"Master? What kind of place is this! I don't think I've heard of it before? " Following the old man, a young man looked up at the gate outside the courtyard. The glasses hanging on his nose were about to fall off!

"Mr. Ding Yuding's home! Wang Li, the Palace Museum, is your elder brother's home

Ah? The young man gave a strange cry, "live in such a big yard? How did you hear that? I haven't heard much about this place! It's very strange! You know, I'm an old Beijing man, too

"Where are you! If you know, it's all right. But if you can come here, I still mentioned to Wang Li. Otherwise, if you want to enter this door, you don't want to think about it. If you break in without permission, maybe someone will take a gun to you directly, and you can remember the confidentiality agreement you signed before you came here! "

"Master, I really didn't care much about it. Not only did you say it, but also I didn't hear it from home!"

"Elder martial brother, they know that they are bringing you to see the world today. You are smart and good materials for this line. What about Yu Shao's home? Basically, it is not open to the outside world. Without you, senior sister Wang Li, you! Don't try to enter this door in this lifetime

Speaking, a car is also slowly driving in! Wang Li immediately stepped down from the car, "Lu Lao, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting! When they came, some of them were too noisy Looking at the two little guys who were taken out of the car, Lu Lao is also happy!

"What's the matter? You're not afraid that Yu Shao will not be unhappy if you are still preparing for the autumn wind today."

"Not for the first time!" Wang Li is holding one of her sons and the nanny next to her is holding another! He said scornfully, "what's more, big brother? Sometimes it's just artful. To say that he really likes it, but he doesn't see it. At most, I can see that he is playing with handkerchief or walnuts. As for other things, I don't see how he has ever been in the eye! Lu Lao, you are taking xiaoliuzi with you today. This is to open his eyes for him? "

"Hey, elder martial sister, I just came to see the world!"

"Steward Deng!" Looking at Deng Rong standing at the door, Wang Li also nods to say hello! Deng Rong also slightly nodded his head, and the young man next to him spat out his tongue slightly. This style is a little bit too big! What's more, the name of steward Deng is old-fashioned enough!

However, when entering the gate and bypassing the screen wall, Lu Lao suddenly stopped his own steps, staring at a potted plant not far away, and the two little guys were constantly shouting. The nanny beside him also took the children around the other side, and didn't stay for too long!

Deng Rong was standing beside him, but he didn't have any words. After looking at it for a long time, Mr. Lu sighed and said, "what about these small Japanese? There are still capable people! "

"Master, can you see that?" Young people have been looking at it for a period of time, but they really don't have much research on potted plants. However, from a close look, the potted plants in front of them are really different. At first, they feel flat, but the more they taste, the more different they feel!

"What about Zen in Japan? There are different studies, but the outstanding potted plants here are not Zen, there are so many opportunistic, I am afraid that Yu Shao deliberately put it here

"See you all the time!" Deng Rong also came from this profession, so when Lu said this, he nodded and said, "Sir, you are a little bit of a wait-and-see for this thing, but also said that the flattery is a little too obvious, but the object is good!"

"It's like what Yu Shao said! By the way, I don't know if there are calligraphy with less feathers? "

"Mr. Lu, you've broken down so much!" Deng Rong said with a wry smile, "my husband came back after the new year, but the time was too short, and the handwriting of the husband at home was basically copied by the children! What's more, if you know it, sir! Am I still a housekeeper

"Isn't there a black pot on the side?" Lu Lao also jokingly said that Ding Yu's handwriting had been seen by accident, which made people feel very different, pure and natural, not beautiful and vulgar, unique! I want to ask for words, but I can't miss any chance!

"Lu Lao? Other things to say a little bit, but it's brother's study! Absolute forbidden area, don't say it's me! Even the children at home are allowed to break in without permission. If I have a chance, I can ask for elder brother, but elder brother is such a person! It has always been the dragon that sees the head but does not see the end! It's hard to find him! "

When they spoke, they also went to the courtyard. Wang Li and Lu Lao were familiar with this place. It was not the first time they came here! But young is really the first time to come here, feel their eyes have been so some not enough!But then came the dog barking, also let oneself have so some recollection, saw two little guys staggering to come over, followed by a few dogs, there are so some nonsense meaning! However, the young man also carefully looked at it. It seemed that it was not a precious dog. To be sure, it was a native dog!

In a place like Beijing, such a quadrangle, under the green and lush decoration, suddenly a few native dogs come out. This contrast is a little too big! Even the big ones can't be accepted by some people!

"Don't pull your tail?" Deng Rong slightly called out two children, "they are your brother and sister's baby, if let them know! You're not spanking yet Then there were two shouts, and the dogs ran away in good order! It's really a wonder!

"Steward Deng, have you been trained?" Wang Li's eyes are also bright! It's very happy!

"It hasn't been trained yet, but the eldest lady and the eldest young master certainly won't agree. At the beginning, they were cheated by the old guy. Now, when they mention it, they are still angry and resentful. The old guy has never come again. Instead, he often calls to ask about the situation of these puppies."

"Wang Li, is there a good way to do this?" Lu Lao seems to have a childlike innocence! I asked at will!

"It's said that when the elder brother went out with his two children, they were brought back. It seems that they were given to him by a beef seller by his friends. As a result, the environment in the South was not suitable. Therefore, the two children were brought back, which was also a wonderful scene in the family. The eldest brother almost said the same thing at home, but only right What can the bear do? What about the bear? There are so many people in the family who look down upon, only two children, such as arm driven

"Everything has a spirit!"

"The bear's appearance is not ordinary, and it's quite spiritual. In addition, the eldest young master and the eldest young lady love him so much that he has a good reputation in the quadrangle. Xiao Gang thought about adopting one before, but it seems that he has never succeeded. He has cried for several times for this reason."

Wang Li snorted. How could she not understand the meaning of this speech? Even Xiaogang didn't succeed. Could her two sons succeed? It's really something to be discussed. What about nephews and nieces? It's easy to say, but who knows if the two children in the family have this chance?

Two children holding their mother's legs, so some do not loose the meaning! Wang Li also gave Lu a bitter smile, because the two children already had so many to cry! These two living treasures! It's impossible to leave a little distance!

Under the guidance of Deng Rong, soon people also came to the side room, "steward Deng, we want to come and look for two things. I heard that some ink ingots were collected at the auction before!"

Deng Rong was also stunned and then laughed, "Mr. Lu, this news is smart enough. You should know that the auction is not presented by the quadrangle, but by other people. Moreover, this auction is very small, at least not many people in China will know about it."

"Although there are a small number of people, things can be shared but not sought. Some paintings in the hospital are in urgent need. If it is not necessary, I can't let Wang Li come with me! Compared with Yu Shao's contribution to the hospital, I mentioned this requirement. There are some who can't care about their face

"Mr. Lu, that's too much to say!" Deng Rong also considered one or two, "if you take out all the ink ingots, it will be difficult for me. It is also a dilemma for me. Mr. Lu, you can take it first and try it. If you can, I will report it. If not, I will think about other ways to do it!"

After finishing the speech, he also looked at the young man beside him and said, "old Lu is also an elder in his profession. It happens that I have free time today! It's really that many places want to ask you for advice. I wonder if Lu always has this time? "

"Well! I won't buy it! Xiao Yuan is a student of mine. Today, I brought him here, hoping to have some insight. We all know that Siheyuan is extraordinary, and it is difficult to enter this gate. I hope he can walk in by himself in the future, instead of us old guys. We are still optimistic about him! But there are still some problems

Before she finished speaking, Wang Li also came in, "Lu Lao, let me talk about this matter! Steward Deng, the thing is like this. Xiao Yuan is one of my younger martial brothers. But when he was in the hospital, he accidentally suffered some injuries. If he used a knife, he would really hurt his vitality. But if he did not use the knife, he would take conservative treatment. The prescription is available, but the medicine is hard to find! "

Deng Rong slightly frowned. "Second miss, if it's ink ingots or cultural relics, I'll give you a report. It's almost OK! Sir, I really don't pay special attention to this, but if we use the small pharmacy, second lady, I can't break the rules! You have to get your consent! If the situation is really urgent, go to clean up the old couple Wang and his wife or Mr. Su! I really can't be the master"The situation of Xiao Yuan's injury is quite special. He only gave the prescription when he found the relevant person!"

Seeing Wang Li nodding, Lu Lao also took the prescription out of his pocket. Deng Rong didn't have much hesitation. He took the prescription and looked at it. What about the drugs on it? It is very common, even if it is not common, it can also be found, but the two herbs and one medicine guide, it seems a little too special!

"Second lady, there is no such precedent." I've seen the prescription myself, and even the name on it has been read! A person who is very familiar with, let alone really, it is difficult for ordinary people to make a prescription. It is not that he is self-conscious, but because of his different identity and his work is very busy.

"Housekeeper Deng can't bear to see Buddha's face in front of monks!"

Deng Rong hesitated to look at Wang Li, and then he also looked at the young people next to him, "second miss, it's not that I don't give face. Do you think it's feasible to do so? I'll report to my husband some time, but I don't know if he has this time now. What about Siheyuan? To a certain extent, it is under martial law! "

"I know, otherwise, I will not come here in person. I know that elder brother's business is relatively busy. If it was not for the special circumstances, I would not come to disturb me. My grandfather is not in good health, and my grandparents are older. I should not bother them for such a thing. I would like to see the third uncle, but it's just that I can't find an opportunity, so I can't help it. I have to be brave and come by myself

Deng Rong looked at the time on his watch, "second miss, and Mr. Lu, you should stay in the courtyard first! It's too cumbersome to come back after going out. At this time, my husband doesn't have time. What's more, I really don't know what kind of result it will be if I bother you for such a thing! "

"Steward Deng, this matter is our trouble to you!"

"Second miss, this matter is not troublesome or troublesome!" Deng Rong also couldn't help laughing bitterly, "it's mainly because I don't know how to deal with it. It's not in my jurisdiction at all!"

This wait, the time is really so long, dinner is also in the courtyard side, relatively simple, seems to be very insipid, but Lu Lao is eating with relish!

"Be able to make ordinary taste with ordinary things! It's not easy! "

"Shifu, I feel like home cooked food. Why do I feel the taste is very different! I don't feel any ordinary smell! "

"It's a waste to feed you!" Wang Li wiped the corners of her mouth and said, "but it should be good for your health. Unfortunately, the eldest brother and the children are not at home! Otherwise, there will be quite good things, you guy! The road is still a little poor! "

"I have heard of it!" Lu also used a towel to wipe the corners of his mouth, "but that's just what I heard. Lao Zhang and his colleagues have tried, but they have been struggling for several days."

Xiao Yuan felt that she was listening to the so-called "book of heaven". She didn't understand it at all. Wang Li also pursed her mouth and laughed, "I was there that time. Zhang Laoyou made big brother angry! Some seafood brought back by big brother are given points! They are hard-working! Give you a little bit of so-called small compensation, big brother is angry and funny, so also gave a bowl of soup, good guy! For a long time, old Zhang didn't dare to come to the courtyard! "

"It's a waste to give that guy to Lao Zhang! They're already half buried! Can you still enjoy that? "

A burst of laughter, almost to 10 o'clock, Deng Rong there is not too much reaction, but Wang Li received quite a message, also did not delay, Wang Li also copied the phone directly to dial out, and waited for a while to be connected!

"Second sister, you haven't slept yet? It's already so late? "

"I haven't asked you yet? What's the message you sent? by the way! Is big brother with you? "

"Director? Second sister, what do you want to do with the director? You can just call! I have quite a job here, it's not so convenient! " When song Tianren came back, he also sent a message, but he didn't expect that the second elder sister called directly. It was really unexpected!

"How can things happen? Explain it to me! "

"It's just using the tiger skin of the director to get something back home. We guys are all mallets. To put it bluntly, it's just artful and elegant. It's not very useful. Second sister, you're a good hand in this field. How about you helping to see things?! What's more, it's not appropriate to find other people! In this circle, you are the most suitable one! "

"I have something to do with my elder brother. What about this side of the house? Steward Deng has no way to make a decision, and there is no reply from elder brother! "

When song Tianren was about to speak, Jin stretched out his hand and then picked up the phone. "I'm Jin, sir. There are many things that are not so convenient. I wanted to send the message to steward Deng from the terminal tomorrow.""Hello, director Kim! Did I disturb you so much again

"Sir, what about drugs? It's not a big deal, but let him leave an IOU and give him this IOU when he can walk into the courtyard! If he can't come in, let him pay for the quadrangle at the same time! " Jin's tone of voice, not a bit emotional, speaking of words, is quite cold!

"I know. Give my regards to big brother!"

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