Jensen had a lot of opinions on Ding Yu, but now Ding Yu even walked out of his apartment. Although he said that this was Boston, all kinds of forces gathered here, and even Wesley was against it! But what about that? Ambush Ding Ding Yu, for the people of the action department, it is not a great event!

At least it's not something that can't be completed. If you look carefully, you can still find a good chance. It depends on when to start and how to do it! After all, Jensen is a member of the action department, so she started the arrangement at the first time! For myself, it's really an expert!

As for Wesley's search for himself, Jensen didn't really mean to put it in his heart, or did not pay any attention to it. What kind of onion or garlic was he? In the past, he tolerated that because there were some things that were not very decent last night. Now there is an order from the headquarters. Who is he?

"Ding, it seems that the situation is a little turbulent?" Ding Yu came to find Sanchez is just a cover. There are no other people in the room, so there is no need to hide anything at this time! "Yanu just got the news, it seems that there are a little more people coming! It seems that some people have already smelled it! "

"What? The intelligence department here in the United States also wants to get involved? " Ding Yu means to say!

"It seems that you can't hide anything from you. The intelligence department in the United States should have received considerable information. You should know that they didn't like you when they saw you. How can they waste such an opportunity now? Even if they know it may be a trap, they will try it! Interests are interests, but I think they can give up considerable benefits without you! " When he said this, Sanchez also slightly hummed!

"It seems that you have done quite a bit of preparation." Ding Yu really didn't mean to put it in his heart, "how? Are you going to clean up the ground? Make it look a little cleaner? "

"The Boston consortium has been quiet for a long time! I think some people have forgotten! It's not that all kinds of cats and dogs can come here. When they come here, they can only pollute the environment and have no effect on the development of Boston. They really need to teach them a lesson! "

Ding Yu put up his thumb. "It doesn't matter if you move them. But if it's too big, what's the impact on Boston in the world? It may not be as good as you think! Therefore, we still need to be cautious. If we make too much noise, there will be problems! "

"Don't worry! I'll take care of this. If I can't make a decision on such a little thing, I really need to step down and give up my position as an old man! " Sanchez was very bold and said, "Yanu there are three elite teams, you are responsible for the arrangement, I have four teams of people ready, not including other support!"

"It seems that you are really preparing for a big move!"

"Fart is a big move, just warm up! But Ding, the friendship said, this matter you don't get involved! If something happens, I can't bear the pressure. I can't take the lead in everything. After all, your identity is so different! "

"I've thought about it, and I think it's relaxing!" Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "I know how you think about it. If I don't appear, then it's impossible to disturb the situation. I'm just knocking on the so-called side drum! There won't be too many problems, but in a word, I can borrow some strength! "

"Who do you think is good? Do you want me to prepare two more for you tonight..."

"Forget it! You are an old man, but some of you are not very serious. I have no love for this aspect. All of them in my family have already felt more than enough. If there are others, they will not make a fuss! So don't try to do it! "

Sanchez looked at Ding Yu, there was a sense of disdain, but it was more like a joke between each other. Ding Yu didn't have much interest in this aspect. Could you mention what he was interested in? The medical aspect should be the best choice, but how to oneself does not have too much research for this aspect!

"Ding, look at the present situation, there must be some people involved in it!"

"You mean to get rid of some forces?" Ding Yu quickly took over the topic, and it was not something hard to guess. It would be strange if there was no one behind it! Some people! I want both face and lining, but there is no such cheap thing, isn't it?

"Since they have done the first day of junior high school, we should go to the tenth five year plan. We need to distinguish the interests clearly. I think they think too much! If we don't give them some so-called colors, they will certainly become more and more fierce in the future. Therefore, we must do this thing, and we need to do this ruthlessly. No matter what kind of power they are, we will never let go of any of them! ""It can be manipulated, but it is not old Peyton who comes forward, but Elizabeth. We need to talk about the details with her! She is a middleman. If something goes wrong, how can she be a middleman? "

Sanchez nodded. "It seems that there are a lot of forces that we can use. Elizabeth is originally a broker. It seems that there are many good people under her. It is very dangerous to do this business. If there is no good protection, problems and problems may arise one day. No matter how much money we have, it will not be of any use."

"I believe Elizabeth will make the right choice!"

Although this is said, the actual situation does not allow Elizabeth to make any other choice. We should know that this time she is responsible for taking the lead and has a lot of contact forces. The funds behind her can also be described as massive. We can all say that we are very optimistic about Ding Yu. Under such circumstances, what will happen Elizabeth is really the first person to bear the brunt of the so-called changes, and she can't escape at all!

So Elizabeth must be on Ding Yu's side! Since he chose to stand on Ding Yu's side, it would be natural for Ding Yu to mobilize some power! isn't it?

"I have a car here. The equipment is very complete, specially customized!"

"No, what about my car? The above devices are also very complete, so it doesn't need to be so exaggerated to deal with them. However, as a digression, what about some people? I'm sure I'll find a way. This may require you, an old man! After all, you can say that the channel is quite smart in this respect! "

"If you run a person to count me, deduct it from my share!"

Two people joked for a while, watching Ding Yu stand up, Sanchez still hesitated for a moment, "Ding, is this really good? I'm still worried about you. I know you're good at it, but these guys are really dead! If you really have a little bit of slip up, I can't afford it! "

Ding Yu patted Sanchez, everything was in silence. When he came out from Sanchez, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere was very different! The monitoring on the ground, not to mention the sky, seems to have played a considerable role at this time, for ordinary people, it seems that there are so many difficult gaps, but for the security around Ding Yu, these are really some pediatric department!

"Sir, it seems that everyone has been impatient to wait!"

"Fight them all! It's a little irritating to watch them fly

As soon as Ding Yu's words were said, the people below also started emergency operations. If it was an undetected UAV, it might be a little better. But looking at the signal on the screen, the security can be said to be secure, but it really doesn't mean to move guns and guns. If you want to get down the UAV, the way is a little bit!

Soon, the signal sources on the screen began to disappear. Although not all the messages, they were basically the ones that disappeared. What kind of loss would be caused in the process? This is not in the process of consideration! But all the security is on guard at this time!

When Jensen knew the situation, she just sipped her lips and didn't show much expression. This can be said to be very normal. The UAV is used for reconnaissance, at least the target has been determined! Now that the target has been determined, the remaining things will be easier to control!

In the face of such a situation, we can't send out large UAVs like predators. Don't be kidding! I'm afraid I'll call you from Boston before we take off! There is no reason to say that it is a UAV, but more often it is still an unmanned aircraft. That's all!

Even the Intelligence Department of the United States will not send out large UAVs. Why? It's OK to fly over Boston to detect targets. But the problem is that if it is used for detection, it is more convenient than this. After all, this is the United States. What about UAVs? You can't bomb directly!

Who knows what kind of fury Boston will do when its own drones bomb their chassis? So let's forget about such a thing! It would be better to take a more secretive approach! And what about Ding Yu? It seems that he doesn't have much intention to hide, but his behavior has some intentional flavor!

Looking at Ding Yu's motorcade, Jiansen is about to drive to the predetermined range! Just waiting for her order, Jiansen's heart is full of resentment for Ding Yu, but what about now? It is true that there is a little hesitation. Although I don't look up to Wesley, it doesn't mean Wesley's words. There is no truth at all!

I don't know why? My heart suddenly came out of such a feeling!

But now Ding Yu is already in the plan! Even if you don't do it yourself, I'm afraid it won't work! Jensen bit her back teeth. Now it's too late to talk about other things! So at this time, directly prepare to start!"Ready to attack!"

"Head, it may not have too many effects. Our weapons and equipment are not enough to break through their protection. I just analyzed it through the video. Their cars are very heavy, even more than light armor! Both the body and the bottom of the car are not enough for us to break through in a short time, so we can only stop them in a certain range. This is our plan, so we need to break through them as far as possible! This is very dangerous! "

When preparing for the attack, the people from the operation Department have already analyzed the situation. Now, the reason why we repeatedly mention this matter at this time is very simple! At this time, unless it is to take people's lives to fill in, otherwise it is really difficult to take the motorcade. What can we do!

Because after all, this is the United States, not to mention Boston. Even through special means, some heavy weapons and equipment can not be transported to the city! In those years, Ding Yu's use of missiles alerted many countries, so in this regard, it can be said that it was particularly strict!

So don't mention the stinger or javelin! Even the most useful RPG, can not enter! This may also be a reason why Ding Yu is unscrupulous! Since there is no such thing to break armor, his bulletproof car is a fortress!


Then Jensen's order, the relevant personnel also began to move in succession, blocking the road, cutting off the communication network, and then launched an attack! Ding Yu did not show how flustered he was when he was attacked! Is still sitting in their previous position, calmly looking at the situation outside!

"Sir, it seems that their attacks are not as fierce as usual, but their weapons and equipment are a little bit worse!" Security sitting beside Ding Yu, several cars gathered Ding Yu's car together, forming a safe fortress! This can play a protective role to the greatest extent!

"It seems to have used armor piercing bullets, but it's willing enough, and it's quite a capital!"

"The attack is still fierce, but we've got a pretty high ground, and we've got a lot of security here, so there won't be any problems for at least two hours!"

"Don't worry so much, those guys out there! It belongs to the profession of looking for death. Now it depends on when the people in the United States start to do it! And these guys in America are different from those in England! What about these British guys? All of them need to think of a way, so their weapons and equipment are seriously backward, but these guys in the United States are not the same! They are not landlords on Boston's side, but they have their own channels! "

"Yes, sir, we haven't used the people outside! However, Yanu side should have been quite informed, the environment here is a little remote, there are not too many people! As for the impact of the follow-up aspects, I think there will be a considerable explanation for this issue, both in Boston and in the United States! "

"How they explain this has nothing to do with me. These British guys are better than many people, but they are doing it now! It's just used to fill the hole. I don't know what kind of reaction those guys in the United States will have. Maybe they will come back, maybe they won't! Be careful! It's bulletproof, but there's no insurance! "

"Don't worry, sir! We have already installed the fence outside. Although the time is a little short, it will definitely have a considerable effect. The American guys never pay attention to the so-called benevolence and righteousness! "

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment. For such a short time, he equipped the protective fence! This thing for RPG and so on, absolutely has the unusual effect! I don't know when they prepared it. Forget it! You don't need to ask about such a thing! As for myself, I'd better sit here honestly!

What about your individual ability? Fair! But if you are involved in it now, it will limit the protection of the security guards!

"Head, you can't get in. They're firing too much! And the protection effect is very good! Besides, the team from Boston has already been sent out, and Elizabeth's team is also in the process of assembling. Boston's team will not exceed 10 minutes, and Elizabeth's team will not take more than 15 minutes to drive us

"The people who sent us to stop them on the road can't be enough to let them come. No matter how many people I sacrifice, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must leave Ding Yu here and use some weapons. Ding Yu is also a man, and he is not a god!"

"Chief, we have special weapons, but they are very few. They are used for backup. If we use them now, will there be any other problems?"

"No matter how much!" Jensen is a little bit crazy at this time. It's already this time! Who can think about so many problems and situations, just solve Ding Yu, as for other aspects? I'll talk about it later! As for whether they can survive or not, these are two things to say! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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