In the evening, some children came back! Along with Tai Xi came his father and mother, including Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan. There were a little more people coming! Ding Yu didn't have much preparation here!

"Is everything ready?"

"Nothing is needed! I didn't bring anything back! " Ding Yu asked Deng Rong to prepare some new things. After asking about it, he didn't eat when he came to wait for his father, but Ding Yu certainly would not cook in person! Now how much I look so lazy!

"I heard that Wang Li came in the afternoon?"

"Well!" For the father who asked, although his appearance seemed to be very casual, Ding Yu's answer did not have too much hesitation and pause. "I feel that there are some differences in understanding. Why did my grandfather not trust her at the last moment and came to me to cry! It's pathetic! "

"Wang Li has a very good relationship with your grandfather! It can be said that the children of your lifetime at home are Wang Li's favorite by your grandfather! Now that the old man has gone, Wang Li's feelings may not be acceptable, although she is now the mother of the child! But still a little bit younger! "

"I said a few words. I didn't say it deeply, and there were some things that I couldn't say too deeply."

Ding Yu is very clear about what his father said to himself about this matter, so Ding Yu did not make any so-called reservation, at least in such things, there is no need for this! It's not an outsider!

"Have you been here before?"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, but he was silent for a little time. "Dad, Wang Li's situation doesn't have too many problems, it's just that there are so many problems! My grandfather left something for me, but it's not so suitable for my uncle and uncle, or my mother's side! "

Listening to his son's words, Wang Changlin naturally understood that the things he had mentioned before were very secret. Even if he was forcing him, he would not have any effect. The boss of his family! It has always been such a situation. What do you want to say? There is no problem, but what I don't want to say is of no use to coerce!

"Your uncle told me that you bought a house for Su Yu?"

"Yes, I had a talk with Su Yu and Han Ying. In any case, it was a calculation of Su Yu at that time. Is it right or wrong? It's not necessary to mention it now, but there are always some problems in this matter. What's more, my grandfather is dead now! I gave them a choice. Su Yu wanted his grandfather's courtyard, but I didn't agree, so I bought him another set! " Ding Yu not light not heavy said a word!

"This child! After the previous lesson! Now it is not so rebellious! It's a good thing

"Relatively speaking, there is still a considerable gap?"

"Suchen?" Wang Changlin subconsciously asked a, looking at the son's appearance, but also smile! "You don't have to worry about things at home. Your mother and I are at home! Everything will be arranged! "

During the meal, the four children didn't seem to be very restrained. However, Wang Yang secretly touched his elder brother with his legs, and then motioned with his eyes to the children beside him! Ding Yu is a squint of their own eyes, there are really not too many things in this respect!

"What do you think?" Ding Yu seems to be very casual to ask a!

"I had a good time, but I didn't feel too much in other aspects, but Xiaogang was a little bit overbearing sometimes!"

"Bullying children?" Ding Yu snorted, "this boy! It's a little bit lively recently! "

That's the end of the conversation! Ding Yu really didn't mean to continue the discussion. He didn't come back for a long time, but what about the family affairs? Let oneself slightly have so some irritability, or say the previous thing to Ding Yu how much or caused considerable influence! Tai hee also noticed that the father's mood seems to be so wrong!

"There's nothing wrong with it." Lying on the bed, Tai hee also worried about a question!

"Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?" It's getting late! At least Ding Yu goes to bed is not so early, now this time has not gone to bed, it is obvious that Tai Xi is deliberately waiting for himself! There are so many hard work!

"My grandfather's business is over! You can't always keep it in mind

"Things at home are so annoying! In addition to the previous events in the United States, there are so many things, so the mood has been affected a little bit! " Ding Yu also slightly hummed, "in fact, there is nothing, that is, the pressure may be a little bit so big, this is also a normal thing, if there is no pressure, I will appear to be so uncomfortable!"

"Pay more attention to your body! Don't hold on to it

"No problem, even some habits! Is pressure the driving force? When you go back, please remember to say hello to my father and mother. I am very busy at this time. In addition, there are so many things on this side of the capital. I am really not so convenient! ""Don't worry about that! I'm in the house

The next morning, after breakfast, Ding Yu set out! Time is a little bit early, except for Taixi, other people have not yet got up! But Ding Yu doesn't have so much time to say hello now!

But when I arrived at the airport, I knew that Bruno was here last night! And it's not a person who came here. It makes Ding Yu feel that there are some differences. This guy can't be an old problem again!

This side of the plane is already ready! After the final check, it's time to take off! Bruno came out with his ragged clothes! Ding Yu is also tapping his head with his hand! "Bruno, don't tell me you came in the morning! I never remember you getting up early! "

"I went to a show last night, so I came back a little bit late. I brought a few people back, but you can rest assured that everything has been checked! What about this? I have a lot of responsibility! "

"Forget it! It's not a big deal! I haven't had a rest yet! I won't disturb you! But just a little! Pay attention, your body is not as young as you think Ding Yu also made fun of it!

Bruno said hello to Ding Yu! I'm really sleepy now, mainly because of the time difference. In addition, after the show, there was a reception, that is to say, I arrived at the airport. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't get up at this time!

Ding Yu here is very patient to deal with business matters, as for those messy things at home, since he has left! Don't want to show too much concern! The flight speed of the plane is good, there is no other interference!

Wait seven or eight hours! Just saw Bruno stagger out of the body clothes have been changed! And it seems that I washed and gargled deliberately! The hair on his head didn't seem to dry completely. I don't know what he was doing?

"I said Bruno, you're old enough?! Still having such a good time? "

"Everyone has a heart for beauty. It doesn't seem to be a strange thing, is it?" Carrying a glass of water, Bruno said naturally, without any embarrassment or shame! "What's more! There is no contradiction between this and being loyal to the family, which I can grasp very well! "

"Well! You have your own choice. What about me? Apart from exclamation, he said, "this is OK!"

"How about it? Do you want me to arrange it for you? You should know that I still have a considerable weight in the fashion circle. When the time comes, everyone will want to climb into your bed. At that time, you will definitely feel that your bed is not big enough! What's more! It's good to relax when the children and family are away? Isn't it? "

"Spare me! Now I think it's important to keep a cool head! "

"Old Su's business is changing! I know this may affect your mood, but I still want to say something! " Bruno closed his joking expression. "No other meaning, just want to relax for you. If you don't like it, forget it! As for other ways, you should try it out! "

Looking at Ding Yu's white eyes, Bruno also stood up on his shoulder, "forget it! I won't do it! Have a snack together? Let's put it this way! I'm so hungry here! And these beauties brought back can't be wasted, don't you? "

For some nonsense Bruno, Ding Yu really does not have too many ways, but this guy brought back a little more women! I even have some doubts. Can this guy really get out of bed? And he's his age! I and Dongfang have mentioned this aspect more than once!

When he arrived in Boston, he looked at the people waiting at the airport. Ding Yu also took a look at Bruno, "what's the matter? Would you like a separate row? The conditions here are still good! "

"You can spare me! I finally had a week's holiday. I already have a schedule. I can contact you by phone when I get there, and I can borrow the plane. I won't bother other people! "

Shaking his head, Ding Yu also got on the car. He didn't mean to pay attention to it. Let's just go to bluff! As long as he is happy!

"What's going on here? You look a little haggard! "

"Everything is OK for me. It's too much pressure to sit on this position! I don't have much rest these days. I sleep less than three hours a day. If I keep on doing this, I don't even know if I am myself! No exaggeration

After a look at Ding Yu, Jin was also worried and said, "Sir, you look very tired!"

"There are not too many problems. I heard that there are some movements in the United States!"

"It may be because of your absence, sir, that some people want to be ready to move!" Jin also worried, "Sir, old general Su is dead! I don't know about the taboos, but do I know? There must be something to pay attention to! ""I'm a grandson. I'm quite different from the uncle and the third uncle, so there are not so many taboos! But I'm quite different from Bruno. What about him? It's just to protect my safety. Otherwise, I'll go there in person. This matter has nothing to do with him! Don't be so careful

"Song Tianren wants to come. I left them at the apartment."

"I didn't have so much time after I went back, so I didn't go to their elders, and their elders didn't ask what they meant. It seems that they have forgotten them! I don't know what these parents think? But there were a lot of them in my grandfather's farewell ceremony

Although Jin didn't go back with him, it doesn't mean that he didn't know the specific situation. Jin is also the security guard of Ding Yu, and he is also the head of the whole security system. You can check your security plan through filing.

After he went back, there was no action at all, which was in line with his consistent character! He has always been such a person, but judging from the situation of Mr. Su, you can still feel that the death of general Su still has a considerable blow to Mr. Su, although he did not mention this aspect of the matter!

Back to the apartment side, Ding Yu did not go to see song Tianren and them, simply dealt with the business, Ding Yu went to have a rest! And it's almost the same with Jin. These days, I don't dare to take it lightly. If you don't sit in such a position, you will never know how much pressure there is behind this! This is not one sentence, two sentences can say clearly.

Now the gentleman is back! Finally, I don't need to carry so much pressure! After the mood relaxed, Jin also went to rest for the first time, which was really unbearable. Moreover, after the husband came back, the backbone came back! What about the mood? Naturally, it's very different!

"Director!" When Wei Hou saw Ding Yu, he straightened himself up! If it is not because in the United States, it will definitely give Ding Yu a salute directly, but now is really not appropriate!

"Well! Hello Ding Yu took over the document, and after looking at it twice, he also made a certain reply, "I heard that you don't go out for a stroll these two days? So cautious? "

"It's mainly because you are not in the director, so I feel that the backbone is not there! And the supervisor is too busy! Don't talk about our side! Even if he didn't have free time! It's not easy for us to disturb too much. What's more, Elizabeth has a lot of things to do. Sometimes we need to contact Wesley. "

"Whatever you want! Now that I'm back! Let's have dinner together in the evening! Let the service arrange it! "

Ding Yu came back in a hurry. Wesley still attached great importance to the news. He didn't even stay at home, so he came back as soon as possible? It can be seen that the pressure on Ding Yu's side is also quite large. As for why he didn't come back with the children, this is understandable!

Want to listen to this aspect news, actually is not what difficult matter, very simple!

"Wesley, did Ding Yu come back so quickly? It means he's going to do it! How long have you been waiting? He's carrying it all the time? He's not crazy. I feel that I can't bear it any more! "

Jensen is like a manic lion. He comes from action. Although he pays attention to patience, the problem is that in the process of confrontation with Ding Yu, there are not too many problems. But now that Ding Yu has left, everything suddenly loses its goal and feels that he has lost his whole person!

It's boring to do anything and taste nothing to eat! When it comes to Ding Yu, it's better, but it has nothing to do with Ding Yu's affairs. Even when she gets up, she is reluctant to get up. Jansen also knows that she has some psychological problems, but now she is really out of control!

Wesley didn't feel so much. He sent a cup of coffee and added a few more sweets to it! "Have a taste. Although the sugar is a little bit too much, I think it should be good for you. The relationship with Ding Yu is a little bit deep. Ding Yu's influence on you is also a little big, so you can't do it yourself now!"

"Why is that so? I have never had any contact with Ding Yu, or even with Jin. Under such circumstances, why is such a situation

"Ding Yu gives too much pressure, but it can show a problem from it. I believe you are not Ding Yu's person. If you are Ding Yu's person, you will not be so manic now. You can well reflect some problems from your eyes. At least I know a lot about your situation in these two days!"

"Wesley, your performance is a little different! At least different from all of us! "

"Do you want to break your wrist with Ding Yu? First of all, we should face up to our position. If we can't face up to ourselves, then waiting for your end is absolutely miserable! Ding Yu has become the devil in your heart! In the days without Ding Yu, unless you encounter a more terrible opponent than Ding Yu, otherwise everything else will not have any meaning for you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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