"Now I have received such concern. It seems that there is something wrong with it!"

Song Tianren also nodded, "it's not right! What's more, we feel that there is a strong smell of conspiracy. We are now paying attention to us, and even to a certain extent, our concern seems to be more than that of Lucas! "

"It's the same feeling here in Boston! It's not right, and it's serious! Are they trying to deliberately focus their attention on us, or are they trying to name us as a disaster? I don't know what's the opinion of the director and the supervisor? "

But the report didn't get any response at all! However, Ding Yu and Jin really discussed this issue in the office, "Sir, it seems that they are still quite keen!"

"It's normal. Just look at the origins of song Tianren and the three of them! If you can't feel this, they won't be able to follow them at the beginning, so they don't need to be informed. They know what to do. Now it's up to Wesley! What a pity

That's the passage, but Kim understood the meaning of the words! Wesley is really a guy with considerable ability and admiration, but how can they get along with each other? Belong to the opposite, even if they are sitting together, they should be on guard. Will they take out a gun from the bottom of the cushion!

Song Tianren and they did not get any response. Now they can only sit in the office, but what about everyone's heart? I really have some feelings! "The director didn't speak. It seems that he was acquiescent about this matter?"

"Acquiescence? I think the director! I don't pay much attention to this matter! "

"What do you mean?" Old three also played a regulating role! After all, there can not be any internal problems, I have seen it! What about Wei Hou? No matter what's going on here, he is responsible for security issues. What about Zhan Zhao? Although he has a considerable right to speak, he is more often on the side of song Tianren!

Song Tianren occupies a considerable position in the whole group. Although he does not show any egotism, he does not guarantee that there will be such problems in the future, and he will be integrated into it? Is played a considerable role in lubrication, may not be as important as imagined, but essential!

"You mean that the director wants to explore our abilities. As for the problem behind this matter? Isn't the director as concerned as he thought? That's it Song Tianren also expressed his views directly!

"When the two of us gathered the documents at the apartment side, we found that the director simply ignored the news from the outside world. I think it was not unintentional, it was completely intentional! Now the director and the supervisor should be busy with important things. Of course, this is not the main reason. What else? In my opinion, this matter has nothing to do with the director. No matter how heavy the wind and rain is outside, it's just the wind and rain! "

"So what about Lucas' death? In fact, the directionality is almost certain! "

As soon as this word was said, people also looked at each other. Although they didn't make a statement, this attitude is enough to show a considerable problem! Song Tianren also slightly sighed, "it seems that we need to sit and wait for Wesley to come! I don't know how he will discuss this matter at this time? It's not a general expectation

Now that we have basically understood, what about the forces in the United States? Although they haven't made a statement yet, judging from the fact that song Tianren and the third one have been to the scene, their attitude towards this matter has also been revealed! Do not rule out mystery, but the possibility is really too small!

The director didn't do it, nor did Boston? Is it hard for Lucas to fall into the sea, even if he is fooling ghosts, he doesn't need to take such a way! So now that we have basically understood, what about Lucas' death? Basically, it's the British side!

But why did the British side do it by themselves? Is it because he's not doing a good job? So you did it? Or is it time to put the blame on the director? This possibility seems to be the biggest!

Because whether it's outside or inside? Such a question has been widely circulated, that is, the director's character must be vindictive, but anyone who offends the director? Basically, there won't be too many good fruits to eat. If we really start from this point of view, it seems to be a reasonable explanation, but is it so simple?

Oh! by the way! Another thing is that the director seems to want to fight against Britain. Don't ask how you know the news. Although you don't mention it, it doesn't mean that you don't know at all!

What about this? The more reasonable it is! The British side may not be able to withstand the so-called pressure, so try to test the director as much as possible. In any case, the outside world does not know what the situation is. It is a chess piece to test Ding Yu and make him in a hurry. OK, let him panic! Can get satisfactory results!Don't say, this hand is really enough Yin! Wesley is coming? I don't know what kind of position he is in this matter? Did he know or didn't know about it?

Britain's attack on Lucas? So, is it going to be against Wesley? As long as you can create considerable trouble for your husband, there seems to be nothing that can't be abandoned for the British side. Relatively speaking, everyone is just a piece on the chessboard. When it works, you will try your best to protect the chess piece. However, once it has no effect, it will be discarded at will, and sometimes it will feel that there is such a chess piece Something in the way!

When they want to understand these things, people also feel that there are some bitterness in their mouths. They all say that this is a flesh and blood millstone, but no one has taken it as a matter. But now the fact of blood sparkling is placed in front of them.

Britain is a big country at least! Even people like Lucas said they would kill them without any hesitation. In Song Tianren's heart, they had been taught a lesson! Too much vigilance!

"Hello, Mr. Wesley."

Looking at the sweat on Wesley's forehead, song Tianren and others also have the meaning of turning a blind eye. After seeing their situation, Wesley sighed and then sat heavily on the sofa! "I don't know what's going on outside, but I'm afraid it's only here that's the safest place."

Wesley's look was a little hasty! But there is not too much confusion! Looking at the crowd, "don't ask me what happened? In fact, I don't know what kind of things happened, all I have now is just a guess! Specific inside information! We need to wait! "

"Wesley, I don't think you are so afraid of death!"

"It's not about fear of death or fear of death!" Wesley waved his hand. "Up to now, I don't understand what's going on in China. There's no feedback from the headquarters, so I'm just waiting! Otherwise, what else can be done? "

Song Tianren is holding his chin and looking at Wesley attentively, "are we friends?" It is a very abrupt sentence, the room is song Tianren and their several people, whether there are any other outsiders, when people hear this sentence, they are all in a daze, but soon they are all aftertaste, naturally look at Wesley's eyes are a little different!

"I believe we will be good friends!"

In this regard, song Tianren also slightly nodded his head, "friend is not a word, two words can say clearly, I hope we can become friends!" Just click, other things do not need more words, "I went to the military base with the third, all the video data are also here."

This is not a lot of words, but the meaning is very different! At least for Wesley! "Ah! In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that my first suspect is Mr. Ding Yuding. This is my first reaction to the news. Although this is quite disrespectful, I will tell you the truth! "

"It seems that the director's character is not liked by everyone, but I think that the director's character is only worth learning!"

Ha ha! "Lucas swaggers in front of Mr. Ding's apartment, but to be exact, Lucas is just an ant in front of Mr. Ding. Even if Mr. Ding's elephant sneezes, Lucas will be blown out of sight, and he can't even step on it personally! Waste

"Sir, you have left the matter to us. I think that's what you mean! For Sir, what about Lucas? It should be a dispensable person. If you really have a problem with him, I'm afraid he won't appear downstairs in the apartment, and we can't turn to perform. I think everyone can understand this matter! "

"Yes Wesley also felt as if he had reached a certain direction, "so I excluded Mr. Ding at the first time! As for Boston, there is no possibility of any action! Interest oriented consortia value interests. They will never waste their strength in the absence of interests! "

"Thank you, Mr. Wesley, for your compliment The third is also a smile, as if pleased!

"And just now song you said that you went to the military base? Since the gate of the military base is open to you! That means that the forces behind Lucas were not supported before! " Speaking of this, Wesley also slightly shrunk his body, "under such circumstances, Lucas also has problems, so there is only one direction!"

"Wesley, as a friend, I'm really puzzled about this. You don't know about it? I'm talking about Lucas, which is really very suspicious

"What about Lucas and me? It should not be regarded as a contradiction in the work. We can only say that our ideas are different. I tend to be stable. Lucas is a little bit grumpy on this point, but anyway? It's all about work. It's true that Lucas had some problems at work, but not enough to kill him! "The third one also said, "now it's well-known that Lucas has mastered some of Mr. Lucas's things, so he forced him to do it under helpless circumstances? Now there is quite a market for this statement! "

"Shit!" Wesley said scornfully! "It sounds like a good market, but it's just a deliberate spread! Throw this pot to Mr. Ding intentionally. If anyone really believes it, he is really a fool! "

Looking at Song Tianren's expressions, Wesley also said, "from the actual situation, how long did Lucas come to Boston? He didn't even control the basic situation, and then he got the so-called core secret? Wow, he's so lucky? "

"I heard the rumor, too The third one frowned, "I don't know if there is a market for this one, but this is the message from the people below. I come to the conclusion that some people say that Wesley, you control quite a lot of information channels, but people don't believe you, so they deliberately sent people from the British headquarters to turn you around. That's why you are in the maze, Lucas It is to come over and play a so-called cover. After obtaining considerable information, they will turn back. This is generally the case, but I didn't expect to be seen through! So it was killed! "

Ah? Why are you involved? How did the story come out? And those with eyes and noses that Wesley didn't even figure out? Because I'm one of the parties. I know what happened after I came back to London. I didn't say that at all?

But now suddenly this statement, let alone, really has a market. At least after I heard it, I also felt that the logic was clear. I and Lucas were covering each other, and no one knew whether it was true or not. Anyway, Lucas was dead!

Why do you feel like you suddenly fall into the trap, but who set the trap? Is it song Tianren and them? Or it's Ding Yu or Jin behind his back. It's impossible. It's just trying to get yourself into trouble.

But if it wasn't for them? The Boston consortium is unlikely, and even more so for the British headquarters! Damn it, it's not a trap set by the forces behind Lucas! This is just trying to put yourself in! You haven't made a plan yet? They took the lead in implementing it!

"No! This is a very wrong thing

"Wesley, we also feel that this is not the right thing, now all the things are entangled together! From the perspective of logical thinking, it is you in the UK who started to do away with Lucas. However, from this explanation on the market, many other things have been revealed? Has Mr. Cheng joined hands with the British side? "

Ding Yu practises with the British side? Don't play such a joke, the relationship between each other is like a cockfight with red eyes! Looking to each other to join hands? Delusion! But if there is no cooperation between them, is it possible that Ding Yu hid in the headquarters! This is even more illogical!

"I don't know if Mr. Ding is practicing with the British side, but at least I don't get any information from my side. Besides, he joined hands to kill Lucas. Why don't you start at the airport and don't want to bring disaster to the east? Why not do it in the UK? fear? Or worry. What's more, Lucas has been under surveillance all the time. He doesn't have any time and space at all. "

"I can't explain the specific problems clearly, but we may need to explore them together!"

"Song, I don't even know what happened these two days! I need some security. What's going on at headquarters? It will take quite a long time. The situation is too passive now! "

"Yes!" Song Tianren also nodded, "Wesley, the current situation is too complicated. If you stay here, there will be no benefit for both sides. I can't add any trouble to the director. Similarly, we still lack of communication between each other!"

"Yes, I'll get in touch as soon as possible!"

"Third, help find a place. I think that in Boston, you can play a bigger role than you thought. Now I can only trouble you!"

"Other things may not be able to do, but this should not be a big problem for me!" When he finished speaking, he also laughed at Wesley!

Wesley also smiles the same way. Of course, he can understand the meaning of his words. In the present situation? There are not too many problems to ensure your own safety, but if there are any problems and conditions, we will not say whether Mr. Ding Yuding will do it or not. At least Boston will never let him off!

In fact, Wesley's heart is also so some curse, this fabricated lie? Why is it so logical? It seems to be bullshit, but really think about it, it seems that there is a considerable market, NIMA, did not see song Tianren, they look at their own eyes are so different!This is completely out of their own expectations, good or bad, I have never thought so! Even if it's a movie, it's not so wonderful!

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