The intelligence services in the United States want to help, but they have no way to regulate the Boston police system!

Moreover, the intelligence and intelligence departments in the United States are not willing to have any so-called conflicts with the police system. You know, they still want to eat on the ground in Boston. If they have too much trouble with the police system in Boston, they can eat their own food! I'm afraid no one dares to sell myself even drinking water!

As for Lucas and them, what will happen to them? Now I don't care much about myself! What is the purpose of their coming here? Politics? Anti terrorism? Or what else? You should know that these problems are not able to get above the surface!

Ding Yu is just a doctor above the surface. This kind of identity makes people feel helpless about him. Even if someone dares to deal with Ding Yu, what about the unfortunate person? Maybe it's really not a two so simple!

So Lucas, even if he is very angry now, can only hold back. We can see that! Ding Yu is deliberately looking for trouble, and the Boston consortium is happy to have such a thing happen, things have been quite chaotic!

Lucas was so angry in the office that he had lost his Gentlemanliness! You Ding Yu dare to do this. You really think you are made of noodles, don't you? Don't let Ding Yu know about the power of it, he really sat in the office for such a long time!

"Sir, does Lucas seem to be so angry? At least the anger is out of control! "

"Out of control?" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "how can you not control it? He just wants to see our performance! Such an opponent! I really can't catch up with Wesley. I even have some feelings that are not worth mentioning. I'll give him some more and let him have a good taste of fire baking! "

Jin really did not refuse such things. As for song Tianren, they were all around watching the fun. The director didn't mean to intercept them, so they were lucky to see what happened outside! They also feel so dark and cool!

This group of Englishmen should treat them well and let them know how powerful they are. But at the same time, we are also reflecting, "brother cat, what kind of things are these American police officers? Although there are very few scum in our country, it seems that there has never been such a situation! "

"Most of the police in China are good-natured. They have suffered too much. Some of them are hard to explain, but these policemen of the Americans are! I really don't know how to describe it. But if you look at the FBI and CIA, they can only watch helplessly, but they can't help it. What can you do if they don't cooperate with you? "

"Yes! Just don't cooperate with you. What can you do? No contact! I really don't have any right to speak! "

"But I can feel quite a problem from this. They are trapped here. Do you think they can still have dinner?" It can be said that Zhan Zhao is quite curious about this, "do you want to eat one meal or two?"? There may not be too many problems, but the question is can we control it? "

"How can I not control it?" Song Tianren blinked his eyes, "what will happen to these bad guys? Now it's really unknown, but the contest behind is not so interesting. It's just a slap in the face. You know, this is Boston. To a certain extent, it's under the eyes of the public! This face is a little bit painful

"It shouldn't be a common pain!" Zhan Zhao is also half lying on the side of the railing, "I'm afraid any one person will not tolerate it at this time, but what kind of situation the people inside will be, it is really clear now, but since he is a new one, he should have a considerable amount of capacity!"

"Even if it is measured again, what can it do? The problem is how to carry out the work, the whole outside has been surrounded! And so far, no one has come to solve the problem, which is enough to illustrate the considerable problem! By the way, brother Mao, I heard that I went to the airport to meet people with the supervisor earlier! "

Song Tianren's words also made the people beside him express considerable interest, "well, the one with the director went to the airport. Compared with the new one, seeing the supervisor meant that he was quite interested in the original one. However, the original guy spoke a little hard, and he seemed to have some scorn for the invitation of the supervisor What does this guy think, but now he has gone back! "

"It's a pity that I didn't see the scene at that time. If I really want to see it with my own eyes, it should be very intense and exciting!"

Zhan Zhao shook his head slightly, and soon returned to the car with song Tianren and others, "is it exciting? I really don't have much feeling, but the conversation between them at that time makes people feel scared. What about every word? Should be through both sides of the brain back and forth to consider and reflect! I was just watching, and I felt that my head was not enough. I really doubt how much energy the supervisor spent when he was talkingAfter a brief mention of what happened at the airport, everyone also had a discussion. Even in the process of discussion, this eye was also focused on the building outside. The police still didn't mean to disperse, and the surrounding vehicles were also dense. As for song Tianren, their cars were not so conspicuous! But still attracted considerable attention!

Song Tianren and others are observing the movements of people on the British side, while people from quite a number of forces are also paying attention to them. To see what kind of movements they have, we can see that they are very cautious and careful. The important conversations are all in the car, and we can't really see the situation inside from the outside!

Lucas is grumpy, even though he is the first person in Boston in England. But what about the decision? He really did not dare to make this decision. He could only ask the British headquarters to see what kind of opinions and ideas would be given by the British headquarters, hoping that they could give a good opinion!

Now they are completely trapped in it, Ding Yu did not give any reason and statement, is deliberately teasing you, what can you do? I can't do anything. It's not as good as when Wesley was here. Although it seems like nothing has been done, at least it is still free!

But now even the so-called freedom is not available. No one can go in and out alone. The police outside are looking at it covetously. There are some doubts. If someone goes out alone now? Will it disappear directly? Because that's Ding Yu! He can do such a thing!

The British headquarters sent Lucas to the United States in the hope that he could open up certain situations. Unlike the previous Wesley, he didn't do anything but knock on the drum. What about Lucas now? It's not only that the side drum can't beat, but even the whole person is trapped in the mud and can't move!

Continue to mobilize people from the UK headquarters? Are you kidding? The British headquarters are already busy! The so-called voting in China will be started. Who knows if there will be any trouble in this kind of thing. What about foreign affairs at this time? To a certain extent, it can be saved! What if not?

Under the circumstances of being forced to be helpless, we can only drag Wesley, who is still under review, directly. "Wesley, you led the team in Boston before, and you are the one with the most say. Now the work there has fallen into a passive situation. Tell me your views!"

"Mr. Ding Yuding is a very difficult role to deal with. If you want to say that he is involved in this matter, I don't think it is so possible. At most, it is just a couple of words! This should be his consistent style of work. He only made strategic arrangements. As for the following work, all the work should be handed over to his subordinates. As for the police in Boston, it should be because Yanu came forward! "

"Now to solve this problem, the situation in Boston is so frustrated! The people outside of us can't move at all! "

"There's no way. This is a dead end. If our people in Boston start to move, they will be waiting for Ding Yu, the Boston consortium, or other people. If we move, the whole situation will collapse immediately! When the time comes, Mr. Ding Yuding will withdraw, and the Boston police will also withdraw. What will happen next? "

A few words also made it clear that the situation in Boston, "there is another problem. The situation here in China is quite complicated! I believe Mr. Ding Yuding should have been well prepared. Is his eyes still on Boston? Absolutely not. He just wants to muddle the water

People can also see the situation clearly, but it seems to us that we must keep a good watch on Ding Yu. If we let him go, who knows how much harm he will cause, and even if it is possible, we can take necessary measures and methods. At least the United States has not said directly to protect Ding Yu, right?

"At this stage, if we want to relieve the crisis in front of us, what kind of method is there?"

"What about putting Lucas around Boston? It has given some warning to some aspects, not only deliberately against us. I think some forces in the United States will not be particularly happy. However, there is still a lack of appropriate channels, so it is necessary to have someone else start at this time! "

The people in the room, you look at me and I look at yours, and finally they have made a considerable judgment. Originally, they wanted to stay with Wesley, but judging from the current situation, it is extremely inappropriate to stay with Wesley. We still need to put it back to him, "Wesley, the team has been equipped with personnel! You're going back to Boston now! Take charge of it

But Wesley did not move much. Instead, he looked at the people in the room and bit his teeth. "Can I give you some personal opinions and thoughts? Because if you don't understand it, it's useless! "

"Please say it!"

"It's almost impossible to get in touch with Mr. Ding Yuding now. But judging from the current situation, we are definitely not the only ones who are interested in Mr. Ding. I'm afraid there is only one way to solve the dilemma there. I know that such a way may arouse people's disgust, but I have no other way, If you refuse to do so, I think I'd better not go! "It's also a little whispering. Wesley wants to deal with this matter alone, and what's the way? Actually, he wants to be in the same boat with Ding Yu! But what about the people here? Ideas are different! No one can make a conclusion and conclusion about this matter! Really, if it is talked about in the future, no one is willing to bear the black pot!

"Wesley, we can solve some problems properly, but we can't harm the interests of the British Empire! In addition to this basis, I think you can do things conveniently! Are there any other requirements? "

This answer is also to let people's eyes are bright, the premise is very correct! If you do something wrong without harming the interests of the British Empire, we people don't need to bear the blame!

"I need a lot of cooperation, but I hope to have some autonomy!"

What's the hidden meaning of this word? You can send someone to watch, but what about the whole process? You can't interfere with me! Everyone looked at each other again, and they all agreed! Under such circumstances, although Wesley is said to be in power, we can all know the fact that he is in power!

"The plane is ready, and the team will join you at the airport."

After getting on the plane, Wesley also met with the team members. Previously, he had read their information on the way to the airport. Now, we don't need to contact them too much. Just tell them to finish the task! As for not being able to complete the task, that is another situation!

"Sir, Wesley is back! I also brought a team of people back. Here is the specific situation! "

"I will not look at the specific situation! Now it's time to transfer Wesley back? Want him to solve this problem completely? It's impossible! Everyone knows that we just want to muddle up the water and let Wesley come back? What do they think? "

"Sir, as far as I know personally, Wesley has a special mandate, and he may come closer to us?"

"Come closer to us?" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "do you believe it?"

Jin stood up on his shoulder. "I won't believe it at all. There should be something hidden behind this, but they still need to put some baits. It seems that there are not so many fish out there at this time!"

"It's interesting. It's really interesting! Who came up with such an idea that he even wanted to hit song Tianren's attention. Let alone, this bait is really so hard for people to refuse. Our people still need to take some into consideration when they start to attack, but if they do, they will really be indifferent! "

"Wesley can't do such a thing by himself. He has considerable ability and extremely loyal. He is a stone at all. But he wants to stir up the situation. It's not as simple as one level. It's behind this! There must be a certain number of people or forces supporting him! "

Ding Yu had already heard the meaning of Jin, but he shook his head. "It's no use killing him. It's not easy to come out of such a person. What about him? Is thrown out, useful or useless, is deliberately hanging us, we are willing or not? Now it's just such a clue! "

"Sir, will we use our internal relations?"

"No, the use of our internal relations is to expose him. For such a so-called bait, we have to expose our things. It's really worthless! It doesn't have much meaning and value. Let's go! Since you have said that Wesley has considerable value, then make good use of it. Song Tianren and they are blessed! It's a great good thing that there are such nannies coming to the door on their own initiative

"Sir, how about another way to disclose the news?"

"That's a good idea!" Ding Yu hit a finger ring, "but this hand is really pretty, it is a little bit of a pity! What about the people who made it happen? It will never exceed the number of five fingers, but the people who can contact Wesley will never be as many or limited as they imagine. They just don't know what kind of choices they will make. "

"Sir, I think the royal family of England must have quite a view on this matter!"

"The British royal family has its own power, but for a long time, it has basically been the MI5 and MI6! But now? It is necessary to try and test, how this power is a thing! But from the time point of view, we should delay a little later, at least let them finish the nanny work

"Sir, will the royal family give us this time?"

"They will! Something? I give them face, they also need to give me this face! It's just mutual! " Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes and said! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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