When putting down the phone, Wang Li was also silent for a little time, "Xiao Yuan, your luck is really good! No more! " Then he also nodded slightly to Lu Lao, "Lu Lao, the matter has been solved! You go to rest first! After such a long time, you are old too! Not so appropriate! "

"I don't care about such a moment and a half!" Lu Lao slightly waved his hand, "how's the matter? Xiao Yuan, there are so many people here that I can't wait! If you can't, think of other ways! "

"It's settled! But big brother said, need to let Xiao Yuan leave an IOU, to wait for him to come into the courtyard on his own, take the IOU! If he can't walk into the courtyard on his own, he will exchange it for something equivalent in the future! Now the question is whether Xiao Yuan is willing or not to sign this IOU? "

"Such a cheap thing?" Lu Lao is also a little surprised! "Yu Shao is really unpredictable! However, for Xiao Yuan, it was really an opportunity, even a big advantage. OK, I'll sign a name on the guarantor! Think of me... "

"Master, this is not good!" Xiao Yuan was also hastily dissuaded! This kind of gratitude owes, but there are really so many too big! It is true that he is a master of his own, but for the sake of this matter, those who are busy running before and after are already so old! If the master is dragged down again, how can I bear it?

"Nothing without you!" Old Lu learned that the matter had been solved, but he was also a little excited, "Yu Shao has given such a big face, we old and young men must hold on to it! Otherwise, there will be no way to be a man in the future! Xiao Yuan, in front of your elder martial sister? We men don't avoid taboo, just ask, are you OK or not? "

"Master, I will never disgrace our old and young men!"

"Well, Mr. Lu, let's go and have a rest first. There may be better news tomorrow. Just wait for it!"

When they woke up in the morning, Lu Lao and Xiao Yuan both had some feelings. When they opened the door, the air was not as cold as imagined. It could be said that it was just right. There was also the smell of the quadrangle, which was fresh, natural and even made people feel like being in the nature!

In the past, I felt that the construction and structure of the quadrangle was very unusual, but now, what they saw was just the tip of the iceberg. The courtyard was definitely not as simple as it was imagined to be able to breathe such air here in the capital in the morning. But think about it, even people like Yu Shao all choose here. What else do you need to say? This is not because the price here is more expensive!

The breakfast was relatively rich. After feeding her two children, Wang Li also sat in front of the table. "Lu Lao, Xiao Yuan, hurry to take things back to the hospital. It may be more busy today!"

Yeah? Lu Lao also looked at Wang Li beside him. Wang Li nodded, but he didn't want to explain the reason. Deng Rong had already prepared something, and he had already seen the release on the terminal! Xiao Yuan also wrote down the IOU, there are Lu Laobao on it, or more exquisite!

"Wang Li, it seems that there is something good about it." Sitting in the car, Lu asked immediately!

"A friend called me yesterday, and a batch of cultural relics were sent back from England! Although it is not as high-quality as the previous ones, they are all good things with orderly inheritance. It should be here today. I have got the list! Those mallets left to them are pure waste, they are just artful, and they are useless! "

"England, their heads are in the water! We have cleaned up the last thing, and even now we can't get it to the public. It's not that there is a problem with the origin, but these things still need to be studied and investigated in detail. This is a very long process. Now there are so many new ones. What good things are they? "

Wang Li handed over her mobile phone. Lu opened her glasses box and looked at it carefully. As for why Wang Li didn't send the list to her mobile phone, it doesn't mean that Wang Li ignored it! Or maybe Wang Li has other ideas, because these things haven't arrived in Beijing yet, some things? It is still inconvenient to show directly.

What about these things? It's something that has been passed down in an orderly way, and the origin is very clear. The British side will never be very kind and will return the things directly. There must be quite a few cases in this, but what is involved? Lu Lao's heart has quite a guess, but it's really not easy to say it directly!

You should know that the relationship between the hospital and Ding Yu is still very good. Although Ding Yu basically doesn't come to the hospital very much, the two children, wrong, should be three children who come to play in the hospital regularly. Everyone likes their three little guys very much, and they have a lot of fun!

Although Ding Yu's courtyard has considerable property, it is just a warehouse to a certain extent. If there is really a lack of things in the courtyard, it would be better to extract it from the warehouse directly! There are really not too many difficulties, mainly Ding Yu's interest in this aspect, not too much!What about the collection of siheyuan? It is really unique, but more Deng Rong is helping. Ding Yu is not so interested in this as he imagined. However, he is very clear that Ding Yu is a Taoist, so he is more interested in Taoist things, but there are more books, as for other things? Also weak interest!

But what about people like that in China? It's really a blessing. Although I don't know what he's busy with, seeing what he got back is enough to make everyone have so much sweat! If people really collect these things by themselves, it seems that no one can say why!

But the problem is that many of Ding Yu's collections have been sent to the hospital! Really, if Ding Yu is left alone in the hand, if it is from the money, it is immeasurable!

Back in the hospital, some people also helped with the operation. The hospital was quite proficient in this aspect. Everyone had two skills in reading and reading. Soon, they helped Lu Lao and Xiao Yuan to make it. However, many leaders are now in a meeting, they have received clear news that the plane is about to land!

Even someone has gone to the airport to wait! What needs to be checked after coming back must not be short of any object, even bumping and bumping. These are all things that comrades have worked hard to get back. They are not things that can be bought with money, and they can't be measured by money at all!

The Palace Museum has a special fund every year, but the things bought back are discussed by everyone for countless times. It's not to say that things can't be done according to one's will! If you really want to use money to buy those things that Ding Yu got back, ha ha, even if the country is rich again, it is also a bottomless pit! Not enough!

There is always someone behind the silent dedication! This kind of dedication is also sincere and makes people feel admirable!

After talking with Wesley, Jin has come back. He doesn't pay too much attention to song Tianren. He has to find Ding Yu directly! "Show up, I've talked to Wesley, this fellow! It's really not so steady. I haven't shown any anxiety at this time. It's just that some people in Jensen's action department seem to be so irascible, and my eyes are different! "

"He's quite grumpy now, I should say."

"It can be said that even mentioning your name, sir, I can clearly feel that his blood flow is still accelerating. I can see that he is not generally hostile to you! Otherwise, there would never have been such a violent reaction! "

"Let me know from Boston! A lot of people have been killed last night. Although Boston didn't do it, to a certain extent, they also let the Intelligence Department of the United States do it! "

"I see! I will inform you immediately! Sir, the water is beginning to get muddy now, and it is obvious that someone is ready to go into the water! " Kim is also sure to say!

"Do you think Jensen is a very good target?" When Jin mentioned Jiansen earlier, Ding Yu already had feelings in this respect, but feeling is one thing. How to deal with this matter is another!

"I have a feeling in this respect, especially when I see him. Jensen belongs to the action team. Although it is said that the previous action has caused great losses to the British spy in the United States, it is just a matter of convenience! Maybe it will move tonight! A very good chance

Ding Yu thought for a moment, "so, I'm going to meet Sanchez tonight?" After saying that, he also slightly hummed, "if that's the case, it's really a little bit more adventurous!" Looking at the gold's appearance, Ding slightly waved his hand, "I don't care about the adventure, I just want to think again, if the water chaos to a certain extent, what kind of situation will it be?"

"It will be a real mess then! Originally, the British side was passively beaten, but how could it be that last night, the US intelligence department was too cruel, even if it was caught, it was too direct to kill it. The British side could not have no temper at all, but now it's too late to say anything! "

"Yes! It's too late to say anything at this time! So we can't make the British disappear. We really need to stabilize them. At the same time, we need to stabilize Wesley. At least we need to add some weight to him. If his position is too low, it will be very unfavorable for the future! "

"Wesley is still very calm. At this time, there are so many people who admire him for selecting him. Their military intelligence department still has a lot of details. It's really not easy to know that after so many times of cleaning, there are still talents like Wesley! I really admire you

"Yes! We should know that the internal strife is absolutely beyond imagination. Under such circumstances, Wesley is not only alive and moist, but also can be selected. It's a pity that Wesley's qualification can be seen as average. " Ding Yu finally exclaimed, "Wesley! It's a very talented person, but what about that?After Kim went out, he also quickly told Boston, especially that he had made a phone call with Yanu. In the evening, he might go back to dinner and hope to be quiet. At the same time, he didn't want this thing to be boisterous! Yanu was a little puzzled, but he mentioned it to Sanchez at the first time!

"I don't quite understand. If Mr. Ding wants to contact you, just call me! Or if you go there, it has nothing to do with respect! " Feianu is like this now!

Sanchez sat on the office sofa, listening to Yanu's words, but all of a sudden, he burst into a smile, even a little proud! "Yanu, do you think this is intentional or intentional?"

"I think it's intentional, but there are so many things that I don't know. Why is it so?" Yanu frowned. "Judging from the information, king went to see Wesley. The British side paid a considerable price. Now the plane should be on the road! Even if we don't arrive tonight, we will surely arrive tomorrow! "

"The water is beginning to get turbid! Last night, the intelligence department played a bad game

"I think it's too fast! Actually, it's totally unnecessary, but from the actual situation, what about these guys? If it is not solved on the spot, I am afraid it will be very troublesome! After all, they are special agents and have received considerable training! Not ordinary people! "

"Yes! They are all special agents, but they are just chess pieces, Ding Yu! Who is trying to make this more turbid? The killing last night? It's not in Ding Yu's complete calculation, he! It's really not smart in general. If it's so, then we'll do a good job! "

Yanu is very puzzled, but for Sanchez's words really dare not listen! "What should I do?"

"Don't arrange too many people, but get two teams together for me! No, three teams of people. I need the most loyal people. I don't allow any mistakes. Any things and problems happen. I want the heads of their families. This opportunity concerns the whole Boston. I can't give up! "

"Sir, I'll do it myself!"

"You can go to decorate, but you can't show up. Besides, this is Boston after all. You are familiar with it. Hide all the personnel of the three teams for me! It's their turn! It's our Boston consortium opportunity

Yanu didn't ask why, so he quickly mobilized personnel. The three teams must be elite members of the Boston consortium. Although Yanu didn't ask about anything, it doesn't mean there is no so-called guess in Yanu's heart. It's obvious that someone is going to do something about Mr. Ding Yuding!

Otherwise, Sanchez would never mention that this is an opportunity for the Boston consortium! The staff of the three teams must be absolutely loyal. There is another point that at this time, it can not attract any attention from any aspect. If it is detected by other parties, it will be easy to be self defeating! That's not good!

"Sir, Yanu called me!"

Yeah! Ding Yu snorted, "it seems that Sanchez is still an old fox! He clearly understood the problems and the situation, and even made considerable preparations. Now that the stage has been set up, he should start to make considerable preparations! I don't know which Jensen is going to behave at this time? "

"Even if there is any performance, I'm afraid it will be too late when Wesley reacts!"

"Not yet!" Ding Yu, the old God in, said, "for Wesley, he is also a veteran! How can anything not know, don't think he is too simple! The question now? It's the question of whether he is willing or not! This is the key point! "

"I'll give you a wipe. Why is Wesley so gloomy? Why did he do it? " Jin also murmured to himself, "can't he want to collect some special information, which is a taboo thing! Especially in that position, this is more dangerous than playing with fire

"What if it's taboo? If it is a lonely family, it is too weak! Therefore, at this time, he must set up a certain team for himself. These team members do not need to have much loyalty, but they must exist and can become the pawns in Wesley's hands! "

Gold nodded. "Wesley is provoking some people's nerves! Does he believe you, sir

"It's not about believing or not believing. It's that the British people can't all be destroyed! Such words are unfavorable to us. Only when they exist can they restrict each other. Wesley knows this very well. Similarly, we can say that we are very clear about this, don't we? "

"If it's such a strategy, it seems that Jensen is not so simple this time! I'm afraid it will be very difficult to break away from the chain, and his fate is basically doomed! Even immortality is a complete "cripple". I don't know what those guys in the British headquarters will think about? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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