When receiving Wesley's call, song Tianren also nodded to the people nearby, and then connected his mobile phone to his Bluetooth. Similarly, he opened a synchronous sharing system for other people, but the chat channel was not online! There's no problem doing it yourself, but if Wesley knows, it's not so good! Too embarrassed!

"Hello, Mr. Wesley!" Song Tianren is still very polite.

"I'm out there! Did not expect to encounter such a thing! It's so embarrassing! "

"No one expected such a thing, but what about the provocation outside? Some are too much! No one wants to make too much trouble, let alone too much attention! But how can they stay outside, and still use this way, it's really hard to be happy Song Tianren's reaction can be said to be dissatisfied at all!

"Song, if I can solve this matter, can we get along peacefully?"

"I don't promise, but I'm happy to get along with Mr. Wesley. Sometimes it's better to have one more friend than another enemy. We believe in Mr. Wesley's choice, and we will hold a barbecue party together when we have time. If we have time, we can come and get together."

"I'm sure the party will be wonderful, and it's also something to look forward to at the same time."

After knowing song Tianren's attitude, Wesley also hung up the phone in the same way. There was still no news from the British headquarters. Was the news delayed? The possibility should not be very great. No matter when there will be a supervisor on duty at the headquarters, there are only two possibilities for not delivering the message!

One is to see the development of the situation, whether Lucas will have other solutions, or give Lucas a chance! On the other hand? Is not so satisfied with the way they deal with this matter, so silence to!

But no matter what? Anyway, I have reported quite a situation, the pit has been dug! Even Lucas fell into the pit! As for whether he can climb up or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the person who built the soil is certainly not himself. It's just like this temporarily!

So Wesley also let his subordinates drive. Now he doesn't need to stay here! Two blocks away, wait for the news! Even if this matter can be delayed, when can it be delayed? Lucas can be shameless, but Britain can't be shameless!

There was no response from the British headquarters, and Wesley didn't mean to get involved in it immediately. So now, I'm also in the United States to keep a certain distance away! Also know this matter, but also reported this time to the headquarters, how to deal with it, I wait for instructions!

Whatever? Anyway, I will never recite this black pot. You know, Wesley's informed this story! It's digging a hole, but what it's digging is nothing to say. Of course, it can be regarded as nothing? But for Wesley, is it up to Wesley to let others take control? How can that be?

"Did Wesley watch Lucas jump into the fire? We're just waiting here, and there's no feedback from him? "

Song Tianren gently knocked on the railing with his hand, "this guy is a ghost spirit, and he has always been a ghost."? We all have some doubts about what this guy wants to do, but it's obvious that he and Lucas are definitely not on the same road now. If they see this situation, they will not ignore it even if they don't pull a hand! "

The secretary next to him also blinked his eyes. "Although Lucas took over Wesley's position, I don't think this is the reason why Wesley wants to kill Lucas. Behind this, there should be some internal affairs in Britain. Is Lucas coming alone? Does he dare to pass through England? Come here without permission? "

"I also think that this possibility is definitely not as big as imagined. Lucas will never come here without authorization, but Wesley has no intention to cooperate with him. If we are Wesley, what should we do now?" Song Tianren looks at the car in the distance and murmurs!

"First of all, it is certain that Wesley didn't want to be involved in this matter, or he didn't know it in advance. The British side informed Lucas and even found him considerable support, so he came here. What about Wesley? I didn't know about it before, but now I do? Can't he not come? But you can't handle it without authorization? "

That is to say, very quickly is also the situation in front of the analysis clear!

"Lucas is in a very bad situation. What kind of support does Lucas have in charge of Boston affairs, even facing the director directly? What kind of support does it take for him to come here and make noise? There is also a question. The British side should not be unaware of the harm and still let Lucas come? Is this to abandon his meaning? "

"It's just an important chess piece. It's not really the old man, the former Wesley? They have been in Boston all the time, and there is no disturbance between them. However, after Lucas came, many problems began to appear. It seems that the pressure on the British side is also quite great! "At the same time, tips for several cars have been given! At least there is no so-called change! What's more, not all of their money is public money! Many of them pay their own expenses to the vagrants and children outside. A little less may be OK, but if there are more, there is no way to accept it!

However, it may not have been discovered that their car may have started before, but if you wait a little longer, I'm afraid it will not start! Even if it really starts, I'm afraid it will become a sofa with a ceiling! And this sofa is not as comfortable as you think!

I don't want to leave outside the apartment, but I want to go but I can't! At that time, it will really be a matter of two natures! But what about all this? It has nothing to do with Ding Yu. How can song Tianren play this game? Whatever they like! This is just a small assessment of them!

If you can see clearly the situation in front of you, you will naturally know how the game is going to play, and even some people will tell you how to play it! If you can't see clearly the situation in front of you, even if you get the so-called reward at the end of the game, I'm afraid your heart will also feel quite subdued!

"Poor Lucas! Why don't you just sit in the office and have to get involved in something like this? "

Wei Hou seems to have said this sentence unintentionally. When he finished this sentence, he also took a look at Song Tianren and others nearby, but that's it! There is no other action, and song Tianren they are slightly stunned, feel that there is a word in this word! And what do you mean? It seems to have been mentioned in front of them on purpose!

"Six brothers!" The third one is also a smile. His contact with six elder brothers is not much, not that he is not hospitable, but because of this six elder brothers? There is such a smell that no one is near. What's the reason for this voice? Feel your heart! It's always hanging up! It's hard!

Wei Hou shakes his head at him without explaining the reason. Looking at Song Tianren next to him, he seems to have fallen into silence. It is just a simple sentence. He is not a fool. He is very clear about the words? It must mean something else! Is it deliberate? It shouldn't be like that!

As far as I know, Wei Hou's position in the whole team is extremely special. He has a considerable relationship with director Jin. He is the director of the whole team. Moreover, song Tianren also has great respect for Jin. Therefore, this should be understood as a point of reference. But is it Wei Hou's own idea to raise such a point at such a moment? Or are there other aspects of inspiration, such as Sir? Or Kim?

Song Tianren and his colleagues realized for a while, but when they tried to talk to Wei Hou, they found that his attention was not here at all! Just looking at the car not far away, even talking? No response! Song Tianren and they also looked at each other, six elder brothers have always been like this, a little bit fidgety!

Whether this is the director or the supervisor's hint, or six elder brother's hint, for them, is a kind of alert! Although it can be said that the oppression they suffered during this period is quite serious, but the same? But did not experience too many things! If summed up, everything is relatively smooth!

"Say it all! Don't be stuffy Song Tianren is also the first to open a head! "If it wasn't for six brothers, I'm afraid we didn't even feel the problem and the situation. It seemed that everything was so smooth after we came out! Let us all have some of them forget to be vigilant and alert

"If there were no six brothers, I'm afraid we would not remind ourselves that we are really so forgetful!"

"There seems to be some movement on the other side!" The third sentence, also let everyone look up! Looking at the people coming out of the car, they have begun to drive away the tramps and children outside, but the busier things get, the more chaotic they are. It's impossible for two people to solve the problem. If there is no other person to help them, they can only talk nonsense there! And now it's more and more chaotic!

It's not that there are no police cars and police around, but the problem is that they just turn a blind eye! No matter what kind of problems and conditions happened there, now we don't need to go forward. We have been called "hello". If we still go forward at this time, it's not so simple!

You know, the top management has already hinted at them! What's more, they also noticed that there was Jackson among the people standing at the door of the apartment. He was not famous among the Boston consortia. It was just because he was relatively low-key, but everyone knew that he was Yanu's man!

Who is Yanu? In Boston, no one knows, no one knows! Of course, this statement may be a little exaggerated, at least many ordinary people do not know this guy, but everyone knows this guy inside. His personality is a little strange, but he is definitely the top figure in the pyramid!

It's just weird! It's not that there is a problem with his ability. Of course, what about his dressing? Sometimes it makes people very speechless, but no matter what? As a high-level figure in Boston, his existence is very important! And Jackson standing here, to a certain extent, is representative of Yanu!Since he is the representative of Yanu, there is really no need to mention any more words! Just stand by quietly and watch! Of course, if the people in the luxury cars start to do it, it will be another thing! At that time, the solution of the matter can be said to be very simple!

At this time, almost everyone is watching Lucas's performance to see what he's going to do? Anyway, it's him who's losing face now! Or the British behind him, not Ding Yu! Or Boston!

Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. He even sat down and watched the performance outside. Of course, he probably didn't mean to go to see it. But we all know that Ding Yu didn't pay attention to the situation inside. From another perspective, it shows that Ding Yu has already got a strong interest in Britain! It's just that there isn't much time to pay attention to it now!

Of course, this may also be Ding Yu's deception. We should know that he hid in the detention center in China for such a long time. It was not so simple as reading books and reading newspapers inside. During this period, he should be planning this matter, but at that time, most of us didn't notice it!

But now in the United States, we should only make a considerable supplement and rest to the overall plan. For the whole UK, it is not to say that it can be completed in a day or two. The whole process will be extremely long, but the British side has not found anything. Until now, they have a feeling. From the perspective of time, it is really too late!

Now, it's too late to start from the details, so we can only put the target on Ding Yu's body. If we can defeat Ding Yu, we will certainly achieve considerable results, but Ding Yu is such a guy! Also really is not the general difficult to do, let the person really is not the general head big and helpless!

Britain and the United States are targeting Ding Yu, but their ways are really different! Especially this time, the attitude of the United States is extremely ambiguous. It's not that they don't target Ding Yu, but the way to deal with it is not fierce and tough at all, even with some perfunctory meaning!

This is a situation that has never been encountered before. In the original time, although Britain said that it was under the provocation of the United States that Ding Yu was seriously offended, but their attitude towards Ding Yu did not die. How could it be so perfunctory as it is now? Obviously, in some aspects, Britain is lagging behind! And still seriously behind!

Lucas was regarded as an abandoned son, or played a considerable role, but for the British side, the consequences are still very heavy. After all, when Lucas was sent to the United States, he was still given considerable expectations, but no one thought that such a big change would happen in the middle!

What's more, during this process, Ding Yu didn't even mean to show his face, that is, relying on a few miscellaneous fish below, Lucas would lose face! Even now, there are so many feelings that we can't finish. Go or not? If you leave, it's not as simple as to think about it. The situation is about to get out of control!

However, when the command was delivered from the British headquarters, the car couldn't start! All stuffy in the roadside position, this is not really embarrassing so simple! The crowd was furious. Lucas's face was extremely embarrassed. He never thought that he would encounter such a problem here!

Too disgusting! How could you take such a mean! What's more, Lucas was really annoyed and embarrassed by the phone call from the headquarters. He even panicked. He didn't expect that the headquarters would use himself as the chess piece, and it could be discarded at any time!

I can't get through the phone call to the United States. Obviously, this is a bureau. It's used to test Ding Yu's Bureau. It's just that the director himself is used to act as a bait! Sounds like there are some sad, but now things happen in front of themselves, so that they have no chance to resist!

Lucas is extremely unwilling! I was cheated! But you can't find any reason, throw the black pot to the headquarters? Or to the Americans? It's impossible for anyone! The headquarters will never admit that they sent themselves, while the US side? It is even more impossible for them to stand up for themselves!

If you don't have the headquarters, you'll be able to support yourself behind your back? I'm a hair in the United States? Even if you show a little bit of resistance, you may wait for the action team to sanction! What about sanctions like this? Will let oneself disappear God does not know!

So now I can only sit here and wait for the arrangement of the headquarters. by the way! Another point is that Wesley's guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He really didn't expect that he was so insidious?

It can be said that he dug a hole for himself, a deep hole, and stepped in. As for the result? What else? I can't climb out!

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