When Britain got the news, everyone got into a big fight! There are more than 60 people with names! How many people are there in Britain in the United States! All of a sudden, more than 60 people were missing! Do you want to work in the future?

Although there are so many initiatives to give meat to Ding Yu's mouth, but it is not such a method? But soon the investigation was sent to the director's desk! This would have been a manageable thing! At least, Jensen needs to obey the command of the British headquarters, and can not make some decisions alone!

And the United States is taking advantage of this point. After all, it is on one acre of our own land. It is too easy to control you! Jensen did not have any doubts at all, so it was too late for the UK headquarters to know the news! There is no room for recovery!

It's too late to say anything now? We all want to guard against Ding Yu or the Boston consortium, but we really didn't expect that the US government stabbed them in the back. Shouldn't we all share the same hatred? Together to deal with Ding Yu? But you even let your own blood? What is this?

But the question is, what's the use of talking about it now? People have disappeared over 60? How to deal with the next problem? What's more, Jensen also mentioned Wesley's concerns. The US side had a good time last night! Under such circumstances, how can they stop? It's impossible to stop!

Yeah! If you change to any information management department, you will not stop at this time. Maybe there will be other situations in the process. But as long as there is no problem in the general direction, everything else is easy to say!

Even if the relationship between Britain and the United States is good, after all, these guys are special agents. If they die, they will die! Even death is the best! As for this process, is it used by Ding Yu? It's not important for the U.S. government to take a knife back. On the one hand, it doesn't even matter what happens to the U.S. government!

In any case, they did not suffer any losses, and even caused great losses to Britain. In the past, people wanted to look for such opportunities, but the problem is that they could not find the trouble of the intelligence department? What people can't imagine!

This opportunity is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, the U.S. Department is also quite measured, which is aimed at the British side. As for other countries? If there is a jump, then a little warning, if not jump, then even! At least this is not the best time! It's better not to cause public indignation!


Wesley looked at the people in the video, reluctantly fighting his spirit, "last night, the situation was special, our judgment was wrong, and the whole process was also misled, so it led to the current problem and situation!"

The words are very obscure, but there are still some mistakes to admit! Even if Wesley was angry again, he could not point to the nose of the headquarters. What could he scold, and even if he did, what could he do? Is it possible to bring the dead back to life? Don't even think about it! No way!

And scold the leader face to face! Such a thing is taboo!

But again, Wesley didn't mean to speak! What else do you need to say now? What happened when I came to Boston? I don't seem to have committed any mistakes! But to come to a person can point to his nose, to say that there is no depression in the heart, it seems to be unreasonable thing!

"Wesley, there was a big problem in the operation last night, and our staff suffered considerable losses. Under such circumstances, what's your opinion on this matter as a leader?"

I have opinions, what can I have? I have opinions last night! But does anyone listen to me? Now is the time to ask? What does that mean? So Wesley also slightly shook his head. "Now it's light in Boston, but it's not going to be so good! I think it's hard to do anything outside now, but now anyone goes out! It may never be seen again! "

Although it seems that there are some exaggerations, but people look at Wesley, as for you to say so damn sure? Do you want to have a try? What about this? It's all in everybody's voice! But no one dare to take the lead to say, last night when the death of too many people!

What's the good news? We have at least one so-called excuse. We were misled by the US last night! However, if we send personnel out now, it will really happen that sheep will enter the tiger's mouth! It's easy to be hated by everyone! So if possible, don't mention it, at least don't mention it yourself!

"Wesley, Jensen mentioned some things. Obviously, he is very worried about the situation in the future. Let me tell you your judgment. Now, for the situation in the United States, the person who still knows about Ding Yu's situation is probably you! After all, you are always on the front line! "

Wesley took a deep look at the speaker and snorted, "it's too late to say anything now! We want to start with Ding Yu, or actively want to induce Ding Yu to do so. This plan itself has congenital defects. Even if Ding Yu didn't know about it before, it must be known now! For Ding Yu, this is not enough to arouse his interest, and even actively handed the knife to the United States! Because he knows that the United States will be very interested in it! "After a breath of relief, it was also acceptable to these officials. Wesley then said, "since the confrontation between the United States and Ding Yu, it can be said that the United States has not made much achievements. Even if it is not close to the brink of collapse, it seems that there is no difference between the two sides A few! "

This is the case in the United States. What about the United Kingdom? Is this not the case. He has invested too much in Ding Yu, but the problem is that he has not achieved any so-called effect.

But the United States is too cunning, they know their own problems, backhand pushed Britain to the opposite of Ding Yu, their own hand is to fight with Ding Yu, so-called cooperation! And under the tacit understanding of these two monsters, the British side is really unlucky! And still in the pit, can't move!

"Wesley, do you think there's a chance? Besides, you have a good relationship with song Tianren, and you seem to be able to speak with Elizabeth. I want to invite them to be a guest. It should be a good choice! "

Wesley's brow twitched twice. "It's not impossible to invite them to visit, but at such a time today, they won't come, because the things in front of us are quite clear. If we invite them, we need to pay a price, unless the price can be large enough to satisfy the American side. What about the so-called satisfaction? It's killing more people than they did last night. That's their bottom line! "

Since the head office has been shameless! Then don't be nervous yourself! Be direct and clear about the matter! Let yourself choose to die? Are you kidding? All the things are made by you stupid people. The royal family is manipulated behind the scenes. You are so willing to be cheated!

The following special information is because of your stupidity, just like a moth fighting a fire! advance wave upon wave? Why? If it is really because of national interests, no one will say anything, but is this because of national interests? It can be said that there is no relationship between China and the national interests!

"Is there any other way? Our loss is too big for us to bear any more!"

"I don't know. This may require many efforts. The first is the game between the governments. As for whether it can play a role or not, it is still unknown. For the United States, this is one of the few opportunities for them to vent their anger, unless we can unite with Ding Yu at this time! This may be something else? "

"Unite with Ding Yu?"

"Yes, united with Ding Yu, the intelligence department here in the United States picked up the ready-made ones. For Mr. Ding, there is no way to choose. Either do it yourself, but it will certainly be quite troublesome. So he chose to let the United States do it. Since Mr. Ding wants to see it, but at the same time? His heart will never be so happy as he imagined. If we can unite with each other at this time, it will be another thing! "

As for the topic suddenly raised by Wesley, the people in the headquarters of emotion management are all so lost in their minds. At the same time, they all have quite a sum in their hearts. Let alone, it is really a very good choice!

Ding Yu has a general relationship with the intelligence and government departments of the United States. This is better to describe it. If we really open the surface, we will find that it is really a mess! We only have naked interests, as for others? ha-ha!

"Wesley, how sure is this? What's more, will Ding Yu agree to our request at this time? "

"I don't know!" Wesley opened his hands. "This is just an idea I put forward! If all our people die! I think the intelligence and government departments in the United States will be very happy. As for Mr. Ding Yuding? Is he happy? It doesn't matter, who knows? "

All the people in the room are you. Look at me. I'll see yours. Don't say, what about Wesley's idea? It's really a very good choice. For Ding Yu, it doesn't matter whether to cooperate with the United States or with the United Kingdom. He just needs to watch a joke next to him!

But for the United Kingdom and the United States, the situation is really so different! Ding Yu chooses to stand on everyone's side. On the other hand, he needs to bear huge losses. No one wants such a situation, does he?

Wesley can say that he threw a bone out. As for how people outside will bite, this matter has nothing to do with himself? I just showed my ability, but I didn't mean to preside over this matter. In such a situation, who stood up, even if it was not killed now, would surely be cleared in the future!

So Wesley didn't mean to get ahead! I've done what I'm supposed to do! What about other things? What about me? If people speak lightly, they will not be involved! Just let me know when you have finished your discussion! I carry out orders, that's all? Otherwise, what else? You know, this place has been surrounded by water!However, an old man in the office took another look at Wesley with the rest of the corner of his eye. He was worthy of his own attention! To mention such an idea! Even now, we don't need to go to Ding Yu for negotiation. We just need to throw this idea out and let the us know. They need to tie their hands and feet together!

Because they absolutely don't want Ding Yu to stand on the British side at this time. If Ding Yu really stands on the British side, although it is said that this is the United States, the United States will also feel very big, absolutely can not give Ding Yu any opportunities, at the same time can not give Britain too many opportunities!

What's more, Wesley's performance in this period of time is that after years of investigation, Wesley was selected. He did not fail to live up to his expectations. Even if he died, he felt that there was a successor and he would not have too much concern. His expression has already explained quite a problem. The only pity is that what he left to him is insufficient So that he has too much support!

The intelligence department has been cleaned too much, and there are too few people to be trusted! Even if he has been in it for a lifetime, I can't say that everyone can believe that, to a certain extent, there are too few resources. What about Wesley's struggle? It will be much harder, not to mention his opponent in the future? It's so terrible again!

What about these? You can do some anticipations, but do you really want to say that you can see? I'm afraid it's in vain. There are many things going on in the place now, but things about Lucas have never been interrupted. The circle is getting smaller and smaller, and it is also becoming more and more closed! Who knows that day? Will it suddenly come?

After temporarily shutting down the video, Wesley still sat there and looked at Jason not far away. Wesley didn't really have much meaning to talk about. Jensen was playing with his gun in his hand and looked up at Wesley from time to time. Do you want to say that Wesley has no opinion at all? It's impossible to fool a fool, but if we really want to say that all the responsibility lies in Wesley's body, it seems that there is something wrong with this!

Wesley tried to persuade himself, but he didn't listen to this advice. What's more, he was just carrying out orders at that time! I don't have any other ideas, but my colleagues in America are too cruel! More than 60 people a night! Even if you argue, even if you have someone behind you, this pot is a little bit big!

Wesley himself saw the conversation just now. He even sat beside him, but he didn't make any speech. Moreover, he had a vague feeling that Wesley was slightly different. What about this idea? Sounds like a good idea, but why doesn't this guy start?

"Wesley, you don't have a problem with me?"

Wesley glanced at the weapon in Jensen's hand and shook his head slightly. "I don't agree with some of your actions. That's all. And what you said, you're just following orders! In fact, I'm just following orders. Everyone has their own understanding and persistence. It doesn't matter what's right or wrong, is it? "

"I handle a lot of people, but there are more than 60 people in a night. This is not normal. When I heard about this in the morning, I was almost stunned!" Jensen narrowed her eyes and said, "there are more than 60 people, not more than 60 pigs. But the problem is that there is not too much blame from the headquarters? Do you think it's normal? "

"How can you think of these questions?" Wesley snorted, "I know what you want to say. It's not something you should think about, and it's not something I should think about. We're all just in the field. Although we're a little high-ranking, we always come back to say that they are all pieces that can be discarded at any time. What's the role of chess pieces? Ha ha

"We have internal problems, and there are quite some problems. Otherwise, why can the United States completely block our information? They started all night, but there was no news from the headquarters. What's more, I came here this time? I don't believe... "

Wesley waved his hand slightly. "What do you think? This is your own business. How about me? I don't want to get involved in this. Why? Because I am afraid of death, I should be responsible for the things, I will be responsible for them, but I really don't have any ideas about what I should be responsible for! Understand? "

"You're running away!" Jensen is very angry!

"Escape? Whatever you think! I'm just going to do what I should do. At least I can keep my strength, instead of losing my armor and courage! It's not always on your lips! What about the courage? Sometimes it's actually a sign of cowardice

Wesley had no expectations for a man like Jensen! As for the reason why I talk to him like this now, it's not that I really have this idea, but because I have nothing to do, that's all!

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