When the British headquarters got to know the news, it was a sigh, but it really did not show that it was too Italian. Why? What about Ding Yu's move? It has been tried and tried again and again!

In a way? There is not much damage to the industry, agriculture or commerce of the whole UK. In any case, it is just the display in the museum. It was originally the property of others, but now they have reached for it? Are you giving it or not? Even some of them don't depend on themselves! So be honest!

When something has become a habit, we will accept it subconsciously! Even now, there is not too much shame or feeling humiliated. Song Tianren received the list at the first time, and these things were sent to the Embassy at the first time! Make the embassy there is also a face of surprise? What are you doing! Is this?

Is the joke a little bit big? But soon the embassy received a phone call from Song Tianren. They were even more familiar with this kind of relationship than Ding Yu. The British side delivered the things to the special plane, not only to deliver the things, but also to protect the whole process! If there is a problem, the British side needs to pay all the compensation. Who knows if song Tianren will make any so-called single moth? It's hard to say!

"How many brothers? What do you think? Say it all! To pick two? Or what? "

Listening to song Tianren's langdang words, everyone also gave two white eyes, "don't be kidding! The quantity of things is really not a lot. How many things did these bastards rob from our country in those years? Now I'm sending things back with hypocrisy! Damn it, if I still owe them the favor, we should have more! Not too many! "

"All right! Be content Song Tianren is also comforting to say, but the more you listen, the more you feel that this guy seems to be deliberately arched fire, "this is just the first time! As for whether there will be any other opportunities in the future, it is a matter of another matter. Fortunately, we have made some achievements, but it seems that there are so many foxes and tigers! Isn't it? "

"That's right, or borrow the tiger skin of the director, otherwise people will know who we are?"

However, the public really did not have too many disappointed expression, after all, the first time they were involved in such a thing, and in the whole process, neither the director nor the supervisor meant to be involved. It was a test for them, which was also a summary of their time!

"I've been here for a long time, and I seem to have learned a lot. My horizon has really widened a lot."

"The problem of vision is another matter, but really speaking, some things also let us realize that, behind the bright and bright, how many people have paid for it silently, the old men in the family! We all know that some of them came out of the smoke of war and heard a lot about them, but we listened to them in front of the story! But now it's our turn to go to the top of the job, we can feel how much we paid in those years? Today's achievements have been achieved

Song Tianren patted the table in front of him heavily, "yes! What kind of efforts can we achieve today? This is something we can't appreciate from TV and movies. When we go back, we must have a good drink with the old man. At the same time, we should also pay tribute to some martyrs who paid everything for our country in those years. "



But before they finished, there was a knock at the door. Then he saw Jin push the door in. After a look at the crowd, he nodded slightly, "clean up and go with me to see Wesley."

The language is simple, the action is quick, with the ordinary garrulous has the unusual obvious contrast! And song Tianren, they really don't have any meaning of fighting at this time, and they quickly tidy up their own clothes! As for what should be carried, there is absolutely no intention of leaving things scattered. Who knows what will happen after going out!

"Chief, are we trying to get a hand at Britain?" While sitting in the car, song Tianren licked his face and asked.

However, this question did not get Wesley's response. King also said in a rhetorical way, "tell me your opinion and judgment on this matter! I want to hear your opinion! All can be said! "

"Supervisor, if we do away with these guys, we seem to have no room for buffering from the results, and we will have to face up to the United States at that time! A lot less elbow! Several of us discussed, and this is the general view! I don't know, right or wrong? "

There was a little smile on the golden face, "I don't make any judgment on this matter. It's still in progress. What kind of consequences and results will be? Now I tell you, it's too early to trust you. At least you know it now! It's a fatal threat to your lives

This is really not a joke! People also know that the supervisor and the director are almost the same situation. Usually, there are not too many problems with playful faces, but basically they don't like to make jokes, and they do things very seriously. So we really hear this!Although from the above situation, we should be closer to the director, but the director has too many things, and his side? There are too many differences in ability, so the contact with the director is not as much as imagined. More often, there is a considerable contact with the supervisor! So this relationship, of course, is a lot closer!

"Supervisor, is our knife not cruel enough? They didn't bleed? So no pain? "

"What about your knife? Is it tough enough? This is only your own decision. However, the British side will never give you any chance to do things. It is the same with doing things, or you will not do them, since you have chosen to do them! So don't look back and forth. Britain has learned too much about this. They are smarter than they think

"Hey, even if it's smart, it's not under the director and supervisor's hand?"

"It's not as simple as you think. If things are really so easy, why are you still calm now, don't underestimate your enemies, and don't overestimate yourself in the past, Britain? Although it is not that the sun never sets now! Even during World War II, my ancestral land was about to be overturned! But this inside story is more profound than the imagination! If you underestimate him, you have to pay a considerable price! "

"Supervisor, wouldn't it be better for Wesley to come here? Are we going to show a certain attitude? "

"Let Wesley come here? As long as he dares to go out, I can guarantee that he can't even see the sun tomorrow. He really thinks that these guys in America are vegetarians, so they won't pay attention to the British. For them, it's time for us to show their wildness completely last night! But it's just about being able to do quite a bit of restraint! "

"Ah?" The people sitting in the car in the morning, at this time, all their eyes are focused on Jin's body. You know, the British side has already paid for it! But now it is suddenly realized that the situation is not the same as what they know. How can this be regarded as a matter?

"Don't make a fuss. You'll know by then." Gold was silent.

The people and his party also came to Wesley where they stayed. However, when the outside world saw Kim walking down from the car, they all felt the problems and conditions inside! In fact, when Kim walked out of the apartment, the United States received news, but how to deal with it, they were also in the process of discussion!

It is not the best choice to do it rashly! But what exactly does Kim want to do? Or what does Ding Yu want to do? This guy and the British side should be in the same boat, and that's why the United States is also fighting a big fight and will not be merciful to the British! Even unscrupulous!

But if Ding Yu is really involved in it, it's really a matter of two times! It can't be ignored!

However, one thing can be guaranteed. After seeing king and his party, the police in Boston disappeared immediately! As for whether it is hiding in the dark, or left! Something else!

Wesley, standing at the door, looked at Jensen with the rest of his eyes. Although he didn't mean to speak, the meaning was very clear! See, this is Mr. Ding Yuding's prestige! No matter what kind of forces are outside, as long as Mr. Ding hands! ten thousand horses stand mute!

Jansen is biting her own back teeth too! Looking bad at gold in the look, but that is just to see, there will be no less than a piece of meat, and then the door is opened! Wesley is also going forward in a hurry! "How do you do, Mr. king?"

"Hello, Wesley." Kim nodded his head gently and looked at Jensen behind him. But after a look, he really didn't mean to speak. Compared with Wesley, this guy! It's just a mallet. There's no need to compete with such a mallet!

He had already felt something when he was staring at himself, but what about that? Don't say he's a director of operations, even if he's their director? What can we do? He also did not see will really put in the eye, the so-called strategy above despise the opponent, tactical up attention to the opponent, he ah! It's a big difference!

Two people meet, is to open the door, even to let the outside people see, there is no intention to hide! When the people outside saw this scene, they were all so shocked that Ding Yu actually made a move! At this time of the year, to protect the British side? What on earth does he think? What's more, what kind of price has the British side actually made Ding Yu move such a mind?

What's behind this thing? Now everyone knows that Ding Yu is ready to fight against the British side! Ding Yu can not sell the British side of this face, but Ding Yu still chose to protect the British side of the people? What is the problem?Since you can't see clearly, then try to make it clear! Only clear, will know how to deal with the next thing, directly go to find Ding Yu? Don't look at the joke! At this time, it is not easy to see gold! Don't even think about it when you see Ding Yu! It's impossible!

"Mr. king, it's my honor...!" Jin didn't show any antipathy. He listened attentively to Wesley's story. As for Jensen next to him, he didn't mean to stare at Kim at this time! Because he found that this is useless, because people don't care! This NIMA! What do you think of yourself? Furnishings?

It was song Tianren. They obviously felt Jensen's eyes, but they didn't really show any concern. The meeting between the supervisor and Wesley was very special. Now who has so much time to pay attention to Jensen? Although Wesley has taken him to his side and showed his position, what about that?

After Wesley said it, Kim also said with a smile, "I've learned something about the general things, and the third is here too! I want to say hello to Boston, but it's OK! "

"Director Kim, the United States is a little bit bigger, Boston is a little too small!"

Kim blinked his eyes! "It seems that Boston is really a little small, compared with the United States as a whole, but as far as I know, there are still a lot of people in Boston. This situation is also true, isn't it? Some things are not as easy as you think

Although the British side has paid a considerable price, but what? Protecting the whole Boston side of the people, is already quite face saving! At least the price put forward by the British side is not enough to fill the sir's appetite. To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

Song Tianren's eyes are also bright at this time! When I saw the gift list, I felt that my side was too much! But look at the meaning of the supervisor, it seems to be more excessive! There are so many people who want to break through their own sky! How shameless! I like it!

"Director Jin, my hands have been raised. I can't help it!" It's no big deal to say so-called soft words at this time. What about capitulationism? Just kidding! I am trying to save the situation now! "What's more, I'm also a person who speaks lightly. Otherwise, how could I still be standing still?"

"So all the people from operations are here?" "But what about the situation? It's not good for you to know that this time the trouble is a little bit big, not to mention that those guys have already killed their eyes! "

"Although their minds are different, they are all cultivated after all. It is against common sense to be slaughtered like this!"

"Even if it doesn't go against the common sense, their existence is meaningless!" Gold's face immediately changed. "They came to the United States, many people have been abandoned, and even a considerable number of people have begun to work in other areas! It's hard to say how many of them are secret agents! "

"After all, they are all family members. They can't start, and the good and the bad are intermingled. This is normal. But I believe that most people are good. In order to live, they do some common sense things. I think it can be understood! Director Jin, I don't take the liberty to say that it was the same with you in those years? "

Kim leaned back and looked at Wesley deeply. "Your courage is really not so big. There are not many people who dare to say such words. It seems that your intelligence department has given them considerable expectations, or there are too many secrets in their bodies."

After saying this, King snorted, "I don't have much interest in it, but I'm sure the United States will be quite interested in it. That's why they are so aggressive, aren't they?"

"Mr. Jin, you are not trying to embarrass me, but you are deliberately making trouble for me! If I could know, I should be sitting at the headquarters and having a meeting with the grand masters at this time, instead of fighting directly! "

"You can say that, but not enough! It's far from enough, and it can last for a while, but absolutely can't protect it for a lifetime. Even if you want to stabilize the current situation, it's not easy to stabilize the current situation. The former Lucas and the present Jensen are continuous. Sir, it doesn't matter, but after all, this is the United States, not your British private residence! "

Wesley understood the meaning. This is the United States. Even if you want to do something in Britain, you need to be a little bit secretive or even a little bit quiet. Now you have done it directly, Lucas! What else do you dare not do!

However, those who are more normal will be prepared for this. What's more, you have given such a good opportunity, but there is nothing against Mr. Wang. After all, there are many people targeting Mr. Zhang, and many of you are one of you. However, your way of doing things makes many people blind!That is to say, if you want to change the current situation, it depends on how much you have to pay, or what you are going to give up. If you don't pay or give up, you will feel like a daydream if you want to thoroughly understand the things in front of you! It's impossible!

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