After waiting for about two hours, Elizabeth didn't come. Instead, Wesley looked at the security guard who opened the door of the room. The expression on his face was not too unexpected, but he was relieved. He came alone, that is to say, his life has been basically saved!

If it is not a person to come, then they are really likely to come to end their own lives, there is no room for recovery! Security slightly to Wesley nodded, "ten minutes of time, a simple clean up, the toilet is next to!" Take a look at the wine bottle on the table, the security guard closes the door and leaves!

As for the reason why he was given ten minutes to wash up, the reason was very simple. It was not that Wesley didn't want to see Elizabeth in such a decadent way. It was so simple! There is no other meaning!

"Hello!" After finishing up, Wesley came to Elizabeth's office again!

"It seems that your luck is still very good. At least, as a result of our discussion, you have not been killed. However, the same death penalty can be avoided and the living crime is inevitable. So you should think about how the Boston consortium will treat you! Although this is also the United States, we are now in Boston! "

Looking at Elizabeth's raised hand, Wesley twisted his mouth. "After all, I won't kill myself, but there should be no big problem."

"Yanu is not a person who seems to be with him! Although he won't sit in the car outside now, I believe it won't be too long for you to see him after you go out. Congratulations in advance Then Elizabeth also nodded to the assistant. The assistant took Wesley to leave at the first time, and did not mean to let him stay at all!

You know, Wesley didn't have much money to drink coffee, so he would not stay at this time to have a good talk with Elizabeth. What? Is it romantic? What a joke!

Before going out, Wesley tidied up his sleeves and tightened his tie. It looked like a banquet. But think about it, he was in the middle of the tiger's mouth before. Now? This problem has also been solved, in such a case, some of the rebellious seems to be nothing great!

Just out of the door, a black car stopped at Wesley's side, no one would get out of the car to open the door for him! In other words, this is Boston, not any other place. You need to be honest even if you are in oxfork, on this acre of Boston!

Wesley, who had no choice, opened the door of the car by himself. Although he had some doubts, if he did not pay attention to it now, would these guys in Boston give himself a so-called typewriter? But forget it! Now it's time to argue with them about this? There's no use at all!

Besides the driver, there was no one else. Wesley closed his eyes and raised his spirits! Just waiting for the time, their own consumption of brain cells are really so many, there are really so some mental distress!

It's not necessary to open the door of the restaurant. It's not necessary to open the door of the restaurant. It's not necessary for the waiter to open the door for about a minute!

Looking at Wesley who came in, Yanu who was sitting there also made a finger ring. Wesley looked at the woman who rushed towards him. The expression on his face can be said to be quite astonished. He guessed many possibilities, such as giving himself a so-called humiliation, or compliment, etc., but he really didn't think it would be the present one!

It is said that Yanu is so weird, but now I think it is so simple and weird. It's just some quirks! Of course, it may be due to his bad taste, but I need to change my shirt after I go back today! There are too many lip prints on the neck! But fortunately, there is a garland to cover up!

"In fact, I still have a lot of time!" Yanu, who was hanging his cigar, also looked at Wesley with a bad smile. "You can go inside and solve it. I'll ask Jack to clean up the room for you. Even if you fill up the room, I don't think he will have any opinions."

"Some of them were so excited before! But after the excitement, there are so many dull Sitting in front of Yanu, Wesley looked at Yanu without fear! What about this guy and normal people? There are so many different, the more weak, the more will let him feel tasteless, so he can stimulate him!

"It's not the best choice to suppress your excitement so soon!" As for Wesley's impolite sitting in front of him, Yanu didn't show any special indignation. He motioned to the cigar box on the table top, "here, it seems that you have just had a drink. What else are you going to order?"

"I didn't think about it well. I feel a little tired. If I could have a good sleep now, I'm afraid it would be the best!""It would seem that I have been a bit of a bad host. I've been thinking about what kind of way to treat you. If it's too special, you won't accept it. But if there's nothing new, it seems that some of you have failed your Elizabeth's performance, so I'm very distressed now!"

"Let me have a good rest, isn't it?"

"It's not impossible. Two hours should be enough." Yanu didn't seem to have the arrogance of the previous time, so Wesley was puzzled to look at him, "because I really didn't think of what kind of way to adopt, and was taking appropriate opinions. It's better to let you have a good rest for two hours!"

Wesley is also looking at Yanu, he knows Yanu is very difficult to deal with, but did not think that this guy is so difficult to deal with, to know two hours time, really let himself have nothing to do, is to promise also have to agree, do not agree? You have to agree! Some things have no choice of their own!

"I'll be back in two hours!"

Without waiting for Yanu to refuse, Wesley got up and left, and there was no one at the door to stop him. Soon after he got out of here, someone drove to Wesley's side. "Don't talk. I'll take at least half an hour's rest to deal with the situation! Otherwise, I can't carry it. Please contact the headquarters for me! "

When sitting in the car, Wesley was very tired. He even had some doubts. If he put his head on the back of the chair now, would he sleep directly! This period of time I spent too much of my head, I have felt quite unbearable! The cost of spirit is more serious than that of physical strength!

"Wesley, what's going on over there?" There is more than one person on the video. You can see that everyone is quite anxious!

Wesley also rubbed his head, some convulsive pain! This is really not their own deliberately pretended out, but really so some can not bear! There is no one else in the car. If someone stays in the car at this time, they don't even need Wesley to do it. Someone will kill him on his own initiative!

"I went to see Elizabeth. She didn't admit the whole thing, but she also did not deny it. Then she made me wait for two hours. Almost nothing was mentioned, she sent me out. When she came out, Yanu's people took me away and gave me two hours!"

There is nothing to hide about these things. I believe that the headquarters can also find out in the future, so I simply repeat, "from the understanding of the situation, the influence behind Elizabeth is relatively large, as for how extensive this force is? I'm not sure now, because no one will disclose this news to the outside world. Even in the United States, this is a very obscure topic! "

After saying so much at one breath, Wesley rubbed his head again and felt that his head was pricked with needles!

The people sitting in this office in the UK headquarters are old hands! Seeing Wesley's appearance, he knew that he was using his brain too much! After a sudden relaxation, there will be some other reactions. What about Wesley? But the supervisor of this level can make such performance, which shows how much pressure he has been under before!

But there is no way, some things need to be understood, so now we can only let Wesley hold on! Drugs have not been taken in the past, even if it is taken in the past, people outside can not rely on it, because the talk is confidential!

"It can be confirmed that the forces hostile to Ding Yu have reached a considerable agreement with Ding Yu."

"I don't dare to make this guarantee. I can only say that there are signs in this respect. Elizabeth's stay here for such a long time is definitely not for song Tianren. As for what kind of deal is going on behind the scenes, I'm afraid it's very difficult for me to test it out!"

"If combined, the human and financial resources behind this will seem to be a little scary!" The man on the left-hand side of the desk whispered. Although the voice was very low, everyone in the office could hear, "Wesley, what if we could solve this problem from other channels?"

"Almost impossible!" As soon as this was said, Wesley knew what he was trying to say, "Elizabeth is on Boston's side now! She is definitely not as simple as just getting on line with Ding Yu. Even though they have completed a considerable agreement with each other, it is just due to the lack of a contact person between them. "

Wesley's meaning is very clear! What if Elizabeth was killed? Offended Ding Ding Yu and the forces behind him, but also offended the forces behind Elizabeth. It is absolutely the most stupid to take such a means. This is not an active attack, but an active death!

In other words, what would happen if Elizabeth had been disposed of? The interest alliance between each other has been reached. Even if the so-called contact person is missing, send another person to it! As the saying goes, it's hard to find a toad with three legs, but there are many living people with two legs!What's more, do you really think Elizabeth is a vegetarian? This guy doesn't have so much free time to attend to other things, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have any strength in her hands! You know, a broker like her, if possible, there won't be too many people willing to move him!

"That is to say, they did not deliberately conceal it!" The man sitting in the middle asked seriously!

"As far as my observation is concerned, I know that I am from the intelligence department, but I didn't give us any advice? It can be seen that they have made considerable preparations. The question now is when Ding Yu will start. I even have some doubts. Ding Yu's hands have already collected a huge amount of funds, and even have entered the stadium. However, this admission did not let us realize that this is just my personal opinion! "

Wesley is very abrupt to throw out this topic, really don't say, just like a drop of water in the hot oil! Although it seems that all the people who suffered from the panic had to be solved in Britain! But in the end, Ding Yu was disgraced!

Perhaps from that time on, Ding Yu has already started to plan this matter! Want to know to aim at a country! It's not a small thing. There's too much preparation to do before! Even now, even if Ding Yu has decided to make a move, he is still patient. Why? It's not the time!

What a long time of preparation! What is involved in it? The problem is that there is no discovery in the whole UK. People have already arrived at the door of their homes. We all suddenly realize that it is still too late to take up the guns in their hands?

At that time, Ding Yu emptied all the assets in his hands. At that time, everyone seemed to have eaten a lot of fat. But now, Ding Yu's candy is really wrapped with a lot of poison. Now, even if he wants to spit out this candy, it is impossible at all! Can only wait for this effect to break out!

Who made you so greedy earlier? If not greedy, not so hysterical, there will not be such a problem now! Everything has its source! "Wesley, what about something? Still need you to investigate and master, after all, your current channel is the most convenient! "

"I need something. Although I talked to Elizabeth on the phone earlier, I still came in through song Tianren today. This is not a matter of human relationship! If we continue to maintain this relationship, I think the necessary investment is still needed. What's more, their future is worthy of our investment and struggle! "

Wesley told the story face to face without any concealment. What about the people on the desk? I really don't have much objection to this, but the old man who contacted Wesley has some exclamations in his heart. It seems that choosing Wesley is really the right choice!

What about the name? So that no one can pick out any reason, and even let everyone feel that it is worth it. As for how to go on the road in the future, this problem! I really can't control too much. After all, I'm passive now. It's not a small matter to kill Lucas!

The so-called can hide for a while, can't hide for a lifetime, in the end there will be exposed that day, just do not know when this day is coming! You should know that those who are able to sneak around in the headquarters are not free goods. Although this circle is said to be difficult to investigate, it is still a limited circle, isn't it?

For almost an hour, Wesley couldn't hold on! The people who followed me in the car before also took the medicine and didn't go to other places. They were in the back of the car! After taking the medicine, put the front seat flat and the back seat low. Wesley just went to sleep. It's not impossible to go to other places, but it's a waste of time!

Wesley is very clear, Yanu gave himself two hours of time, really did not think of how to deal with himself? I'm afraid it's not like this. He should have been prepared for this long time. He has been quite prepared, waiting for his own initiative to be slaughtered!

But who knows what kind of approach Yanu will take? But to be sure, my own life! I'm sure I'll get rid of half of it. This guy is not so cruel! I still know this by myself!

After an hour's sleep, Wesley shook his head when he woke up. He felt very good! Back to the small restaurant again, Yanu is still waiting there! It seems that they didn't leave at all!

At this point, Yanu showed good patience! Of course, Wesley is also given a lot of respect!

"Not yet! I don't have it either. If you don't mind, come together! "

"There are so many things I don't understand! I've been ready, but you've suddenly come to me in such a way, I feel extremely not used to it! "

"You're here anyway? What else should I worry about? " Yanu is very disdainful to hum a, immediately also took up the knife and fork on the table top! "Wait a moment to accompany me in sports! I feel a little decadent in this period of , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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