"Do you think this problem is that Mr. Ding Yuding didn't think of it, or did the headquarters not think of it. For us, this is a stepping stone. If we want to get rid of the predicament in front of us, we need a considerable knock on the door. Our knock on brick may not be the best, but it is the most appropriate one! Do you understand? "

If the subordinates sitting there don't understand now, they are really idiots! "Head, Mr. Ding Yuding, let's describe him like this! Too much use of mutual insurance mechanism! Is there no other way? We are too much under the control of others! And there's no guarantee! "

"I know!" Wesley sighed, "but what can we do to make it safe? Do you think I'd like to call him sir? Wrong. To some extent, this kind of address is an insult, not an insult to Mr. Ding Yuding, but an insult to us! I'd like to call him Ding Yu directly, but I can't, at least relative to his achievements, I can't do it! "

"I have read your files, and I believe you should know something about me. You have participated in many operations, and I have also participated in many operations. But what about enemies like Ding Yu? It's something that the Mio has never encountered, so what about the means in the past? It is of no use to him. Another thing is that Mr. Ding Yuding is absolutely a man who must report his grievances. If you shoot him, you should be prepared for Dongfeng express

"How dare he do it?" Words are like this, but the tone is not so strong!

"Why not? You've already shot him! What else does he dare not do! What's more, I also tell you that he will not do it alone, and will unite many people. Ding Yu may not be in the front, but it is definitely heavyweight. And those guys behind are just cheering? No, they are just gangsters

"Forget it! What about all this? It's useless, just hope you can recognize some situations! Don't watch too many movies. It's not easy to get rid of Ding Yu. If you can do it quietly one day, I believe that the position of director is not your end, that is, a starting point. But before this? Ha ha

He grinned at his subordinates, and Wesley started his work! As for Lucas, I really don't have much thought. He should have called him, but he never received the call. I don't know whether it's Lucas's personal behavior or the meaning of the headquarters!

I really do not care about these, is worried that he will rashly have action! As a matter of fact, if you say it, you really don't have much influence on yourself. For Mr. Ding Yuding, what about song Tianren? Too much chicks, now there is someone to accompany them, it is a very good opportunity!

However, Wesley is also aware that he has only taken some opportunities. When his colleagues in the United States see this, will they give up? Absolutely not! They will also get involved in it. It will be really a fight between snipe and clam, but there is no way! They must also try their best to show!

Because only close to Ding Yu? Only then can keep this line unceasingly! There are even a lot of troubles behind this, such as Lucas, the headquarters, the British Empire and so on! No matter which one got on the surface, his small shoulders were not able to see! I am like a boat in the rough sea now! It could be turned over at any time!

However, while Wesley was thinking, the phone was blazing. The subordinate next to him connected the phone, and soon looked at Wesley. "Head, there's something wrong with Lucas. Do we want to show up? It seems that things are not very good!"

Wesley raised his head, rubbed his temples, and thought too much that his blood flowed? Some of them are not enough! "What's wrong with him? A complaint? It's not a big deal, is it

"It seems more than that!" The subordinates were also very cautious and said, "there is no reply from the headquarters, but from what I know personally, Lucas seems to be going to find Ding Yu directly. He has already driven the car to the downstairs of the apartment! I don't know whether it's his personal meaning or

It's not convenient for you to say it. Let your head think about it slowly! Anyway, I have hinted that it is obvious!

"What? Wtf!” Wesley, who has always been a gentleman, couldn't help but scold him. Does this guy want to die? You know, in order to face this situation, I can say that I am exhausted, but this guy is not round enough! Go to find Ding Yu? Why should he go to find Ding Yu? Do people really care about his identity?

"What shall we do, sir?"

"What to do?" Wesley sat down on the chair and shook his head. "Nothing can be done. In the past, people paid attention to our heart and withdrew! Now Lucas wants to solve the problem with the office set? Didn't he understand the situation? They don't eat him at all"Sir, did Lucas get any benefit?"

"It's hard to say, it's not good to say! You know, this is Boston Wesley was also helpless. "The police in Boston didn't move because they didn't think it was necessary. They might care, but what about this? No meaning! What's more, it's a provocation, a slap in the face! Isn't Lucas sitting in the office stupid

When Ding Yu knew the news, he also knocked on his head with his hand, and looked at Jin quite unexpectedly, "is Lucas' head broken? Or did we hear it wrong? Lucas has a sudden hand at this time. What does he want to do? Don't you know this is playing with fire? "

"From what I know personally, it should be that someone in the United States has given him considerable assurance. Some people in the United States are not so satisfied that you are in charge of this time, sir. It is also a manifestation of their attitude to make trouble for you, sir, or to block the birth of your first child, isn't it?"

"It's really interesting." Ding Yu snorted slightly, "OK! Since some people are willing to stand up, let them stand in front! Lucas is down there? " Seeing Jin's affirmation, Ding Yu sighed, "let him come to the United States, he is interested in the ability of his office. At the same time, he is also quite keen. But really speaking, he is defeated by Xiao He!"

"It should have been the British side who gave him a lot of inspiration, or after Wesley, Lucas is just a chess piece on the surface! Previously, it was used as a treasure, but now? It may be discarded at any time, and I don't know if Lucas understands the truth now, otherwise he will be worried about the consequences! "

"What happened to him? It doesn't have much to do with us. Since Song Tianren is more free, let them deal with it! In this respect, they have innate advantages, which are even better than what they imagined. What's more, song Tianren still has Wesley around them? "

"I think Wesley will be very upset when he hears this news! I can tell! He doesn't want this to happen, but what's more irritating now is how to go next? "

Just give it to me! As for Lucas, whether they are flaunting outside, Ding Yu has no meaning at all. For himself, Lucas is just an ant with teeth and claws! Do you need to fight because of this ant? We don't need to pay attention to it at all!

And Jin handed over the task to song Tianren and they left! As for the details, there is no explanation at all! If you can't see such a simple situation clearly, then they are really rubbish!

"Interesting!" Several people sitting in the room at this time are all glaring. You should know that after coming to the United States and staying with the director, they have always been bullied. Anyone who starts can knead them! And they have nothing to say! what did you say? If you are not as good as others, you can only bear it!

But now someone even took the initiative to challenge the director. The supervisor gave them the matter. Although he didn't mention what happened, song Tianren and his colleagues are no longer ignorant kids now!

"Tianren, there are people blocking the door. I even wonder if we are back in the 49th city."

"Even in 49 cities, I didn't see such arrogance. The so-called beating people and not slapping faces! Direct to block the door, these guys are not clever at all! Since you want to play! I know that I was the bully in those years. I always had to block people. Now I was blocked by people! If this is passed back, I will go back to 49 cities in the future? How to be a man?! Don't you have to laugh off your big teeth? "

Looking at the gnashing teeth of song Tianren, people are also a burst of laughter, a long time has not been so relaxed! Everyone's psychological pressure is still very big, now have the opportunity to relax, not good happiness!

After a discussion, they soon went to the apartment side! Looking at the waiting vehicles outside, they are mutual eyes! It's obvious that Lucas and they are a dish! If they do other things, they still have some immature words, then for them, such things are really experts!

"Have you found everyone?" Song Tianren greets a young man next to him. He is from the Boston family. To be exact, he has a considerable relationship with Yanu. If there is no such relationship, there is not much possibility for them to get close to song Tianren. After all, song Tianren is Ding Yu's assistant!

"Assistant song, all the people have gathered! But I really haven't seen her play like this? " It's totally Chinese, but this Chinese has a strong northeast flavor!

"Saner!" What about that? It really makes people think that they have returned to 49 cities. Song Tianren also feels quite funny in his heart, "I don't know why, so called you? I feel a little strange, I have some doubts, is this the United States? ""It's nothing rare. Haven't you heard of it? Now more and more people like China, especially Chinese. I went to China to learn Chinese. I spent more than a year in Northeast China. Everything else is OK, but it's a little cold! It's getting cold! But I feel good about the hat! I'm still at home! As a souvenir! "

Song Tianren and others are also very happy, "third! You're such a funny guy The change of address from saner to Laosan also shows their recognition of Laosan. Although it is just a few words, these words have brought the distance between them closer!

"I stayed in the northeast for a year and found that China's development is really too fast! If you can, you really want to stay in China. The environment is very safe. It's not as obvious and poor as that of the United States. What about midnight? Even if you dance on the street, you don't have much to do, that is, there are too few places to buy supper! What's more, the kebab is a little spicy, but very enjoyable! Especially when I'm with my friends

Looking at some drooling old three, song Tianren also burst out laughing, "Hi! You're really on the point With his thumb pointing at the back of Zhan Zhao, "brother cat! Absolute magna, when we have time to roll strings together, I can't do anything else. Roast sheep's eyes are absolutely unique! "

As I spoke, I saw a few tramps leaning towards those cars! Several cars parked there were quickly surrounded. Looking at the paper money handed out from the window, song Tianren and his colleagues also laughed and even felt so happy! These guys take it for granted!

Soon the children, also participated in! It can be said that Lucas was disgusted, but there is really no way to do it. If he does, it will be another thing! Clearly know that this is deliberately to tease themselves, but there are not too many ways to get out of the car to expel can solve all the problems?

Originally came to demonstrate, but before the posture was set, someone had already come to the door! And this way makes people hate very much, but now to go, it seems to be really clip their own tail! But this is the United States, not Britain, and the Boston police are not involved in it!

But who could have thought that Ding Yu's subordinates would have adopted such a rogue way and means, but this means is not the best from the current point of view! It is the most practical and effective, that is, some children and vagabonds, but what about these people? I can't move on my side. I don't know how many people are paying attention to it!

If you are in the office, you can easily solve these problems, but the problem is that you are not in the office at all, it is completely on the street! Do you want to go out and make a lot of noise? Expose yourself to the sun! It's not feasible at all! It can also be seen from here that Lucas lacks considerable practical experience in front-line operations!

"Head, do you want us to get out of the car?"

Wesley looked at the situation outside, and his face was slightly gloomy. "We can only get out of the car now to intensify the contradiction between each other. Lucas is taking my place. Now I stand up to help him out. What kind of consequences do you think it will be? Can he bear it? Is there anything more humiliating to him than this? "

"But head, isn't it more humiliating to stay here now?"

"He asked for it Wesley immediately took out his mobile phone, but he didn't dial the phone number immediately. Instead, he thought for quite a while, "report it to the headquarters for reference."! I'll contact song Tianren. I don't know if he will sell this face. In my opinion, there is not much possibility that he will sell this face. Moreover, it is easy to pull us into the water by doing so. How to judge in the future is hard to say! "

Wesley thinks more about it. After all, the things he shoulders are very different. The reason why he mentioned this matter with his subordinates is to leave a way for himself. He didn't want to fight the so-called arena with Lucas. This is a totally unwise choice!

Will the headquarters understand? It is really not so clear, may understand, may not understand, who knows? Look at the reaction from headquarters! I have too many things to face!

To be exact, once you do this, you will be equivalent to digging and burying Lucas! But Lucas, after all, was sent from the headquarters. I'm afraid there are still a lot of people at the headquarters who have great expectations for him. Under such circumstances, did they dare to bury him? What kind of follow-up will you have?

Therefore, as far as possible, I still need to give some "wine bag" face to the headquarters, at least not to create too many constraints on myself in the future! Of course, there is another meaning in this? Is Wesley suspicious that Lucas has been given up?

Can you do this in advance? But he did not dare to make this decision. Lucas ended up in the hands of other people, or Lucas ended in Ding Yu's hands. There were not many problems, but they could not end up in their own hands. Did they dig a hole to bury him? But I can be the planner, but I can't be the executor!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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