"What do you think of Wesley? You really don't know? Or did he pretend to be ignorant? " Song Tianren takes the lead in picking up this topic. It's one thing to have a good relationship with Wesley. How to judge him is another matter!

"He is an old bird, from my personal observation, he should not know, but from his movements! How much more than some intentional elements in it, even give me the feeling, he has so some want to confuse the meaning! What is the intention? I think he's trying to be a little bit of a trial! "

When talking, I also pointed to the building on purpose! Obviously, these people? It will not be Wesley's goal. To a certain extent, Wesley still hopes to be closer to the director. This is also a common sense!

"Third, you should be the most informed!" Song Tianren also put the target on the identity of the third, because he is from Boston, and now the director is not interested in the news in this respect. Under such circumstances, the third is the best channel!

"The information I got is the most accurate, but judging from the current situation, Wesley should not have known it. Although the British side did not mean to do something to him, but looking at Lucas's fate, I think Wesley can't be unprepared at all. He needs to leave a way for himself!"

The Boston consortium is also very busy, but relatively speaking, not as busy as Mr. Ding, at least there are many people who inquire for information. What's more, the starting point of this event is in Boston, whether willing or not, Boston needs to investigate the whole story of this matter! So the third is also a vague expression of one of the situation!

In fact, all the information from the Boston consortium was submitted to Mr. Ding Yuding. Basically, he did not hide anything from himself. He also read the detailed information. The United States did not do anything. Although some forces feel disappointed with Lucas, they are not able to do such extreme things!

Lucas is not a great task. It is not worth it to put himself in a dilemma for his sake. However, the British side has this condition. Even the news released earlier seems to be spread from Britain. What is their purpose? Nature is muddling the water!

The Boston consortium is now fully cooperating with Mr. Ding. It is imminent for the UK to make a move! You know, it's really not as simple as joking about a country. The preparation work alone has already made people feel overwhelmed, let alone the specific operation!

Why does the British side want to do so? Is it not to influence Mr. Ding Yuding? If Mr. Ding is affected, the whole plan will inevitably fluctuate. The fluctuation of the plan means that there will be other changes to the British action, which is absolutely unacceptable to all of us!

What are the partners? It's not like you pay for it! What the Boston consortium has not found is the richest, and it still needs to make considerable efforts. For example, after Mr. Ding came to the United States, he did not go to New York or Washington, but stayed in Boston all the time? Why? Isn't it because Boston offers more convenience?

Why has the Boston consortium been able to breathe so much over the years? Mr. Ding Yuding has occupied a very important reason. It can be said that without Mr. Ding, there would be no Boston today? We all remember it in our hearts.

For Mr. Ding, the unknown hero of Boston!

Mr. A. is never willing to show his reputation! Whether it's good or bad, this does not need to be self-directed, they are just a small salted fish, but this does not hinder their own worship of Mr!

Their contact with song Tianren is also more pleasant. Although they have some arguments, what about these arguments? It's not for intrigue, but to make yourself better. To be able to be with excellent people is enough to make yourself better. I have already felt this deeply!

"Wesley is an old man! We don't have much value in his eyes. Now when we come to our door, we have to use our meaning. Relatively speaking, the value is not equal! "

Song Tianren also nodded slightly, obviously in agreement with this saying, "there is no exact news in Britain. Now these news are widely spread in the market, but it is just spread. Although there are many people around, it is obvious that they also know what they will face if they rush into here rashly."

"What I want to say is that there must be some operation behind it. What about the matter we are investigating now? To a certain extent, it should be playing the edge of the ball, which attracted considerable attention, but also avoided a lot of trouble

"So whether it's a clear investigation? Or the investigation is not clear. In fact, it is not as important as we think. What we need is to control the scale. " Song Tianren also vowed to say, "the current situation is under our control, and our attitude is also very important.""Tianren, do you mean drag?"

Hehe, song Tianren also laughed, but he didn't mean to take up this topic! People look at Song Tianren's expression and know that this guy is not generally bad, because most people may not think of such attention! But now it seems that dragging is the best choice! Is also the most correct choice!

At the same time, Wesley also brought his subordinates to the residence. In fact, to a certain extent, it was based on the fact that the third brother gave them considerable protection. Otherwise, when they came to this place at this time, they were joking with their own lives! Lucas is dead? It's strange that they can be good!

"Boss, there has been no reply from the headquarters! What should we do? "

"What was the original mission, what is the present mission? Lucas's work has nothing to do with us. We can't do anything about it. We talked to song Tianren and people in Boston earlier. Boston will take care of our safety for the time being, and other aspects will not do anything about it. But this is just a verbal agreement! "

What is the so-called oral agreement? That is to say, it is possible to repent at any time. People who work in the field of love management all know this! No insurance measures! It's just a temporary need!

"Head, I still don't understand!"

"I don't understand. Although we know what's going on in our department, we have given quite a lot of information, but so far we have no response. We are now small boats drifting in the sea. Under such circumstances, we should protect ourselves from capsizing for the time being! And then talk about other things and problems! "

"We're going to be attacked at this time?"

"Why not? Even Lucas has been killed! What are you? What am I? So don't think too much of the beautiful! There will be no pie falling from the sky! "

"What are we going to do, chief?"

"Ready? What are you going to do? " Wesley, who sat down, also sighed, "don't forget your oath that it's very important to live, but to be worthy of..."

Before the words were finished, there was a knock at the door. With permission, someone came in with the phone, "head, the phone from the headquarters, do you want to connect it?" After getting Wesley's permission, he also connected the line, looked at the people sitting there, nodded, and said hello!

"Wesley, the situation on the headquarters side is terrible! Things happen too suddenly. I don't avoid saying that you are also among the suspects. I believe you can understand it! "

Wesley's expression was so surprised, and then he gave a helpless smile, "why do you doubt me? ok I am the object of suspicion, so what is the result of the investigation? Forget to say it! I met song Tianren and Boston Representatives earlier. They had been to the base before

Some things? It is not necessary to say too direct, just need to show the intention clearly! I believe that the officer sitting in front of him knows what he means by saying this!

"Wesley, I believe you are useless! But as the commander of the front line, what kind of judgment do you have on this matter? I want to hear different answers! "

Wesley frowned. "My channel is very narrow. However, judging from the current situation in Boston, the performance is very calm. Whether it is Mr. Ding Yuding or the Boston consortium, their attitude towards this matter is very indifferent, and even some of them are not very concerned about it. According to my personal understanding, it is basic It's song Tianren. They are in charge of this matter! "

"Is there any possibility of concealment? If so, how likely would it be? "

"Basically, there is no possibility of concealment, even in the United States? It is also promoting the progress of the matter. Obviously, they also want to push the matter to Mr. Ding Yuding's head, but judging from the current situation, the effect is very little. On the one hand, it is because of the strong attitude of the power behind Mr. Ding Yuding, on the other hand, it is... "

Wesley didn't say it because it was so embarrassing. How to say it? Tell him because he really can't find any clues, because this thing was not done by Ding Yu, and we did it ourselves. Even if Wesley was stupid, we would not mention it like this! Just kidding!

This guy from Wesley video didn't answer this topic, because he was very clear in his heart, although he said he was not in Boston anymore! But I know a lot about Boston! Anyone else could be the killer, but Wesley would never be the killer!

Even if the relationship between him and Lucas is not harmonious, he is not the so-called murderer, because he does not have the time, and also does not have such leisure. Do you really think that the people around him are ornaments? Right? When Wesley came back, he had more than one supervisor!It is impossible for Wesley to do so-called small moves in front of the public. Moreover, Wesley doesn't know about Lucas's recall. Even in the whole headquarters, there are not many people who know about it, so this is the thing! The problem is not in Boston, but in headquarters!

But who on earth is out of the body, the scope is really too small! But the more like this, the more difficult it is to investigate. The headquarters have been cleaned up a little bit in recent years. Can we stay? Basically, they are the old doggies among them, or they have absolute loyalty and ability. What about others? It's gone!

Under such circumstances, what is the cause of Lucas' death? Is it internal strife? Paving the way for Wesley? Or is it Ding Yu's hand in the interior? Or is the invisible hand moving this thing? This also led to the headquarters side has not made up its mind!

But anyway, one thing is certain. What about Lucas' death? Basically, it's caused by internal reasons. As for whether it's related to the outside world? It is another thing, but although we know the reason, we can't make it public!

If it is really announced to the public, will the intelligence department still exist at that time? This is no longer a scandal! Therefore, the internal investigation has not been carried out. To a certain extent, it is also necessary to guide the disaster to Ding Yu's head, because this is the best way.

To solve the internal contradictions, Ding Yu can get into quite a lot of trouble. After all, he is ready to attack the British side. If something is involved, it will be easier to operate!

But Ding Yu didn't get oil and salt! He has no interest in this aspect at all. He just wants to let the miscellaneous fish stand out. What about these miscellaneous fish? It's not good to move. It seems that there are some things that are not very good. It's very troublesome!

As for Wesley? It's understandable, because he doesn't understand the situation in the headquarters, but he's not Xiaobai. Naturally, he can analyze the situation. What's more, he sent him to Boston? Also engaged in this work!

As for his performance of some worry and fear, it's no big deal! Under the circumstances at that time, I'm afraid anyone would choose to protect himself. However, from the understanding of the situation, although he protected himself, he did not have any intention of betrayal, which is worth praising!

Of course, if he really has the meaning of this aspect, then now this time will never be so secure sitting on this position, there are places waiting for him on the kingdom of heaven!

"What's going on in America?"

"From my personal understanding of the situation, quiet people feel unexpected!" Wesley also said bluntly, "originally, I thought that the United States would definitely take this opportunity to break the dirty water for Mr. Ding. After all, it is a very good opportunity for them, but they do not seem to have any meaning in this respect! What a shock

"Ding Yu has more American consortia. Is it because they are in charge of it? Tell me your personal judgment!"

"I don't think so!" After pondering for a while, Wesley said truthfully, "there are many consortia close to Ding Yu, but in the United States, the forces hostile to Ding Yu are absolutely not in the minority. Under such circumstances, even if Ding Yu is not given any so-called eye medicine, he will never let Ding Yu feel better, and he will never ignore the recent news!"

"Did you hear that, too?"

"Yes! The Boston consortium has someone on Song Tianren's side! He mentioned it Wesley also said lightly, "there is one more point which can be used as the basis for which Elizabeth is always here! If it is to cultivate song Tianren, I think there is still too much waste! "

"We have a good judgment on this. Guo Li once received considerable training from Elizabeth. Therefore, after Elizabeth came this time, we still think it is a common sense. However, from the current understanding, it may not be that there is no other deep meaning in it. She is also a very smart person!"

"I didn't make any so-called contact with her, which can be said to be quite a difficult person!"

What about Elizabeth? In each country's information management departments above all belong to the registered one! And there is a lot of support behind it. I've got to get mixed up with such people. Now Wesley really feels like a bit of a struggle! If you can, I really don't want to provoke him at this time!

If I'm not wrong, what about Elizabeth's back? She must have considerable power. She is now a liaison officer, responsible for the communication between other forces and Ding Yu. What about these forces? It is likely to be the opposite of Ding Yu. Because they come forward directly, Ding Yu won't do any attention at all!

But if Elizabeth comes forward, she will consolidate her own power and let the forces behind her have a further connection with Ding Yu. This is enough to explain why there is not much movement after Lucas's incident! Because of these forces? Have been in collusion with Ding Yu!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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