In the morning, uncle Ding Yu didn't want to see his phone when he was eating

"It's already evening here! It's not a morning! " There was a stern voice from the other side of the phone, "I heard that the situation in Boston is relatively serious. There are reports in the news?! I said how old are you? It's not a child anymore! Do you need to be told something like safety? "

"Uncle, do you know the news so soon?" Ding Yu also gave a bitter smile, "I didn't expect that these guys were so crazy that they could play so big on their own territory! No one expected such a situation! Now I think of it, I'm really afraid of it! "

"You boy! If you don't toss about, I think you'll forget your last name? I think you will be taught a lesson

"What can't be done? Now all aspects are closely watched. Everyone has his own mind. Some things are difficult to get to the surface. Today, I'm going to talk to the British side. At least, the situation of tripartite confrontation has been formed in the United States, which can relieve the previous tense and embarrassing situation!"

"You always have words, but what about the children? It's not in Boston anymore! Otherwise, the old and the young in the family have to worry about death! I don't know what you're thinking! Let's all hang out with us! "

"Third uncle, I also want to calm down a little, but some people have the idea of peeping, so now they are walking on thin ice! But it's still very warm to have the care of all the family members! "

"Don't say strange words. You must pay attention to your own safety. When something can't be solved, go to the embassy. They will do their best. You don't know my phone number. Don't carry it by yourself!"

"Yes, uncle!" Ding Yu is also very grateful to say, "let the third uncle you worry!"

"I won't say much about coming home for dinner when I come back. Your parents should be worried too! Give them a call! I still have a meeting to hold! Not so free! "

This side of the call just ended, the phone rings again, is his father and mother's phone! But Ding Yu is also through the way of video contact with them, and did not call! After all, they are in the small county! Seeing the TV, my heart is naturally worried! Through the video can let them more at ease!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying only knew what happened in Boston when they watched the morning news. The report on TV seems to be very serious. Their eldest son is in Boston! It is said that foreign countries are good, but every day there are guns and cannons, and that country can't help but have guns. How can there be a so-called sense of security when dangerous things are in hand?

However, watching his eldest son through the video seems to be really nothing. Think about what happened in Boston, but the report also mentioned it. It seems that they are all remote places. What about his eldest son? Living place should be relatively safe, and he seems to have a lot of security around him and so on!

"Boss, what's going on over there? It's really scary to watch the reports on TV! And two kids? What is their situation? After all, they are abroad! There are not so many things in our country! " Zhao Shuying is also very concerned about, after all, is the eldest son and grandson and granddaughter, the treasure of the family!

"Nothing. Everything's fine with me. It's just that something happened last night, and now it's settled down. The two of them are not in Boston now! I found a teacher for them earlier. It can be said that he has a family background. He is also proficient in the social sophistication of the United States, so let him take it with him! Didn't you get a video? I'll have to spank when I get back! "

"Yes, I have. But the United States is such a big place that we don't walk around in China. Let alone the United States! We are just a little worried, see you, nothing! If nothing happens, don't stay in America! It's good to hear that, but every now and then there's a problem! It's not a good place

"My son has a job. Don't get involved in it!" Ding Lin is also very dissatisfied to say a word!

"You old man!" Zhao Shuying snorted. Did he forget who said it at home!

Ding Yu also feels that there are so many fun, the parents at home! But soon on the screen also appeared small lazy and Labrador figure, looking at the screen inside Ding Yu, are also so some happy! The time of the conversation was a little bit longer, about half an hour. Later, Ding Lin hung up the phone on his own initiative!

Although Ding Yu has made great achievements in her career, her parents are worried about anything. This is the parents! I don't know if the two kids at home will be the same in the future?

When Wang Changlin called, it was already a little late! It's not that I didn't call before, but the line was always busy. I contacted Ding Yu's secretary, or even song Tianren. But from what I learned, it was really busy, not what to avoid!After a look at the video, Ding Yu seems to have no problem, but through the video can also see that the phone voice in the room has never stopped, it has been ringing all the time! How much did Wang Changlin know about his son and asked too much? On the contrary, some of them are not so good!

As for Su Yuan, he didn't mention too much, that is to say, the situation of Su bochen is not so good. After the new year, it feels worse day by day. This is because the quadrangle side takes good care of it. If there is no drug maintenance in the quadrangle, I don't know what the situation is now!

After a phone call, Ding Yu was relieved. Looking at the smiling Jin, Ding Yu was also quite helpless. "What's the situation over there? How does he say?"

"I'm afraid it's not his turn to speak, but from what I know, Wesley should have grasped the British power in the United States thoroughly and sent for an official announcement! At this time, Wesley can be said to be in power. It's all right

"It seems that there is a lot of bedding for him!"

"Sir, how to deal with him, is to give him a head blow now? Or do you want to talk about it later? " King said thoughtfully, "and I think what about Lucas? Although Wesley didn't do it, and he didn't even know it, it must have something to do with him! "

"Did the man behind him do it?" Ding Yu obviously agrees with this statement! "Since this is the case, then the situation inside is easier to control! It is said that the British side is always investigating this matter? "

"Yes, I have never given up the investigation, but the progress is too slow! After all, what about the people who can control it? Although they are all from the small circle, how can we say that? It's not an easy thing to let the people in the small circle, who are not old foxes who have lived for thousands of years, show their tails like this! "

"As long as the British side does not give up the investigation, it will be sooner or later. What about such a thing? Too hasty! In the end, there will be clues left, but it's just that sooner or later, and the more you cover up, the bigger the problem may be, and everyone knows it! I have some curiosity. Who is he

"Do you want to guess?"

"Sir, you'd better let me have a little bit of so-called divine sensitivity! This may be better, I think things should have reached a certain point! As for when the lid will be lifted, it is not so important! And one more thing, sir, how much power do you think Wesley is going to be? "

"This problem has been discussed. It will never be too big. What about the internal staff? It won't be too much, but I believe that the supporter behind Wesley will never let Wesley be too lonely. However, for us, it's not as important as we thought it would be if we left behind him

"I see! Sir, I'll take care of it at once Hesitated. "Sir, would you like to see Wesley?"

"Forget it! It's good if you see it. I won't get involved in this game! What happened last night was a little bit big. What about the extra funds? It won't be returned for the time being. Redistribute this part of the benefits to the head of Boston! After all, they've suffered a lot. I'll talk to Sanchez about it! "

After Jin left, he also began to make arrangements in some aspects, while Wei Hou was with Jin. Last night, he was involved, and even song Tianren was involved in the same way. They could be said that they had encountered many times. They never thought that they could encounter such a thing!

Although it's not on the battlefield, the bullets are flying around. These chicks on the battlefield can't even hold their guns. Training is one thing, but it's another thing to really go up. Now they haven't fully recovered from this attack! Even for a moment and a half, it's hard to come back!

The original simple everything, is just a corner! Flesh and blood millstones are not as simple as they imagined. Now they can be said to have been hit. They can't be themselves! Even when I woke up this morning, there were dark circles under my eyes. It's not that I didn't sleep well, but I didn't fall asleep at all!

Every time I close my eyes, I can see the corpses lying on the ground in front of my eyes. Although it's not exaggeration that there are corpses everywhere, those bloody bodies, broken limbs and broken arms are all shaking in their minds! Do not personally taste it, never know how hard their life is from it!

My grandparents, what kind of experience did you have at that time? This kind of experience is absolutely not the film and television can describe! It's not something you can imagine out of thin air! Yesterday's experience and grandfather's experience, is nothing to compare!

Because it's a self-service breakfast, we really don't suffer much. At this point, we can see the difference between Song Tianren and the other two people. Although we all suffered the same blow, in terms of food and drink, song Tianren and Zhan Zhao really didn't treat themselves badly!It is difficult to relieve the spirit, but we should eat and drink! No effect, but the other two people's situation is not as pleasant as imagined! What they eat is very light, and they always keep their heads down, and they have never encountered it, so the peace in their hearts will never be as fast as you can imagine!

But fortunately, the last bowl of soup, the effect is still very good! Everyone has a small bowl, not to mention, although I don't know what is in the soup, but after eating it, I feel calm!

"Six brothers!" Song Tianren is also a little lazy! It's not that you can't look at Wei Hou, but you feel that he has an indescribable smell on him! I don't know what the taste is. Anyway, I'm not very comfortable. I didn't see the other two people hiding in the corner!

"What? I feel very uncomfortable! "

Song Tianren nodded, "I don't have much feeling in my stomach. I've experienced more disgusting than this one! In front of these are really not what, but the spirit of the pressure is too big, also do not know what kind of way to solve, this is the most troublesome thing! So it's a little bit anxious now! "

"I haven't experienced it, so it's understandable. But now we are all in this flesh and blood grinding plate. If we are careless, we will not survive. Compared with yesterday's situation, you all saw it! Use the fastest speed to adjust your situation, because there is not so much time for you

"Six brothers!" Song Tianren also gave a wry smile, "it's not that we don't want to adjust, but we don't know how to mediate. The first time we encounter such a thing, I'm even going to lose the gun! Let alone shoot! All the bullets are out with a hook in your finger! I totally forget what it was like to train! "

Hearing song Tianren say so, other people are the same. Zhan Zhao's situation is a little better, but the problem is that he has not experienced such a thing! This is not really scalp numbness so simple, you know Boston is also a big city! And it's a big city in the United States, and it's going to happen like this!

Is everything you see false? Now Zhan Zhao also has obvious doubts about himself, or because the impact was really too big yesterday! Big even makes people have no time to do other reactions and responses!

There is such a big gap between reality and imagination that people have no time to make any changes. What's more, the reports on the news are so fantastic that they report the arrest of some criminals. What's the origin and purpose of these criminals? I don't know now!

Is this the so-called reality? Is there anything worse than this?

"Six elder brother, you only knew yesterday that we were so different from each other?"

"Are you making fun of me Wei Hou's face suddenly changed, "but it's not a big deal. It's normal. I lost my performance yesterday. I should make a considerable review on this issue."

"No, that's not what you mean. Brother six, don't be kidding!"

"I'm not kidding. My performance yesterday may have been excellent in your eyes. Even you all wanted to be a person like me. But when I came back, I discussed with my supervisor and found that there were many problems, even many of which I avoided subconsciously! There is nothing to be obscure about this, just say it out! "

"No! Six elder brother, your performance yesterday, the supervisor is not satisfied? "

"Why satisfied?" Wei Hou asked a puzzled question, and then understood the reason, "our division of labor is different, that is, on the occasion last night, it can play a little role, but I forget that the most important thing is to protect and assist you! I'm on it! You can't do it yourself

Wei Hou admitted his fault. "I'm no stranger to the battlefield, but yesterday's scene made me lose my mind! Even forget yourself, not able to guide you very well, only care about yourself! We are a whole, not an individual, so I accept such criticism! "

"No! Six elder brother, we were almost soft yesterday! No buttock urine flow of this has been your result, if there is no six brothers you, now we are afraid to have been lying there! If you blame yourself, we'll really be so embarrassed Song Tianren, they also said in defense!

No experience, that's the right to speak, but the problem is that yesterday's actual situation is like this!

"To be practical and realistic, I have applied to the director and the director for punishment!" But then Wei Hou's topic also changed. "I realized my problem. I had been in the front-line troops for a long time. Later, I was unwilling to retire. So I caught up with yesterday's situation and couldn't help myself! But I promise I won't! Look at my performance , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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