After eating, Wesley's spirit has been quite restored. It can be seen that Yanu is still quite attentive on this point, and even some people deliberately take care of themselves. You should know that being in Wesley's position, he has always been suspicious. Yanu is doing this, not to win over himself!

If it is not to win over their own words, Yanu's style is really suspicious!

But one thing Wesley can be sure of is that Yanu will never kill himself. Since he won't kill himself, then what kind of action will happen next really doesn't need to worry too much. It's just a toss! What else?

"Are you ready?" Yanu wiped his mouth! "I'm almost ready! Let's go to sports! I know a good place. I used to exercise there all the time. Now I don't have much time to go there! But there are still quite memories there

It seems to be a tone of negotiation, but it is full of unquestionable tone, willing to go, not willing to go! There was no right to choose. Wesley looked at Yanu and wanted to see what happened to Yanu?

When he got to the place, Wesley narrowed his eyes slightly. When he turned on the light, it was too bright. It was a boxing room. He had noticed it when he was outside. However, it was not messy inside. The utensils and so on were arranged neatly, but there was no one to see!

"Have a fight! In other ways? Not quite in line with the matter, but this way is the most direct, I know your people are outside! Get two in Take off his coat, Yanu took the lead into the dressing room, completely ignored Wesley's meaning! It's a confident horse!

Calling his subordinates to come over, Wesley also went to another dressing room, "head, what does he want to do?"

After Wesley took off his clothes, he also went to wash them. The boxing room was not very big, but the supporting facilities were very complete. Some people even sent clothes and equipment. After putting them down, they also mentioned coming back in a few minutes, because of the bandage and so on? It needs to be a little more professional.

"For what?" Wesley looked at his body and didn't exercise for quite some time! I don't seem to have the beauty of my youth. I'm a little fat! "What else can he do to teach me? To some extent, this is a relatively fair contest! "

"Is that fair? Is it not a joke? "

"Ha ha!" Wesley also said with a smile, "this shows that Yanu has a considerable investigation on me. What happened before I served? It used to be a boxing club in the school, even quite famous

The cigarette that didn't light up at the corner of his subordinate's mouth also fell down. He didn't know much about his boss. Some things should not be known by his subordinates, but he knew something. But he never mentioned that he could fight in the information he knew!

Someone came over to tie the boxer to Wesley. Wesley looked at it carefully, and he didn't have any problems. After taking the boxer, he even had an interview on the bag beside him. How many years have he not been boxing? They really need to adapt to the good, but soon the pace of the flow up, but also active open their own body!

Yanu will never let himself be too good! This is for sure!

Before he came to the stage, Wesley took the lead in putting out his fist. Yanu also put out his fist with a smile. The two fists hit each other, but they didn't use any so-called strength. This is a way of mutual respect!

"I have practiced boxing. Your posture is not so standard!"

"You don't care about winning or losing? Why such a standard? " Yanu responded, "but you may need to be careful! My fist is hard. I hope you can still get up tomorrow

Some referees came up to check the equipment and costumes of the two men carefully, but should we say that they should be referees? Maybe some of them are not qualified, and they even step down after the inspection! It's just that space has been given to the two people on the stage. Who knows what will happen to them?

Soon, Yanu and Wesley on the stage were entangled with each other. Yanu was young, but Wesley was more experienced. The two people fought with each other, and the sweat was nothing. The blood splashed from time to time really made people feel so excited!

When hearing the bell, both Yanu and Wesley stepped back and sat on the small chair. Soon, someone came to deal with their injuries. Wesley's nose was bleeding! And Yanu's eyebrow bone, there are so some cracks, but the problem is not so big!

Wesley's subordinates are so nervous, because the doctor is Yanu's, and it's really hard for them to deal with these injuries. I have some worries. Will Yanu's people secretly use some means? But it seems that my boss doesn't care about it at all! Even a little leisurely! His heart is so big!The two people who came back to the stage didn't start at once, but tried to circle each other, "Yanu, your brow bone seems to be a little brittle! I didn't use it! It's cracked! It seems that you've really broken your face today! "

"I just feel that the bridge of your nose is a little high, so I'll give you a small operation. Don't worry, even if the eyebrow bone is broken! There will be countless girls crawling on my bed! You don't have to worry about that! "

This game can be said to be quite tragic, Yanu's nose broke! And Wesley's eyebrows were all cracked! The split can also be said to be quite large, but looking at the infiltration of people, really want to say what harm? did not!

But really, Wesley was a bit miserable, because he was old enough! And these years of exercise has been put down! Now it's completely out of breath. If you go on the next round, you may be knocked down on the ring!

The rupture of both sides of the brow bone is a good illustration of the problem. It is because of the lack of strength, so the technology is still there, but what about that? What about Yanu? Although there is a considerable technical gap with Wesley, but the physical strength is good, this competition at the beginning is extremely unfair!

"I've said that I don't care about winning or losing. I can take a breath for a long time."

Standing in the center of the stage, Wesley tried to breathe his breath, "he doesn't care about his own win or loss, that is to say, he wants to kill me! I really didn't think that you, such a perverse guy, had such a set that he was really cheated by you

"Kill you?" Yanu's fists on the hammer said, "I really had the idea of this aspect. But if I kill you at this time, it will cause quite a lot of trouble. Moreover, I'd better make trouble for myself. Let's forget about this kind of thing! Don't you think the gain is worth the loss

"So you gave me a face full of peach blossom?"

"I'm not the same?" Yanu said with a smile, "just a little while later."

"Forget it! I don't love ice water so much. This way is not suitable for me

"Icing is good, but it's not suitable for me either! I've found other ways, but I think what you need to worry about is how to survive this round. You know, I will never keep my hand. There is no chance of winning or losing! "

In this round, Yanu didn't really attack Wesley's head, but launched the most violent attack on his body. Even if he was beaten, he didn't retreat at all, that is to say, you can fight back, but the question is, do you fight back? Wesley has a little trouble breathing now!

"After some exercise, it's really comfortable!" Taking off his trap, Yanu narrowed his eyes and looked at Wesley, not to say that he intentionally narrowed his eyes, but his eyes were swollen! But Wesley is also not so good, his appearance is also very funny!

A doctor gave the two people a post-mortem treatment. After the re washing, they changed their clothes again, which was obviously different when they came. Yanu changed a more eye-catching suit for himself. I don't know why it gives people the feeling that there are so many gay, and his hair is pointed up, which is slightly exaggerated!

But it seems to be quite in line with their own impression of Yanu, he should have been such a look, all the previous is just pretend! "Would you like to join us? I'm ready

"I feel quite perfunctory from your speech, and even refuse to do so. I doubt that if I get on the bus now, will you directly kick me off? So it's hard to do it! Thank you

"It doesn't matter!" After all, if I kill you, I will not be able to account for the Old Lady Elizabeth. What about the British side? Well, what's the matter

"How arrogant and despotic Wesley murmured, "you can say that in Boston, but if it's on the land of England, it's something else! Do what you want

"The sun in your heart is already yesterday's yellow flower!" Yanu was very contemptuous and said, "you escaped this time, just because you still have considerable value, but how about killing a bug like you? It's a bit of trouble, but it doesn't mean you can jump in Boston! So do it yourself! "

Looking at Yanu who left, Wesley was sitting on the top of the car. The subordinate in the driving position looked at the leaving car, "head, is this Yanu too arrogant? He really thinks of himself as God

"Very arrogant, but also very smart, don't be deceived by his appearance!" Wesley murmured to himself, "he is on purpose. What's more, he's just talking. He's stirring up right and wrong. After listening to him, he's very angry. He can't even control his own hands and feet. But what about the actual situation? Really if you do! Will fall into his trap"Head, just let this thing pass?"

"He gave quite a warning, but what about this one? I can't tell you why one of them came, even the headquarters? We can only eat the so-called dumb loss, on the contrary, if we really start, then we will really let him kill, and then it will not be so simple to play a meal! It's all possible for us to be destroyed! This is Boston. It's his territory! He's qualified for that! "

"This is too arrogant!"

"It still needs to be long-term! At the same time, please be careful, Yanu! The arrogant is just the appearance, but the inside is still very powerful. If anyone falls into his trap, don't blame me for not warning me. Don't think I can save it, or even drag more people into the water! "

But there are some of these words? To a certain extent, they are all nonsense, which is what they want to express to those people in the back headquarters. Although the nonsense is a little bit more, it can make the big men in the headquarters listen more clearly! Don't give yourself what so-called hind legs!

"What's the situation with Mr. Ding Yuding?"

"There is bad news. Sun Yingnan and Horton are both here! On the other side of the apartment, we have no idea what it's all about. The protection is very tight! "

Hearing the news, Wesley took a deep breath. "I'm afraid it's going to be a real problem right now."

"We just got the news. Ding Yu didn't seem to want to hide the news. The two people came by private plane, and there was no other stay. They went to the apartment directly. At least they still haven't come out yet." Looking at the time on the watch, "we got the news when you and Yanu were fighting!"

"I don't have much to do with Yanu. It doesn't mean to hide it from us or to be afraid of our actions. If you know this is Boston, they don't need to worry. Sun Yingnan and Horton are here! It shows that Ding Yu's plan has begun to take further actions. This is the trouble! "

"Head, we have no way to follow up. We can't even get some information. What about Ding Yu? He didn't mean to report at all, although he was in the United States! However, it is completely controlled by hiding behind the scenes. Even if our people deliberately infiltrate into various departments, Ding Yu is not a member of the government. What's more, is it the United States? All the major consortia and forces provide him with cover. This layer of protection makes it impossible for us to penetrate into it! "

"Go back first! I've been making a lot of trouble for a whole night. I'll go back and sum it up! "

However, Wesley has just come back, and even before he enters the office, the video phone call from the UK has already been called. Everyone can watch Wesley through the video, and his expression should be astonished and astonished! Knowing Yanu would not make Wesley feel better, but he never thought that Yanu would dare to take such a heavy hand!

"Is Yanu going to tear his face? How could he be so unscrupulous? "

"His appearance is not much better than me, and even from the appearance, he may be more embarrassed than me. In fact, no one was hurt, but on the surface, there were so many miserable things! He did it on purpose, and there was a lot of explanation for all aspects, and we were one-on-one, which made people speechless! "

The reason why Wesley said this is not for himself, nor for Yanu, but for calming down the matter. It's just that everyone has a fight with each other. It doesn't matter who suffers more. It doesn't matter, and it's all over! To care about this matter, there is no significance!

What's more, at this time, the fight between Yanu and himself is not enough. Sun Yingnan and Horton come to Boston. Their identities are not so important. Sun Yingnan is in charge of the whole consortium. What about Horton? Is the representative and master of the whole America!

"I just got the news that sun Yingnan and Horton are here! As for other information, it can be said that we know nothing about it! " Wesley spread out his hands, this is not his own push, but the actual situation!

"Sun Yingnan and Horton went to see Ding Yu. Does that mean they are going to start to act?"

"I don't know and dare not to make any guarantee. Even now I haven't seen Ding Yu. The limited understanding of Ding Yu is basically through song Tianren and their internal operation, but also the internal operation of Mr. Ding Yuding. Under such circumstances, I can't make judgment and guess!"

"Ding Yu has been in Boston for a long time! During the whole period of time, I have met many people, and even have made considerable contact with Elizabeth. Now sun Yingnan and Horton are here! It's so urgent! "

"As far as I know, Ding Yu always makes plans and moves later. From this point of view, Mr. Ding Yu should have made considerable preparations, but it is only preparation. When will he start his work remains to be discussed!"Although the situation is urgent, Wesley still made a conservative answer! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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