"Sir, do you need to let song Tianren know about them?" Jin also had some concerns and asked, "relatively speaking, song Tianren's experience is not rich at all. Under such circumstances, contact with Wesley is definitely the object of being played with! Wesley will never let go of such an opportunity

"No, look at their own understanding! This is the best time for them to test their ability. If they can't grasp such an opportunity, they can only become a bucket in the end! "

Wesley here can land at the military airport because it is a special plane. But even if it is, what can it do? Boston, after all! Just in Boston? Don't think about being able to hide from the Boston consortium. As for whether Ding Yu is happy to know such news, it is not important that the Boston consortium is willing to share such information!

"We belong to a separate group, free from outside interference! I don't care how you write this report. It's your own business. I just care if you can keep up with this step! Is there anything else you don't understand? "

"Head, I'd like to ask, if there is a conflict in the process? What kind of rules of engagement are needed? "

"You are not allowed to carry any weapons and equipment in the process. If you have such a mind, I will directly let you report to the headquarters. This is an insurmountable red line, and no one can break it!" Wesley warned, "including all of you here, I once again warn that you are not allowed to carry any weapons and equipment. As for the so-called monitoring equipment, enough is enough. I don't want to continue to offend Mr. Ding Yuding! Understand? "

"What if they attack us, chief?"

"Wait for support! I will have a good contact with Mr. Ding Yuding. What about this contact? There is a certain scope, that is to say, your identity is not a secret at all. Under such circumstances, if you receive the attack from Mr. Ding Yuding, it will be a good thing for the whole British Empire. But if it is your deliberate provocation, it is another thing. You can control this scale well. There is another point I can't guarantee There will be other forces interested in you! So try to control your temper

People look at Wesley, this explanation is to let them trapped their own hands and feet, we look at each other, Wesley can mention such a matter in such disregard, it is obviously should have been quite inspired, when we came, we basically knew that there were so-called monitors in the whole team!

Wesley didn't evade the so-called monitor. Even Wesley didn't know who was the monitor. However, he didn't mean to stop him when he wanted to report!

When we got off the plane, someone was already waiting, "Roger Wesley? This is the document you need. The vehicle is ready! At the same time, the workplace is ready! " He took a deep look, then he put a small glasses device to Wesley, turned around and left without waiting for Wesley's reply!

While sitting in the car, Wesley sat alone in the back, opened his eyes, took a simple pupil scan, and voice comparison, and so on. In Wesley's eyes, there were some image data! The introduction time was too short, and then the glasses were damaged! But even so, Wesley put his glasses in the box.

Put it in the box, it means it is completely destroyed! Even the so-called residue will not be left. If you open the box now, the taste will not be too good! But everything inside has been destroyed! Now even if someone gets the box, it doesn't help!

Come to the office, is a relatively independent residence, three floors of the building, the basement downstairs, and even a bit of security room flavor! There are a lot of weapons and equipment inside, and even the facilities for two operations are quite complete. If you find such a place to live, you can really look up to them!

"Go find song Tianren's place and have coffee together?"

Ah? The head of the liaison officer below almost turned 180 degrees. It is understandable to find Ding Yu or Jin, but to find song Tianren? Are there so many things that are too much fun?

"Don't look! Back to your position, we need to find song Tianren now. Mr. Ding Yuding is something we can't touch. Even if my boss wants to see Ding Yu, he hasn't been able to see him. We just went to see Ding Yu, and we haven't even been waiting to walk into the apartment. Two blocks away, we may have gone to see God! "

After a little explanation, they all went back to their posts. It was too easy to check song Tianren's traces! But before that, Wesley took people to visit his American counterparts. He didn't carry any weapons and equipment, so they didn't need them at all! At the same time, I visited the police friends in Boston!

"Head, do I still have some incomprehension? Visiting the United States is also convenient for us, but is it unnecessary to visit the police in Boston? ""Look at Lucas! He can't do anything now, and I'm going to do it like this? It's not for convenience, but a signal to Mr. Ding Yuding. I don't have any malice! Otherwise, do you think the Boston police would let it go so easily? You think too much! "

"Just didn't expect the police on this side of Boston to be so dark?"

"Black? What you see is just a small part of them. No one has paid more attention to the maintenance of Boston than they have. For many people, it has hurt Boston? It's hurting them, and our intrusion into Boston is a provocation to them

"I'm sorry, sir. Although I've worked on two or three continental plates, I don't have a thorough understanding of some things."

"Don't tell me that. What I need is that you can keep up with this rhythm. If you can't keep up with this rhythm, I don't have any way. I have already said my way, and the rest is your own problem!" Wesley also showed indifference and indifference at this time. He didn't mean to be flexible at all!

"Hello, Mr. Song! I'm Wesley, Roger Wesley

Song Tianren and others were really surprised by Wei Sili who came here rashly. Wei Hou and Zhan Zhao looked at each other. They both met Wesley when they were at the airport. What was the scene at that time? It's Wesley and the supervisor!

In the confrontation with the supervisor, I even didn't fall behind. Now I suddenly found them. This feeling is so strange! Why? This is the first problem in Song Tianren's head!

Wei Hou and Zhan Zhao are also very strange. What about Lucas? It can be said to be trapped by the dead! To put it in a bad way, even if they want to fart now, they need to seek the opinions of the outside world! Otherwise, just be honest! There is no reason to say, it is so simple!

And now Wesley is here! Moreover, they can walk to song Tianren and their side. If it is said that the director and the supervisor do not know about this matter, it is really a arabian night. The director and the supervisor must know about this matter, but they do not have any action when they know it. The problems in this are worth discussing! What is the reason?

Then two people also quietly left! Went into the car and said, "what do you think of this?"

"Wesley, we all met at the airport. At that time, the meeting between him and the supervisor was so fierce. We were both parties. Now he appears here and hides behind his back. I don't know yet. But he can come here. I think the leader and the supervisor must be deliberately laissez faire!"

"I think so. As for what his purpose is, we can slowly find out. Now we want to see what he wants to do. It should be an opportunity for us."

When the two people came back, they brought coffee back again, but they didn't mean to speak out. Song Tianren talked to Wesley about some of them here, and he really increased a lot of knowledge. Wesley was honest in many places and had no reservation!

"Brother six, brother cat! What does the Lord mean After Wesley left, song Tianren and his colleagues were puzzled and asked, "he even showed his identity without any cover up. Is this joke a little bit big? Even if you want to reconcile, you won't be able to find our heads, right? Go to the wrong gate, worship the wrong Bodhisattva

"He used to be the head of the British side in the United States, and Lucas came here to take his place. From what we know, he should have gone back to England to report his work! Now it's interesting to turn back again! "

"No! Is he from the British side? How dare you come near us? Is it impossible not to understand the problems and conditions in this Song Tianren is also thinking hard, "and there is no hint in terms of security? Even if there are some deliberately indulgent meanings, I really can't understand them! "

"If you don't understand it, then you should take good care of it carefully." Wei Hou said indifferently, and then he closed his mouth! There is no more meaning in any words. Song Tianren looks at brother Mao and Zhan Zhao shakes his head slightly at Song Tianren. It's better not to mention too much at this time!

Back to the apartment, there is no security to find song Tianren. They ask what they mean and say they don't know what happened? This is definitely a joke, and it is still a big joke, but knowing this situation, there is still no meaning to ask. Why?

"Supervisor!" Others can't find gold, but it's not difficult for Wei Hou!

"What? I heard Wesley came to the door? " Pointing to the chair in front of him, Wei Hou sat down and continued talking about it! "It's no big deal. It's not a bad thing to get in touch with it, but he's an old hand in this business! What if I could give up my body? It's really not easy! ""Supervisor, do you need to let everyone know?"

"No, look at their own understanding! But I think they should be able to understand a little bit! Not everything? All of them need to use force. What's the same? We need to be too clear about the enemy and ourselves. Maybe it was the enemy in the past, but it doesn't mean that we are still the enemy now. We have two things to do! "

"Supervisor, from what I know, Wesley seems to be sincere, but I still feel something wrong in my heart! He will be so kind, the UK behind him will be so kind! I think this should be a very unlikely thing, but they blatantly walk into us, and it seems too different! "

"Ha ha, the question asked is quite high level! But this problem is not for me to consider! Look at your own ability! Sir once said, this is a flesh and blood millstone in itself

Wei Hou slightly twisted his mouth, "I know! I'll take good care of them

"Pay attention to your own problems. The smell on your body is still too strong! There is also the aspect of your body function. Although you have been recuperated by your husband, your own damage is too serious. This is a process. You should know that you represent not only yourself, but also many other people! "

"Yes Wei Hou did not express any so-called compliments and thanks, because there was no need at all!

And Jin did not mean to blame, because people like Wei Hou are very pure people who have been in contact with a lot of them. They prefer the direct way rather than the complicated way!

"Brother cat, you didn't say that when you were on the car, how could it happen?" The whole group has been gathered together, including the two secretaries and their security, because the situation is too vague to understand! What about brother cat? There are so many words to stop!

"I don't know now. Let's discuss it after the deputy director of health comes back."

Looking at Wei Hou who came in, everyone's eyes were focused on his body. Wei Hou and brother cat looked at each other, and then slowly said, "don't look at me. I have already said before. Since you can't see through, you should look at it slowly and taste it slowly. I also remind you that this is a flesh and blood millstone We're all on it! As for what can be left in the end, I don't know, because it's not me! It's up to you! "

Wei Hou's words made people feel a little creepy. Before they came here, they were basically told about this. When they came to the United States, they followed the director. To a certain extent, they entered the flesh and blood millstone. Is it life or death? To some extent, it's entirely up to them!

No, it's been a long time here! It seems that such a thing did not happen, even after these two days out, it seems that there is no other situation, everyone then also put this matter behind! And now Wei Hou mentioned it again? It's as if we were suddenly stabbed to the root of the tail! Just jump up!

"Wesley is a good target, but how are you going to behave? Who knows? "

Ding Yu and Jin have obviously noticed that song Tianren's work state has appeared quite a problem, but no one wants to pay attention to it. What about the work in their hands? Basically, they are the most inferior. They have no so-called expectations. If they can be competent at this time, what's the use of Ding Yu?

It was Wesley who tried his best to help song Tianren adjust. Ding Yu later lifted the siege on Lucas through Yanu. Since Wesley was willing to make this settlement, he at least needed to give him something so-called sweet, of course, which can also be regarded as a sweetener to the British side!

"Chief, the Boston cops are leaving!"

As for the report from his subordinates, Wesley also looked up and said, "it's normal that Mr. Ding Yuding gave us a return. There was no connection before, but now we have a line. But how much this line can play, we should not expect too much of it! At the same time, don't expect too much, because you will find that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment! "

"Sir, at least our communication is effective, isn't it?"

"That's just your own feeling!" Although there were other people in the room, Wesley didn't care at all! "We don't have any initiative in the so-called line. It's completely passive. As long as Mr. Ding stretches it gently, it will be broken immediately. But looking at Lucas and their situation, we need to ensure that this line can not be broken!"

"Head, song Tianren's performance is very excellent. I have some doubts about whether such a move is in favor of the enemy?"

"You are wrong! They are not in this field at all. They are not, and will not be in the future! You need to learn about China and its politics. Don't put the British and American systems into China. Since they are not in this profession, what they have learned is not so important! ""Not in this business? Is this still useful? "

"Stupid question!"

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