Wesley's mouth is full of fire, not anxious to get angry, is completely forced!

It's up to you to check, but how can you? Even from the operations department? Now, even if the gun is stuck in his head, what can I do? Is it difficult for him to tie the gun to Ding Yu's head in the same way?

If I had this ability, I would not be in this situation? It's no problem to give yourself some difficult tasks, but you can't finish them. It's not as simple as joking! Even if it is their own life to fill the pit, it seems that it does not play any role! Because it's a bottomless pit!

"Jensen?! I've told you everything! The people in your action department have also seen in the eyes, whether it's on the surface or in the dark, I've already thought of the way to think! If you think you can, you can shoot me at any time, and I have nothing to say Wesley also really began to have some of his own small emotions!

The people in the operations department are amazing? Right? What can I do for myself? This is the United States, Boston, Ding Yu's apartment can be said to be solid. In such a situation, even if he will go to heaven and earth, but still can't enter that door, if you have the ability, would you like to go? Why bother me? Is that interesting?

"Wesley, this is not the time to be angry!"

"It's not a time to be angry? How many subordinates do I have? You investigate one by one, I don't object to it, even the execution? I don't have any opinions, but if you do this, you will force them to death. " Wesley gazed at Jensen in front of him. "Don't tell me about the mess. You know it in your own heart."

"I'm just under orders! Please understand and cooperate

"Under orders?" Wesley hummed, "bullshit? You're under orders. What the hell would you say besides that? OK! If you can, if you can, you will kill me too Finish words, is also furious overturned in front of the table, and even kicked his own chair, away!

The man standing behind looked at Wesley's wanton behavior, without any action, just looking at his supervisor. He did not have any hint, as a subordinate, he would not have any action! Jensen sitting there? Is also slightly wrinkled up own brow.

Don't you know the problems and the situation? I am very clear, but what? Wesley was angry, more angry in his own heart? Is Wesley not good enough? From their own point of view, it is already excellent enough! But what about this one? At least not up to expectations! Far from the requirements of the headquarters!

After a glance at the documents on the ground, Jensen nodded to his subordinates, "let them be light when they do it. Don't think that they are in action, so they can be unscrupulous!"

"Boss, they are all old men! If you don't get on with it, you don't have any effect. If you play with your heart, we are not rivals at all! There is no way to do it. It can only be watched helplessly! " Subordinates also feel very aggrieved! Because the actual situation is in front of us!

What about the people in the operations department? There are not too many problems, but let them be involved in the actual operation of the intelligence department? It's really a little bit amateur! What's more, what can we do about it?

"Can't you find a way?"

"If it's the apartment, there are not many good ways. Ding Yu has been there all the time! Almost stay at home. At least during this period of time when we came, Ding Yu didn't make any action. If we let our people sneak in, it's even more impossible. Do you want to know some people inside? There are still a lot of people coming out of us! They are even more experienced and capable than we are! "

"There is no way to transfer Ding Yu out?"

"Many possibilities have been envisaged, but there are, but the problem is that the consequences will not be so sure!"

The subordinates also slightly spread out their hands, "and there are a lot of people from us, but there are also a lot of people here in Boston. They are staring at them! If we choose to do it, we need to be well prepared! "

"What are the consequences?"

"What are the other consequences? I don't dare to make an estimate in this respect, but one thing is certain, that is, all the personnel involved in our actions may fall into it, barely able to break through Ding Yu's periphery and the internal situation of the apartment. We don't know very well about it! "

"So this advice is of no use at all!" Jensen can be said to be very dissatisfied with this, "is there no other way, God knows not, to know who brought it? They are all elite

"It seems that our elite people are not the ones who are equipped with the best weapons, but the ones who are equipped with the best weapons are not the ones who are equipped with the best ones. They are not the ones who are equipped with the best weapons. They are not the ones who are equipped with the best weaponsAs a matter of fact, Jensen knows what her subordinates have said, but what can she do? I come here also need to obey the orders from above, the top has arranged such a task for myself, I also have no way to refuse! Since there is no way to refuse, it can only be filled in with human life!

First try the water with Wesley's people, and then use the people with external feelings. Is it useful or useless? I have only this way! What's the only expectation now? It is Ding Yu who is tired of cutting with this knife! When the time comes, it will be closed, otherwise it will be a river of blood! The head of the ground!

When the two men were discussing, there was a knock at the door, and then he hurried in, "the situation is not very good, our people have not even been close to two blocks away, there is no more!"

There was no expression on Jensen's face, which was entirely expected. "Who moved the hand? What are the follow-up arrangements? Can't you just throw people on the street? "

"The people of Boston will do it. The police will collect the corpse over there! They are totally indifferent to the whole process! And the whole process is very smooth, and it's easy! It's obviously not the first time! "

"Ding Yu didn't do it?"

"I don't know? I didn't see anyone coming out of the apartment. Those guys in Boston are going crazy now! I don't know what will happen next! They don't mean to stop! "

Wesley also got the news. Wesley, who was sitting on the chair, looked sad. But he didn't have many ways. What could he do? I have tried my best! At this time, sending people from the operations department has greatly hindered their established plans and strategies!

Send these people to Ding Yu to kill? It's just a stupid behavior. Even Ding Yu can't do it at all. People in Boston have already sharpened their swords! Even the government of the United States is the same. For the United States, it is not a good thing to hide too many weasels. Now that we have such an opportunity, we have not grasped it tightly?

For Wesley, the sacrifice is the power of the country, but he has no way to save it. The guys in the action department have no brain at all, or the people in the intelligence department take it for granted too much! They want to force Ding Yu, but how can this be done? Do you really regard Ding Yu as an idiot? Right?

Don't say that Ding Yu can do it now? I'm afraid I won't even take a look at it. Once you get up, you should know! It doesn't mean that departments can stop if they want to stop. It also depends on whether the government in the United States will be satisfied. Only they feel that this appetite is enough! Will put down the high butcher's knife!

But when they put down the butcher's knife, how many people will be left? What's more, how to finish the action at that time, and how many people's minds will be different? Have you not considered these problems and situations?

Wesley really wants to call the old man behind him, but he knows that this call is absolutely impossible to make. At this time of contact, some people in the office will see him in the eye. What about his own life? It's important, but what about the one behind you? It's also very important!

Such a white sacrifice, too much waste!

Ding Yu is to gather all the heads and brains together, such a thing is not the first time! Do you need to be so nervous? After all, Ding Yu hasn't started yet. How about others? The back garden of my family has already started to be a bit chaotic! If Ding Yu really started, what would it be like? state of extreme nervousness?

Now Wesley doesn't go to the headquarters to ask for any so-called statements, nor does he mean to go to Jensen. Because Jensen is sent by the headquarters, it has no effect at all to find him. If he makes this call, it will be hard for him to please. Why should he bother others?

The whole night passed by in such a flash. Wesley did not go to the bed inside to rest, so he sat on his office chair! Looking at the subordinate who pushed the door in, he opened his eyes reluctantly, "pour me a cup of coffee, I'll wash my face!"

Looking back, there's not only coffee on the table, but also a sandwich! Wesley didn't have to ask what was going on outside. It was not up to him to care about it. Now it's better to fill his stomach!

"Head, I heard about some trails. More than 60 people died last night?"

When hearing the news, Wesley's coffee cup in his hand shook and spilled a lot on the table. He sighed, took out a paper towel, wiped the coffee on the table, and threw the paper towel into the garbage basket. It was still coffee and ate sandwiches, but I didn't know why, it was so bitter!

But anyway? Wesley still managed to eat the sandwich clean! At the same time, I drank the coffee! "Is it a certain number? Or an undetermined number? "

"There are more than 60 people who can be sure, and those who are not sure are not sure. They are basically in the body bag! I heard it was destroyed last night! We can get a lot of information. Although Boston is well protected, they are not so concerned about such things. They are intentional! ""I see! Get busy

More than 60 people can be sure! You know, these are living people, but they just disappear! There are a large number of people did not leave any name, also disappeared! Although said that they do not need to be responsible for this, but by other people's hands to clean, the heart really won't hurt?

But Wesley really has nowhere to plead? I can only hide in the office by myself. There must be some problems in the intelligence department. But is there no so-called black hand behind the same one? If there is no black hand, how can we sacrifice so many people?

I didn't expect that the conflict between the intelligence department and the royal family was so great! This is completely with the help of Ding Yu's hand, consumption of the emotional management department! It must be like this! And what about the intelligence department? The royal family will never be too small! Otherwise, how could it have been like last night?

No wonder when I go back, I will be told that the task, it is obvious that someone has recognized this problem, but this is also the contradiction! Can't put the problem to the surface, even dare not to pierce the so-called window paper, but this can not pierce, but let a lot of people disappear!

Jensen didn't have a rest all night. After seeing the news collected, Jensen felt that her brain had some convulsions. How could it be such a result? No more than 60 people a night? You know, it's not the time of war! How can so many people die in one night? Even if it's killing pigs, it won't be so happy, right?

Wesley didn't even look up when he heard the sound of the door, because he knew who was coming? "Wesley!" Wesley waved his hand to the subordinate at the door and asked him to close the door by the way! "Don't tell me that you don't know anything when you can still sit still like this?"

"What if I know?" Wesley said indifferently, "this order is not issued by me. At the same time, I am not involved in the specific things. I even get rejected! What's the use of you looking for me

"More than 60 people?" There's so much smoke burning in Jensen's appearance! "Don't you feel anything?"

"I have, but no one wants to listen to me. Now people are dead! What else can we do? What about the problem now? You want to keep filling the hole? Or think of something else? This is the first question Although Wesley was very angry, but he also knew that there was no effect of venting. "There is no response from the above, and I can't get in touch with it, so you can do it yourself!"

Then Wesley snorted contemptuously. Jensen wanted to die himself, but he had no way. To know more than 60 people, of course, they were in the field, and their identities were not worth mentioning. However, the accident was still too serious, such as carrying a black pot? I was never willing to!

"Ding Yu didn't make any action, that is to say, our action failed!" Although Jensen belongs to the action team, her head is also turning very fast. Anyway, what about the action last night? I'm just following orders! As for the mission failed! Although he said that he may need to carry a black pot, but his back is not no one, not to mention there are other ways to say.

Wesley took a look and the guy was quick to escape, but the question is, can he finally escape? Something to be discussed!

"What about action? I'm not sure, but now I'd like to advise you one thing. What about the Boston police? It won't make you feel too good! You should be well prepared

"What do you mean?" Jensen said warily.

"The butcher's knife was raised last night. Do you think it will come down? If we don't kill more than twice as much as last night, they will never let go, so to speak! Whatever is possible or suspected will be basically eliminated, even you and me

"Ding Yu dares to do so?" Jensen almost jumped out of fright!

"Are you really stupid? Ding Yu didn't have any movements last night. Is it really strange that he can do something today? What about the people who did it? It's Boston. To be exact, it's the U.S. government that's behind the scenes. It's hard to seize such an opportunity, and they'll give up? "

"Did you mean it?"

"I said, is your head really broken? Now this time still want to beat a rake, or think about how to solve the follow-up things! But from my personal point of view, the significance is not so great. There are also some suggestions. What about here? At least it can guarantee quite a security problem. If you leave, maybe the Boston police outside will be well prepared! They are waiting for someone to go out! "

Although it's all rubbish, Wesley still hopes that Jensen can pass it on to the headquarters, at least to let the bureaucrats who are waiting to die realize that there are some problems. Sacrifice is OK, but such a sacrifice is useless at all! It doesn't have any significance and value!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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