"What do you mean?" Asked Jensen, with a black face!

"Mr. Ding Yuding doesn't have much interest in your life, because the tripartite situation has been formed! But the problem is that colleagues here in the United States will be very interested in your life, because only you will die! Then all the black pot will be borne by our intelligence department! " Wesley didn't say anything about it!

"I didn't expect my life to be so valuable!" Jensen is in a low mood! I need to live under the mercy of others! And this other person? Even their own enemies and opponents!

"What about the problem now? In fact, there is no chance for you to come back to the United States in person, but there is no chance for you to come back to the United States! At this time, our American counterparts can't rashly offend the Boston consortium, but if you go out, it will be another thing! "

"It's complicated enough. I started with Ding Yu, but I didn't expect that it would become the object of his use!" Jensen said with self mockery!

"This is Ding Yu! Once he takes the opportunity, it's hard to break away from it! You show him such a big flaw, you have quite a problem, some things I can not explain to you, so I can only try to keep you here, but you are still out! "

"I'm sorry, Wesley, so many people died!"

"Gather up all the people in your hands. Those who are not here should try to make them calm down. I don't know what kind of reaction our American counterparts will make, and have a good rest. Maybe we will see Ding Yu tomorrow. I hope you can cheer up at that time! This is a test for us, even for the headquarters? "

"What?" Jiansen suddenly looked up, "see Ding Yu tomorrow?"

"Yes! It is possible to meet Ding Yu tomorrow. There is a great chance and possibility. Don't worry, he won't eat us, because he needs to communicate with each other quite well. Of course, he may also meet Jin. It's true that we fight each other in the dark, even regardless of the importance, but on the surface, we will get along well with each other. "

"It's a little bit big tonight!"

"What about tomorrow's report? It must be the pursuit of some prisoners, or some other reason, and so on. You know, this is Boston, or even the place where you attacked? Not many people can be seen in a few miles around! At most, RPG and big killers will have a considerable impact, but both the United States and Boston will start to solve this problem. We don't need to worry about these things at all! " Wesley also explained in detail!

"Have a good rest, although we failed in the dark! But tomorrow, I still need to work up my spirit. Failure is not a big deal Wesley also patted Jensen on the shoulder when he left. What about the follow-up? Still need to do, even if only superficial!

After leaving Jensen's room, Wesley didn't talk to other people in detail. At most, he said hello and nodded. These people were rescued by themselves to a certain extent, but he would never reveal his words. That is absolutely the lowest way to do it!

Now is to calm their mood, deal with their injuries, give them a cup of coffee, and even some food, is the best choice! Let them taste the bad things on their own!

"Here comes Jensen, sir! The mood is still stable, I briefly talked about the next situation! " He talked about Jensen's situation with the headquarters, "I think Mr. Ding may send out an invitation tomorrow. For Mr. Ding, a stable structure has been formed!"

At this time, the faces of all the people on the screen are not so good-looking. The premeditated action is very fast, but the same end is also very fast, which makes people have no time to make other reactions. For the intelligence department, although they have done the analysis, who can imagine that the next situation will be completely beyond their expectation!

The United States used RPG and even some big killers. When they got to know the news, they were really sweating. If Jensen didn't come back at that time, they would be intercepted by the United States! This black pot is really on the head of the intelligence department! There is no escape!

Jason's back! It's a very good news, but tomorrow's meeting with Ding Yu will be a difficult choice! Will Ding Yu directly find out this matter? Or use this excuse to attack the British side!

Of course, what kind of result Ding Yu used to launch an attack on Britain is not so important, but for the intelligence and governance department, if Ding Yu attacks Britain with such results, then the intelligence and governance department is really inextricable. Even if the British queen comes forward, it is not easy to use it!

At that time, the emotional management department is really the target of thousands of people! Except for the abolition, it seems that there is no other way to choose!"Judging from a situation, Wesley?"

"I'm not sure, but I personally think that Ding Yu should not launch an attack on the economy of the British Empire at this time. Maybe he is not ready or the time has not come. If he acts rashly under such circumstances, he will inevitably cause a counterattack from the Great Britain. For Ding Yu, he would rather wait than waste the opportunity!"


"Yes, this is my personal judgment. From my personal understanding, Mr. Ding Yuding will certainly start to solve the problems in the United States first. This time our American colleagues attacked Mr. Ding, which will certainly make Mr. Ding very angry. I think some families will be targeted by Ding Yu! They're going to be wiped out! Because no one will allow the existence of people who eat inside and out. Even Mr. Ding can't control some people's emotions now! "

"Wesley, please calm Jensen, don't let him have any more problems, and we need to have a meeting to discuss it!"

"Understand!" Wesley agreed quickly, "gentlemen, I have another problem. There are so many people here, but they don't have too many injuries. Except for the emotional aspect, there are not too many problems."

Wesley didn't make it clear that he wanted power. To say it directly, it would not work! But in such a euphemistic way, we must all understand that these people are under the command of Jensen. So what should we do now? Let Jensen lead them, or transfer people from the headquarters, or let.

Everyone in the room looked at each other. Previously, everyone was not so satisfied with Wesley's way of doing things. He felt that he was too steady and steady, which made people feel weak. But now, Wesley's way of dealing with things is the best way! It's also the most reasonable way.

"Wesley, you are authorized to handle the affairs in the United States. Please inform Jensen about this matter!"

In a word, Wesley has been sitting in his position. Although Wesley used to be in this position, the situation is different now! And now the time point is also very delicate, how to deal with it next depends on Wesley's own choice!

An old man in the room took a look at Wesley with the rest of the corner of his eye. He picked him out and got the desired result. Although he didn't have many ways to solve the problem of Ding Yu, he had a certain direction and could basically step on the key points!

However, he has not been given a very good opportunity. At this time of delegating power to Wesley, it is obvious that some people have realized his value, but they have realized what the use is. They have already been in the pocket for a long time!

However, it is a pity that he has never been able to show his relationship with himself. Lucas is dead! But what about this? It's always on the headquarters side! The investigation has not stopped for a moment, and it is very passive for me! Although their follow-up processing is still clean, but in the end, there will be some clues to come out!

If it is really detonated, some problems must not be explained clearly by themselves. There are not a few people who peep at their positions in the headquarters, so they can't leave any trouble to Wesley, even if they hang up! There will be successors in the future! Can also continue to inherit their own ideas!

After the communication with Wesley is over, there is also a heated discussion at the headquarters. The direction of the discussion is naturally directed at Ding Yu. You may need to face-to-face with Ding Yu tomorrow! What kind of conditions will Ding Yu propose then? What kind of impact will these conditions have on the future situation?

"It's a very adventurous evening, sir."

Ding Yu did not evade this question, "yes! There are so many adventures tonight. I really didn't expect that the United States would be so reckless that even such big killers were pulled out with RPG! How far did they burst? How could you be so desperate? "

Jin stood up slightly on his shoulder, "as far as I know, sun Yingnan and Sasha have already known the news. Sir, it's impossible for you to avoid this topic!"

He knocked his head twice with his hand, and Ding Yu was helpless about it! "It's really a problem. Isn't it OK to admit your mistakes now?" I know this thing is dangerous, but I didn't think it would be like this! It's strange that the women at home can make themselves stable after knowing their own things!

"Sir, this problem is really not what I can solve. I even wonder what kind of trouble I will encounter next!" When he said this, Jin also looked at Ding Yu with rather gloomy eyes. After all, this matter was made by Ding Yu, and his relationship was not so big!However, he is a security officer, and he is also the security director. Now such things happen, he is definitely the first to bear the brunt of it. Now mentioning any problems and situations is a kind of cover up to a certain extent! What else can you do?

"It seems that the next day will not be too easy!" Ding Yu took a deep breath. He could say that he had a deep understanding of the fighting power of the women in the family. Even now they all write down this account for themselves. As for how to repay this account? It needs to be discussed! Ding Yu still felt that his scalp was numb!

"Sir, almost all the people in the United States have been cleaned up! During the process, there will certainly be leaks, but people who want to come to Boston will never let them off. Even if these guys are hiding at home now, they are definitely not safe, as long as they are still in Boston! "

"What did Elizabeth say?"

"She didn't have anything to say. At this time, she should communicate with some parties. After all, it is impossible to say that there is no other force behind you this time. I think she is absolutely in a mess at this time! It's a little more irritable than you think! "

"There's no need to put too much pressure on her. There's no need at all. I think Tyler should be here tomorrow."

"The third generation is responsible for the operation of this matter in the back. Elizabeth goes through the needle. If she comes out now, it is not so convenient. Taylor is really a very good choice! It seems that we need to divide some forces again! But Sir, the funds are in place! What to do with it! "

"No, we don't need to explain this problem. Some people will come forward and take the initiative to mention it! Let's just act and know nothing! " Ding Yu also snorted. What's the problem? In fact, it's very simple. I didn't mean to blackmail their funds, but when to return the funds is another thing!

Previously, you didn't know anything. How could it be possible? But under the condition of knowing, you didn't want to mention anything, even didn't mean to block. This is not a cooperative relationship at all, OK? Ding Yu is definitely not a person to be slaughtered, so these funds! Put the temporary ones here!

If you don't ask for the so-called margin from them in turn, it's quite face saving! They also want to be able to grab the so-called profits, there is no such beautiful thing under the heaven and earth! And even if Ding Yu agrees with this matter, the forces behind it will never agree, because this has completely violated the rules!

However, Ding Yu will never take the initiative to mention this matter. If he does, he will appear too greedy. At that time, someone will take the initiative to mention it. Just open one eye and close one eye! The share of their own will never be less than their own! That's enough!

Time did not pass too long, the phone on this side of the apartment also rang, do not need to see all know how a thing, gold is the first time to slip away! It's not flattering to stay now. I'm afraid it's not just criticism that's waiting for you, so you can avoid it!

Ding Yu's side is a little disturbing! The fighting power of the women in the family is absolutely beyond their imagination. If it's other things, they will not pay attention to them. But Ding Yu was attacked in Boston! Although it is planned, it will not be tolerated to put yourself in such a dangerous situation!

Ding Yu is tired of dealing with the phone calls in turn. Taixi on the screen is also biting his teeth. How long has it been since he left? If not, he might have gone back at this time!

Ding Yu is also an explanation, but the girls who follow Tai Xi are worried at this time. At the same time, there are other looks in their eyes. They have had a lot of contact with Ding Yu, but they never thought that Tai xi'oni should have such a family status! It's unbelievable!

In the South Korean home, women are the least important. Even when they speak, they need to keep a certain tone. But once tehsioni's face is stiff, it's really frightening!

"Since I am not allowed to go back, let them go back! At least it can relieve your tension! "

"Don't make a fool of yourself! What a thing to let them come here Ding Yu also took a look of dissatisfaction. "Now the atmosphere here is a little bit tense. Although it is said that it will not involve your head, it is also in the case that you are not involved, these guys have been so crazy!"

"Well! Just now I talked to Fu Zhen Ou Ni on the phone, but this kind of thing can't have another time! If the children know about this, they don't know how to worry? You are a father and their support. They can't do without you

Talking to them for a little longer, Ding Yu got up in less than three hours! Not because of yesterday's things appear lazy, in this respect, Ding Yu has quite strict self-requirements!After the same exercise, Ding Yu watched the news. What about last night? There are reports, but the direction of reports is strictly unified! Obviously, there is a considerable force behind it! No one will allow such things to be put on the surface!

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