Back in the courtyard, or in the afternoon, Ding Yu did nothing alone! Looking at a few puppies around him, he squatted down and touched their heads! These little guys are growing up too! But a little bit naughty!

Although small four eyes for their own is not welcome, but these dogs? It seems that he has a good relationship with himself, probably because he was raised under the hands of his son and daughter, so there is a considerable difference in this character! At least not as small as four eyes, no conscience! He is a wolf.


When hearing the sound, Ding Yu also looked up! "So free today?"

"Nothing happened. The two children in the family were accompanying their father, and he came back! After all, it involves my grandfather. I will leave tomorrow! I have nothing on my side, so come and have a look at it! "

"What? There's something wrong? I haven't heard Shangnan talk about it! "

"What can he do? Maybe come over in the evening! However, the two children in the family are also very naughty, so I came to play a front stop to see if their brothers and sisters are in. If they are, they should run as far as possible. The little guy is quite afraid of their brother and sister! "

"What? Can you eat them? "

"Brother, I heard that Tong Tong has been here for two days!"

"Well! What if it comes from being smart? May be a lot worse, but more diligent, their home environment ah! It's a little too narrow! It's not a good or bad problem, but a child who has been educated like that. The direction is too narrow! Not conducive to the future development of children, how? Do you have that in mind now? " Ding Yu seems to have said this sentence casually, but there are some other things hidden behind this!

"Big brother, this is the time? Do you have the heart to make such a joke? "

"What's in the house, you can do it yourself! What about your mood? I can understand, but I think some of them are too anxious! The so-called impatient can't eat hot tofu. Ding Ding Ding also has children. They are carefree now. They don't feel that there is anything bad about them. Even if they are children at home, I don't force them to learn too much, but to guide them! "

"Guide them? Brother, I don't have so much capital at home! I'm not Ding Ding Ding! But I know that she is no ordinary little rich woman! How many people look at her with blue eyes

"Is this saying that I am partial?" Ding Yu patted the dog's head twice and told them to leave first! Then he stood up. Before sitting down, Ding Yu washed his hands! When Wang Li saw this scene, she also turned her mouth slightly! My big brother is good in other aspects, but only this one? There are so many.

It may be an occupational disease of being a doctor! It's not easy to mention anything about this problem!

"How long has it been? You and Shangnan have been so attached to their children that you are not afraid of any so-called changes during the period. Do you want to know the two children in your family? The nerve is relatively thick, and I have no intention to force them, and you are a mother? It's not a good thing to show such strength! "

Ding Yu, who sat down, spoke patiently!

"Shangnan doesn't have many ideas about this matter. It's mainly because I personally care about it. Xiaogang can do it. I think the two children in my family can do the same! Is it possible that they are one head shorter than others

"You don't understand me at all!" Ding Yu's tone of speech is still languid, "what's my requirement for Xiaogang? There are quite a lot of things involved in it. I have paid a considerable price to guide this little devil. This is definitely not a matter of a day and night. I will slowly guide him on the road instead of forcing him to go on the road with a knife and gun behind his back. Moreover, I have to tell him that this is for his good! This kind of education is quite deficient! "

"I admit I'm a little impatient!"

Ding Yu's two hands crossed together, staring at his sister, "there is an educational system in this respect at home, but what about such a system? There are quite a few problems. Xiao Gang has no problem, because everyone knows his identity. But what about your two sons? There are quite a few problems here! "

"Business side?"

"You are different from Ding Ding Ding! Shangnan and caozhen are also different, which must be very clear to you. I don't have so much spare time to pay attention to this aspect of the matter, so you need to consider clearly by yourself! Come to the door so rashly, I see you! This brain is really in water! Or is it really a magic barrier? "

"Big brother, you don't have low back pain when you talk standing, do you? No problem with your two babies? So there is no need to worry about this, but what about the two children in the family? They don't have a direction yet! ""It's a mess, isn't it?" Ding Yu said, "I see you! It's really too clever! "

For the elder brother's blame, Wang Li also spat out her tongue, "brother, I'm just a little anxious!"

"If you are worried about something like this, it can only backfire. If you have time, you can't understand it. If you have time, talk to Shangnan of your family more. Don't look for trouble!"

"All right." Wang Li was also able to untie her heart knot. "By the way, big brother, song Tianren didn't come back. There were a little more things that had been brought back earlier, and most of them were inherited orderly. After all, the hospital could not take these things for nothing! What's more, the British side has also expressed the meaning of this aspect. What about these things? It's not for the courtyard

"I don't care how they operate this thing! However, they haven't had this time during this period. You can see and do it! Yes? Has there been considerable interest in this? Brave enough

"What about some people? be reckless with greed! Money and power? Too much temptation! Not everyone can resist, and it's hard to resist, a dollar? It seems that there are so many worthless things, but if everyone in the country has one yuan, what's the sum? "

"You come to me and make a little report? Is the brain really broken? I am not a regulatory department here, nor is it a law enforcement department! " Ding Yu felt that his head was a little big. "I just came back to mourn for my grandfather. After things came back, there were not a few at home, OK? Do you think it's appropriate for me to tell you what I have donated

"Big brother, it's not whether it's appropriate or not, but some people's minds have gone."

It's over! Another fool walking into a dead end! Ding Yu's mind is so restless! At this time, Ding Yu is also a little confused, whether his sister is intentional or unintentional! What's more, what kind of way should I take for this matter!

"The question is, do you know what I'm going to do now?" Ding Yu's hands separate! I don't know where to feel my hand string! "There are some things you don't know. Knowing them won't do you much good. This is not perfunctory with you, but involves considerable secrets! Things need to be prioritized! It seems very important, but on my side? It needs to be interpreted in another way! "

Is it possible to have a fight? Or is it something else? No, so Ding Yu is paying attention to reason now. I hope to be able to explain this truth clearly! Wang Li had other ways to solve the problem, but she did not go to her grandfather and grandmother, nor to her father and mother. Instead, she found her big brother. She was really tired!

"I don't know the specific situation so well!"

"Don't just see those things on the surface. Song Tianren and his colleagues are not as relaxed as they think. They are also rolling in the flesh and blood millstone, and they may fall in that day! You can't get out! What about what you see? Maybe not even the ashes are their own! "

"Big brother, can it be so serious?"

"It won't do too much harm to stop a little bit recently!" Although there are some impatient, but Ding Yu is still a good explanation of some of the problems! "You didn't see that, because each other has a different environment, you don't need to be involved in this environment at home, and it's also because you don't have such qualifications!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Li also erect her eyes, it is obvious that she is not satisfied with her elder brother's words!

"In an abstract sense, the division of labor in society is different. You can do your job well, but it doesn't mean that you can do the same thing in other positions. What's more, it's not easy to concentrate on your own things. It's ridiculous to let you play with art and do surgery."

"Big brother, how do I feel that you seem to have a taste of sarcasm?"

"What about the leaders of the hospital? Most of them come out of the hospital system, not to say that they have such superb political ability or management ability, because they have a good understanding of their own medical system, so they can better run through and implement it. Do you play medicine? It may have considerable ability, but what is the promotion effect of this ability on the whole medical system? Or reaction, I prefer the latter! "

While speaking, Deng Rong also went to Ding Yu's side and whispered in Ding Yu's ear, "Sir, the approximate time has been determined. We will start at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

See Ding Yu nod, Deng Rong is also the first time to choose to leave! Ding Yu looked at his sister again, "I know that you have a good relationship with my grandfather. At least from the children at home, you should be the most favored by grandfather, but what about some things? You don't have to bear it! "

Ding Yu directly made this clear! Because Ding Yu now more or less has awakened to come over, why does his sister want to go to the ox horn tip inside! But is the problem really self-made? How much have so some feel wronged!"But in the end, you were with my grandfather. I know that my grandfather must have explained something. Why you, not su Chen and Su Yu, nor me? Because we can't catch up with you Wang Li's eyes are slightly red!

"There is nothing to do with this. I will not explain the situation of Su Chen and Su Yu. You understand or don't understand. At least you can understand. As for why you didn't ask you to undertake some things, it's because there is no need. You are already the mother of two children! With my own family and work, more beautiful things are waiting for you. From this point of view, my grandfather still has a great preference for you

"Brother, do you call this preference?"

"Isn't it? There are really some small envy. Compared with Wang Yang and Su Yu, you occupy a very unusual position in the heart of my grandfather. Maybe the time I spent with my grandfather was very different from that of you, even Wang Yang and Su Yu, but there was a lot of communication between them! "

"I don't see it!" Wang Li snorted slightly!

"You always treat my grandfather as an old man. Similarly, my grandfather always treats you as a child. It's normal for children to be noisy and even fussy. There is mutual tolerance between us. What about my grandfather? There are more equal dialogues! So this understanding is much more! "

Wang Li frowned and recalled her contact with her grandfather. It seems that she really knew everything at home, except for some things? That is to let oneself maintain a right to know!

"My grandfather always regarded me as a child."

"My grandfather's eyes are always on my uncle and my third uncle, but because of my uncle's work, I can only give him more care and guidance. What about this? Grandfather still needs to find a good balance, and you are the best choice! As for me? What a surprise

From this point of view, Ding Yu's performance is a little more straightforward! But Ding Yu did not have any hesitation, so directly mentioned with his sister!

"Brother! Do you still doubt what happened then? "

"It's an old thing. It doesn't matter what you remember or don't remember. Even the things between you and Shangnan have been solved. What's the point of going over the old accounts? Originally is the dust of history, but can choke people, there is no use! Grandfather and grandfather have nothing to remember, why should I remember? To find fault for yourself? "

"But I feel that you always talk a little bit..."

"There are some things that my grandfather can't get rid of. Although my grandfather is in a high position, I still need to admire these proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, who have never considered for themselves. That is to say, you often go to my grandfather to have an autumn festival. How about many grandfathers? It's a subsidy for you! "

"I didn't know much at that time. It's ridiculous to think of it now."

"It's not only ridiculous, but also helpless." Ding Yu didn't mean to avoid Wang Li, "since speaking of this matter, I'm not afraid to tell you, in fact, I'm in secret? There are many supplements for grandfather and grandfather, some of which you know, but some of which you don't know at all! Most of the things you don't know, the uncle may know some, the third uncle may also know some! This is roughly the case! "

"That's why my grandfather left something behind you! No wonder

"One thing doesn't bother two masters. What if you want to deal with it? Follow steward Deng to have a look! At least we can learn something about it, but what about this? Don't mention it to my uncle! After all, it's some private affairs of my grandfather. What about my uncle? Do you want to deal with it or not? Deal with it! If you don't deal with your personal affairs, it's against filial piety

"I see! I won't talk to others about this matter. Just rest assured

"It's a lot of talking to you. Come to me for such a thing? Do you know what I think in my heart? Is really want to give you a kick out, now this time to fill in what chaos? I don't mean to deal with it now. Let's wait for a while! I don't care about such a period of time! "

"Well! Big brother, I'm really wayward Wang Li didn't mean to admit her fault. At least in front of Ding Yu, Wang Li didn't mean to admit her fault. Anyway, it was like you did it!

"I want to live two more days, so don't be angry with me! If you have time, go to accompany your mother more! Her mood is not so good, after all, grandfather died! It still has a considerable influence on her! "

"You don't need to tell me about it. I'll do it, too. But Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan are here. Wang Xiaogang has really become their baby's pimple! But I've heard that two people are planning a new villain project! Wang Xiaogang alone! It's still a little lonely! ""All right! You don't have to tell me about all this gossip! I have no interest in these things. Get out of here. The gate is over there! Let me be alone and quiet

For Wang Li's attitude, Ding Yu can be said to be impatient with it, and finally gave her a break in the past. Anyway, at this time he wants to be more clean, and there are other things to wait for him. If there are two more people, he doesn't know whether his head will explode, which is really a bad thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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