The British side was very anxious, but Ding Yu entertained sun Yingnan and Horton two people in the apartment. Sun Yingnan was OK to say a little, but when Ding Yu looked at Horton, he looked up and down, and saw that Horton himself had some doubts? Why don't you arrange your clothes well?

While Horton was reflecting on himself, Ding Yu turned his head and looked at Jin. "Jin, look at Horton, do you feel anything?" Asked about the gold is also slightly stunned! Listen to the tone of the gentleman, the words seem to be a little bit happy!

Looking up and down, king also slightly shook his head. "I'm sorry, sir. I just feel a little bit of joy on Horton's face. I have a slight feeling of this, but I really can't see anything else!"

"What do you think? People sitting at home, disaster from the sky, but I'm here in the apartment for a few days, this joy is really coming every three to five! The former Yanu and today's Horton, let alone, are really a good omen

Yeah? Good omen? We all don't know why! But Ding Yu sipped his mouth, "Horton, where's Yanu? After all, I'm from the Boston consortium, so it's not convenient for me, but you're not an outsider, so I'd like to say a word of congratulations in advance

Horton was stunned, but then he was smart. "Sir, I don't know where happiness comes from? You know I can't hide anything sometimes! " Speaking attitude, there are also some jumping off!

"What is a happy event? You need to feel it yourself! I won't reveal it! I hope that when happiness comes from the sky, you can give me joy Give two people a hug after, also be the first to walk in front! Horton, on the other hand, took a look at Kim, who was beside him, and picked his eyebrow corner!

Gold is slightly back to stare at one eye, he can only see a little bit of joy, but what about others? I can't see it at all. I still haven't learned. The gap with my husband is really too big! Now Horton hinted to himself, didn't this mean to embarrass himself? This asshole!

He didn't get too much from Jin. Horton followed Ding Yu and sun Yingnan in a hurry. After all, he still had a lot of things on his body, and now he wants to enter his study! Still need to be careful!

You know, although sun Yingnan is her direct leader, what is her responsibility? It's the business of the entire consortium. As for the affairs of the Americas, it can be said that it's all right to let go of it! From the start of the consortium structure, until now, has always been maintained in such a state, whether Mr. or Ms. sun Yingnan, they have not too much involvement!

Of course, supervision and other aspects are another matter, but the whole consortium supports its own adjustment or layout. Judging from the current situation, I have lived up to Mr. Zhang's expectations. The same gentleman also did not let himself feel any disappointment, each other has completely beyond the employment relationship!

However, Horton is also very clear that if he wants to be friends with his husband, he still has a lot of shortcomings and shortcomings, at least in terms of vision and the overall situation, he still has a considerable lack! If you can keep it up, maybe your family will take off in the future!

In terms of consortia, it is not that there are no families, such as Dashan and Tanaka families, but their structure is still too small! At least it's only in Japan now. The space for expansion is too small! And what about them? Belong to the later, I do not mean that I look down on them, there is no such problem. But what about Dashan and Tanaka? Still a little bit worse!

My family really has this hope in the future. Although there are only a few people in the family now, even a handful of them, as long as you hold your husband's thigh, the future of the family is still promising!

Of course. What about these? It's just some small ideas in Horton's heart. No one else knows it now, and Horton won't share his secret with others! After all, this is related to the future of his family!

However, over the years, it does not mean that no other consortia have won over themselves, and the conditions for opening up are various. You don't need to sell any secrets of the consortium by yourself. You just need to move your own person!

Just like joking, can you have such a free environment to display yourself in other consortia? As for the so-called money, this is of course very important. Everyone lives for the benefit! But the question is, do you still need to care about it? What's on the surface doesn't represent everything at all, OK?

On their own set up charity fund, has been enough for their families to live a few lives, now this kind of life! So I don't need to worry about the follow-up in these aspects! Even if they are unemployed, their future life has the most full protection, so they do not need to worry about other aspects!

Since there is no need to worry about life, then I need to consider some other aspects of things! But what about the family? There are really so few people who can really take it. Under such circumstances, we can only cultivate them slowly from now on, which still makes Horton feel depressed!I heard that my husband opened a winter camp on the other side of the farm to give the children of Dashan and Tanaka a chance. I envy this very much, but the problem is that there are no children of this age in the family! If there is such an opportunity, he will definitely have the cheek to beg for a gentleman, helpless!

"Sit down, all of you!" After Ding Yu sat down, he also motioned to King and Horton. As for sun Yingnan, he was not so restrained at this time! I just took myself as a servant, and even brought me a few cups of coffee! For king and Horton, such treatment is really rare!

However, it can also be seen from this that sun Yingnan's position in Mr. Sun's mind is very unusual, even to a certain extent even higher than Taixi! Don't look at Tai hee having two children!

"Has the layout been completed here?"

"Yes, sir. The layout of America has been completed. I'm waiting for you to do it, sir! The detailed information is here! " Then he opened the bag and handed all the documents inside to Ding Yu! These things have never left their own, even when they go to the bathroom, they all take them! There are two security guards nearby, so it will never leak out!

Ding Yu looked at it for a period of time, and asked some questions about some of them. Then he put Yingnan in his safe! "Horton, King has always been on my side! So I have nothing to worry about, but what about you and Yingnan? You need to pay attention to some of your own problems. This time, things are a little noisy! "

"Sir, I will pay special attention to security matters!"

"I don't worry about security. I've been under the leadership of Kim for so many years. Everyone has lived a very stable life. But what about other aspects? Still need to pay attention, especially Horton you! It's not a bad thing to pay more attention to, and after this British incident? You may all need to be safe for a while! "

This is the strategy that Ding Yu formulated earlier. Ding Yu is basically responsible for all the things that come out of the way. It's good for them to follow the development of stagnant heads behind them! Although this is a little unfair to Ding Yu, it seems to be the best decision-making to think about it!

"Too much pressure on you, sir!"

Looking back at Sun Yingnan, Ding Yu also nodded, "there is some pressure, but what about the development of a consortium? We need to start from many aspects. Now I really want to retire to the position behind the scenes. But in that case, we will directly expose your position in front of the stage, which will be defeated by each of them. At least, we still lack considerable information and influence now. "

"Sir, if we succeed this time, it will be enough for us to stand on a good footing!"

"Yes, if we succeed this time, we will have a firm foothold! Compared with other consortia and forces, we are still too weak! forget it! Don't mention this topic! A little bit sad! Say something else Ding Yu also nodded to Yingnan and Jin.

After the two people went out, Ding Yu looked at Horton. "If this time is successful, for the whole consortium, the income will be huge, and for you, the income will also be huge!"

"Sir, it's a pleasure to have benefits, but in fact, I've gained enough in recent years to make me live for a few years without any worries! I even supported quite a number of children, with an average of more than 100 a year. Now my wife is in charge of this project. I don't have so much time and energy, but I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem. My wife is the teacher! "

"It's a matter of your personal life. I'm not God. I'm in charge of heaven and earth. It has nothing to do with it. What's more, how can other people interfere with the profits you earn on your own? This is more than just breaking the law! What about me? I'm not a good man, but I'm not willing to be a bad man! "

"Sir, there are some things I don't quite understand!"

Looking at Horton's somewhat restrained look, Ding Yu also laughed, but it was also a stop. "Horton, I have had a careful investigation of the time you have been in power for so many years, and I still appreciate the preciseness of doing things. But you also know something about the consortium, so I have no way to mention other positions for you. At most, I will give you some material Supplements! "

"Sir, in Chinese words, you have the kindness to know what you have. I am still very clear about how everything I have come from! If I mention the conditions again now, I think everyone will look down on me, and I really can't do it again! "

"Well! Then I'll tell you the truth! " Ding Yu is still very satisfied with Horton's attitude, "let your son slowly enter the consortium and take over your position in the future, but he needs to show his ability not inferior to you. What about this time? Twenty years or thirty years can do it! But before that? You need to be responsible for the entire consortium! You should know that the whole consortium never stops its own pace for the interests! "Looking at Horton, Ding Yu waved his hand, "I have another choice. You are still responsible for the whole consortium, because no one knows what kind of choices you and my children will make in the future. I don't know whether they will accept the consortium in the future."

"Sir, do you still have such worries?" Horton said in surprise!

"Why not? The two of them are not stereotyped at all, and I don't mean to deliberately reverse it. If they are interested in it, they will control the Empire. If they are not interested in it, they can change another way to maintain the inheritance. "

"Sir, you are really unique! But it's really admirable Horton was very flattering and said, "Sir, to tell you the truth, I don't have much material pursuit any more! Money to a certain amount, there is no sense that it is money! Fame and wealth when there is no such thing, sacrifice one's life and forget to die, but after having it, I feel extremely cumbersome and unbearable! I'd like to think that the children in my family can inherit in the future, but who dares to make this guarantee? "

"So I'll give you another choice. What about everyone? They all have their own development. If children can't inherit your career in the future, what will happen? It's still a family! Family is indivisible to everyone

"How do you say that, sir? There are too few people at home! Even if they are all crooked melons and split dates, I can't help them at all. After so many years of time, I can help them, but I don't have many opportunities to carry them. It's not that I'm heartless, nor that I don't have family ties, and have nothing to do with it! "

"The development of the family needs a systematic process. Rome was never built in a day!" Ding Yu also laughed! Although the smile is not very long!

"I know what you mean! Have this heart? That's right. I'm not willing to give any assurance to others, but I should be able to do it, Horton! I hope that in the future, the second or third generations of the family, and even others, will be proud of you

"Thank you, sir." Horton finally understood why the gentleman spoke to himself alone! I still want to keep it secret. I didn't think that I was careful about this. I was also seen through life first! It is true that there are so many shameless, but on the contrary, the results are very satisfactory to each other!

What about the conversation? A little bit cold, even cruel, but each other got the desired consequences! It is nothing more than that he continues to work for the consortium, and Mr. Ding will solve other worries for himself!

If someone else said that, I would not believe it. But if my husband gave me such a guarantee, there would be absolutely no problem. You should know that Mr. Zhang's reputation has never been damaged!

"All right! Have a little rest and discuss it tomorrow! There are guest rooms on the building. If you feel uncomfortable, find a place for yourself. Is it here in Boston? There are still not too many problems! "

"I won't disturb you, sir!"

Looking at Horton's bad smile, Ding Yu also snorted. Not long ago, sun Yingnan also came in, "Horton is gone! How to feel to eat bee excrement like, so happy? As for it? "

Ding Yu simply said something just now! "There are no problems in his ability and loyalty, but if you let him sit in your position, it's still a lot worse. What about the appeal of interests? After all, there is still a lot of difference, so we can only start from other places to make up some! "

"I see Horton! I'm really fooled by you! " Sun Yingnan did not mind saying, "but his ability is really outstanding, and there is no problem with loyalty. Now, he has been tied to the chariot."

"If you want to, you can rely on it. If you don't want to, you can get together and get together and force one person? It seems that there is something wrong with it, especially in such a matter. It is the best way for you and me to do it! "

Sun Yingnan can be said to be very popular outside, but in Ding Yu's place, he is very flattering. Even when he speaks, he deliberately lowers his voice! "What about Tai hee? Didn't you see her? Not here to take care of you? "

"The situation of these two days is a little bit special, plus the child also follows Bruno, she is more or less worried!"

"I've heard that some girls from South Korea have come here!" A provocative look at Ding Yu! The meaning is self-evident! Ding Yu is also quite helpless. Can he say something? There seems to be something wrong with saying anything, so I still don't say anything!

When he got up in the morning, sun Yingnan did not continue to stay on the bed. Instead, he ran to the kitchen. When Jin and Ding Yu were exercising together, they were also winking at each other! This son of a bitch ran to be the so-called light bulb at this time?

But gold silk does not care, even when eating, is also for sun Yingnan bad smile.Is that the reason? Of course, it is not funny, or the relationship between them is very familiar, so deliberately mediate this happy atmosphere! But even so, sun yingmen still did not give gold any good face, they are to the master to eat, you bastard unexpectedly run over? Do you feel that your skin is itchy? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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