"Third, don't go away!" Since the third is here! Some things can not be hidden from him, he can not be excluded from the whole group! He is from Boston. He must have a lot of heart in this group. Making friends with people like this is absolutely beneficial to get along with each other!

"It's OK. I'll just make two phone calls." There is no intention to cover up. I also took out my own mobile phone. Although the style is different from Song Tianren's, what about its core? Basically, they are specially made. They will never use the mobile phones on the market, because there are too many loopholes! Even with the mobile phones in the world, they are basically reformed!

In terms of safety, no matter who they are, they pay special attention to it. Because a single phone call may make all the work done in vain. No one is willing to take such a risk. On this point, Elizabeth's old lady, Wesley and even the supervisor have warned them sternly!

After the phone call, the old three also stood aside, "maybe need some things, won't delay too long!"

"Brother cat mentioned the motive of the matter just now. What about brother cat? Originally, it was a criminal investigator. There was no problem with his starting point, but this matter is definitely more than that! "

The two secretaries next to him nodded. "The supervisor just mentioned it to us. Let's go and investigate the relevant matters. We should know that neither the director nor the director showed up yesterday. They were so indifferent to Lucas. Under such circumstances, they could be regarded as doing a lot for such an ant Go

Jackson also extended his hand. "What about Boston? It should not be involved in this matter. There is no need for it. There is no in-depth contradiction between them. At most, Lucas was besieged earlier. If that is the problem? I think it's better for Lucas to take revenge on him

"It's not Boston that's going to do it with us, so what else is going to do with Lucas?"

Just as he was talking, song Tianren's mobile phone rang, and Wesley called. He made an appointment to meet people. Obviously, what about this matter? He can't get rid of it! In fact, Wesley was shocked when he got the news!

Lucas, it was a plane crash! This situation is too much? From their own point of view, the possibility of plane crash is not as big as imagined, and has been eliminated! It's very possible, but which aspect will move the hand? Moving Lucas at this time, there's a certain smell of adding fuel to the fire!

In Wesley's first impression, it should be Mr. Ding Yuding! You should know that in the impression, he is absolutely a person who will report his revenge. He was beaten in the face earlier! Can he hold his breath? I haven't seen it!

It is quite possible to give a warning to the British side and even exert considerable pressure on some parties. However, after thinking for a long time, Wesley felt that the possibility was not so great and the probability was too small.

Because from the actual situation, Ding Yu doesn't need to be annoyed by such miscellaneous fish. Even if Lucas is flaunting under the apartment, Mr. Ding never wants to show up. He even asks song Tianren to make trouble. He doesn't mean to put Lucas in his eyes at all!

Lucas is just for song Tianren to practice. Under such circumstances, it's a big deal to start with Lucas. As for song Tianren, they are even more impossible! Because if they want to do it, they absolutely can't get around Mr. Ding Yuding. Besides, they have quite a lot of contact with them. At least from the present point of view, they still don't have such quality.

Even with such qualities, do they dare to do so? Without Ding Yu's consent, it is not a great event. What should we do in the future because of the trivial things that make them get such a bad reputation? So it's absolutely impossible that the people who do it can't be theirs!

After excluding Mr. Ding Yuding as the object of suspicion, will the Boston consortium be the one to start? What's more, there is no such possibility. Although the Boston consortium controls a considerable amount of power, it has no motive because of its close relationship with Ding Yu? And then give vent to Mr. Ding Yuding? It's a little bit of a joke!

You know, it's not a small thing to do without Lucas. Will the Boston consortium directly offend the British side? Even if it's water in the head! They are a group of old foxes. They absolutely know the priority.

It's a thing to have a close relationship with Ding Yu, but what about killing people? It's another thing. What's more, Lucas still has a certain identity on him. If it's not the Boston consortium, then who will do it?

I know that there are some American forces among the people who supported Lucas before. Is it possible that they acted? After all, Lucas is finished! Without any use value, if you don't want to expose your own power, then you can directly do Lucas, but there is a possibility in this respect!But that is to say, there is the possibility of this aspect. Up to now, I am not so clear about the forces behind this, who they are and what they represent! I don't even know what kind of agreement they reached at the beginning! But now I have no way to investigate?

The headquarters should know some information, but should I ask about the information?

Of course, what about the forces behind it? It's just one of the representatives, which does not mean that there are no other suspects! He is a seriously suspected object, because Lucas came to take his place, and he became angry. After killing him again, he put the target on Lucas, and then solved the problem completely!

But the problem is that they have such motivation, but now they are lack of ability and channel! If you say you can kill Lucas, you don't need to be so scared now! You don't need to put so much effort into song Tianren's body. You can face Mr. Jin or Mr. Ding Yuding!

As for the last suspect? Wesley did not dare to think about it, and was not willing to think about it. It was Britain. As for the headquarters? Or other forces, they really do not know, at least at this time, they really dare not to stretch their tentacles!

Without hesitation, he made Lucas straight away! It means that you can do it by yourself without any scruples. Even if you don't leak out any so-called mistakes, it's not too difficult to do it yourself!

When I think of this, Wesley is also a little chilly. NIMA, if this is the case, then I really need to find some so-called "umbrella" now! The Boston consortia and the forces in the United States may play a considerable role, but they are definitely not as good as those of Mr. Ding Yuding!

So now I still try my best to rely on Song Tianren. At least this can ensure my safety as much as possible. At the same time, it is a very good opportunity for me! At least not too much doubt! This is also the main reason why Wesley called!

"It feels like Wesley has some worries?" When he put down the phone, song Tianren mentioned with some doubts, "in my impression, there seems to be nothing that can hold him down. What is his performance like now? It made me feel very surprised. What did he feel? "

At the same time, Jackson's phone rang, and the connection time was not very long. After putting down the phone, the third one said without hesitation, "Lucas left last night! When I came, I took an airliner, but when I went back, I took a special plane and took a military airport. There was no other party involved in the whole process. "

"Military airport, no other side involved?"

"There may be some mistakes in my explanation!" The third raised his hand. "The plane is their own, and the personnel are their own. Even refueling? They do it by themselves. In this respect, we all have our own channels and rules. We never borrow people! That is to say, under such circumstances, if we do it, there are only two aspects! "

"The forces on the American side, or themselves!" When he said this, song Tianren's words were very positive! "But there is no explanation for the reason! Is it possible that Lucas has mastered something extraordinary, so he can do it directly? But I haven't heard about it at all! "

"So now we need to investigate, third, this really needs your help! Either the director or the supervisor? It's too difficult to transfer people! They all have a lot of things. They can't get away from it. You've been here for a few days! It's really a woman's role as a man's, and a man's not a man's use. I wish I could have more than one's body! "

"Is that all you have to do, sir? Just look at it! There are not many others. There are many people. I will arrange it immediately, but what about my proposal? It's better to be careful. No one knows what kind of thunder is buried under this one. Even Lucas has been directly killed? Let's just say that! We'd better be careful, wouldn't we? "

"Listen to Lao San, we can't concentrate too much! Don't they eat meat, old nest again let people to dig out, that is really more than gain! For us, this is an experience and a practical operation, but at the same time, we need to reflect on ourselves and not get carried away! "

After a few words, everyone began their own preparations. Song Tianren took Zhan Zhao to the military base. He needed to understand some of the problems and situations in detail, not to say whether they violated the regulations or taboos. In places like Boston? If the Boston consortium says it! Even the military needs to give considerable face, let alone this time? More aspects are involved!

Wei Hou takes the third in charge of communication and security. As for the other two secretaries, they are responsible for summarizing and other issues. Everyone has their own division of labor! But there is no so-called psychological entanglement problem! Everyone to do what they are good at, not stand there fighting!Because intrigue has no effect. What about the director? Never interfere with your own development. You just need to plan your own future. Even if you can't plan yourself, you can ask someone to help you analyze your personality and see where your strengths and weaknesses are?

Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses? This is a very normal thing. This may also be one of the few good places in capitalism. Just spend money? It can solve a lot of problems and situations. In the past, we didn't really have a lot of contact with this aspect, so we didn't know much about it. However, the cost was also seen. We felt a bit shocked!

This group of capitalists are really not mean minded. They can make song Tianren feel terrible. From this, we can know how much they spend? It's really improper to take money, but from another perspective, it's really worth the money. After all, it's hard to see the back of your neck!

But let the onlookers see? It's another thing! At home? Almost everyone has quite a look after, the old man's words are too obscure, need to chew and ponder carefully, may still not be able to understand, and the following? Due to many reasons, basically will not have any opinions and opinions!

So a lot of time, we are not so clear about their own advantages and disadvantages are in what place? And now the director provides them with such a platform to let everyone know what kind of advantages and disadvantages they have. On this basis, give full play to their own advantages and disadvantages, and at the same time supplement their own shortcomings, only in this way can we better improve ourselves!

"I'll go. Isn't the protection too poor?"

"Brother Ren, after all, this is the United States, not China. When I was in China, I also wanted to go inside and have a look. Boy, I almost caught it. You know, this is the result of my application. If you don't apply, I don't know what it looks like!"

"That is, the protection and security in China is absolutely beyond imagination!"

"What about the application of human resources in the United States? It's quite different from China. In some aspects, I think it's most appropriate to use one word to describe it! Too obsessed with machines

"Look at the look in the eyes of these guys outside, it seems that there are so many disagreements!"

"What a normal thing. After all, such a thing happened. What about here? It is said to be a military base, but to a certain extent, it is also a hodgepodge. People in all fields have it. Everyone is just making a secret. Moreover, such a thing has just happened. Let's make a general investigation! See if you have any problems! From a certain point of view, brother Ren, after all, you are an outsider. Although they don't have eye to eye with each other at ordinary times, they always

"I see!" Song Tianren said with a smile, "in fact, it's just a so-called crossing! Even if it's a real investigation, what can we find out? Brother Mao has experience in this area. What about me? In this respect, I'm just a little white. At most, I was a forensic assistant for a period of time in the original time! "

"Ah? Forensic assistant? " The third patted his head twice, "I didn't hear you wrong! Forensic assistant, this is not a good job! Those guys in forensic science! Don't watch TV. It's just fooling a fool. If I see the actual situation, I promise I won't think about eating meat any more! I've been in touch with a few, how to describe it? Genius in authentication, but in other ways? It could be a madman! "

"I stayed in it for a while, but just to adapt to it, you really talked about it in my heart. It's not a job that ordinary people can endure. Fortunately, I've survived. After getting familiar with it, I find that it's no big deal!"

He put up his thumb and said, "well, your brother Ren is not an ordinary person. I'm still convinced of this!"

"Don't flatter me! Let's just come and have a look. Anyway, there are so many people here! Let's go down there are so many too eye-catching! Now is not the time to show our power. When they finish their investigation! Let's have a look at it! "

"It's OK. It's not difficult. In fact, when we received the notice yesterday, we had already started a considerable investigation. What about all the information? Almost all of them have been read out. Really! There shouldn't be too many problems here. It's impossible for US forces to do something! "

Song Tianren nodded slightly, and both of them already understood how things happened. The third was a member of the Boston consortium, and the information he got was more flexible and convenient. Since he spoke like this, what about the direction of suspicion? It's basically confirmed! Just because of many reasons, it's not easy to express!

At noon, people also gathered in the apartment, but they still did not see the director and the director. They just discussed and judged by themselves. If they really made any so-called judgment, it would be another thing!"After I went out, I felt that we had received some concern, which was quite interesting."

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