What Jiansen can think of, Ding Yu's security can think of, even more. But what about this time? More attention should be paid to Sir's safety. As for other aspects? Can be placed in the back!

However, it is really very difficult for people outside to break in. These security guards under Ding Yu's hand can come in through layer by layer selection and test. You can hide one person, but you can't hide everyone! What's more, after coming to Ding Yu here, he has undergone different training!

Now is the time to show themselves, how can they not play with their lives? And the consequence of this performance is that Jensen has brought countless casualties, and they can't break Ding Yu's defense line, and there are no other heavy weapons. Even if they don't need too much firepower to block them, they can't let the British people rush in!

Of course, smoke bombs and grenades are also widely used, but what about that? The effect is not obvious in the imagination. It is obvious that Ding Yu's security is experienced in many battles. They have extremely rich experience. Even if it is covered by smoke or grenades, it does not hinder much!

What's more, it's far away from the city! Not everyone is willing to live in an apartment in the city like Ding Yu, which is definitely not the performance of the rich!

When Wesley got the news, the whole person was already paralyzed on the chair with a dull look. He thought of countless possibilities, but he really didn't expect that the headquarters would be so reckless. If there was no command or hint from the headquarters, would Jensen dare to start? Take his courage!

You don't mean you can't do it, but in this way, it's not only a simple provocation to Ding Yu, but also a deliberate provocation to the United States! After thinking about it, Wesley's eyes also turned twice, no! The United States should not be so quiet now, and their response will never be so slow!

There is still not much news in the United States. It's not that they can't mobilize people, nor that the Boston consortium doesn't allow it. There's no such problem. I'm afraid they have other ideas.

"Gerry, please contact the headquarters. There is no response from our colleagues in the United States. This situation is not right, it is very wrong!" Wesley, too, jumped up. "I'm afraid they have other plans! Contact now, now! "

Jensen has fallen into the pit! What's more, it's still a pit where he can't get up. He can't die? It's not so important, but the people under his hand can't die! If it's really dead! It's not a good thing for yourself! I hope to be able to pick out some of them!

When the screen lights up, Wesley doesn't have to worry about why Jensen launched an attack on Mr. Ding, but he can't wait to say, "Sir, the situation on my side is not right. What about my periphery? Nothing happened, but there has been a lot of fighting, but the Intelligence Department of the United States has not responded at all! This is abnormal, and it is extremely abnormal! It's just out of the ordinary sense! "

In this dialogue, Wesley didn't want to mention Jensen. Now speaking of Jensen is like leaving a handle for other forces and throwing the whole UK into the pit. Such a black pot can never be carried!

Several people in the screen also looked at each other, and the situation was obviously inconsistent with their expectations. Ding Yu's protection was very tight, and he could not break Ding Ding Yu's defense line. Was the security under Ding Yu's hand too strong? Or are the guys under Jenson's hands really bad?

What about Jensen now? It's true that you can't get in! It's true that the images are not so clear, but one or two of them can be seen. The guys under Ding Yu's hands are not vegetarians! A good one!

"Wesley, what do you think of it?"

"Colleagues from America? Either they are waiting for the present people to be exhausted, or they want to fight Mr. Ding Yuding. Anyway, the time is too late. Even then, they will use considerable means and methods, including unexpected weapons and equipment, which are hard to say! "

After hearing this, they were stunned. How much possibility do you think it is? Just as they were talking, they saw a flame suddenly appeared on the screen and went straight to Ding Yu's motorcade. Before too much reaction, the fireball burst out!

Sitting in the car, Ding Yu knocked his head helmet with his hand and blinked his eyes slightly, but he didn't mean to speak. Now there are special security guards. Don't disturb them! If we say that our disorderly command can only make the following people fall into chaos! It's just an explosion! It's not that I haven't encountered it before, so I don't need to panic!

However, the two cars on the periphery have exploded at this time. After all, Ding Yu's car has protective fence, which does not mean that the car outside has protective fence as well! But fortunately, the explosion did not cause too many problems and conditions! It didn't happen! So Ding Yu didn't get too much damage!"Sir, there is a loophole in our protection!"

"You can arrange it! There's no problem with me! " If you don't, you won't. Even if necessary, Ding Yu will hold the gun on top of it. This is not a big deal! For Ding Yu, such a scene can not be more familiar!

Judging from the current performance, although the United States has been involved, it is not enough! They have only solved the headache problem for the British side, but they have entered this circle, not yet! The difference is quite a distance! Ding Yu still needs to wait!

Jensen has some accidents for the RPG, but Ding Yu's team has been blown open. For him, it is a very good opportunity. Now, Ding Yu can't take people to the top, right? In this case, what else to say, let's go!

Jensen didn't hold a pistol against some people's heads, but seeing his movements and expressions, it has already explained quite a problem. It can be said that there are corpses all over the place, but there are some people who can't care about it!

After Ding Yu suffered two RPGs, there was a considerable gap and casualties. After all, security is also human, not a god! Such a problem is quite normal! It's not an accident!

Ding Yu looked at his wrist watch, "Elizabeth and Boston, their team has come!"

"It's already starting to make inroads into the interior! They suffered a lot of bombardment on the road, but the problem is not very big. There are some obstacles. But these guys in Boston are familiar with the road here and know how to get there? The guys under Elizabeth's hands are good. Maybe the time is a little slower! No more than 10 minutes at most, we will arrive, and then we can catch turtles in the urn

"Ten minutes?" Ding Yu snorted slightly, "hold on for another five minutes to see if other people will join in. If no other people join in, they will all be killed! If the Intelligence Department of the United States joins in, it will spare no effort to wipe out the people on the American side and leave Jensen with a way to live! "

"Yes, sir. I'll arrange it at once!"

Five minutes passed in a flash on this small battlefield. Ding Yu's side was paying attention to time, and people from the United States were also paying attention to time. Jensen's side was still rushing forward. Although it opened the way for them, the problem was that they couldn't get in at all! It's not that those men of Jiansen don't need to die, but because these guys under Ding Yu's hands are really so powerful! After watching, it's really scalp numb!

In other words, what about the intelligence department? There is still a considerable gap with the field forces. The training of each other is completely different. Although it is said that some special information is selected from the army, it does not mean that all the special information is selected from the army! So there is a congenital gap!

I have already launched two RPGs on my side. Can I continue to launch? There is really a problem of degree. Now there is really a lack of a person to give orders. Of course, there are more powerful weapons. But under the current situation, whether to use or not to use, this is a choice!

"Use, bombard open Ding Yu's protection, adopt the most burst way!"

With the above command, the people below also began to launch the big guy, which was the most explosive way. But in fact, there were only two RPGs brought by the above, and even the big guys brought over were only two. It doesn't mean that it's really endless. How can it be!

Two big guys recklessly bombarded out, this all of a sudden out of the noise is really so some big! Ding Yu can only see a flash of fire around him. Jansen looks at Ding Yu's motorcade in a daze. How many people will be left at the scene? I don't know. But is it a bit too much to use such a big guy?

You know, even if you are using some bombs, you can't bear to use some bombs, but someone even used a big guy, and it's such a powerful big guy! Previously, two bulletproof cars were able to be bombarded. That was because they used armour piercing projectiles. This was no big deal. Under the circumstances at that time, only armour piercing projectiles and killing grenades could be used. Birds did not use them!

But at this time, it's really hard to say what kind of consequences will be caused if two big killers come out. If I had known this, I would have equipped several more on my side! Right? The effect may be better!

But for the Boston consortium and even Elizabeth, the news is really bad! Using RPG, how much of this can still be understood in the scope! But the use of such a big killer really is not in the scope of understanding! It seems that some of the things are too big!

Ding Yu shook his head, the problem is really not very big, he really did not think that the US side of these guys should be so unbearable, also used such a big killer, with RPG is really not on the same level, this is really oneself here as a bunker!But the movement is not small, the fire is very big, but the lethality is really to be discussed! However, it seems natural to think about it. Why? This is Boston after all. Even if the intelligence department in the United States wants to set off the so-called fireworks, it also needs to consider the considerable influence! It's not that you can put it freely if you want to! It's not that easy!

Now the United States is not only RPG, but also such fireworks, interesting, really interesting! Now that someone has started this initiative, the rest of the matter is really easy to solve! What about the leaders on the US side? When knowing this situation, they are all silent!

If Ding Yu can be solved, everything is easy to discuss, but this is under the premise that Ding Yu can be solved. But if such big fireworks can not solve Ding Yu, the matter may develop in other directions!

"Sir, the damage on our side is serious!"

"I see it!" Ding Yu's face did not change in any way, "wait for them to come in! They're going to rush this way, we can give up the position! Since they are not afraid, then we do not need to worry too much! Some things! Hum

Armed with a backpack and supporting the two wounded, Ding Yu began to retreat gradually. It is absolutely stupid to continue to stay here. Previously, it was because of absolute protection, but now Mao has no more! If you stay there, you are really waiting for death!

No matter how stupid the British personnel are, they only need to use the so-called grenade tactics, and there is nothing they can do on their own side! Shields don't prevent attacks from all directions! "Sir, someone's coming around our side!"

"Signal! Let Yanu start the campaign and mark our position. As for our people on the periphery, Kim is already there! I believe there will be a good result! " Ding Yu is also showing the ability of leaders at this time! They are not responsible for the tactical arrangement, only responsible for the strategic adjustment!

Now the layout is complete! One after another began to close the net! What is the result of waiting for yourself? I really have a lot of expectation! Everyone who should be in the game is already in! As for their own side, although there is considerable danger, but this danger is part of the whole plan, if they do not have their own, they will not fall into this trap!

Now, the problem is not whether they want to leave or not, but they can't get rid of it at all. They used RPG and two big killers. They were even more arrogant than Ding Yu in those years! Under such circumstances, Ding Yu can still tolerate, which is strange!

"Sir, another group of people are coming up to the other side of us. They are moving very fast!"

Looking at the screen display at the wrist of the security guard, Ding Yu nodded, "I have no problem. I am not in charge of commanding now. I follow the arrangement. At least I am a good hand too!"

"Yes, sir!" Although in danger, but the problem is not as big as imagined. What about the wounded around? As long as you leave, you can settle down, and there won't be too much drag, and after the lack of considerable drag, there won't be too many worries for you! There are too many problems to deal with!

All the personnel began to move in one direction, slowly pressing towards Ding Yu, but similarly, Ding Yu really did not mean to stand by for help. Although the people under his own hands were strong enough, the problem was that the personnel were still a little less, and the wounded were more than others!

Really, in the face of these jackals and tigers, being able to defend is not the key, so Ding Yu needs to drag them!

And this is the time for the exteriors to clear up the enemy! The entire Boston consortium, including Elizabeth, Yanu, and even the people under golden hands, started to move! The encircling circle is huge, big enough to make people doubt life. Now, even the most stupid people know how to deal with it!

Ding Yu deliberately set a trap, a bait enough to make everyone feel greedy. What about the British side? It was the first to step in, and the American counterparts stepped in next! Even when Jensen started, all the situations were irreversible!

I'm afraid Jensen and they didn't expect that Ding Yu's protection would be so tight, and the security under his hand was also so brave! What now? get away? How to escape? Do you really think the perimeter blockade is dry food? Do you really think the people on this side of Boston are made of noodles? Is it?

Jensen was on the periphery before! But now this time is also about to address a lost dog! The first target is placed on his body, even if there is no meaning of inquiry, can already determine the target! What nonsense do you say? You don't have to pay attention to it. You can start to do it directly!

Revolt? It doesn't exist. There are quite a few people around Jensen, but they can't raise their heads now, but they just don't want his life. As for others? It's really not ambiguous!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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