Wesley looked at the old man in front of him. "Sir, is it because

"Don't ask, I have already said, you will understand in the future! Even if you want to understand what, do not say, in the future you may be lonely, but I hope to be able to retain a vitality for the whole UK, compared with the United States, we have fallen behind! At least the way we deal with it is seriously backward! "

No matter how stupid he was, Wesley understood that the reason why the old man said so must be the top echelons in Britain? Someone has colluded with Ding Yu secretly. What about this kind of collusion? Even the intelligence department feels powerless, and there are not so many people who can make the intelligence department feel powerless in the whole UK!

"Sir, you have given me too much of a task! I don't have much confidence now? "

"As long as you have the courage! The situation is too special, and the time is also very urgent, so we can only delegate this task to you, because we? At the same time, it will not be protected completely at the same time! So I said, you may be lonely! Because there is no one you can trust, and there are not many people worth believing in! "

"Sir, what kind of way should we take in the follow-up? Besides, I'm just temporarily contacting song Tianren and them. This is only the first step. What's the overall plan? What do I need to arrange? "

"Judging from Ding Yu's consistent means, he still highly appreciates people with ability. What about him in the past? He always likes to fight in front of the enemy. At that time, he was relatively easy to deal with, and his means were relatively fierce. But now he is hiding behind his back, which makes it very difficult to deal with it, because behind him, he is not alone, but a consortium of various consortia and forces! "

"From the perspective of interests!"

"No, if you want to start from this point, it's wrong, and it's a big mistake. At least in my personal understanding, Ding Yu is not a greedy person. If there is only one piece of cake, he will think about how to make the cake bigger, invite more people in and share the benefits together, instead of killing all the people and coming alone Sharing, in the past, it can be said that there is no future and disadvantage, you need to pay special attention to it! "

"Sir, if we start from the outside, it won't work at all. Song Tianren and his colleagues will not stay for too long in Ding Yu's side. As far as I know, one and a half years! It seems that Ding Yu has reached some agreements with China's domestic side, but this time is really too short! "

"There are really not many ways to find it. Are there too many people who follow the lady's route or the children's route! Many people do not know how to start, these are basically those big consortia ban, let's not say to start! Even if you think about it, the door may be kicked open

Think about it, it's really the truth. It's impossible to take the so-called family line. For those big financial groups, their eyes can be very sharp!

"Sir, I don't know if I can ask a question. I also know that the question may be in such a hurry, but I can't help it!"

"I know what you want to ask!" Take a look at the time on the watch, OK! "You want to say whether we should start to arrange and prepare for the mole, right?"

"I don't understand that, sir!"

"We have arranged for moles, and even a series of troubles have arisen in the follow-up. You should know that this is only the reason on the surface. We care about the so-called face, but for the sake of the so-called national interests, what can we do even if we lose face? At least we don't care about it! But it has achieved very little in this respect! ""That's puzzling? Where is the problem? "

"Yes! Where is the problem? " The old man also murmured to himself! "Where is the problem? Why are we always behind Ding Yu? I couldn't even find any chance. At the beginning, I seriously suspected that it was our internal problems, even the people who had problems? It's my level, even higher than me. What's your opinion? "

"Sir, I have not touched this level. If we sell one or two because of the relationship between each other, this is within the scope of understanding, but it has no effect so far. I think the problem is not so simple!"

"Yes! The question is not so simple. Since you are arranged to do this, there is no need to hide too much from you. Not only me, but also some of the people in the room are thinking of setting up an eyeliner in Ding Yu. Even a considerable number of people are not agents, or ordinary people, but the final result and the end are not so good! It's even more miserable than you think

"Sir, if it's an agent or a spy, I can understand. After all, what about the agent over there? They are all the essence of all aspects. Although their anti spy Department has never been revealed, I think it certainly exists, and these guys are definitely masters among the experts. But if it is not the secret service and secret agent, how can they detect it? "

"I don't know. I'll see if you have such a chance in the future! It's not that we don't really have anyone left in Ding Yu's consortium, but there are quite a few. I believe that many people in other countries are scattered in Ding Yu's consortium, but they can't get into Ding Yu's high-level, and they are still mixed up now! "

"Mixed up?" Wesley looked at the old man. "I can understand that a lot of them have already revealed their identity now. Is that right? If so, what's the point of staying? "

"We also have agents on the surface in Ding Yu's consortia. They are responsible for certain communication and arrangement. What about the secret agents inside? Although the current position is relatively low, no one can guarantee that it will play a role in the future? So keep them! From the perspective of dedication, they are worthy of admiration, but I don't know how much loyalty they still have at this time! "

"Why me, sir? I don't know how much loyalty I have? Just because of my confrontation with Kim at the airport, you believe me. I think this is a joke at all

"You think it's a joke, but do you know how much I paid to investigate you? More than four million dollars, in order to keep it secret, but I don't know when this secret can be kept. Do you know how many people have been sacrificed to investigate you? Sixteen! They are not elites, but they are patriots, do you understand? "

"I still don't understand. I boast that I don't have that much ability!"

"Ability is slowly developed. Now is a very important time. I don't have so much time, and I don't have so much manpower, material resources and financial resources to support me to do such a thing! So I can only find you, gamble, if you succeed, naturally there is nothing to say, if not, I have no way! Because this is just a small step I can do

"I promised! I will do my duty! "

"Still that sentence! Don't trust anyone, the people in the headquarters, the people in the government, or even think about them! "

"They don't believe it?" Wesley bit his teeth and tried to listen! "Sacrifice me for the sake of profit! If you sacrifice you again, I don't know what kind of result it will be, so try not to believe them as much as possible, and don't act rashly, even if you master something, their power is even greater than you imagine! Although it has never been revealed, but you know, the details of this thing, they are longer than inside! "

It seems that it is really the Royal side! Wesley now also has quite a feeling! Even don't know how to describe it! "They are not to be trusted, sir, but how can this yoke be broken? There is no way to break it. The problem is too serious! We should know that the matter of the house of Lords has not been solved for more than 20 years, but to a certain extent, it is just perfunctory and superficial. "

"Yes! More than half of the land in London is theirs, and most of the land in Britain is theirs. This is a fact that can not be changed! I won't say much about what it means to break this cage! You must be very clear, some things? There is no way to do it! Unless there is another world war, it is impossible to have another world war! "

In the World War I, even if the leaders of the World War II were damaged, they would not even be useful for the whole world War II Today, they have not recovered. At this point, we still need to admire their chivalry! This is what we lack! "Wesley agreed with this point. During the whole world War II, under the leadership of the royal family, all the people gave up their lives and forgot to die. Even all the officers were aiming at the front, and others could follow them. From this point of view, their spirit and courage are worthy of admiration.

But on the other hand, what about them now? It has become an obstacle to the development of the whole country! But it is unrealistic to break this barrier immediately! Even if the house of Lords has only been reformed for many years, and this reform? It's really just moving the fur, even the bones inside have not changed too much!

But now they are united with Ding Yu. Maybe not most of them, but they absolutely occupy a considerable proportion. What about them here? Not Charlie and them? Charlie's family is noble, but it is more like a consortium. It is quite different from the aristocrats. At least they can make blood, but unlike them, they know how to suck blood!

"Sir, the enemy is a Colossus, bigger than an elephant! I am always a little ant, even a weak ant. Now let me play with the elephant. If someone sneezes, I may not know where I am! "

"Someone will die! Maybe it will be my turn tomorrow! Maybe it will be your turn the day after tomorrow! I'm afraid there will never be any hope without you and my sacrifice

"How much time do I have?" Wesley asked in a low voice!

"No more than five minutes. You have already read the subsequent review reports! What about the subsequent review? There will be a file in the office. As for who will go to read it, no one can guarantee it. Later, you may have to rearrange the task, mainly to go back to the United States and do further processing with Ding Yu! I've finished what I should say! It is mainly to ensure that there will be no such opportunity in the future. What else should I ask? "

"Sir, I hope we have another chance to see you again!" Stand up and salute. There is no need to ask other questions! According to their own ideas to implement it! May be really alone in the future!

"Since you don't have anything to say, I'll tell you that the special fund is ready for you! A considerable sum of money. What about the call up of manpower? I don't give you any recommendation. You can handle it by yourself! And I'll give you a number, unless you're dying, or you're dead, otherwise don't make this call! "

Having said that, the old man also stood up, saluted Wesley, turned and left, without any nostalgia! And Wesley went back to the room where he had changed his clothes before, changed his clothes again, and went to another room under the arrangement! Someone seems to have been waiting impatiently there!

The inquiry time is really a little long! But Wesley didn't show any dissatisfaction! Now this time does not need to bring any emotion into the work, although I am very dissatisfied with such inquiry!

How could you and Kim be together, and how could the information be leaked from your side, even if it was an investigation? There should also be a basic principle, right? Is it just because I'm still in Boston, I'm putting all the responsibilities on myself. Is there any reason? But to whom is this to be said?

After a whole day's investigation, and then after a tedious review, we can't be sure of something. We originally thought we could go back to Boston immediately, but the ability of the British government to handle affairs was really tested, so the delay was a little bit long!

For Wesley, things are a little bit fidgety, but that's all!

But for Lucas in Boston, it's not so wonderful! Just arrived, Jin gave him a record of Mawei, which makes people really speechless. If that's the case, it's even if it is!

But the car just on the road, the police to copy the card! Because the vehicle does not belong to the diplomatic department, and it has no diplomatic identity! So Lucas doesn't know what to say! People put it clearly is aimed at themselves, or even completely teased themselves, how can they? Angry? Even furious?

It is of no use. Even the United States has no way to do this? There is no subordination relationship between each other, others are copying cards? What can you do?

When he came to the office, looking at the police standing outside, Lucas didn't even know if he should be a little bit angry! Even if it's bullying, there's no such bullying? Think you're a vegetarian? Right?

But want to move? How to avoid the police outside, they are all controlled by the Boston consortium. Even if someone tramples an ant on purpose, I'm afraid someone will come to the door. What a damn!

When the British headquarters learned about the news, they were also very sad, but they could not help it. After all, it was Boston, not any other place? Even if the so-called identity is revealed here? What can we do? It is impossible for Ding Yu to buy it, and the contradiction between the two sides seems to be in danger of further deterioration!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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